Refer to Classification CUET General Test MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for CUET General Test with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CUET, NCERT and KVS. Classification CUET MCQ are an important part of exams for CUET General Test and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CUET CUET General Test and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for CUET General Test Classification
CUET General Test students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Classification in CUET.
Classification MCQ Questions CUET General Test with Answers
In each of these questions, four words have been given out of which three are alike in some manner while the fourth one is different. Choose out the odd one.
a) Pear
b) Apple
c) Guava
d) Orange
Answer: d
a) Football
b) Volleyball
c) Cricket
d) Chess
Answer: d
a) Tortoise
b) Duck
c) Snake
d) Whale
Answer: d
a) Violet
b) Blue
c) Green
d) White
Answer: d
a) Tea
b) Cinchona
c) Rubber
d) Chalk
Answer: d
a) Bajra
b) Mustard
c) Rice
d) Wheat
Answer: b
a) Rashtrapati Bhavan
b) Chatrapati Shivaji Terminus
c) Taj Mahal
d) Sun Temple
Answer: a
a) Tonnes
b) Quintals
c) Grams
d) Kilometres
Answer: d
a) Dagger
b) Hammer
c) Knife
d) Sword
Answer: b
a) King
b) Queen
c) Bishop
d) Minister
Answer: d
a) Feeling
b) Joy
c) Anxiety
d) Anger
Answer: a
a) Aluminum
b) Iron
c) Copper
d) Brass
Answer: d
a) Silent valley
b) Silicon valley
c) Indus valley
d) Damodar valley
Answer: b
a) Spade
b) Knife
c) Axe
d) Blacksmith
Answer: d
a) Garlic
b) Chilli
c) Ginger
d) Potato
Answer: b
a) Manure
b) Nitrogen
c) Ammonia
d) Urea
Answer: b
Choose the odd numeral pair/group in each of the following questions.
a) 34 : 43
b) 55 : 62
c) 62 : 71
d) 83 : 92
Answer: b
a) 12 : 96
b) 13:117
c) 15 : 120
d) 16 : 128
Answer: b
a) 12 : 72
b) 24 : 36
c) 60 : 74
d) 84 : 96
Answer: c
a) 18 : 108
b) 23 : 138
c) 20 : 80
d) 26 : 156
Answer: c
a) 62 : 37
b) 74 : 40
c) 85 : 60
d) 103 : 78
Answer: b
a) 34 : 12
b) 43 : 30
c) 52 : 21
d) 62 : 19
Answer: d
a) 7 : 18
b) 9 : 26
c) 11 : 36
d) 13 : 42
Answer: c
a) 133 : 98
b) 150 : 115
c) 182 : 140
d) 188 : 153
Answer: c
In each of these questions, some groups of letters are given, all of which except one, share a common similarity while one is different. Choose the odd one out.
a) A
b) O
c) U
d) Y
Answer: d
a) GE
b) MK
c) WU
d) QN
Answer: d
a) AE
b) AI
c) IO
d) EI
Answer: b
a) ABD
b) FGI
c) LMO
d) STU
Answer: d
a) BDW
b) DFU
c) FHS
d) GIQ
Answer: d
a) VRT
b) RMP
c) YUW
d) FBD
Answer: b
a) DEB
b) HIF
c) NOL
d) RTP
Answer: d
a) HJN
b) JLP
c) PRU
d) QSW
Answer: c
a) CHG
b) LMM
c) BBC
d) HEG
Answer: d
a) RAT
b) OUT
c) BED
d) LOT
Answer: b
a) D H F
b) K OM
c) R V T
d) W Y X
Answer: d
a) A Y B Z
b) B X C Y
c) D V E W
d) M P O N
Answer: d
a) C P B O
b) B O D Q
c) A N H U
d) E S G T
Answer: d
a) P R S Q
b) U W X V
c) L O N M
d) C E F D
Answer: c
a) M O N J K
b) A C A Z V
c) G M R G S
d) M E T E I
Answer: a
In each of the following questions, four numbers are given. Out of these, three are alike in a certain way but the rest one is different. Choose the one that is different from the rest four.
a) 17
b) 27
c) 29
d) 37
Answer: b
a) 29
b) 53
c) 85
d) 125
Answer: d
a) 37
b) 45
c) 49
d) 65
Answer: c
a) 35
b) 49
c) 50
d) 63
Answer: c
a) 120
b) 168
c) 290
d) 380
Answer: d
a) 126
b) 217
c) 345
d) 513
Answer: c
a) 13
b) 17
c) 23
d) 37
Answer: c
a) 4867
b) 5555
c) 6243
d) 6655
Answer: d
a) 272
b) 210
c) 240
d) 304
Answer: c
In these questions, four pairs of words are given, out of which the words in three pairs bear a certain common relationship. Choose the pair in which the words are differently related.
a) Shoe : Leather
b) Iron : Axe
c) Table : Wood
d) Jewellery : Gold
Answer: b
a) Saturn : Planet
b) Sun : Star
c) Milky Way : Constellation
d) Titan : Satellite
Answer: c
a) Principal : School
b) Pages : Note book
c) Letters : Word
d) Students : Class
Answer: a
a) Dim : Bright
b) Wrong : Right
c) Shallow : Deep
d) Genuine : Real
Answer: d
a) Nitrogen & oxygen : Air
b) Sulphur & Phosphorous : Match stick
c) Hydrogen & Oxygen : Water
d) Magnesium & Silver : Stainless steel
Answer: d
a) Water : Thirst
b) Talent : Education
c) Food : Hunger
d) Air : Suffocation
Answer: b
a) Sky : Cloud
b) Purse : Wallet
c) Cupboard : Almirah
d) Chair : Stool
Answer: a
a) Tree : Stem
b) Face: Eye
c) Chair : Sofa
d) Plant : Flower
Answer: c
a) Shirt : Dress
b) Boy : Girl
c) Mango : Fruit
d) Table : Furniture
Answer: b
a) Pen - Ink
b) Pot - Water
c) Bottle - Tonic
d) Cylinder - Air
Answer: a
a) Bulb - Filament
b) Pencil - Lead
c) Leaf - Flower
d) Fruit - Seed
Answer: c
Question: Which among the following is a mismatched pair of religion practiced and its holy book?
a) Islam : Quran
b) Sikhism: GuruGranthSaheb
c) Jainism : Upanishad
d) Christianity : Bible
Answer: c
MCQs for Classification General Test CUET
Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for CUET General Test to develop the General Test CUET MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in CUET test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of General Test will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for CUET General Test. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for CUET General Test so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to CUET General Test MCQ Test for the same chapter.
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