Refer to NTSE Geography MCQs Set B provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Geography with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NTSE, NCERT and KVS. All Chapters Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Geography and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NTSE Full Syllabus Geography and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Full Syllabus Geography All Chapters
Full Syllabus Geography students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for All Chapters in Full Syllabus.
All Chapters MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Geography with Answers
Question: The Gulf of Kachchh is ideally suited to develop electricity from -
- a) Wind energy
- b) Tidal energy
- c) Geo-thermal energy
- d) None of these
Answer: Wind energy
Question: Zirconium is commonly associated with -
- a) lgenous rocks
- b) Sedimentary rocks
- c) Metamorphic rocks
- d) None of these
Answer: lgenous rocks
Question: The monazite sands on the Kerala coasts also contain -
- a) Uranium
- b) Zirconium
- c) IImenite
- d) Mica
Answer: Uranium
Question: Form which ore aluminum id derived ?
- a) Pyrolusite
- b) Magnetite
- c) Hematite
- d) Bauxite
Answer: Bauxite
Question: India has eight coastal state, but more than half of the sea salt is made along the Gujarat coast because
- a) Gandhiji started the salt movement in Gujarat
- b) Low rainfall and relative humidity and ideal for the production of salt through evaporation of sea water
- c) Kandla port exports salt.
- d) The salinity of sea water is very high near the Gujarat coast
Answer: Low rainfall and relative humidity and ideal for the production of salt through evaporation of sea water
Question: The nuclear power plant in India, which provided assistance to agriculture is located at -
- a) Kalpakkam
- b) Narora
- c) Kota
- d) Tarapur
Answer: Narora
Question: Which of the following national highways is N.H. No. 2?
- a) Calcutta - varanasi-Delhi
- b) Delhi-Ahmedabad - Bombay
- c) Varanasi-Nagpur-Salem
- d) Pethankot-Mandi
Answer: Calcutta - varanasi-Delhi
Question: Which of the following rivers carry the largest amount of inland water traffic in India ?
- a) Ganga and Damodar
- b) Mahandi and Godavari
- c) Ganga and Bramhmputra
- d) Rubber and coffee
Answer: Ganga and Bramhmputra
Question: Which of the following statements in connection with India’ foreign trade is not correct ?
- a) Our foreign trade is carried out mainly by sea
- b) The balance of trade is in India’s favour since independence
- c) The character of exports and imports has changed since independence
- d) The direction of trade has changed
Answer: The balance of trade is in India’s favour since independence
Question: Which of the following statements is not correct ? Petroleum is found -
- a) In the anticlines
- b) Over underground water
- c) In wide, horizontal strata
- d) Over impermeable rocks
Answer: Over underground water
More Questions......................
Question: Which of the following statements in not correct ? India manufactures heavy machines for -
- a) Textile mills
- b) Sugar mills
- c) Tea processing
- d) Fertilizer plant
Answer: Fertilizer plant
Question: Which of the following statements is not correct ? Railway are fast being electrified because -
- a) India produces surplus electricity
- b) They are faster and cleaner
- c) They reduce the pressure on wagons
- d) They save coal which is an exhaustible resource
Answer: India produces surplus electricity
Question: In the production of tidal energy the maximum potential exists at -
- a) Bhavnagar
- b) Digboi
- c) Cochin
- d) Ladakh
Answer: Bhavnagar
Question: Which of the following islands lies close to West Bengal ?
- a) New Moore islands
- b) Andaman and Nicobar islands
- c) Maldeevs islands
- d) None of the above
Answer: New Moore islands
Question: Trivandrum has equable climate as :
- a) It lies on the Arabian sea coast
- b) It is near the equator
- c) It has well distributed rainfall throughout the year
- d) All of the above
Answer: All of the above
Question: Jaduguda mines of Bihar is famous for-
- a) Nickel
- b) Gold
- c) Copper
- d) Zinc
Answer: Nickel
Question: There are two principal organisations engaged in the exploration and production of crude oil in the country ONGC and -
- a) Oil India Ltd.
- b) Indian Oil Corporation
- c) Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.
- d) None of these
Answer: Oil India Ltd.
Question: Which of the following is a metallic ore ?
- a) Gypsum
- b) Mica
- c) Graphite
- d) Bauxite
Answer: Bauxite
Question: A substance possessing definite chemical composition, comprising one or more element, which can be identified by its physical and chemical properties, is called -
- a) Rock
- b) Mineral
- c) Mineral ore
- d) Rock strata
Answer: Mineral
Question: Special development of iron-ore miens, to export the ore, has taken place at-
- a) Koenjhar
- b) Bailadila
- c) Mayurbhanj
- d) Singhbhum
Answer: Bailadila
Question: The velocity of winds is related to -
- a) The amount of moisture they carry
- b) The nearness to the sea
- c) Pressure gradient in the direction of the flow
- d) The direction in which the y blow
Answer: Pressure gradient in the direction of the flow
Question: On 21 June
- a) The sun’s rays fall vertically on the tropic of Cancer at noon
- b) The Northern hemisphere has the longest day
- c) It is winter in the Southern Hemisphere
- d) All the above
Answer: All the above
Question: The typhoons are more frequently experienced in-
- a) The North Sea
- b) The West Indies Islands
- c) The Philippine islands
- d) The laccadive Islands
Answer: The Philippine islands
Question: The Horse latitudes are -
- a) The regions lying between 50 N and 50 S
- b) The region of low atmospheric pressure
- c) The region of clam and light variable winds
- d) The regions of most air and unstable weather conditions
Answer: The region of clam and light variable winds
Question: The primary rainbow has an angular radius of
- a) 22.50
- b) 420
- c) 600
- d) 750
Answer: 420
Question: Which of the following rocks is transformed into marble ?
- a) Granite
- b) Limestone
- c) Peat
- d) Shale
Answer: Limestone
Question: Tsunami word has originated from : -
- a) India
- b) China
- c) Australia
- d) Japan
Answer: Japan
Question: ‘Meander’s are the features formed by -
- a) Glaciers
- b) Wind
- c) Rivers
- d) Ocean waters
Answer: Rivers
Question: An ox - bow lake is a-
- a) Lake formed behind an off-shore bar
- b) Lake occupying a volcanic crater
- c) Lake formed due to cut off meander
- d) Lake occupying a hollow scooped by a glacier
Answer: Lake formed due to cut off meander
Question: The North and South Equatorial Currents are caused by -
- a) Difference in temperatures
- b) Equatorial climate
- c) The prevailing Trades
- d) The prevailing Westerlies
Answer: The prevailing Trades
Question: The Benguela currents touches -
- a) The eastern coast of South America
- b) Australia
- c) Indian Coast
- d) West African Coast
Answer: West African Coast
Question: Which of the following types of forests mostly grow in the belt lying between 50.00 N and 70° N?
- a) Temperate hardwood forests
- b) Temperature coniferous forests
- c) Temperature deciduous forests
- d) Tropical evergreen forests
Answer: Temperature coniferous forests
Question: Coniferous forests are in the region of -
- a) High Humidity and high temperature
- b) Low rainfall and very low temperature throughout the year
- c) Low mean annual temperature throughout the year and very cold winter.
- d) Heavy rainfall and high temperature during summer
Answer: Low mean annual temperature throughout the year and very cold winter.
Question: Which of the following are true regarding the Prime meridian ? 1. It passes through the centre of a certain country 2. It passes through the centre of the globe. 3. It passes through the observatory at Greenwich, near London
- a) 1 & 2
- b) 1 & 3
- c) 1, 2 & 3
- d) 2 & 3
Answer: 1, 2 & 3
Question: Mauna Loa is an example of
- a) Active volcano
- b) Extinct volcano
- c) Plateau in a volcanic region
- d) Dormant volcano
Answer: Active volcano
Question: Which of the following feature is not formed by running water ?
- a) Valleys
- b) Tunnels
- c) Gorges
- d) Canyons
Answer: Tunnels
Question: Which of the following moraines is formed at the start of glaciers ?
- a) Englacial moraine
- b) Lateral moraine
- c) Recessional moraine
- d) Terminal moraine
Answer: Englacial moraine
Question: How many lines of latitude are there on the globe ?
- a) 90
- b) 180
- c) 181
- d) 360
Answer: 181
Question: Prime Meridian is also called
- a) Antarctic Circle
- b) Arctic Circle
- c) Equator
- d) Greenwich Meridian
Answer: Greenwich Meridian
Question: The young alluvium of the flood plains is called -
- a) Bhabhar
- b) Reger
- c) Bhangar
- d) Khaddar
Answer: Khaddar
Question: Which of the following is a tropical grassland ?
- a) Pampas
- b) Prairies
- c) Velds
- d) Savanna
Answer: Savanna
Question: Coniferous forests in India are found between the height of
- a) 2700 and 4000 mts
- b) 1330 and 2700 mts
- c) 2500 and 5000 mts
- d) None of these
Answer: 1330 and 2700 mts
Question: Indrawati and Penganga are the tributaries of :
- a) Godavari
- b) R. Mahanadi
- c) R. Krishna
- d) R. Kaveri
Answer: Godavari
Question: Which of the following is a cold ocean current ?
- a) Gulf Stream
- b) Labrador
- c) Kuroshio
- d) Mozambique
Answer: Labrador
Question: Which of the following is not a tributary of river Brahmputre ?
- a) Ken
- b) Lohit
- c) Gomti
- d) Kosi
Answer: Ken
Question: What is the staple food of East Asia ?
- a) Rice
- b) Wheat
- c) Millet
- d) None
Answer: Rice
Question: Which country is the leader in white revolution ?
- a) India
- b) USA
- c) China
- d) Australia
Answer: India
Question: India has the largest dairy research center at
- a) Hissar
- b) Karnal
- c) Aligarh
- d) Lucknow
Answer: Karnal
Question: The method of farming on large agricultural holding is
- a) Intensive farming
- b) Extensive farming
- c) Mixed Farming
- d) Plantation agriculture
Answer: Extensive farming
Question: The state having the lowest percentage of area under forest is
- a) Himachal Pradesh
- b) Haryana
- c) Gujarat
- d) Arunachal Pradesh
Answer: Haryana
Question: Which Indian state is the largest producer of pepper ?
- a) Tamil Nadu
- b) Andhra Pradesh
- c) Karnataka
- d) Kerala
Answer: Kerala
Question: Which of the following is not a sugarcane production state of India ?
- a) Uttar Pradesh
- b) Maharastra
- c) Karnataka
- d) Assam
Answer: Assam
Question: Which of the following rocks is transformed into marble ?
- a) Granite
- b) Limestone
- c) Peat
- d) Shale
Answer: Limestone
Question: The maximum power in India come from
- a) Thermal plantsr
- b) Nuclear plants
- c) Hydro-electric plants
- d) Sola
Answer: Thermal plantsr
Question: The best quality of coal containing the highest percentage of carbon is
- a) Anthracite
- b) Brown coal
- c) Bituminous coal
- d) Lignite
Answer: Anthracite
Question: In which type of rocks are coal and petroleum found ?
- a) Ganite
- b) Igneous
- c) Metamorphic
- d) Sedimentary
Answer: Sedimentary
Question: Gypsum is found in____
- a) Rajasthan
- b) Orissa
- c) Assam
- d) Madhya Pradesh
Answer: Rajasthan
Question: The Jet Stream is found in the -
- a) Troposphere
- b) Stratosphere
- c) Mesosphere
- d) Hydrosphere
Answer: Troposphere
Question: The lowest layer of atmosphere is known as -
- a) Stratosphere
- b) lonosphere
- c) Troposphere
- d) Mesosphere
Answer: Troposphere
Question: The wind system in the equatorial areas is known as -
- a) Westerlies
- b) Trades
- c) Doldrums
- d) Monsoon
Answer: Trades
MCQs for All Chapters Geography Full Syllabus
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