CBSE Class 6 Computer Science Memory Organisation MCQs

Refer to CBSE Class 6 Computer Science Memory Organisation MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 6 Computer Science with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Multiple Choice Questions for Memory Organisation are an important part of exams for Class 6 Computer Science and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 6 Computer Science and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Class 6 Computer Science Memory Organisation

Class 6 Computer Science students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Memory Organisation in Class 6.

Memory Organisation MCQ Questions Class 6 Computer Science with Answers

Question. A nibble is equal to _____________ bits ?
a) 16
b) 32
c) 4
d) 8

Answer : C

Question. Which part of the computer is used for calculating and comparing ?
a) ALU
b) Control unit
c) Disk unit
d) Modem

Answer : A

Question. A collection of related information sorted and dealt with as a unit is a ?
a) disk
b) data
c) file
d) floppy

Answer : B

Question. Which contents are lost when the computer turn off ?
a) storage
b) input
c) output
d) memory

Answer : F

Question. Which of the following is billionth of a second ?
a) Gigabyte
b) Terabyte
c) Nanosecond
d) Microsecond

Answer : C

Question. To put information in a file on a magnetic disk, or in a computer’s memory, so it can be used later __________ ?
a) store
b) ship
c) shift
d) centre

Answer : A

Question. The following computer’s memory is characterised by low cost per bit stored ?
a) Primary
b) Secondary
c) Hard Disk
d) All of these

Answer : B

Question. The amount of time required by a storage device to retrieve data and programs is its __________ ?
a) retrieval speed
b) capacity
c) memory
d) storage

Answer : A

Question. What is the permanent memory built into your computer called ?
a) RAM
b) Floppy
d) ROM

Answer : D

Question. What happens when we try to delete the files on the floppy ?
a) The files get moved to the Recycle Bin
b) Files on a floppy cannot be deleted
c) The files get deleted and can be restored again from Recycle Bin
d) The files get deleted and cannot be restored again

Answer : D

Question. Which computer memory is used for storing programs and data currently being processed by the CPU ?
a) Mass memory
b) Internal memory
c) Non-volatile memory

Answer : B

Question. A hard disk drive is considered as a __________ storage ?
a) flash
b) non volatile
c) temporary
d) non-permanent

Answer : B

Question. Memory, also called random access memory, or RAM, __________ ?
a) contains the electronic circuits that cause processing to occur.
b) makes the information resulting from processing available for use
c) allots data, programs, commands, and user responses to be entered into a computer
d) consists of electronic components that store data

Answer : D

Question. When you save to this, your data will remain when the computer is turned off ?
a) RAM
b) motherboard
c) secondary storage device
d) primary storage

Answer : C

Question. The computer abbreviation KB usually means ?
a) Key Block
b) Kernel Boot
c) Key Byte
d) Kilo Byte

Answer : D

Question. The part of a computer that coordinates all its functions is called its ?
a) ROM program
b) system board
c) arithmetic logic unit
d) control unit

Answer : D

Question. Which of the following is a secondary storage device ?
a) Optical disks
b) RAM
c) Microprocessor
d) All of these

Answer : A

Question. Approximately how many bytes make one Megabyte ?
a) One Thousand
b) Ten Thousand
c) One Hundred
d) One Million

Answer : D

Question. Which of the following devices has a limitation that we can only read it but cannot erase or modify it ?
a) Tape Drive
b) Hard Disk
c) Compact Disk
d) Floppy Disk

Answer : A

Question. CDs are of which shape ?
a) Square
b) Rectangular
c) Round
d) Hexagonal

Answer : C

Question. Which of the following is the second largest measurement of RAM ?
a) Terabyte
b) Megabyte
c) Byte
d) Gigabyte

Answer : D

Question. Which of the following is not an example of hardware ?
a) Scanner
b) Printer
c) Monitor
d) Interpreter

Answer : D

Question. A directory within a directory is called a __________ ?
a) Mini Directory
b) Junior Directory
c) Part Directory
d) Sub Directory

Answer : D

Question. ROM is an example of which of the following ?
a) Volatile memory
b) Cache memory
c) Nonvolatile memory
d) Virtual memory

Answer : C

Question. The most common type of storage devices are ?
a) persistent
b) optical
c) magnetic
d) flash

Answer : C

Question. A computer’s ROM is _________ ?
a) ALU
b) computer software
c) operating system
d) computer hardware

Answer : D

Question. Eight bits of data ?
a) octabit
b) word
c) sentence
d) byte

Answer : D

Question. A disk on which you store information ?
a) plate
b) data disk
c) paper disk
d) TV disk

Answer : B

Question. __________ is the process of dividing the disk into tracks and sectors ?
a) Tracking
b) Formatting
c) Crashing
d) Allotting

Answer : B

Question. Which of the following is equal to 1,048,576 byte (approx one million byte) ?
a) Byte
b) Gigabyte
c) Memory
d) Megabyte

Answer : D

Question. Which of the following is another name for a chip ?
a) Silicon chip
b) Integrated circuit
c) Semiconductor
d) All of these

Answer : B

MCQs for Memory Organisation Computer Science Class 6

Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Class 6 Computer Science to develop the Computer Science Class 6 MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Class 6 test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of Computer Science will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 6 Computer Science. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Class 6 Computer Science so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Class 6 Computer Science MCQ Test for the same chapter.

Where can I download latest CBSE MCQs for Class 6 Computer Science Memory Organisation

You can download the CBSE MCQs for Class 6 Computer Science Memory Organisation for latest session from

Are the Class 6 Computer Science Memory Organisation MCQs available for the latest session

Yes, the MCQs issued by CBSE for Class 6 Computer Science Memory Organisation have been made available here for latest academic session

Where can I find CBSE Class 6 Computer Science Memory Organisation MCQs online?

You can find CBSE Class 6 Computer Science Memory Organisation MCQs on educational websites like, online tutoring platforms, and in sample question papers provided on this website.

How can I prepare for Memory Organisation Class 6 MCQs?

To prepare for Memory Organisation MCQs, refer to the concepts links provided by our teachers and download sample papers for free.

Are there any online resources for CBSE Class 6 Computer Science Memory Organisation?

Yes, there are many online resources that we have provided on available such as practice worksheets, question papers, and online tests for learning MCQs for Class 6 Computer Science Memory Organisation