Refer to CBSE Class 4 English Transformation of Sentences MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 4 English with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Transformation of Sentences Class 4 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 4 English and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 4 English and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Class 4 English Transformation of Sentences
Class 4 English students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Transformation of Sentences in Class 4.
Transformation of Sentences MCQ Questions Class 4 English with Answers
In the following questions, a sentence has been given in active/passive voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in passive/active voice.
Question. I cannot trust him anymore.
(a) He cannot trust by me anymore.
(b) He may not be trusted by me anymore.
(c) He cannot be trusted by me anymore.
(d) He could not be trusted by me anymore.
Answer : C
Question. Take the medicine.
(a) Let the medicine be taken.
(b) The medicine must take you.
(c) The medicine is to be taken by you.
(d) You are requested to take the medicine.
Answer : A
In the following questions, a sentence has been given in active/passive voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in passive/active voice.
Question. Please give me your pen and take your seat.
(a) Let your pen given me and take your seat.
(b) You are requested to give me your pen and take your seat.
(c) You are warned to give me your pen and take your seat.
(d) You are ordered to give me your pen and take your seat.
Answer : B
Question. The prisoner is known to have assaulted warden earlier too.
(a) It is known that the prisoner has assaulted the warden earlier too.
(b) The warden was assaulted by the prisoner earlier too.
(c) It is known that the warden has been assaulted by the prisoner earlier too.
(d) It is known that the warden has assaulted the prisoner earlier too.
Answer : C
Question. Can she write an interesting stay?
(a) Can an interesting story be written for her?
(b) Can an interesting story be written to her?
(c) Can an interesting story be written by her?
(d) Could an interesting story be written by her?
Answer : C
Question. The poet, Blake, wrote many poems for children.
(a) Many poems were written for children by the poet, Blake.
(b) Many poems were written by children for the poet, Blake.
(c) Many are the poems written by children for the poet Blake.
(d) Children wrote many poems by the poet Blake.
Answer : A
Question. Each person exhibited various facial expressions.
(a) Various facial expressions are exhibited by each person.
(b) Various facial expressions were exhibited by each person.
(c) Various facial expressions were being exhibited by each person.
(d) Various facial expressions have been used by each person.
Answer : B
Question. The girls ate a mango yesterday.
(a) A mango is eaten by the girls yesterday.
(b) A mango was eaten by the girls yesterday.
(c) A mango is being eaten by the girls yesterday.
(d) A mango has been eaten by the girls yesterday.
Answer : B
Question. Your manners irritate me.
(a) I am irritated by my manners.
(b) Manners are irritating me.
(c) I am being irritated by your manners.
(d) I am irritated by your manners.
Answer : D
Question. The boys laughed at the old man.
(a) The old man was laughed by the boys.
(b) The old man was being laughed by the boys.
(c) The old man was being laughed at by the boys.
(d) The old man was laughed at by the boys.
Answer : C
Question. Ideas are generated by Group discussions.
(a) Group discussions generated idea.
(b) Group discussions generate ideas.
(c) Group discussions have generated ideas.
(d) Group discussions generates ideas.
Answer : B
Question. Who is singing such a sweet song?
(a) By whom is such a sweet song sang?
(b) By whom has such a sweet song sung?
(c) By whom is such a sweet song sung?
(d) By whom is such a sweet song being sung?
Answer : D
In the following two questions, a sentence has been given in active/passive voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in passive/active voice.
Question. The boys were making kites.
(a) Kites are being made by the boys.
(b) Kites were being made by the boys.
(c) Kites are made by the boys.
(d) The boys had made kites.
Answer : B
Question. He will not use the computer.
(a) By him the computer will not be used.
(b) The computer will not be used by him.
(c) The use of the computer will not be by him.
(d) The computer he will not use.
Answer : B
In the following questions, a sentence has been given in Active/Passive Voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive/Active Voice.
Question. We must take care of our parents.
(a) Our parents are taken care of by us.
(b) Our parents will be taken care of by us.
(c) Our parents had been taken care of by us.
(d) Our parents must be cared for by us.
Answer : D
Question. Please close the door.
(a) You please close the door.
(b) You close the door yourself.
(c) Let the door be closed by you.
(d) Please be the door closed by you.
Answer : C
In the following questions, a sentence has been given in active/passive voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in passive/active voice.
Question. The agreement between the management and the workers was drafted by an advisory board.
(a) The agreement between the management and the workers is being drafted by an advisory board.
(b) An advisory board drafted the agreement between the management and the workers. .
(c) An advisory board is drafting the agreement between the management and the workers.
(d) An advisory board had drafted the agreement between the management and the workers.
Answer : B
Question. Put up the tent.
(a) Let the tent be put up.
(b) The tent is being put up.
(c) The tent has been put up.
(d) Let the tent being put up.
Answer : A
In the following questions, a sentence has been given in active/passive voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in passive/active voice.
Question. Did everybody miss the first bus?
(a) The first bus was missed by everybody?
(b) Was the first bus missed by everybody?
(c) Everybody missed the first bus?
(d) Had the first-bus been missed by everybody?
Answer : B
Question. We will not allow them to run away.
(a) They will not be allowed to run away by us.
(b) They would not be allowed to run away.
(c) They are not allowed to run away.
(d) They were not allowed to run away.
Answer : A
Question. Everyone must read this book.
(a) This book should be read by everyone.
(b) This book has to be read by everyone.
(c) This book is to be read by everyone.
(d) This book must be read by everyone.
Answer : D
Question. He knew that his own life was unjust
(a) It was known to him that his own life had been unjust.
(b) It was known by him that his own life was unjust.
(c) It was known to him that his own life was unjust.
(d) It was known by him that life was unjust.
Answer : C
Question. The student has learnt the answer by heart.
(a) The answer was learnt by the student by heart.
(b) The answer is learnt by heart by the student.
(c) The answer by the student was learnt by heart.
(d) The answer has been learnt by heart by the student.
Answer : D
Question. The old lady touched and patted the cow.
(a) The cow patted and touched the old lady.
(b) The cow was touched-by the old lady patting her.
(c) The cow was touched and patted by the old lady.
(d) The patted cow touched the old lady.
Answer : C
Question. This watch was given to me by my grandfather.
(a) My grandfather gave me this watch.
(b) My grandfather gives me this watch.
(c) My grandfather had given this watch to me.
(d) My grandfather has given this watch to me.
Answer : A
Question. By whom is the child being fed?
(a) Who is feeding the child?
(b) Who has fed the child?
(c) Who was feeding the child?
(d) Who has been feeding the child?
Answer : A
Question. Alexander expected to conquer the world.
(a) It was expected by Alexander that he should conquer the world.
(b) It was expected by Alexander that he would conquer the world.
(c) It was expected by Alexander that he will conquer the world.
(d) It had been expected by Alexander that he would conquer the world.
Answer : B
Question. She begins her day with a cup of coffee.
(a) Her day is being begun with a cup of coffee.
(b) Her day is begun with a cup of coffee.
(c) A cup of coffee is beginning her day.
(d) A cup of coffee has begun her day.
Answer : B
Question. Cacao is bitter when it is tasted.
(a) Cacao is bitter.
(b) Cacao tastes bitter.
(c) Cacao’s taste is bitter.
(d) Cacao tasted bitter.
Answer : B
Question. A great man acknowledged me as a flatterer to him.
(a) I was acknowledged by a great man to be a flatterer.
(b) I was acknowledged by a great man to have been a flatterer.
(c) I am acknowledged as a flatterer by a great man.
(d) I was acknowledged as a flatterer to a great man.
Answer : D
Question. Let us help him.
(a) Let him help us.
(b) Let he is helped.
(c) Let he be helped.
(d) Let him be helped by us.
Answer : D
Question. Can those happy moments be ever forgotten by me?
(a) Shall I ever forget those happy moments?
(b) Can I ever forget those happy moments?
(c) Will I ever forget those happy moments?
(d) Could I ever forget those happy moments?
Answer : B
Question. You have to do this immediately.
(a) This has been done by you immediately.
(b) This is being done by you immediately.
(c) This was being done by you immediately.
(d) This has to be done by you immediately.
Answer : D
Question. The labourers were digging a canal.
(a) A canal is being digged by the labourers.
(b) A canal was dug by the labourers.
(c) A canal was being dug by the labourers.
(d) A canal had been dug by the labourers.
Answer : C
Question. The watchman switched on the lights before it began to grow dark.
(a) The lights were only switched on before it began to grow dark.
(b) The lights are being switched on before it’ began to grow dark.
(c) The lights were being switched on by the watchman before it began to grow dark.
(d) The lights were switched on by the watchman before it began to grow dark.
Answer : D
Question. Where do you keep the current magazines?
(a) Where were the current magazines kept?
(b) Where have the current magazines been kept?
(c) Where are the current magazines being kept?
(d) Where are the current magazines kept by you?
Answer : D
Question. She will be rewarded for her kind deed.
(a) Her kind deed will reward her.
(b) Her kind deed will have rewarded her.
(c) Her kind deed will be her reward.
(d) Her kind deed will have been her reward.
Answer : A
Question. God gives us happiness.
(a) Happiness is given by God.
(b) Happiness is being given to us by God.
(c) Happiness has been given by God.
(d) Happiness will be given by God.
Answer : A
In the following two questions, a sentence has been given in active/passive voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in passive/active voice.
Question. I was obliged to leave.
(a) Circumstances have obliged me to leave.
(b) Circumstances obliged me to leave.
(c) Circumstance will oblige me to leave.
(d) Circumstance was obliged me to leave.
Answer : B
Question. Close the door.
(a) Let the door be closed.
(b) Let the door closed.
(c) Let the door is closed.
(d) Let the door is being closed.
Answer : A
In the following questions, a sentence has been given in active/passive voice. Out of the four alternative suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in passive/active voice.
Question. The gardener ought to water the plants daily.
(a) The plants have been watered daily by the gardener.
(b) The plants ought to water daily by the gardener.
(c) The plants are ought to water daily by the gardener.
(d) The plants ought to be watered daily by the gardener.
Answer : D
Question. Who wrote it?
(a) By who will it be written?
(b) By whom was it written?
(c) By who might it be written?
(d) By who would it be written?
Answer : B
Question. The principal will announce the results.
(a) The results were announced by the principal.
(b) The results are announced by the principal.
(c) The results will have announced by the principal.
(d) The results will be announced by the principal.
Answer : D
Question. Some people were helping the wounded woman.
(a) The wounded woman is being helped by some people.
(b) The wounded woman was being helped by some people.
(c) The wounded is helped by some people.
(d) The wounded woman was helped by some people.
Answer : B
Question. The servant will execute all orders promptly.
(a) All orders will have to be executed promptly by the servant.
(b) All orders would be executed promptly by the servant.
(c) All orders should be executed promptly by the servant.
(d) All orders will be executed promptly by the servant.
Answer : D
Question. I was obliged to go.
(a) Circumstances obliges me to go.
(b) Circumstances oblige I should go.
(c) Circumstances oblige me to go.
(d) Circumstances obliged me to go.
Answer : D
Question. They established this club in 2000.
(a) This club was being established in 2000.
(b) This club was established in 2000.
(c) This club had been established in 2000.
(d) This club is being established in 2000.
Answer : B
Question. For a long time people believed the earth to be flat.
(a) The earth was believed to be flat for a long time.
(b) The earth had been believed to be flat for a long time.
(c) The earth was being believed to be flat for a long time.
(d) The earth is believed to be flat for a long time.
Answer : A
Question. The boy did not break the glass.
(a) The glass was not broken by the boy.
(b) The glass has not been broken by the boy.
(c) The glass is not broken by the boy.
(d) The glass had not been broken by the boy.
Answer : A
Question. They fund schools for girls.
(a) Schools for girls was funded by them.
(b) Schools for girls will be funded by them.
(c) Schools for girls are funded by them
(d) Schools for girls are being funded by them.
Answer : C
Question. The lady of the house was furnishing the mansion.
(a) The mansion is being furnished by the lady of the house.
(b) The mansion was being furnished by the lady of the house.
(c) The mansion is furnished by the lady of the house.
(d) The mansion has been furnished by the lady of the house.
Answer : B
Question. The convict was found guilty by the jury.
(a) The jury found that the convict was guilty.
(b) The jury convicted him.
(c) The jury found the convict guilty.
(d) The jury finds the convict guilty
Answer : C
Question. I have lost my book.
(a) My book had been lost.
(b) My book must have been lost.
(c) My book has been lost.
(d) My book have been lost.
Answer : C
Question. Open the door.
(a) Let the door shall be opened.
(b) The door shall be opened.
(c) The door was opened.
(d) Let the door be opened.
Answer : D
Question. My father has promised me a bicycle.
(a) I have promising a bicycle by my father.
(b) I have been promised by my father a bicycle.
(c) I promised a bicycle by my father.
(d) I have been promised a bicycle by my father.
Answer : D
Question. My mother bakes cakes.
(a) A cake was baked by my mother.
(b) My mother is baking a cake.
(c) A cake is being baked by my mother.
(d) Cakes are baked by my mother.
Answer : D
Question. My father will write a letter.
(a) A letter will be written by my father.
(b) A letter is written by my father.
(a) A letter was written by my father.
(b) A letter will have been written by my father.
Answer : A
Question. My brilliant niece is speaking Italian.
(a) Italian is spoken by my brilliant niece.
(b) Italian was being spoken by my brilliant niece.
(c) Italian is being spoken by my brilliant niece.
(d) Italian has been spoken by my brilliant niece.
Answer : C
Question. She is putting in many hours of work.
(a) Many hours of work would be put in by her.
(b) Many hours of work is being put by her.
(c) Many hours of work are being put in by her.
(d) Many hours of work will be put in by her.
Answer : C
Question. Everyone praises good men.
(a) Good men are being given praises by everyone.
(b) Good men are praised by everyone.
(c) Everyone give praises to good men.
(d) Good men are given praises by everyone.
Answer : B
In the following questions, a sentence has been given in active/passive voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in passive/active voice.
Question. People say that he is a spy.
(a) A spy that he is said the people.
(b) It has been said by the people that he is a spy.
(c) It is said that he is a spy.
(d) He is a spy was said by people.
Answer : C
Question. Has he completed the assignments?
(a) Has the assignments being completed by him?
(b) Have the assignments been completed by him?
(c) Have the assignments completed by him?
(d) Has the assignments been completed by him?
Answer : B
MCQs for Transformation of Sentences English Class 4
Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Class 4 English to develop the English Class 4 MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Class 4 test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of English will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 4 English. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Class 4 English so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Class 4 English MCQ Test for the same chapter.
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