CUET Psychology MCQs Unit I Variations in Psychological Attributes

Refer to CUET Psychology MCQs Unit I Variations in Psychological Attributes provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for UG Psychology with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CUET, NCERT and KVS. Multiple Choice Questions for Unit I Variations in Psychological Attributes are an important part of exams for UG Psychology and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CUET UG Psychology and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for UG Psychology Unit I Variations in Psychological Attributes

UG Psychology students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Unit I Variations in Psychological Attributes in UG.

Unit I Variations in Psychological Attributes MCQ Questions UG Psychology with Answers

Question. What is an individual’s preference for engaging in one or more specific activities relative to others?
a) Intelligence
b) Aptitude
c) Values
d) Interest

Answer : D

Question. PASS model of intelligence was given by :
a) Jack Naglieri, Binet
b) J.P. Das, Jack Naglieri, and Kirby
c) None of the above
d) Binet, Terman and Kirby

Answer : B

Question. In the event that an individual has an expertise of getting the intentions, sentiments, ways of behaving of others, he or she said to have _____________
a) Social Intelligence
b) Linguistic Intelligence
c) Intrapersonal intelligence
d) Interpersonal Intelligence

Answer : A

Question. Howard Gardner’s Theory of intelligence is known as:
a) Theory of Multiple Intelligence
b) Triarchic Theory
c) Two-factor Theory
d) Theory of Primary Menatal Abilities

Answer : A

Question. Which approach considers intelligence as an aggregate of abilities
a) None of the above
b) Projective technique
c) Psychometric
d) Behavioural Setting

Answer : C

Question. Experiential intelligence refers to :
a) Ability to deal with environment
b) None of the above
c) Using past experience creatively
d) Analysis of information

Answer : C

Question. Nia is a determined young lady, who shows responsibility, diligence and tolerance. All her way of behaving is objective coordinated) .Such characteristics focus on ______ ___ facet of integral intelligence.
a) Cognitive capacity
b) Emotional competence
c) Entrepreneurial competence
d) Social competence

Answer : C

Question. Intelligence Quotient was given by which psychologist?
a) Jack Naglieri
b) Theodore Simon
c) Alfred Binet
d) William Stern

Answer : D

Question. Capacity to use previous experience imaginatively to take care of novel issues is known as:
a) Musical Intelligence
b) Contextual Intelligence
c) Experimental Intelligence
d) Interpersonal Intelligence

Answer : C

Question. The structure of intellect model was given by
a) Arthur Jensen
b) J.P. Guilford
c) Charles Spearmen
d) Howard Gardner

Answer : B

Question. What is the range of average IQ?
a) 90-110
b) 120-140
c) 105-115
d) 110-120

Answer : A

Question. What is the method of measuring intelligence quotients?
a) IQ = MA / CA x 100
b) IQ = MA x CA x 100
c) IQ = CA / MA x 100
d) IQ = MA + CA x 100

Answer : B

Question. Experiential intelligence refers to :
a) Analysis of information
b) Using past experience creatively
c) Ability to deal with environment
d) None of the above

Answer : B

Question. Severe intellectually disabled people have IQ range of?
a) 15 to 24
b) 54 to 65
c) 25 to 39
d) 40 to 54

Answer : C

Question. Two factors of intelligence were given by:
a) Stemberg
b) Gardner
c) Spearman
d) Guilford

Answer : C

Question. __________ is an extraordinary general capacity displayed in unrivalled execution in a wide assortment of regions
a) Talent
b) Intelligence
c) Giftedness
d) Creativity

Answer : C

Question. Which factor influences aptitude formation?
a) Intelligence
b) Family
c) Age
d) Caste

Answer : A

Question. Triarchic theory of intelligence was given by which psychologist:
a) Louis Thurstone
b) Stenberg
c) Charles Spearman
d) J.P. Guilford

Answer : B

Question. Riya has a very high aptitude of verbal reasoning and is very much interested in reading is more likely to succeed as a :
a) Journalist
b) Agriculturalist
c) Engineer
d) Athlete

Answer : A

Question. Skills in forming visual images and patterns fall under ____________
a) Spatial Ability
b) Linguistic Ability
c) Musical Ability
d) Kinesthetic Ability

Answer : A

Question. Who among the following was the first psychologist to work on intelligence?
(a) Wechsler
(b) Gardner
(c) Sternberg
(d) Alfred Binet

Answer : D

Question. “A person, who is generally aggressive, may behave in a submissive manner in the presence of his boss”. This is an example of
(a) Intelligence
(b) Situationism
(c) Psychological
(d) Psychometric Approach

Answer : B

Question. Sternberg’s experiential intelligence includes
(a) The ability to learn from past events
(b) The ability to manipulate people’s opinions
(c) Creative problem solving
(d) Basic academic skills

Answer : C

Question. The frequency distribution for IQ scores tends to approximate a bell shaped curve, called the ....................... .
(a) Normal curve
(b) Mental age
(c) Intelligence Quotient
(d) Chronological Age

Answer : A

Question. A person, who is generally aggressive, may behave in a submissive manner in the presence of her/his top boss.
The kind of behaviour shown by him is affected by
(a) Assessment
(b) Situationism
(c) Intelligence
(d) Personal traits

Answer : B

Question. The theory of seven primary mental abilities is given by
(a) Louis Thurstone
(b) Mayer
(c) Guilford
(d) Theodore Simon

Answer : A

Question. The structure of intellect model was proposed by
(a) Spearman
(b) Thurstone
(c) Guilford
(d) Thorudike

Answer : C

Question. Ability to use past experiences creatively to solve novel problems is known as
(a) Musical intelligence
(b) Interpersonal intelligence
(c) Experiential intelligence
(d) Contextual intelligence

Answer : C

Question. It refers to relatively enduring characteristic of a person that makes him different from others?
(a) Personality
(b) Values
(c) Intelligence
(d) Aptitude

Answer : A

Question. It is an objective and standardised measure of an individual’s mental and behavioural characteristics.
(a) Psychological Test
(b) Case study
(c) Observation
(d) Self Report

Answer : A

Question. Entrepreneurial competence refers to
(a) Respect for social order
(b) Self-exposure
(c) Discrimination
(d) Commitment

Answer : D

Question. Howard Gardner’s theory of intelligence is known as
(a) Theory of Primary Mental Abilities
(b) Theory of Multiple Intelligences
(c) Triarchic theory
(d) Two-factor theory

Answer : B

Question. Information processing approach to intelligence is
(a) Multiple Intelligences theory
(b) Triarchic theory
(c) One-factor theory
(d) Two-factor theory

Answer : A

Question. ....................... involves the complete awareness of our relationship with the natural world.
(a) Interpersonal
(b) Naturalistic
(c) Intrapersonal
(d) Linguistic

Answer : B

Question. The distinctiveness and variation among people’s characteristics and behaviour pattern is known as
(a) Individual differences
(b) Psychological similarities
(c) Physical psychology
(d) Social psychology

Answer : A

Question. ................... test is an example of a non-verbal test.
(a) Performance test
(b) Raven’s progressive matrices test
(c) Culture based test
(d) Group test

Answer : B

Question. Which among the following is not the characteristic of emotionally intelligent person?
(a) Perceive and be sensitive to your fellings.
(b) Understand the powerful influence of nature of emotions.
(c) Control and regulate emotion.
(d) Control his anger in all circumstances.

Answer : D

Question. The method in which a person provides factual information about herself/ himself or/and opinions, beliefs etc. that she/he holds.
(a) Case study
(b) Observation
(c) Self-report
(d) Interview

Answer : C

Question. Who among the following was the first person that devised systematic tests to measure intelligence test?
(a) Terman
(b) Binet
(c) Thorndike
(d) Wechsler

Answer : B

Question. The test which contains a number of wooden blocks is
(a) Kohs’ block design test
(b) Culture-fair test
(c) Raven’s progressive matrices test
(d) Intelligence test

Answer : A

Question. If a person has the skill of understanding the motives, feelings and behaviour of other people, he/she is said to have
(a) Interpersonal intelligence
(b) Intrapersonal intelligence
(c) Linguistic intelligence
(d) Social intelligence

Answer : A

Question. There are persons who easily adapt to their present environment or select a more favourable environment than the existing one or modify the environment to fit their needs. Therefore, they turn out to be successful in their life. The kind of intelligence shown by them is
(a) Experiential Intelligence
(b) Componential Intelligence
(c) Contextual Intelligence
(d) Emotional Intelligence

Answer : C

Question. A hierarchial model of intelligence consisting of abilities operating at two level was proposed by
(a) J.P. Guilford
(b) Charles Spearman
(c) Arthur Jensen
(d) Howard Gardner

Answer : C

Question. ………… refers to an individual’s underlying potential for acquiring skills.
(a) Intelligence
(b) Aptitude
(c) Interest
(d) Personality

Answer : B

Question. Which among the following are important psychological attributes?
(1) Intelligence
(2) Interest
(3) Personality
(4) Values
(a) 1 and 2
(b) 2 and 3
(c) 1, 3 and 4
(d) All of these

Answer : D

MCQs for Unit I Variations in Psychological Attributes Psychology UG

Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for UG Psychology to develop the Psychology UG MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in UG test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of Psychology will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for UG Psychology. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for UG Psychology so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to UG Psychology MCQ Test for the same chapter.

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How can I prepare for Unit I Variations in Psychological Attributes UG MCQs?

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