Refer to CBSE Class 8 English IEO Olympiad MCQs with Answers Set H provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 8 English with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. IEO Olympiad Class 8 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 8 English and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 8 English and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Class 8 English IEO Olympiad
Class 8 English students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for IEO Olympiad in Class 8.
IEO Olympiad MCQ Questions Class 8 English with Answers
1. _________ of being in a hurry, Rahul managed to remember his keys.
A. Since
B. In spite
C. Although
D. While
Answer : B
2. There is far too much _____ coming into this room. We should close a window.
A. pale
B. ray
C. light
D. flair
Answer : C
3. The post has already been collected. Siva ____________ picked it up this morning.
A. shall have
B. shan’t have
C. must have
D. did
Answer : C
4. The girl ____________ for her school bag everywhere. Later she found it by the front door.
A. saw
B. searched
C. glanced
D. watched
Answer : B
5. Some are born great; ____________ achieve greatness.
A. some
B. any
C. no one
D. other
Answer : A
6. Hylophobia is the fear of ____________.
A. rain
B. clowns
C. forests
D. heaven
Answer : C
7. That part of the city _______ be dangerous, but now it is really safe.
A. isn’t
B. was once
C. is to
D. used to
Answer : D
8. I think this task is really __________. It is taking such a long time to complete and so much effort.
A. annotated
B. durable
C. strenuous
D. obnoxious
Answer : C
9. It’s important to _______ your environment when you are painting.
A. reading
B. observe
C. seem
D. look
Answer : B
10. I love my pets. ____________ are perfect companions.
A. Them
B. Theirs
C. They
D. That
Answer : C
11. People would only believe my story if I ____________ not so young.
A. would be
B. will be
C. could be
D. were
Answer : D
12. When you finish school, you ________ going straight home, won’t you?
A. could have
B. will be
C. are
D. would be
Answer : B
13. ______ I performed in the play, did you think I was a good actor?
A. When
B. Whether
C. If
D. Shall
Answer : A
14. _______ you be able to lend me some money if I promise to return it next week?
A. Are
B. May
C. Might
D. Would
Answer : D
15. The man next door _________ to cut the tree down.
A. admitted
B. agreed
C. told
D. confessed
Answer : B
16. The cat was not scared of the dog, she ____________ straight past him.
A. walks
B. walked of
C. is walking
D. walked
Answer : D
17. I am so sorry that you could not see the cinema screen from your seat. Please let me ____________ you for the ticket.
A. return
B. repent
C. reimburse
D. reconstitute
Answer : C
18. The teams going to England will ____________ on their journey tomorrow at 5 a.m.
A. leave off
B. leave away
C. set off
D. set away
Answer : C
19. The dragon ______ the goat.
A. devoured
B. deviated
C. determined
D. diversified
Answer : A
20. He _______ to get some attention for that amazing performance.
A. should
B. shall
C. must
D. ought
Answer : D
21. I really like that nurse. She is so _______.
A. corporate
B. considerate
C. compartmentalised
D. contentious
Answer : B
22. You are not allowed to dump rubbish outside the ________ dump.
A. momentary
B. monetised
C. municipal
D. marine
Answer : C
23. ______ third girl in ______ fourth row is
my daughter.
A. No article / a
B. The / the
C. A / a
D. The / a
Answer : B
24. Before he swam, he ______ into the pool.
A. dived
B. drived
C. drove
D. dives
Answer : A
25. The noise from the fair is too _________.
A. loud
B. nuisance
C. horrified
D. decrepit
Answer : A
26. Education can help ________ people’s lives.
A. remain
B. retain
C. sustain
D. transform
Answer : D
Today, people across the world wear trousers made of denim, also known as jeans. Denim is a strong cotton fabric which was traditionally blue, although now it is made in every colour imaginable. The rise of the jean is an interesting story. Despite denim reaching the height of fame through being mass produced in the United States of America, it actually originated in France. Apparently, the word ‘jean’ comes from the name of a port town in Northern Italy called Genoa, where the first denim trousers were made.
Denim and jeans made their way across the Atlantic and first became popular in the 1870s. A clever tailor, Jacob Davis in Nevada decided to reinforce denim trousers by adding rivets to them, making them much stronger. They could now be used as work trousers for those who needed to wear something durable and hard wearing. Later, the tailor became overwhelmed with orders and had to ask the supplier of the denim and rivets, a person called Levi Strauss, for help. He wanted to patent the denim jeans with him.
Levi Strauss saw a great opportunity here and accepted the tailor’s offer. No doubt they both predicted a new profitable clothing line. However, they probably did not realise that their brand would grow for over 100 years and become highly fashionable. Levi Strauss made Jacob the manager of a jeans factory in San Francisco. In the 1920s jeans, which were now also becoming known as Levi’s, were still mainly sold to those who carried out manual work in the USA, like cowboys and lumberjacks. However, after the 1940s, these trousers became popular across the country and were worn by many subcultures in the society.
Strangely popular was a special line of Levi’s 501s. These shrunk when they were first washed, so it was impossible to try them on first and know how they would fit. However, they would shrink by a predictable amount and customers could check the size they would shrink to when they bought them. These shrinking trousers are still Levi’s number one selling line of jeans today.
Levi’s jeans usually have a label depicting two horses, pulling a pair of jeans. Supposedly, this demonstrates the strength of the jeans, and through this image the brand hopes to enforce the idea of quality and durability. But, to what extent can a pair of Levi’s withstand the pulling force of the horses? This likely depends on which pair of jeans are between the animals. Nowadays, Levi’s make many different types of jeans, with different types of denim, some of which contain elastine and are stretchy.
27. The rise in popularity of denim is interesting because ____________.
A. denim is worn all over the world
B. denim became popular immediately
C. denim was first made in France
D. denim jeans were invented in America
Answer : C
28. According to the author, the tailor acted smartly because he ____________.
A. decided to wear jeans for work
B. found a way to give jeans extra strength
C. spoke to Levi Strauss Ltd.
D. started a company in San Francisco
Answer : B
29. Levi Strauss decided to patent jeans because he ____________.
A. found a manager for their factory
B. wanted to make denim and rivets
C. wanted to make fashionable clothes
D. saw a good business opportunity
Answer : D
30. Which of the following statements is true?
A. All Levi’s shrink.
B. Rivets were attached to jeans after 20th century.
C. Levi’s are still made for workers.
D. Levi’s are made from different types of denim.
Answer : D
31. Which of the following statements is false?
A. Levi’s now makes jeans in a variety of colours.
B. Levi’s were first transported to America in ships.
C. Horses often feature on a pair of Levi’s jeans.
D. Levi’s shrinking jeans are still popular.
Answer : B
32. The reason that there is a picture of horses on Levi’s jeans is because they____________.
A. look beautiful and attractive
B. show that they are made from different types of denim
C. show that they are made to be sturdy
D. demonstrate how stretchy they are
Answer : C
33. What does the author think is strange about Levi’s 501s?
A. They are popular because they shrink.
B. They are popular because they shrink every time you wash them.
C. They shrink and people do not like tight jeans.
D. They shrink and people have no idea what size they will be.
Answer : A
As Liam touched the stone, he felt a strange sensation on the tips of his fingers. This travelled down his body like a shiver, making his hair stand. He looked at the stone which stood majestically in the centre of the clearing, towering over him. He had no idea what had caused this feeling, but after it had passed through him, exiting via the soles of his feet, he felt somewhat different.
He could not quite explain to himself what the feeling was. It was almost as though a veil had been lifted. The sky seemed bluer, the sound of the birds chirping was louder and the smell of flowers now filled his nostrils intoxicatingly. Liam took his hand away from the stone and slowly stepped backwards looking at it. It was a large piece of dark granite, although Liam was unaware of this. In his time, the types of rocks were not classified as they are today. He called it a ‘zezarma’ rock, and for him and his people, it had the potential to yield great power. He felt that in touching the rock, he had been transferred some of its energy.
Liam skipped away from it joyously. He was going to head back to the village and tell everyone about what had happened. However, he realised that perhaps this was not such a good idea. Touching the stone was only permitted in the presence of an elder. This normally occurred during a ceremony and only some individuals, who had been specifically selected, were allowed to touch it. Liam had not ever been lucky enough to be chosen. He was, in the eyes of the villagers, far too young for this privilege. Even when he grew up, Liam doubted that he was someone who would be chosen to receive power from the stone.
The villagers had all decided Liam was a bit different. There was something about him that made them uneasy. He was very good at things, like hunting and fishing and basket weaving. In fact, he could do almost anything, quite well with minimal practice. The problem with him was that he did not focus on anything. Instead, he would be distracted and ask questions. Too many questions! He also had a habit of getting himself lost. After one hunting expedition, Liam returned three days after the others, and much to everyone’s disappointment he had only caught three small birds.
He was worried about what would happen when he told them that he touched the stone without permission.
34. What change did Liam notice?
A. The stone had moved.
B. The stone became cold.
C. His senses felt stronger.
D. His veil was removed.
Answer : C
35. What action made Liam feel different?
A. Smelling a flower
B. Touching a stone
C. Looking at a stone
D. Standing majestically
Answer : B
36. All the happenings in the passage suggest that Liam ____________.
A. found the stone when he was hunting
B. was sent to the stone because he did not follow the rules
C. was not an ordinary boy
D. did not like the people in the village
Answer : C
37. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Liam was a naughty boy.
B. Liam was able to see the future.
C. Liam was often abstracted.
D. Liam was lazy.
Answer : C
38. Which of the following statements is false?
A. The people in the village thought Liam was slightly odd.
B. Only certain people who had been selected could touch the stone.
C. The people in the village were unlikely to want Liam to touch the stone.
D. The people did not want a stone touching ceremony.
Answer : D
39. A person who asks too many questions is called ____________.
A. callous
B. oblivious
C. inquisitive
D. amnesic
Answer : C
40. Liam realised that telling the villagers about the stone was a bad idea because they would be _____________.
A. courageous
B. angry and disappointed
C. excited about his return
D. relieved that he touched the stone
Answer : B
41. Jaya: Look at this table! Isn’t it beautiful? I simply ______ it.
Suchi: If you like it so much. Go for it.
A. has to have
B. have to have
C. to have
D. must
Answer : B
42. Soni: Please take that horrible dress _________ from me. I don’t want to see it any more.
Riya: Soni, you are overreacting.
A. over
B. away
C. off
D. through
Answer : B
43. Teacher: Are you ready Rohan?
Rohan: I don’t like presentations, I get really ______.
A. pellucid
B. serene
C. naive
D. jittery
Answer : D
44. Dinesh: Did you see that poster? There is a concert next week. ____________
Arpita: Yes, let’s go. It will be fun.
A. Shall we go?
B. Do you have to go?
C. I was going to go.
D. Would you ask?
Answer : A
45. Rohan: Hey, how did you know it’s my birthday?
Jaya: Well, ____________ told me.
A. a little angel
B. a pretty fairy
C. a giant butterfly
D. a little bird
Answer : D
46. This room is so dark and dreary. I think it needs repainting for some _______.
A. recognising
B. revitalisation
C. reparations
D. recusant
Answer : B
47. Did you see that _______ play? It was so bad, I had to walk out halfway through. I would not recommend it.
A. atomic
B. accented
C. accentuated
D. atrocious
Answer : D
A. Sovereinity
B. Soveranity
C. Soverignity
D. Sovereignty
Answer : D
Corruption stalks every sphere of national life.
A. pollutes
B. poisons
C. pervades
D. depletes
Answer : C
Kunal: Can you tell me the key points again?
Kumar: Yes, of course I’ll ____________.
A. stack them up for you
B. run them by you again
C. hit them up for you
D. fiddle them around for you
Answer : B
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MCQs for IEO Olympiad English Class 8
Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Class 8 English to develop the English Class 8 MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Class 8 test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of English will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 8 English. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Class 8 English so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Class 8 English MCQ Test for the same chapter.
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