CBSE Class 4 English Voice MCQs

Refer to CBSE Class 4 English Voice MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 4 English with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Voice Class 4 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 4 English and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 4 English and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Class 4 English Voice

Class 4 English students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Voice in Class 4.

Voice MCQ Questions Class 4 English with Answers

Question. The security guard opened the gate using his pass ?
a) The gate is open by the security guard by using his pass
b) The gate was opened by the security guard using his pass
c) The gate opened the security guard using his pass
d) The gate was open by the security guard use his pass

Answer : C

Question. The sailors had never encountered such a rough sea. ?
a) Such a rough sea was never encountered by the sailors.
b) Such a rough sea had never been encountered by the sailors
c) Such a rough sea has never been encountered by the sailors
d) Such a rough sea is never encountered by the sailors.

Answer : B

Question. When we arrived at his house, we were welcomed by his parents ?
a) When his parents arrived at his house, we welcomed them
b) When we arrived at his house, his parents welcomed us
c) When we arrived at his house, we welcomed his parents
d) After we arrived at his house, his parents had welcomed us

Answer : B

Question. They are constructing a residential youth hostel ?
a) A residential youth hostel is being constructed by them.
b) A residential youth hostel has been constructed by them
c) A residential youth hostel was constructed by them
d) A residential youth hostel is constructed by them

Answer : A

Question. The light was switched off by her before sleeping ?
a) She switched off the light before sleeping
b) She had switched off the light before sleeping
c) She is switching off the light before sleeping.
d) She switches off the light before sleeping.

Answer : D

Question. Was your bag left in the bus ?
a) Did you leave your bag in the bus
b) Was you leaving your bag in the bus
c) Did you left your bag in the bus
d) Have you left your bag in the bus

Answer : A

Question. Preparations are being made for our Annual fest. ?
a) We are making preparations for our Annual fest
b) We have made preparations for our Annual fest
c) Preparations were being made for our Annual fest.
d) Our Annual fest preparations are made

Answer : A

Question. Do not park your car in front of my house ?
a) Your car need not be parked in front of my house
b) Your car should not be parked in front of my house
c) Your car could not be parked in front of my house
d) My house should not be parked in front of your car

Answer : B

Question. Credit cards are replacing cash transactions. ?
a) Cash transactions had been replaced by credit card
b) Cash transactions have been replaced by credit cards
c) Cash transactions are being replaced by credit cards
d) Cash transactions are replaced by credit cards

Answer : C

Question. She did not forget me even though I have been away for a year. ?
a) Even though I have been away for a year she did not forget me
b) I have not been forgotten even though I have been away for a year
c) Though I have been away for a year she has not forgot me
d) Even though I have been away for a year she had not been forgotten

Answer : B

Question. Somebody has already tipped the custom authorities about the drugs ?
a) Custom authorities have already tipped someone about the drugs
b) Custom authorities have already been tipped about the drugs
c) Custom authorities have already been tipped by the drugs
d) Custom authorities were already tipped about the drugs

Answer : B

Question. An interesting discussion is being held on environmental degradation ?
a) They are holding an interesting discussion on environmental degradation
b) An interesting discussion had been held on environmental degradation
c) An interesting discussion is to be held on environmental degradation
d) They will be holding an interesting discussion on environmental degradation

Answer : A

Question. Sheetal might have misplaced Mohan’s wallet in their rush ?
a) Mohan’s wallet might be misplaced by Sheetal in their rush
b) Mohan’s wallet might have been misplaced by Sheetal in their rush
c) Mohan’s wallet may have been misplaced by Sheetal in their rush
d) Mohan’s wallet may be misplaced by Sheetal in their rush.

Answer : B

Question. People are reading the articles on using plastic waste innovatively with interest ?
a) The articles on innovative use of plastic waste are read with interest
b) The articles on using plastic waste innovatively are being read with interest.
c) People have been reading the articles on using plastic waste innovatively with interest
d) People were reading the articles on using plastic waste innovatively with interest.

Answer : B

Question. The injured were being removed to the hospital by the police ?
a) The police removed the injured to the hospital
b) The injured was removing the police to the hospital
c) The police was removing the injured to the hospital.
d) The police has been removing the injured to the hospital

Answer : D

Question. My mother gave me an interesting book ?
a) I am given an interesting book by my mother
b) An interesting book has been given to my mother
c) I was given an interesting book by my mother
d) An interesting book is given to me by my mother

Answer : C

Question. The merchant took out the dead parrot from the cage. ?
a) The dead parrot took out from the cage by the merchant
b) The dead parrot is taken out from the cage by the merchant
c) The dead parrot was taking out from the cage by the merchan
d) The dead parrot was taken out from the cage by the merchant

Answer : D

Question. He was hit in the eye by an arrow ?
a) An arrow has hit him in the eye
b) An arrow will hit him in the eye
c) An arrow was hitting him in the eye
d) An arrow hit him in the eye

Answer : D

Question. A brick falling from the rooftop broke the front glass of my car ?
a) The glass of my car has broken a brick falling from the rooftop
b) The front glass of my car has been broken by a brick falling from the rooftop
c) The front glass of my car was broken by a brick falling from the rooftop
d) The front glass of my car had been broken by a brick falling from the rooftop

Answer : C

Question. The monsoons spur the trees to sprout new leaves ?
a) Trees were spurred to sprout new leaves by the monsoons
b) The monsoons will have spurred the trees to sprout new leaves
c) Trees are spurred by the monsoons to sprout new leaves
d) The monsoons are spurring the trees to sprout new leaves

Answer : C

Question. I regret the way I treated you ?
a) I regret the way you were being treated by me
b) I regret the way you were treated by me
c) I regret the way I am treating you
d) I regret the way you treated me

Answer : B

Question. The ticket will be sent to you by the airlines on e-mail ?
a) The airlines will be sending you the ticket by e-mail
b) The airlines will send you the ticket by e-mail
c) The airlines had sent you the ticket by e-mail
d) The airlines will have sent you the ticket by e-mail

Answer : B

Question. A child could understand his theory ?
a) His theory is being understood by a child.
b) His theory was understood by a child.
c) His theory could be understood by a child.
d) His theory can be understood by a child.

Answer : C

Question. Do not take the coastal road during monsoons. ?
a) You are not taking the coastal road during monsoons.
b) You will not take the coastal road during monsoons.
c) Coastal road is not being taken during monsoons.
d) Coastal roads should not be taken during monsoons.

Answer : D

Question. Popular monuments will be kept open till 9 p.m ?
a) They had kept popular monuments open till 9 p.m.
b) They are keeping popular monuments open till 9 p.m.
c) They will keep popular monuments open till 9 p.m.
d) They will be keeping popular monuments open till 9 p.m.

Answer : C

Question. By whom was this window pane broken ?
a) Who breaks this window pane?
b) Who broke this window pane?
c) Who has broken this window pane?
d) Who will break this window pane?

Answer : B

Question. She is teaching French to children ?
a) Children are taught French by her.
b) Children have been taught French by her.
c) Children are being taught French by her.
d) Children were taught French by her.

Answer : C

Question. We all regard Liza as an expert ?
a) Liza is regarded as an expert by all of us
b) Liza has been regarded as an expert by all of us
c) Liza should be regarded as an expert by all of us
d) Liza was regarded as an expert by all of us

Answer : A

Question. The politician’s speech was loudly cheered. ?
a) The audience cheer the politician’s loud speech
b) The audience was loudly cheered by the politician’s speech
c) The audience loudly cheered the politician’s speech.
d) The audience had been loudly cheered by the politician.

Answer : C

Question. They are constructing a residential youth hostel ?
a) A residential youth hostel is being constructed by them.
b) A residential youth hostel has been constructed by them.
c) A residential youth hostel was constructed by them.
d) A residential youth hostel is constructed by them.

Answer : A

Question. Preparations were being made for the sports meet at the school ?
a) They have been making preparations for the sports meet at the school.
b) They were making preparations for the sports meet at the school.
c) They have started making preparations for the sports meet at the school.
d) They have made preparations for the sports meet at the school.

Answer : B

Question. Switch off the television ?
a) Can you switch off the television?
b) May I switch off the television?
c) Let the television be switched off.
d) Let the television being switch off.

Answer : C

Question. Has your message been despatched ?
a) Has your message despatched?
b) Have you despatched your message?
c) Had you despatch your message?
d) Is your message despatching?

Answer : B

Question. They offered me a chair ?
a) I offered a chair to them.
b) A chair is offered to me by them.
c) A chair was being offered to me.
d) I was offered a chair by them.

Answer : D

Question. Why do you spend so much money ?
a) Why was so much so money spent by you?
b) Why is so much so money being spent by you?
c) Why has so much so money been spent by you?
d) Why is so much money spent by you?

Answer : D

Question. The gardener has mowed the lawn ?
a) The lawn was mowed by the gardener.
b) The lawn has been mowed by the gardener.
c) The lawn is mowed by t he gardener.
d) The gardener has been mowed by the lawn.

Answer : B

Question. For reaching the station, they hired an auto ?
a) For reaching the station, an auto was being hired by them.
b) For reaching the station, a n auto had been hired by them.
c) For reaching the station, an auto was hired by them.
d) For reaching the station, a n auto is hired by them.

Answer : C

Question. His elder sister taught him English ?
a) He is being taught English by his elder sister.
b) His elder sister is taught English by him.
c) He has been taught English by his elder sister.
d) He was taught English by his elder sister.

Answer : D

Question. You might be promoted this year ?
a) They should have promoted you this year.
b) They might promote you this year.
c) They will promote you this year.
d) You may promote them this year

Answer : B

Question. Why are the people being allowed to gather on the streets ?
a) Why have they allowed people to gather on the streets?
b) Why will they allow people to gather on the streets?
c) Why had they allowed people to gather on the streets?
d) Why are they allowing people to gather on the streets?

Answer : D

Question. The first settlers displaced the original inhabitants. ?
a) The original inhabitants are displacing the first settlers.
b) The original inhabitants were displaced by the first settlers.
c) The original inhabitants will displace the first settlers.
d) The original inhabitants are being displace by the first settlers.

Answer : B

Question. They considered it an impressive building ?
a) It was considered to be an impressive building.
b) It can be consider to be an impressive building.
c) It was considering to being an impressive building.
d) It is considered to be an impressive building.

Answer : A

Question. Do not buy medicines without the doctor’s prescription. ?
a) Medicines should not be bought without the doctor’s prescription.
b) Medicines need not be bought without the doctor’s prescription.
c) Medicines might not be bought without the doctor’s prescription.
d) Medicines could not be bought without the doctor’s prescription.

Answer : A

Question. The theft was reported to the police by the curator ?
a) The curator reported the theft to the police.
b) The curator is reporting the theft to the police.
c) The curator had reported the theft to the police.
d) The curator has reported the theft to the police.

Answer : A

Question. I use jaggery to sweeten my tea in winters ?
a) Jaggery is used by me to sweeten my tea in winters.
b) Jaggery is being used by me to sweeten my tea in winters.
c) I have been using jaggery to sweeten my tea in winters.
d) In winters jaggery was used by me to sweeten my tea.

Answer : A

Question. Some people believe that discipline means blind submission to authority ?
a) It is belief by some people that discipline means blind submission to authority.
b) It was believed by some people that discipline meant blind submission to authority.
c) It is believed by some people that discipline means blind submission to authority.
d) It has been believed by some people that discipline means blind submission to authority.

Answer : C

Question. Success cannot be achieved without hard work and sincerity ?
a) One cannot achieve hard work and sincerity without success.
b) One cannot achieve success without hard work and sincerity.
c) No one could achieve success without hard work and sincerity.
d) Hard work and sincerity one cannot achieve without success.

Answer : B

Question. Please show me my son's Mathematics notebook. ?
a) I will please be shown my son's Mathematics notebook.
b) I may please be shown my son's Mathematics notebook.
c) My son's Mathematics notebook was please shown to me.
d) My son may please be shown the Mathematics notebook.

Answer : B

Question. Give the command ?
a) Let the command be given.
b) You can give the command.
c) The command can be given.
d) The command should be give by you.

Answer : A

Question. They are lifting the car with a crane ?
a) The car is lifted with a crane.
b) The car had lifted with a crane.
c) The car is being lifted with a crane.
d) The car was being lifted with a crane

Answer : C

Question. Hillary Clinton and her daughter Chelsea are working on “The Book of Gutsy women.” ?
a) “The Book of Gutsy Women,” is being worked upon by Hillary Clinton and her daughter Chelsea.
b) Hillary Clinton and Chelsea will have worked upon “The Book of Gutsy Women”.
c) “The Book of Gutsy Women” would have been worked upon by Hillary Clinton and her daughter Chelsea.
d) Hillary Clinton and her daughter Chelsea were working upon “ The Book of Gutsy Women.”

Answer : A

Question. One of the passengers was being thoroughly checked by the custom officers ?
a) The custom officers have been thoroughly checking one of the passengers.
b) The custom officers thoroughly checked one of the passengers.
c) One of the passengers was thoroughly checking the custom officers.
d) The custom officers were thoroughly checking one of the passengers.

Answer : D

Question. The hunchback was being launched at by everyone ?
a) Everyone was laughed at the hunchback.
b) Everyone is laughing hunchback.
c) Everyone laughed at the hunchback.
d) Everyone laughs at the hunchback.

Answer : A

Question. Rain lashed Delhi and brought the temperature down by a few degrees ?
a) Delhi was lashed by rains and the temperature was brought down by a few degrees.
b) Delhi was being lashed by rain and the temperature was being brought down by a few degrees.
c) Delhi had been lashed by rain and the temperature had been brought down by a few degrees.
d) Delhi is being lashed by rain and the temperature was brought down by a few degrees.

Answer : A

Question. We will all be greatly benefited by this scheme ?
a) This scheme has greatly benefitted us all.
b) This scheme would greatly benefit we all.
c) This scheme will greatly benefit us all.
d) This scheme is going to greatly benefit us all.

Answer : C

Question. They will complete the painting in a week's time ?
a) The painting will be completed in a week's time.
b) The painting was completed in a week's time.
c) The painting is completed in a week's time.
d) The painting had been completed in a week's time.

Answer : A

Question. They will put away their woollens after the festival of Holi. ?
a) Their woollens are being put away after the festival of Holi
b) Their woollens have been put away after the festival of Holi
c) Their woollens will be put away after the festival of Holi
d) Their woollens are put away after the festival of Holi

Answer : C

Question. Dinesh was looked after by his grandmother when his parents went abroad ?
a) Dinesh's grandmother looks after him when his parents went abroad.
b) Dinesh's grandmother looked after him when his parents went abroad.
c) Dinesh looked after his grandmother when his parents went abroad
d) Dinesh's grandmother was looking after him when his parents went abroad

Answer : B

Question. Did you inform him about the ticket cancellation ?
a) Was he informed about the ticket cancellation by you?
b) Will he be informed about the ticket cancellation by you?
c) Is he being informed about the ticket cancellation by you?
d) Was he being informed about the ticket cancellation by you?

Answer : A

Question. The students have performed a new version of Shakespeare's ' Macbeth' ?
a) Shakespeare's ' Macbeth' have been performed by the new version of the students.
b) A new version of Shakespeare's ' Macbeth' have been performed by the students.
c) A new version of Shakespeare's ' Macbeth' has been performed by the students.
d) Shakespeare's ' Macbeth' has been performed by the new version of the students.

Answer : C

Question. The new gardener looks after the plants well ?
a) The plants looked after well by the new gardener.
b) The plants were looked after well by the new gardener.
c) The plants are looked after well by the new gardener.
d) The new gardener is looked after well by the plants.

Answer : C

Question. Savita will deliver a speech on the occasion of Ambedkar Jayanti. ?
a) On the occasion of Ambedkar Jayanti a speech is being delivered by Savita.
b) On the occasion of Ambedkar Jayanti a speech was delivered by Savita.
c) On the occasion of Ambedkar Jayanti a speech will be delivered by Savita.
d) On the occasion of Ambedkar Jayanti a speech is to be delivered by Savita.

Answer : C

Question. It is known by everyone that the tournament will be won by us ?
a) Everyone knows that the tournament was won by us.
b) Everyone knows that we will win the tournament.
c) It is known to everyone that we are going to win the tournament.
d) It is known that the tournament is going to be won by us.

Answer : B

Question. The enemy will have seized the fort before nightfall ?
a) The fort will have been seized by the enemy before nightfall.
b) The enemy will seize the fort before nightfall.
c) The enemy will be seized by the fort before nightfall.
d) The fort would have been seized by the enemy before nightfall.

Answer : A

Question. They were distributing food grains among the poor ?
a) Food grains will be distributed among the poor
b) Food grains were being distributed among the poor.
c) Food grains were distributed among the poor.
d) The poor will be distributed among food grains

Answer : B

Question. He was given another chance by his employer ?
a) His employer has given him another chance.
b) His employer is giving him another chance.
c) He gave his employer another chance
d) His employer gave him another chance.

Answer : D

Question. Dr. Verma advised patients to try out a new medicine for migraine ?
a) The patients were being advised to try out a new medicine for migraine by Dr. Verma.
b) The old patients had been advised to try out a new medicine for migraine by Dr. Verma.
c) Patients were advised to try out a new medicine for migraine by Dr. Verma.
d) Patients have been advised to try out a new medicine for migraine by Dr. Verma.

Answer : C

Question. Bill Gates has given away twenty seven percent of his wealth in charity. ?
a) Twenty seven percent of his wealth had been given away by Bill Gates in charity.
b) Twenty seven percent of his wealth has given away Bill Gates in charity.
c) Bill Gates has been given away by twenty seven percent of his wealth in charity.
d) Twenty seven percent of his wealth has been given away by Bill Gates in charity.

Answer : D

Question. By whom was this poem written ?
a) Who wrote this poem?
b) Who write this poem?
c) Who is wrote this poem?
d) This poem is wrote by whom?

Answer : A

Question. We are arranging an exhibition of sarees from different states of India at Dilli Haat. ?
a) An exhibition of sarees from different states of India is being arranged by us at Dilli Haat.
b) An exhibition of sarees from different states of India was arranged by us at Dilli Haat.
c) An exhibition of sarees from different states of India has been arranged by us at Dilli Haat.
d) An exhibition of sarees from different states of India will be arranged by us at Dilli Haat.

Answer : A

Question. Doctors are constantly monitoring the condition of the patient ?
a) The condition of the patient has been constantly monitored by the doctors.
b) The condition of the patient is being constantly monitored by the doctors.
c) The condition of doctors is being constantly monitored by the patient.
d) The condition of the patient is constantly monitored by the doctors.

Answer : B

MCQs for Voice English Class 4

Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Class 4 English to develop the English Class 4 MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Class 4 test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of English will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 4 English. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Class 4 English so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Class 4 English MCQ Test for the same chapter.

Where can I download latest CBSE MCQs for Class 4 English Voice

You can download the CBSE MCQs for Class 4 English Voice for latest session from

Are the Class 4 English Voice MCQs available for the latest session

Yes, the MCQs issued by CBSE for Class 4 English Voice have been made available here for latest academic session

Where can I find CBSE Class 4 English Voice MCQs online?

You can find CBSE Class 4 English Voice MCQs on educational websites like, online tutoring platforms, and in sample question papers provided on this website.

How can I prepare for Voice Class 4 MCQs?

To prepare for Voice MCQs, refer to the concepts links provided by our teachers and download sample papers for free.

Are there any online resources for CBSE Class 4 English Voice?

Yes, there are many online resources that we have provided on available such as practice worksheets, question papers, and online tests for learning MCQs for Class 4 English Voice