CBSE Class 8 English IEO Olympiad MCQs with Answers Set J

Refer to CBSE Class 8 English IEO Olympiad MCQs with Answers Set J provided below. CBSE Class 8 English MCQs with answers available in Pdf for free download. The MCQ Questions for Class 8 English with answers have been prepared as per the latest syllabus, CBSE books and examination pattern suggested in Class 8 by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Multiple Choice Questions for IEO Olympiad are an important part of exams for Class 8 English and if practiced properly can help you to get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 8 English and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Class 8 English IEO Olympiad

Class 8 English students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for IEO Olympiad in Class 8. These MCQ questions with answers for Class 8 English will come in exams and help you to score good marks

IEO Olympiad MCQ Questions Class 8 English with Answers




1. _______is very slow unfortunately, but it should speed up really soon.
A. Developing
B. Development
C. Developed
D. Developmental
Answer : B

2. We really like _______ of the new classes this year.
A. these
B. one another
C. several
D. any
Answer : C

3. My friends _______ football until late last night.
A. play
B. have played
C. are playing
D. were playing
Answer : D

4. I _______ maths all weekend until I realized I had a history test on Monday.
A. had been studying
B. have studied
C. learned
D. was learning
Answer : A

5. He can speak Dutch _______ , which is quite rare for English people.
A. fluently
B. outside
C. often
D. quite
Answer : A

6. The _______ finalists walked onto the field proudly.
A. glorify
B. glorious
C. glorification
D. glory
Answer : B

7. The car keys are top of the fridge _______ the papers.
A. at, in
B. in, next to
C. by, at
D. on, under
Answer : D

8. The new captain walked through the doors as _______ he was a king.
A. though
B. so
C. unless
D. however
Answer : A

9. Things will never be the same after the changes you made_______ , ?
A. do they
B. will they
C. are they
D. can they
Answer : B

10. Brian told me that he had _______ football all day yesterday until it rained.
A. been played
B. played
C. been playing
D. was playing
Answer : C

11. I’ve had this carpet that I bought from Mumbai for about 10 years,_______  I?
A. don’t
B. isn’t
C. won’t
D. haven’t
Answer : D

12. _______ that I get to the finals, I doubt I will be champion.
A. Assuming
B. Attacking
C. Thinking
D. Removing
Answer : A

13. Those vegetarian dishes, especially _______ you cooked yesterday, were very tasty.
A. which
B. the one
C. how
D. so much
Answer : B

14. _______ Chinese people often have dinner late at night.
A. A
B. An
C. The
D. No article
Answer : D

15. Deciding _______ was a very bad idea; it’s too far.
A. walking
B. walk
C. to walk
D. to have walked
Answer : C

16. Don’t worry, it will work; there’s method to his _______ .
A. madly
B. mad
C. maddeningly
D. madness
Answer : D

17. I need to get home, so I can get these vegetables in the fridge before they go _______ .
A. up
B. off
C. out
D. on
Answer : B

18. Somebody needs to _______ and claim this prize or it will go to waste.
A. run into
B. sit down
C. step up
D. jump over
Answer : C

19. The flowers _______ so much in the past 3 days.
A. have grown
B. grow
C. are growing
D. grown
Answer : A

20. I _______ never been any good at football until I learnt this simple trick.
A. had
B. have
C. having
D. have had
Answer : A

21. The ceiling is _______ quite a bit, so I think we should get an engineer in.
A. cramping
B. reviewing
C. enlisting
D. subsiding
Answer : D

22. I live in the same _______ area as all my friends, we all go to the same school.
A. intake
B. catchment
C. education
D. living
Answer : B

23. I _______ for a second and the clouds came over.
A. ran
B. dozed
C. encountered
D. relived
Answer : B

24. This is a very _______ club; absolutely anyone can be a member.
A. edible
B. elite
C. catholic
D. destructive
Answer : C


25. Empower
A. Authorise
B. Explain
C. Dissolve
D. Trash
Answer : A

26. Mutate
A. Emulate
B. Change
C. Trade
D. Subsume
Answer : B


27. Purify
A. Pollute
B. Develop
C. Remove
D. Pre-order
Answer : A

28. Scrutiny
A. Remove
B. Crush
C. Glance
D. Dunk
Answer : C


29. What is the spelling of the word that means ‘giving and kind’?
A. Megnanimous
B. Magananimous
C. Maganimious
D. Magnanimous
Answer : D

30. What is the spelling of the word that means ‘having healing powers’?
A. Therapeutic
B. Thereputeic
C. Theriputic
D. Theropuetic
Answer : A



With climate change and overfishing wrecking havoc on our oceans, it is becoming increasingly important for researchers to closely monitor our marine life. However, observing sea creatures up close is almost impossible since human presence scares the animals. Now, thanks to The Soft Robotic Fish, aka SoFi, researchers may not only be able to keep a close eye on the elusive creatures, but also uncover undersea secrets that have been eluding us for centuries.
Built by MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), the snow white remote-controlled robot closely emulates real fish, complete with a flexible tail that flicks from side to side and two “fins”. Though not the first autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) created to monitor the oceans, SoFi resolves many of the issues that have hindered the usefulness of previous robots.
AUV’s traditionally have had to be tied to a boat because radio frequency communications do not work well underwater. To overcome the problem they used sound waves. This technology can travel greater distances allowing drivers, using a modified, waterproofed Super Nintendo controller, to pilot SoFi from up to 50 feet away. To ensure SoFi can freely move around the ocean and maneuver like a real fish, a hydraulic pump seamlessly transfers water from one balloon-like structure to the other through its soft rubber tail, while a controller fitted with a smartphone battery powers the robot through the ocean. CSAIL Ph.D. candidate Robert Katzschmann, lead author of the study says, “To our knowledge, this is the first robotic fish that can swim freely for extended periods of time.”
Also limiting traditional robot usefulness is the risk of crashing. With an outside made of rubber and flexible plastic that keeps its in-built electronics dry, SoFi poses no such problem. “Collision avoidance often leads to inefficient motion, since the robot has to settle for a collision-free trajectory,” says Rus. “In contrast, a soft robot is not just more likely to survive a collision but could use it as information to inform a more efficient motion plan next time around.”
While SoFi currently only records video, future versions will include sensors, such as thermometers. The researchers also hope to make it more autonomous and see a day when swarms of the soft robots, powered by solar cells, will follow fish around, allowing scientists to gain insights into schooling dynamics and monitor their population.

31. Choose the best title or heading for the passage.
A. Robot Fish Monitor the Sea
B. Nature and Robots Work Together
C. A Robot to Form the Seabed
D. New Robot Eats Fish for Energy
Answer : A

32. What do people call the robot?
A. Robert
D. SoFi
Answer : C

33. How does the robot move around underwater?
A. Using a rope
B. Using a pump
C. Using a propeller
D. Using another boat
Answer : B

34. What problem has the soft robot solved?
A. Disappearing
B. Sinking
C. Crashing
D. Diving
Answer : C

35. What does the word ‘autonomous’ mean in the last paragraph?
A. With help
B. Independent
C. By wire
D. Badly
Answer : B


While an entire month free of homework or tests may sound too good to be true, that is precisely what the students at Sturenskolan School in Boden, Sweden were treated to in April. What’s more, if the results of the experiment prove encouraging, starting 2019, the middle schoolers will never have to worry about after-school work or tests, aside from the national examinations, which are mandatory for students across the country.
The school’s principal, Petronella, who came up with the idea, told Swedish national broadcaster, “We are constantly receiving new reports that our children feel bad. And that’s because they have a very high-stress level all the time. This is our way of trying to reduce that stress.”
The educator says that while banning homework sounds radical, it makes sense given the changes in curriculum and approach to education. While in the past students were primarily subjected to memorising and producing facts, learning today is all about reflection and analysis. As a result, it is often harder for kids, especially those with little support at home, to understand the material by themselves. Hence, it is only fair to grade them based on their class work.
Sweden is not the only country that believes after-school work does not help students learn. In March 2018, an elementary school in Montreal, Canada, also decided to do away with homework. They hope parents will spend the extra time reading to their kids.
The debate over how much, if any, homework kids should be given is not new. In their 2006 book ‘The Case Against Homework’, based on American research argues that while there is no proof of the benefits of homework, there is plenty of evidence of its adverse effects. A 2014 Stanford University study conducted on 4,000 students revealed that the daily stress of after-school work not only leads to decreased interaction with friends and family, but also results in sleeping problems and physical ones, such as headaches.
While the long-term impact of the recent decisions made by the two educators remains to be seen, the experiment has already proved efficacious in Finland. The Nordic country, which is at the forefront of education reform, has done away with homework, grades, and even teaching by subjects for many years. Yet, Finnish students always rank high in the PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) tests especially in maths and science!

36. Choose the best title or heading for the passage.
A. Just Like Canada and Finland
B. Free School Lunches
C. No More Homework
D. Books Tell us How to Teach
Answer : C

37. Why did Petronella try this experiment?
A. To show more work and more play is fun
B. To reduce tension for kids
C. To make parents do more work
D. To develop an older system of education
Answer : B

38. Which other country tried the same thing in 2018?
A. Canada
B. Sweden
C. Finland
D. America
Answer : A

39. Finland has stopped teaching _______ at most grades.
A. behaviour
B. classes
C. sports
D. subjects
Answer : D

40. What is the meaning of the word ‘efficacious’ in paragraph 6?
A. Successful
B. Corrupt
C. Great
D. Silly
Answer : A



41. John: I’m at my _______ end and can’t find a solution!
Mother : Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll think of something.
A. road’s
B. school’s
C. wit’s
D. maths’
Answer : C

42. Alice : This essay is really difficult to start.
Albert : I know but we’ve _______ get it finished before Monday. 
A. got to
B. going to
C. must
D. could
Answer : A

43. Erick : I wish I _______ to the party last night; I’m so tired now.
A. haven’t gone
B. wasn’t going
C. am not going
D. hadn’t gone
Answer : D

44. David : Do you remember playing tennis when we were young?
June : Yes, sure I do, and I don’t think I’ve _______ my touch at all.
A. hidden
B. lost
C. traded
D. evoked
Answer : B

45. Brett : If it hadn’t been for the lift we got, we’d never have reached the hotel, ________?
A. won’t we
B. hadn’t we
C. would we
D. mustn’t we
Answer : C



46. The gates will be opened slowly in _______ with the instructions.
A. accordingly
B. accord
C. according
D. accordance
Answer : D

47. I wish he _______ so rude to everyone when we go out.
A. wouldn’t be
B. hadn’t been
C. won’t be
D. didn’t be
Answer : A

A. Tolerate
B. Excoriate
C. Exculpate
D. Repent
Answer : B

A. Workable
B. Erroneous
C. Selfish
D. Dreadful
Answer : C

Astrid : My brother has really gone _______ far this time. I have no space left to do my work.
A. badly
B. much
C. a lot
D. too
Answer : D

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IEO Olympiad MCQs English CBSE Class 8

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Yes, the MCQs issued by CBSE for Class 8 English IEO Olympiad have been made available here for latest academic session

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Regular revision of MCQs given on studiestoday for Class 8 subject English IEO Olympiad can help you to score better marks in exams

What are MCQs for Class 8 English IEO Olympiad

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) for IEO Olympiad Class 8 English are objective-based questions which provide multiple answer options, and students are required to choose the correct answer from the given choices.