CBSE Class 7 English IEO Olympiad MCQs with Answers Set G

Refer to CBSE Class 7 English IEO Olympiad MCQs with Answers Set G provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 7 English with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. IEO Olympiad Class 7 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 7 English and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 7 English and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Class 7 English IEO Olympiad

Class 7 English students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for IEO Olympiad in Class 7.

IEO Olympiad MCQ Questions Class 7 English with Answers




1. I ______ told him that the ferry is often late.
He hurried to catch it for no reason.
A. should
B. should have
C. will have
D. must
Answer : B

2. I think when there is extreme weather, there should be a public weather _________ on the television.
A. drama
B. suspicion
C. cautious
D. warning
Answer : D

3. You _______ have worn the red dress. The one you have on doesn’t quite work.
A. had
B. shall
C. should
D. will
Answer : C

4. When I drove past the market, an alarm suddenly _______.
A. fall out
B. went off
C. put off
D. went in
Answer : B

5. You need to go _______ from here and then it is the first shop _____ the library.
A. up, straight
B. over, up
C. straight, past
D. past, past
Answer : C

6. Amit will end up being ________ school again today. He just can’t get out of bed on time.
A. late for
B. late
C. later
D. lateness
Answer : A

7. I _________ upset if I _________ lost my homework.
A. will be, had
B. am, have
C. will be, have
D. would be, shall
Answer : C

8. They _________ to play cricket if the weather _________ good.
A. will go, was
B. went, is
C. went, has
D. will go, is
Answer : D

9. Rohan is going to be ______ a toy car for his birthday.
A. give
B. gave
C. giving
D. given
Answer : D

10. The twins in my class at school look really _______.
A. equal
B. alike
C. likewise
D. replicate
Answer : B

11. I have ______ any stickers in my collection.
A. easily
B. barely
C. many
D. rare
Answer : B 

12. The cat _______ when the child _________ it.
A. scratched, annoys
B. scratch, annoy
C. scratches, annoys
D. scratches, annoyed
Answer : C

13. I was really looking ______ to eating some sweets, but they are all gone! They __________ eaten by the other children.
A. forward, being
B. ahead, should have been
C. ahead, may being
D. forward, must have been
Answer : D

14. Let’s go _____ that café for some tea.
A. up
B. around
C. on
D. into
Answer : D

15. The dog ______ the cat as the cat’s dinner was much tastier.
A. abjured
B. envied
C. spurned
D. rustled
Answer : B

16. When it _____ raining, the flow of river water will be ________.
A. cease, more weak
B. stops, weaker
C. commence, weaker
D. leads, weakly
Answer : B

17. I can’t help you with your homework. Maybe if I _________ mine, I could.
A. done
B. not done
C. had done
D. does
Answer : C

18. It is best to wait ________ for the bus.
A. pleasant
B. patiently
C. unfortunately
D. patient
Answer : B

19. An unknown author is referred to as a/an_________ writer.
A. playwright
B. anonymous
C. pioneer
D. unanimous
Answer : B

20. Sometimes, volcanoes can lie _____ for many years.
A. fetid
B. putrid
C. dormant
D. sleep
Answer : C

21. I read the ____ edition of the magazine, it was riveting.
A. recent
B. currently
C. pronto
D. immediately
Answer : A

22. Beautiful artworks ____________ by the painters every week.
A. have created
B. being created
C. are creating
D. are created
Answer : D


23. Coherence
A. Discord
B. Unity
C. Clamour
D. Upheaval
Answer : B

24. Congenital
A. Incomplete
B. Alien
C. Extrinsic
D. Innate
Answer : D


25. Wrangle
A. Harmony
B. Ruckus
C. Bickering
D. Squabble
Answer : A

26. Sporadic
A. Desultory
B. Random
C. Systematic
D. Erratic
Answer : C



In the 19th century a series of discoveries were made across Europe, in Belgium, Gibraltar, Germany and Croatia. Interestingly, it was the site of the third discovery that lends its name to what was found. Named after the Neander valley in Germany, scientists had uncovered the first evidence of Neanderthal man. Since then, their remains have been found across Western and Central Europe, in the Levant and in regions of Northern and Western Asia. No remains have been found in Africa to date. At their peak, it is thought that the population of Neanderthals may have reached 70,000.
Today, Neanderthals are classed as a species or subspecies of human. They are closely related to us and share 99.7% of our DNA. We also lived alongside each other in Europe for a few thousand years. However, they became extinct about 40,000 years ago, and modern humans did not. There are a number of theories that seek to explain why the Neanderthals disappeared, but we cannot be certain of the exact reason. One scenario assumes that Neanderthals and modern humans were separate species and the arrival of humans, together with climate change, meant that they were gradually replaced.
Some argue that this interaction between the two species may have been violent. Another scenario places Neanderthals as a subspecies of human that interbred with us and disappeared through being absorbed into the population. The exact nature of the relationship between Neanderthals and modern humans has not been scientifically proven and is contentious. There are also extinction theories that put the blame on an extreme volcanic event. We do know that about 55,000 years ago the climate started to fluctuate between extreme cold and milder conditions. Rapid fluctuations, occurring within a few decades, may have made it difficult for Neanderthals to adapt and survive.

27. The purpose of the extract is to tell the reader that _______________.
A. Neanderthals populated most of the world
B. we still have a lot to learn about Neanderthals
C. humans and Neanderthals didn’t live together
D. there are many species of human
Answer : B

28. At their peak, there were about ___________ Neanderthals on earth.
A. 19,000
B. 55,000
C. 40,000
D. 70,000
Answer : D

29. Where have Neanderthals been found?
A. Africa, parts of Asia, Europe and the Levant
B. Africa and Europe
C. All of Asia, Africa, Europe and the Levant
D. Parts of Asia, parts of Europe and the Levant
Answer : D

30. Which of the following assumptions is not described in the passage?
A. Neanderthals interbred with humans.
B. Humans and Neanderthals had a violent confrontation.
C. Climate change and arrival of modern human replaced Neanderthals.
D. Neanderthals replaced humans in Africa.
Answer : D

31. Which of the following statements is false?
A. Neanderthals have been found in Northern Asia.
B. Neanderthals are categorised as a subspecies of human.
C. Climate change occurred.
D. Neanderthals evolved into modern humans.
Answer : D

32. What led to the extinction of the Neanderthals?
A. Modern humans and climate change
B. A volcano
C. Science and technology
D. The passage does not fully support any particular theory.
Answer : D

33. What is the significance of the discovery in Germany?
A. Neanderthals were named after a place there.
B. Neanderthals became extinct there.
C. They reached 70,000 mark in Germany.
D. It was the first time Neanderthals were discovered outside Gibraltar.
Answer : A

34. Choose the correct meaning of the word ‘contentious’ as used in the passage.
A. Complaisant
B. Disputable
C. Agreeable
D. Easy-going
Answer : B


It was a glorious sunny day in southern France and three friends, Jimmy, Benoit and Pierre, were walking to school. Jimmy hadn’t done his homework and was trying to persuade the other boys that it would be a good idea not to go to school. Although the other boys had dutifully done theirs, Benoit did not think his was very good, and Pierre loved being out in the sunshine and really did not want to spend all morning in a boring maths lesson.
When the three boys reached the small footbridge that crossed their local river, Jimmy waved a stick in the air and suggested that they stop there and play a game. They could decide to go to school a bit later and, although they would probably be disciplined, they would at least miss some of the lessons. Jimmy also hoped that he might get away with not handing his homework in, although he did not share this with his friends. Benoit and Pierre agreed to this plan and started to look on the path for suitable sticks.
After a few moments the boys examined each other’s sticks. Jimmy had selected his first, when he proposed the idea, and his was about 10 cm long and quite straight. Benoit’s was shorter, had a kink in it and a leaf growing from one end. Pierre’s was the longest and also had several branches. When they were satisfied that all sticks were suitably distinguishable they dangled them over the side of the bridge and counted to three. On the count of three, they dropped the sticks so that, when they hit the torrent of water below, they would flow under the bridge. The boys then ran to the other side and waited, peering down to see which one would emerge first. On this first round of the game, Benoit’s stick came through before the others which meant he won. Strangely, Jimmy’s completely disappeared, and they presumed it must have got stuck or sunk. They liked this game a lot, no skill was needed but they could still be competitive and experimental with the sticks they chose. They played it for a few hours and completely missed maths class.

35. The boys did not go to school because ______.
A. none of them had done their homework
B. two of them had not done their homework
C. they did not like school
D. they preferred playing by the river
Answer : D

36. Which of the following statements is false?
A. Pierre thought maths was boring.
B. Pierre liked the sunshine.
C. They all carried sticks to school.
D. Benoit won the first round of the game.
Answer : C

37. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Pierre had not done his homework with much care.
B. The footbridge was not on the way to school.
C. One of the sticks disappeared under the bridge.
D. They preferred to play a game that needed skill.
Answer : C

38. The boys liked the game because ___________.
A. it was not easy and there was no room
for error
B. it meant they could miss school
C. it involved trial and error
D. they had to be skilled and competitive
Answer : B

39. Read the following events. Which was last in the sequence?
A. The boys found sticks.
B. The boys reached a river.
C. The boys walked to school.
D. The boys looked into the river.
Answer : D

40. Choose the correct meaning of the word ‘dangle’ as used in the passage.
A. Rise
B. Boost
C. Hang
D. Pole
Answer : C



41. Father: What was your mother saying?
Son: Mother asked me ______________.
I ____, “No, I am fine.”
A. if I was unwell, say
B. if I were unwell, says
C. if I was unwell, said
D. if I were unwell, say
Answer : C

42. Shreya: Tanya’s facial features are very sharp.
Sana: Yes, because she wears make up to _____ her cheekbones.
A. accommodate
B. accentuate
C. accent
D. ascend
Answer : B

43. Nitin: Wow! Jerry really _____ that piece of cake.
Sheena: He must have been very hungry
A. dissected
B. encapsulated
C. equivocated
D. devoured
Answer : D

44. Naveen: Have you got the ________ copy of the magazine?
Navpreet: Sorry, not yet.
A. least
B. lest
C. later
D. latest
Answer : D

45. Daughter: Mom, please give me permission.
Mother: Why _____ you so set ____ going to the concert?
A. was, in
B. is, on
C. are, on
D. is, in
Answer : C



46. The ties that bind a family together are so _____ that they can withstand any strain.
A. tenuous
B. tentative
C. tenacious
D. twisted
Answer : C

47. A doctor must have the ability to _____ his feet.
A. think on
B. think of
C. think for
D. think about
Answer : A

48. Choose the correct synonym of the word.
A. Cheerful
B. Irregular
C. Hilarious
D. Cranky
Answer : D

49. Choose the correct antonym of the word.

A. Vexed
B. Satisfied
C. Sullen
D. Critical
Answer : B

50. Choose the correct option to complete the conversation.
Reeta: We’ve all our best players playing today. Do you think we’ll win? Isabel:
A. Yeah! It’s in the bag.
B. Sure, it’s not a steal.
C. Certainly, we can deny!
D. Definitely, we’ll catch at it.
Answer : A

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MCQs for IEO Olympiad English Class 7

Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Class 7 English to develop the English Class 7 MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Class 7 test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of English will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 7 English. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Class 7 English so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Class 7 English MCQ Test for the same chapter.

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