CBSE Class 9 Computer Science Introduction to Operating System MCQs

Refer to CBSE Class 9 Computer Science Introduction to Operating System MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 9 Computer Science with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Introduction to Operating System Class 9 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 9 Computer Science and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 9 Computer Science and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Class 9 Computer Science Introduction to Operating System

Class 9 Computer Science students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Introduction to Operating System in Class 9.

Introduction to Operating System MCQ Questions Class 9 Computer Science with Answers

(1) Which of the following units are there in computers ?

(A) Keyboard, mouse          (B) Monitor, printer             (C) Peripheral, Optical disc (D)  All the above 

(2) In the absence what does computer become meaningless ?

(A) Hardware                        (B) Software                          (C) Both (A) and (B)              (D) None 

(3) What should be supplied to make the use of computer easy ?

(A) Abstractions                   (B) Metaphors                      (C) Both (A) and (B)             (D)None 

(4) Which is the example simplifying the use of computer easier ?

(A) File System Metaphor                                                  (B) Folder System Metaphor

(C) Computer System Metaphor                                       (D) Basic System Metaphor 

(5) When computer boots which program starts first ?

(A) Operating System          (B) Metaphor System           (C) Basic System                   (D) Computer System 

(6) What is operating system ?

(A) Hardware                        (B) Software                          (C) Humanware                    (D) None 

(7) What performance task of activating jobs known to all components by bringing them in basic condition ?

(A) CPU         (B) Operating System        (C)Multiprocessor System     (D) File System 

(8) How is ROM known in personal computer ?

(A) BIOA               (B) BISO               (C) BIOS            (D) BAOS 

(9) What is the full form of BIOS ?

(A) Basic Input Output Source                                           (B) Basic Input Output System

(C) Basic Input Output Section                                          (D)Basic Input Output Sample 

(10) How is the primary program of computer known ?

(A) BIOS                                 (B) POST                                 (C) Algorithm                        (D) Flowchart 

(11) What is the full form of POST ?

(A) Power On Self Test                                                        (B) Power On Selection Test

(C) Power On Section Test                                                 (D) Power On Source Test 

(12) What undertakes the primary assessment of computer?

(A) CPU                                  (B) Processor                        (C) POST                                  (D) All the above 

(13) How is the operating system that starts computer system known ?

(A) Booming                          (B) Booting                             (C) Backing                            (D) Basic 

(14) With the passage of time what became a part of program code and instructions ?

(A) Hardware                        (B) Software                          (C) Operating system           (D) Humanware 

(15) How is the capacity of running several program simultaneously known ?

(A) Multiprocessing             (B) Multiprogramming        (C) Multisystem                    (D) Multi resources 

(16) How is the computer having more than one processor known?

(A) Multiprogramming system                                           (B) Multiprocessor system

(C) Multiple programming system                                     (D) Multiple processor system 

(17) On booting computer what special program does it implement ?

(A) Shell                                  (B) Kernel                              (C) Device driver                  (D) File system 

(18) What provides (user interface) to user for operating computer system?

(A) Device driver                 (B) File system                      (C) Shell                                  (D) Kernel 

(19) How is the task of using data on respective parts of memory known ?

(A) Memory resource         (B) Memory system             (C) Memory access                (D) Memory usage 

(20) Memory not allocated by operating system is not accessed by any process. How is this situation known ?

(A) Memory excess             (B) Memory protection       (C) One user system            (D) Memory management 

(21) What kind of system is would it be called which only one user can use ?

(A) Single user system         (B) One man user system (C) One user system              (D) Different user system 

(22) What kind of system is it that several users can use simultaneously?

(A) Multiuser system                                                           (B) Multiprocessing user system

(C) Multiuser system                                                          (D) Multilevel user system 

(23) How is the computer with multiuser system with several users implementing different program known ?

(A) Source computer    (B)  Server computer   (C)   Master computer   (D)   Node computer

(A)     Separateness                                                             (B)      Safety

(24) When a single computer system is accessed by many users, what should operating system provide them with?

(C)  Lack of interruption from one another                   (D)     All the above 

(25) Which assurance should multiuser operating necessarily provide for safety ?

(A)  To permit authorized use                                           (B)  To reject unauthorized attempts

(C)   Both (A) and (B)                                                            (D)  None of the above 

(26) How is the utility for exploring information stored in computer known ?

(A) File browser                    (B) Web browser                 (C) System browser             (D)   Source browser 

(27) In a system other than embedded one, what should user be provided with doing action reaction ?

(A) Kernel program             (B) Shell program                  (C) Drivers' program            (D) File program

(28) Which of the following option shows typical component of operating system?

(A)    Device driver              (B) Kernel                             (C)   Shell                               (D) All the above 

(29) According to whose requirement is device driver loaded or unloaded?

(A) User                                 (B) Shell                                (C)     File system                   (D) Kernel 

(30) What is the core or the main component of operating system ?

(A) Shell                                 (B) Kernel                              (C)     Device driver              (D)   File system 

(31) Which component performs the main or key tasks of operating system ?

(A)     Kernel                          (B) Shell                                (C)     File system                   (D)   Device driver 

(32) Which of the following function does Kernel perform?

(A)     Prepares a   register of program implementation (B)      Provides security to CPU, input/output

(C)  Manages input/output and memory               (D)     All the above 

(33) According to the definition of some people Kernel itself is.......

(A)Shell                                  (B)Operating System            (C)     Device driver              (D)  File system 

(34) Which part of operating system is the most visible?

(A)    File system                  (B)  Device drive                 (C)     Shell                               (D) All the above 

(35) By whose appearance majority of the people identify operating device?

(A)    Device driver              (B)  Shell                                (C)     File system                   (D)  All the above 

(36) What is User Bridge ?

(A)     User internet             (B)  User information          (C)     User intersource        (D)  User interface 

(37) What is full form of UI ?

(A)    User Interest               (B)  User Information          (C)     User Interface             (D)  User Interleave 

(38) How many types of user interface are there ?

(A)      2                                   (B) 3                                        (C)  4                                      (D) 5 

(39) Which of the following option shows a type of user interface ?

(A)CLI, GIU                             (B)   CIL, GUI                          (C)  CLI, GLI                           (D)  CLI, GUI 

(40) What is the full form of CLI ?

(A)    Command Line Information                                      (B)   Command Line Interface

(C)   Command Line International                                    (D)   Command Line Interaction 

(41) What is the full form of GUI?

(A)    Graphical User Information                                      (B)   Graphical User International

(C)   Graphical User Interface                                            (D)   Graphical User Interaction 

(42) Which of the following interface works on the system of accepting command from user and implementing it?

(A) CLI       (B)GUI    (C)     Both (A) and (B)        (D) None of the above 

(43) Which of the following interface there are many pictorial components?

(A)     CLI         (B)   GUI         (C)     Both (A) and (B)          (D) None of the above 

(44) Which types of components are seen on GUI type interface screen?

(A)     Desktop, Windows  (B)       Icon, Menu                 (C)      Button                         (D)     All the above 

(45) What acts as background in GUI ?

(A) Menu                               (B) Desktop                            (C)     Windows                      (D)  Ictm 

(46) How is rectangular part of screen known for program or action-reaction in GUI ?

(A)    Menu                           (B)  Desktop                         (C)     Windows                      (D)  Icon 

(47) What provides the interface of secondary storage file system?

(A)     Shell                            (B)      Kernel                         (C)      Operating system    (D)      Device driver 

(48) How many types of objects are generally included in file system?

(A)     2                                    (B) 3                                        (C)  4                                      (D) 5 

(49) Which of the following option shows object of file system?

(A)    File, program              (B)  Directory, shell             (C)     File, directory              (D)  Directory, Kernel 

(50) What are file and folder in file system?

(A)     Object                          (B)  Subject                           (C)      Program                      (D)  Database 

(51) By which other name is directory known ?

(A) File                                   (B)  Folder                             (C)      Database                     (D)  Table 

(52) On computer what is the primary unit of data storage?

(A)    File                                 (B)  Folder                            (C)     Table                             (D)  Database 

(53) Because of large number of files, what is used for its management ?

(A)    File                                (B)  Table                              (C)     Database                      (D)  Directory 

(54) By which process is a blank file system structure made on blank file ?

(A)    Writing                         (B)   Burning                         (C)     Editing                          (D)  Formatting 

(55)If a preformatted disc is reformatted what happens to existing file system ?

(A) Disc is formatted and disc remains as it is

(B) File system is destroyed and a new blank file replaces it

(C)  There is over-writing on file system                       

(D)  Nothing can be said about this 

(56) What kind of file system editions does Linux I use ?

(A)    Extended                     (B)  Expended                      (C)     Expected                      (D)  Expired 

(57) Which sign is generally used for extended file system path ?

(A)    Piping                           (B)  Hash                               (C)     Slash                              (D)   Dollar 

(58) In what kind of file system are USB flash disc and memory are formatted for use in mobile ?

(A)     FAT                               (B)   UDF                                (C)     ISO 9660                      (D)   NTFS 

(59) In which file system are USB flash disc and memory card are formatted for better performance and safety advantages ?

(A)         FAT           (B)   UDF                     (C)                                           ISO 9660                                (D)   NTFS 

(60) What kind of file system do CDs generally use ?

(A)    FAT                               (B)  UDF                                 (C)     ISO 9660                       (D)   NTFS 

(61) What kind of file system do DVDs use ?

(A)    FAT                               (B)  UDF                                  (C)     ISO 9660                      (D)   NTFS 

(62) Which component of operating system can theoretically be changed ?

(A)     Device driver             (B)      Shell            (C)  Library and Utility Programmes (D)  All the above 

(63) What kind of system is Linux ?

(A) Shell                                 (B)  Device Driver                (C)     Kernel                           (D)   Library 

(64) How are the biggest and the most powerful computers known ?

(A) Mainframe computer  (B) Personal computer        (C) Super computer             (D) Embedded system 

(65) What is the full form of FLOPS ?

(A)  Floating Page Operations Per Second                     (B)  Floating Park Operations Per Second

(C)   Floating Point Operations Per Second                      (D)  Floating Pack Operations Per Second 

(66) What kind of operating system is used on nod level of super computer ?

(A)      CNK, CLN                    (B)   CNK, CNL                      (C)     CKN, CNL                      (D)  CKN, CLN 

(67) Which is the computer after the super computer series ?

(A) Embedded system         (B) Server computer           (C) Mainframe computer (D) Personal computer 

(68) What kind operating system is used in mainframe computer ?

(A)   IBMs/OS and differerent forms      of windows   (B)   Different forms of IBMs/OS and android

(C)  Different forms of IBMs/OS and Linux   (D)  Different forms of Windows and Linux

(69) Which of the highly powerful type of computers provide service of multi-client data storage ? 

(A)      Personal computer (B)        Server computer      (C)      Mainframe computer(D)          Embedded system 

(70) Which computer is used for scientific calculations and multimedia applications ?

(A) Super computer            (B) High end workstation (C) Mainframe computer    (D) Embedded system 

(71) Which operating system is used in personal computer ?

(A)  Operating systems of windows family  (B)  Operating systems of OS X Apple make series

(C)  Linux operating system      (D) Any one of the given

(72) Whose hybrid form is tablet PC ? 

(A)  Smartphone and server computer                           (B)   Smartphone and personal computer

(C)  Personal computer and server computer               (D)  Personal computer and embedded system 

(73) Which kind of operating system can be used in Smartphone and tablet ?

(A) Google android              (B) Apple IOS                        (C) Microsoft windows OS (D)  All the given options 

(74) Which of the following shows an example of embedded system ?

(A)  Industrial machines, car engines                               (B)  Set top box, DVD player

(C)  Washing Machine, Microwave oven                        (D)     All the above 

(75) From whom does embedded system input ?

(A)    Keyboard                     (B)  Sensor                             (C)     Mouse                  (D)  Touchpad 

(76) How is the mobile phone with the facilities of music player, video player, simple games, limited web browsing and simple third party application facility is known ?

(A)    Basic mobile                (B)  Smartphone                  (C)     Feature phone            (D)   Tablet 

(77) How are Smartphone and tablet jointly known ?

(A)    Stablet                          (B) Feblet                             (C)     Slablet                          (D)   Meblet 

(78) Which is the free of charge and operatir system of Smartphone ?

(A)     Android  (B)          Microsoft Windows phone OS  (C)  Apple iOS                    (D)      Blackberry OS 

(79) How is listening to live audio on internet known ?

(A)    Podcast                         (B) Webcast                         (C)     Audiocast                     (D)   Soundcast 

(80) How is viewing of live video on internet known?

(A)    Videocast                     (B) Viewngcast                     (C)     Webcast                        (D)  Podcast 

(81) What is the full form of NFC ?

(A)     Near Field Communication                                     (B)      Near Frame Communication

(C)      Near Form Communication                                     (D)      Near Fraction Communication 

(82) Which of the following technology makes it possible to videocall ?

(A)     1G, 2G                         (B) 2G, 3G                             (C)     3G, 4G                           (D) All the above 

(83) What is the full form of Wi-Fi ?

(A)Wireless Fidelity              (B)Worldbase Fidelity          (C)Wired Fidelity                  (D)   Worldwide Fidelity 

(84) What can be used to exchange file in other phone or laptop ?

(A)     Bluetooth                   (B) Wi-Fi                                (C)     Interchange                 (D)   File sharing 

(85) What is the full form of QR Code ?

(A)    Quick Ram Code                                                         (B)   Quick Response Code

(C)   Quick Recognition Code                                            (D)  Quick Reader Code

MCQs for Introduction to Operating System Computer Science Class 9

Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Class 9 Computer Science to develop the Computer Science Class 9 MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Class 9 test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of Computer Science will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 9 Computer Science. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Class 9 Computer Science so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Class 9 Computer Science MCQ Test for the same chapter.

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Yes, the MCQs issued by CBSE for Class 9 Computer Science Introduction to Operating System have been made available here for latest academic session

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You can find CBSE Class 9 Computer Science Introduction to Operating System MCQs on educational websites like, online tutoring platforms, and in sample question papers provided on this website.

How can I prepare for Introduction to Operating System Class 9 MCQs?

To prepare for Introduction to Operating System MCQs, refer to the concepts links provided by our teachers and download sample papers for free.

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Yes, there are many online resources that we have provided on available such as practice worksheets, question papers, and online tests for learning MCQs for Class 9 Computer Science Introduction to Operating System