Refer to CBSE Class 3 Mathematics IMO Olympiad MCQs with Answers Set K provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 3 Mathematics with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. IMO Olympiad Class 3 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 3 Mathematics and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 3 Mathematics and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Class 3 Mathematics IMO Olympiad
Class 3 Mathematics students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for IMO Olympiad in Class 3.
IMO Olympiad MCQ Questions Class 3 Mathematics with Answers
Logical Reasoning
Question. Which of the following options will complete the pattern in fig. (X)?
Answer : C
Question. Study the given figure carefully and find the value of Y.
A. 20
B. 98
C. 48
D. 40
Answer : D
Question. Which of the following is needed to complete the pattern?
Answer : A
Question. Two positions of a dice are shown below. Find the number of dots on the face of the dice that is opposite to the face with 1 dot.
A. 3
B. 2
C. 5
D. 6
Answer : D
Question. There are _____ more straight lines than triangles in the adjoining figure.
A. 3
B. 1
C. 4
D. 5
Answer : B
Question. There is a certain relationship between figures P and R. Establish the same relationship between figures Q and S to find the missing figure from the options.
Answer : B
Question. R ead the clues and form a meaningful word using the English alphabets.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r st u v w x y z
Clues :-
First letter is between H and J.
Second letter is thirteenth from right end.
Third letter is fourth from left end.
Fourth letter is same as first letter.
Fifth letter is first from left end.
Sixth letter is same as second letter.
Answer : C
Question. If 'B' is called 'Z'; 'Z' is called 'M' and 'M' is called 'L', which letter is formed from three straight lines?
A. B
B. Z
C. M
D. L
Answer : C
Question. Which one word cannot be made from the letters of the given word ?
Answer : C
Question. Select the correct mirror image of figure (X).
Answer : B
Mathematical Reasoning
Question. How many thousands are there in 58732 + 732?
A. 98
B. 50000
C. 9
D. 9000
Answer : C
Question. Find the value of P + Q – R + S.
A. 13
B. 15
C. 12
D. 16
Answer : D
Question. How many tens needs to be subtracted from 5930 to get 230?
A. 570
B. 900
C. 5970
D. 179
Answer : A
Question. 89 is _____ more than the product of 9 and 8.
A. 72
B. 38
C. 17
D. 30
Answer : C
A. 170
B. 172
C. 180
D. 232
Answer : B
Question. What fraction of the figure is unshaded ?
A. 15/30
B. 14/30
C. 17/30
D. 16/30
Answer : D
Question. Find the difference between the largest possible even number and smallest possible odd number from given digits.
6, 5, 8, 9, 3
A. 62964
B. 62874
C. 62847
D. 62946
Answer : C
Question. Which is the largest number ?
A. (19 × 13) hundreds
B. 20 tens + 928 tens
C. 148 + (137 tens)
D. (680 – 241) hundreds
Answer : D
Question. Using the given balances, find the weight of
A. 8400 g
B. 5200 g
C. 7950 g
D. 7800 g
Answer : A
Question. Put the correct signs in the circles below in the same order so that the given statement becomes true.
A. +, –, <
B. –, +, >
C. +, +, =
D. –, +, =
Answer : D
Everyday mathematics
Question. Tina bought some pencils. Each pencil costs ` 7. If she had ` 672, then how many pencils did she buy from this money?
A. 93
B. 86
C. 72
D. 96
Answer : D
Question. Rohit wants to buy a ball which costs ₹ 120. H e checks his pocket and find that he has three 50 rupees note. Which of the following statements is true?
A. R ohit can buy the ball and is left with 20 rupees.
B. R ohit cannot buy the ball because he will fall short of 20 rupees.
C. R ohit can buy the ball and is left with 30 rupees.
D. R ohit can buy the ball and is left with no money.
Answer : C
Question. Aahana drinks 16 glasses of water in 1 day. If she drinks the same amount of water everyday, how much water will she drink in 1 week?
A. 102 glasses
B. 92 glasses
C. 112 glasses
D. 132 glasses
Answer : C
Question. Sonia travelled the distance of 1028 km by three modes of transport. She travelled 1/2 distance by car, 1/2 of left distance by bus and rest by walking. F ind the distance travelled by walking.
A. 513 km
B. 257 km
C. 342 km
D. 420 km
Answer : B
Question. Mini has 9 boxes of balls. She has 24 balls in 5 boxes and two times of 24 balls each in rest of the boxes. F ind the total number of balls she has?
A. 192
B. 312
C. 120
D. 216
Answer : D
Question. Mrs. G arg goes to the dance show with her two kids, one friend and friend's two kids.
Find the total cost of tickets she has to pay?
A. ₹ 1000
B. ₹ 1200
C. ₹ 1500
D. ₹ 1050
Answer : A
Question. Rohan put 420 cupcakes into baking trays. I f he uses 35 trays, then how many cupcakes will he put exactly in each tray?
A. 14
B. 12
C. 17
D. 15
Answer : B
Question. There are 8 boxes of sweets. Each box has 26 sweets. Each sweet costs ₹ 5. Then the cost of all sweets in 8 boxes is _____.
A. ₹ 940
B. ₹ 960
C. ₹ 1040
D.₹ 1060
Answer : C
Question. Latika is 15 cm taller than Beena. Priya is 5 cm shorter than Garima. Beena and Priya are of same height. I f G arima is 158 cm tall, then height of L atika is ___.
A. 158 cm
B. 168 cm
C. 160 cm
D. 153 cm
Answer : B
Question. Chirag sold 125 pizzas and 90 chocolates. I f Yogesh sold 20 less pizzas and 10 less chocolates than C hirag, then how many pizzas and chocolates they sold altogether?
A. 130 pizzas and 190 chocolates
B. 230 pizzas and 170 chocolates
C. 250 pizzas and 170 chocolates
D. 225 pizzas and 170 chocolates
Answer : B
Achievers section
Question. Which of the following is the incorrect match?
Answer : D
Question. Study the statements carefully and select the correct option.
Statement 1 : Place value of 6 in addition of 4029 and 588 is 6.
Statement 2 : P roduct of 9 × 8 × 7 × 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 9 × 8 × 7 × 6 × 5 × 0 × 4 × 3 × 2 is 1378.
A. Both statement 1 and statement 2 are true.
B. Both statement 1 and statement 2 are false.
C. S tatement 1 is true and statement 2 is false.
D. S tatement 1 is false and statement 2 is true.
Answer : B
Question. Mr. Jindal wrote a 3-digit number on the blackboard. Three students G iya, M egha and Piya said the following about that number :
Giya : "It is a 3-digit number but not the least".
Megha : "It is 153 less than the predecessor of greatest 3-digit number".
Piya : "It is having three different digits".
What is the number?
A. 847
B. 864
C. 764
D. 845
Answer : D
Question. Find the value of P + Q — R + S.
A. 12
B. 15
C. 13
D. 14
Answer : C
Question. Arrange the following in descending order.
(P) 6 thousands 3 hundreds 0 tens 9 ones
(Q) 6 thousands 3 hundreds 9 tens 0 ones
(R) 6 thousands 0 hundreds 0 tens 9 ones
(S) 6 thousands 9 hundreds 9 tens 3 ones
A. P, Q , R , S
B. R, P , Q , S
C. S, Q , P , R
D. S, Q , R , P
Answer : C
MCQs for IMO Olympiad Mathematics Class 3
Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Class 3 Mathematics to develop the Mathematics Class 3 MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Class 3 test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of Mathematics will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 3 Mathematics. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Class 3 Mathematics so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Class 3 Mathematics MCQ Test for the same chapter.
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