CBSE Class 9 PSA Qualitative Reasoning (1)

Refer to CBSE Class 9 PSA Qualitative Reasoning (1) provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 9 English with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Qualitative Reasoning Class 9 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 9 English and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 9 English and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Class 9 English Qualitative Reasoning

Class 9 English students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Qualitative Reasoning in Class 9.

Qualitative Reasoning MCQ Questions Class 9 English with Answers

Analogy Test

The dictionary meaning of the word „Analogy‟ is „resemblance in certain ways‟. In this type of questions the candidate are to discover likeness between the firsttwo words, group of alphabets, figures or numbers. Bearing this resemblance in mind you are to pick one word or group of alphabets or figures which bears the  same resemblance with the third word, group of alphabets or figures. 

Word Analogies-

Hot : Cold :: Agitated : ?

The analogy between the first and second word is that the second in the antonym of the first. Bearing this relation in mind, calm bears the same relation with agitated.

There could be different type of relationship:-

--- Synonym Relationship e.g. Thin: Slim :: Stout : Strong

--- Antonym Relationship e.g. Thin: Portly :: Slim : Stout

--- Degree of Difference e.g. Frequently : Always :: Seldom : Never

--- Cause and effect e.g. shoot : Kill :: Insult : Humiliate

--- whole & part e.g. Fender : Tire :: Elevator : Aileron

--- Function composition action e.g. Axe: Wood :: Scissor : Fabric

--- Sequential e.g. Eight: Nine :: 23 : 32

Number Analogy:-

Question. 4 : 27 :: 9 : ?
a) 12
b) 64
c) 32
d) 16

Answer : B

Question. 3 : 26 :: ? : 124 
a) 15
b) 13 
c) 17
d) 24

Answer : A




Select the related word / letters/ numbers from the given alternative.

Question. Laughter : Smile :: Hot : ?
a) Cold
b) Summer
c) Warm
d) Temperature

Answer : C

Question. Planet : Sun :: Moon : ?
a) Satellite
b) Universe
c) Mars
d) Earth

Answer : D

Question. Axe : Wood :: Scissors : ?
a) Knife
b) Blade
c) Fabric
d) Nail.

Answer : C

Question. Eight : Nine :: 23 : ?
a) 9
b) 32
c) 22
d) 8

Answer : B

Question. The Taj : Agra :: Lions : ?
a) Animals
b) Zoo
c) Tiger
d) lioness

Answer : A

Question. DBL : AKK :: ? : JMN
a) MDO
b) GDO
c) MKE
d) GKE

Answer : A

Question.  ABC : F :: CB : ?
a) E
b) F
C) G
d) H

Answer : C

Question. 8 : 27 :: 125 : ?
a) 625
b) 380
c) 375
d) 343

Answer : D

Question. 234 : 24 :: 12345 : ?
a) 123456
c) 123645
d) 1245

Answer : B

Question. O : Q :: E : ?
a) F
b) G
c) H
d) I

Answer : B

Analogy is the process of reasoning between two parallel cases. It related to agreement or correspondence in certain respects between two things. It is a process whereby the underlying relationship that exists between two figures, designs or patterns is determined. Under common to the two figures or designs. this common feature is a model or base. The question seeks solution or the basis of this model or base.
Each of the following questions consists of two sets of figures. Figures A, B, C and D constitute the Problem Set while figures 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 constitute the Answer Set. There is a definite relationship between
figures A and B. Establish a similar relationship between figures C and D by selecting a suitable figure from the Answer Set that would replace the question mark (?) in fig. (D).
CBSE Class 9 PSA Qualitative Reasoning (1)
CBSE Class 9 PSA Qualitative Reasoning (1)-
CBSE Class 9 PSA Qualitative Reasoning (1)-1
Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series:-
Question. 2, 5, 9, 19, 37, ___
a) 73
b) 74
c) 75
d) 76
Answer : C
Question. 3, 4, 12, 16, 48, ___
a) 56
b) 64
c) 80
d) 172
Answer : B
Question. 4, 9, __, 49, 121
a) 16
b) 25
c) 36
d) 18
Answer : B
Question. 8, ____, 125, 343, 12321
a) 12
b) 27
c) 64
d) 16
Answer : B
Question. ZXY, OMN, TRS, ______
a) KIJ
b) BAC
c) WVU
d) DEF
Answer : A
Question. ABD, CDF, _____, GHI
a) EFG
b) CDE
c) EFH
d) DEG
Answer : C
Question. _____, 1/24, 1/36, 1/54, 1/81
a) 1/32
b) 1/9
c) 1/16
d) 1/18
Answer : C
Question. 2, 7, 22, 67, ___, 607
a) 202
b) 203
c) 204
d) 205
Answer : A
CBSE Class 9 PSA Qualitative Reasoning (1)-2
 Answer : C
This sections deals with question on simple mathematical operation namely ÷, x, + & - along with others namely ‹, =, ›, ≠ etc. These operations are coded using artificial symbols.
The candidate has to make substitution of real signs and then by using DMAS formula, solve the question.
Example 1.
If + means ÷, - means x, ÷ means + and x means -, then the value of 36x12+4÷6+2-3
When simplified is :-
b) 18
c) 42
d) 19/2
Answer : C
Solution –
Using proper signs:-
= 36-3+3x3
= 36-3+9
= 42
So the correct answer is (c)
Example 2.
If P denotes ÷, Q denotes x, R denotes +, S denotes -, then the value of
18Q19P4R5S6, will be ---
a) 36
b) 53
c) 59
d) 65
Answer : B
Using correct symbols , we have :-
Given expression = 18x2÷4+5-6
= 18x3+5-6
= 54+5-6
= 53
So the answer is (b)
Q: select the correct combination of mathematical signs to replace * sign to balance the given equation.
Question. 24*3*2*12*3
a) x÷=x
b) x=x÷
c) x=+x
d) +x=x
Answer : A
Question. 6*1*6*4*2*6
a) ÷x=+x
b) x÷=+x
c) x÷=x+
d) x÷x=+
Answer : A
Question. 18*3*1*26*28
a) ÷x=+
b) ÷++=
c) x÷=-
d) x÷=+
Answer : D
Question. 11*11*11*12321
a) xx=x
b) xxx=
c) x=xx
d) xx÷=
Answer : B
Question. 23*3*7*16*3
a) x+-=
b) +x=-
c) +-=+
d) +÷=+
Answer : C
In questions below, equations have become wrong due to wrong orders of signs. Choose the correct order of signs from the alternative given.
Question. 9=3x7-20
a) x-=
b) ÷x=
c) =+-
d) x=-
Answer : A
Question. 56x6÷3=29-2
a) +x=x
b) +÷=x
c) x+÷=
d) =x+÷
Answer : B
Question. 8-2x7=11
a) =x-
b) =+-
c) ÷+=
d) =-x
Answer : C
Question. 24÷2+3-6=30
a) ÷+=-
b) x÷-=
c) ++-=
d) ÷x=+
Answer : D
Question. 5x6÷3-12=13-6
a) +÷ +=+
b) x÷+-=
c) x+÷=-
d) ++-=-
Answer : A
If + means -, - means x, x means ÷ and ÷ means +, then----
Question. 15x5÷10+5-3=?
a) 9.5
b) 0
c) -2
d) 24
Answer : C
Question. 15x3÷10+5-3=?
a) 10
b) 0
c) 20
d) 6
Answer : A
Question. 30÷6+2-1=?
a) 34
b) 35
c) 36
d) 37
Answer : A
Question. 36x2+8÷8=?
a) 16
b) 17
c) 18
d) 19
Answer : C
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A) 16 A 3 M 2 G 16 A 2 M 3
B) 16 A 3 M 2 L 16 M 2 A 3
C) 16 M 3 A 2 L 16 A 2 M 3
D) 16 M 3 A 2G 16 A 2 M 3
Answer : C
A) 9 M 3 S 7 L 22
B) 9 M 3 L 7 S 22
C) 9 S 3 G 7 M 22
D) 9 S 3 G 7 A 22
Answer : A
A) 56 D 6 S 3 G 29 M 2
B) 56 S 6 M 3 L 29 A 2
C) 56 A 6 D 3 L 29 S 2
D) 56 A 6 D 3 G 29 S 2
Answer : D
A) 8 D 2S 7G 11
B) 8 A 2M 7L 11
C) 8 A 2M 7G 11
D) 8 D 2 M 7L 11
Answer : C
1. A
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. C
6. A
7. B
8. C
9. D
10. A
11. C
12. A
13. A
14. C
15. D
16. B
17. C
18. A
19. D
20. C
Something may be classified into one group because they belong to the same category.
There are other things that do not belong to the category. There are four types of question:-
(i) Words representing 4 digits are the same except for one.
(ii) Some figures problem
(iii) Some groups of letters
(iv) Numbers belonging to one group may be given for finding out an odd one.
Example :-
Pick out odd one
A) car
b) Scooter
c) Bus
d) Bicycle
Answer:- D
Bicycle, because the other three are automobiles.
A) 369
b) 246
c) 123
d) 478
Answer:- D
478, is the answer because the rest of the numbers are formed by multiplying the first number by 2 and 3.
ODD ONE OUT (Classification)
Select the one which is different from other three responses:-
Q.1: a) 9 b) 18 c) 117 d) 134
Q.2 a) 120 b) 136 c) 150 d) 240
Q.3 a) Bangllure b) Wrist watch c) Bracelet d) Ring
Q.4 a) p b) J c) A d) N
Q.5 a) TVXZ b) ZBDF c) FHJL d) JLMO
Q.6 a) Idlimaker b) Pressure Cooker c) Pan d) Mixer Grinder
Q.7 a) Stable b) Hole c) Sty d) Canoe
Q.8 a) Quotation b) Duty c) Tax d) Invoice
Q.9 a) Spinach b) Potato c) Carrot d) Ginger.
Q. No Answer
1. D
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. D
6. D
7. D
8. A
9. A
10. B
Example Question:-
Which of the following diagrams best depicts the relationship among the given / sets.
Q.1:- Lions , Tigers , Bears
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CBSE Class 9 PSA Qualitative Reasoning (1)-6
Logic / Explanation
It is easy to see that this group contains three separate classes.
No lions are either tigers or bears, and no tigers are bears.
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CBSE Class 9 PSA Qualitative Reasoning (1)-8
Answer:- (d) :
Explanation:- All cooks and all adults men belong to the same class of people. So both will be the part of big circle of people. Since some but not all cooks are adult men and some adult men are not cooks, so cooks and adult men are intersecting.
Which of the following diagrams best depicts the relationship among the give class / sets.
Question. Society, Family, Friends
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Answer : A
Question. School, Students, Parents
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Answer : B
Question. Dancers, Singers, Entertainers
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Answer : A
Question. Salt, Pepper , Things derived from plants
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Answer : D
Question. Napkins , White Objects, Things made up of paper.
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Answer : A
Question. In the figure given below, the no. of Rural, Educated, Female, Government Servants is:-
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Question. Rectangle , Female , Circle = Rural, Square = Educated , Triangle = Government Servants
a) 1
b) 8
c) 3
d) 2
Answer : A
Question.  Which no. indicates teacher who are neither doctor nor engineer
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A = Engineer , B= Doctor, C= Teacher
A= B= C=
a) 1
b) 7
c) 2
d) 6
Answer : B
Question. Which no. indicates Vegetarian Non- flying Birds?
P = Bird ( , Q = Non Flying ( , R = Vegetarian 
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 7
Answer : B
CBSE Class 9 PSA Qualitative Reasoning (1)-16
Question. Which one of the following diagrams best depicts the relationship among Lion, Deer and Animal.
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Answer : C
Question. Which no. indicates female, naughty, musicians and student?
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A = Female , B = Naughty C = MusicianD= Student
A = B = C = D=
a) 2
b) 3
c) 5
d) 4
Answer : D
Coding is a secretive language which is used to change the representation of actual term / word / value. This coded language can be formed by:-
1. Moving letters one or more step forward or backward
2. Substituting numbers for letters or vice-versa.
3. Writing the letters of the given word in reverse order in part or in whole.
4. Replacing the letters in their natural series by same positioned letters in their reverseseries.
5. Mirror images can also be used.
CBSE Class 9 PSA Qualitative Reasoning (1)-19
If RESULT is coded as 798206, LET will we coded as 
a) 680
b) 092
c) 096
d) 608
Answer :- (c) The letters are coded by numbers, and to code the given word , select the respective coded numbers:
RESULT === Letters
798206 === Code
So LET code will be
LET == Letters
096 == Code.
Example. 2:- SKIPPING over letters in formed direction or backward direction.
If INDIA is written as 9, 16, 7, 13, 6, How can be write CANADA
1) 3, 1, 12, 1, 4, 1
2) 3, 2, 15, 4, 8, 6
3) 3, 1, 15, 1, 4, 1
4) 3, 3, 17, 9, 10, 7
Answer :- D
CBSE Class 9 PSA Qualitative Reasoning (1)-20
Question. In a coded language Q U A L I T A T I V E is written as T A U L A T I T E V.
How is
L O G I C A L written in the same language:-
a) L A G I C A L
b) O L I G A C L
c) M G O C I L A
d) K G O C I L A
Answer : D
Question. IF C O N T R I B U T E is written as E T B U I R N T O C how is P O P U L A R I S E
Written in that code:
a) E S R I A L P U O P
b) E S I R A L U P O P
c) O P U P A L I R E S
d) P O U P L A I R S E
Answer : A
Question. If D E N M A R K is written as 5, 6, 15, 14, 2, 19, 12 , How can E G Y P T be written in that code :-
a) 5, 7, 25, 16, 20
b) 6, 8, 26, 17, 21
c) 10, 14, 25, 20, 21
d) 4, 6, 24, 15, 20
Answer : B
Question. If MOBILITY = 46293937 then EXAMINATION = ?
a) 45038401854
b) 56149512965
c) 57159413955
d) 67250623076
Answer : B
Question. If DISTANCE is written as EKVXFTJM then how would PRESENT be written in the same code:-
Answer : D
Question. In a certain code ‘ hi li min’ means ‘ Rajni is a girl’ and ‘ chi min hic’ means ‘ Rajesh is a boy’ and ‘ li tic hic’ means ‘ he is a boy’. What is the code for BOY?
Answer : D
Question. In a certain code INTELLIGENCE is written as LIG INTELENCE, how will MULTIFACETED be written in that code:-
Answer : C
Question. If JUNE is coded as NXPF, how will STAY be coded in the same manner :
Answer : A
Direction Q.9 & Q.10 : In a certain code:-
1) Pod na joc means ‗very bright boy‘
2) Tam nu pod means ‗ the boy comes‘
3) Na per ton means : ‗ keep the doll‘
4) Joc ton su means ‗ very good goll‘
Question. Which word is used for ‘ bright ’ in this code ?
a) Joc
b) pod
c) ton
d) na
Answer : D
Question. For the above question which statement can be left out to find answer 
a) Only (1)
b) only (2)
c) only (3)
d) (3) and (4)
Answer : B
A man or a vehicle changes direction after covering some given distance. Direction is changed many times. You are asked to determine in which direction from the starting point a man or vehicle is. Sometimes you are asked to work out the distance:-
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Example :-
A boy rode his bicycle northwards, then turned left and rode one Km and again turned left and rode one Km and again turned left and rode 2 Kms. He found himself exactly one Km west of his starting point ? How far did he ride northwards initially ?
Solution :-
Starting Point is A. the boy rode from A to B, then to C and finally upto D. Since D lies to the west of A and So the distance AB =CD=2 kms.
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Answer :- 2 Kms.
Question. Shilpi walks 6 km towards south from her house. Then she turns right and walk 6 km, then she again turns to right and walks 2 km, then again turns to her right and walks for another 2 km, then she takes a turn to her left and walks 7 km. How far is she from her house?
a) 5 km NW
b) 5 km NE
c) 3 km NW
d) 3 km NE
Answer : A
Question. I go to 5 km East then turn right and go 8 km. Then I turn left and go 5 km and then I turn left and go 8 km. At what distance am I from starting point.
a)16 km
b) 0 km
c) 13 km
d) 10 km
Answer : D
Question. A watch reads 5.30. If the minute hand points east, in which direction will the hour hand
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a) NE
b) NW
c) SE
d) SW
Answer : A
Question. One morning after sun rise Rishel was standing facing a pole. The shadow of the pole fell exactly to his right, which direction was he facing?
a) North
b) South
c) East
d) West
Answer : B
Question. A man is facing North-East, he turns 900 in clockwise direction and then 1350 in the anticlockwise direction. Which direction is he facing now?
a) North – East
b) South – East
c) North
d) South
Answer : C
Question. It East is called North – East, South is called North-East, what will North be called?
a) South West
b) East
c) West
d) South-East
Answer : A
Question. a man is performing yoga with his head down legs up his face is towards the EAST. In which direction will his left hand be--
a) East
b) West
c) South
d) North.
Answer : D
Question. Four people stationed at the four corners of a square piece as shown in figure. B startsCrossing the field diagonally. After walking half the distance, he turns to right, walks Some distance and turns left. Which direction is B facing now?
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a) North East
b) North West
c) South East
d) South West
Answer : D
Question. At 6.30 am morning Richa started walking positioning her back towards sun. After some time she turned left, then turned right and again towards left. In which direction is she goingnow?
a) East
b) West
c) South
d) North
Answer : C
Question. Two buses start moving from opposite points on a main road, 100 km apart. The first bus‘X’ runs for 25 kms and takes a right turn and then runs for 15 kms. It turns then to left and again runs for 15 kms. It then turns left and takes the direction back to reach the main road. In the mean time other bus ‘Y’ has run only for 40 kms along the main road.
What would be the distance between the two buses at this point?
a) 30 km
b) 35 km
c) 40 km
d) 45 km
Answer : C
Question. 'A' is the son of 'M' whose father is the brother of B. B, is the son of 'E', who is a Doctor. How is 'M' related to E.
a) Uncle
b) Brother
c) Cousin Brother
d) Brother – in – law
Answer : C
Question. A woman 'A‘ tells her granddaughter 'C‘ about her only child 'B‘. 'B‘ is married to 'D‘ and 'D‘ has son 'E‘ who is two years old. How is 'C‘ related to 'E‘
a) Aunt
b) Cousin
c) Brother
d) Sister
Answer : D
Question. Looking at a photograph my son cried for her that she was the only sister of my maternal uncle. How am I related to her?
a) Mother
b) cousin
c) self
d) Sister
Answer : A
Question. A family has a man, his wife, their four sons and their wives. The family of every son also has 3 sons and 1 daughter. Find out the total no. of male members in the whole family.
a) 8
b) 12
c) 17
d) 23
Answer : C
Question. Pointing to a man, a woman said : "His mother is the only daughter of my mother ". How is the woman related to the man?
a) Mother
b) daughter
c) Sister
d) Grand daughter
Answer : A
Question. Rajan is the brother of Sachin and Manik is the father of Rajan, Jagat is the brother of Priya and Priya is the daughter of Sachin. Who is the uncle of Jagat?
a) Rajan
b) Sachin
c) Manik
d) Can‘t Say
Answer : A
Question. A and B are brothers. C and D are Sisters. A‘s son is D‘s brother. How is B related to C?
a) Father
b) Brother
c) Grandfather
d) Uncle
Answer : A
Question. A is the son of B and C is the sister of B.
If : (i) A +B Means A is the father of B
(ii) A – B means A is the wife of B
(iii) A X B means A is the brother of B
(iv)A ÷ B means A is the Daughter of B
If A – C + B, which of the following statement is true ?
a) A is the mother of B
b) B is the daughter of A
C) A is the Aunt of B
d) A is the sister of B
Answer : A
Question. There are six children playing volley ball namely, A, B, C, D, E and F. A and E are sisters.
F is the brother of E. C is the only daughter of A‘s aunty. B and D are the sons of the sister of C‘s mother. How is C related to F?
a) Daughter
b) Sister
c) Aunt
d) Cousin
Answer : D
Question. A woman pointing to a photograph says "This man‘s son‘s sister is my mother – in - law". How is the woman‘s husband related to the man in the photograph?
a) Grandson
b) Son
c) Son in Law
d) Nephew
Answer : A
Question. Harbir while introducing Jaspreet to her husband said "His brother‘s father is the only son of my grandfather". How is Harbir related to Jaspreet?
a) Aunt
b) Sister
c) niece
d) Mother
Answer : C
Question. A woman introduces a man as the son of the brother of her mother. How is the man related to her ?
a) Son
b) Uncle
c) Cousin
d) Grandson
Answer : C
Question. A is the father of C and D is the son of B. E is the brother of A, if C is the sister of D, how is B related to E.
a) Daughter
b) Brother in Law
c) Husband
d) Sister in law
Answer : D
Question. Read the statements below:-
(i) M is the brother of N
(ii) B is the brother of N, and
(iii) M is the brother of d.
Which of the following statements is definitely true?
a) N is the brother of B
b) N is the brother of D
c) M is the brother of B
d) D is the brother of M
Answer : C
Question.  Rati is the daughter of my brother‘s son. If my brother has only one sibling. How is Rati related to my brother‘s wife.
a) Niece
b) Daughter
c) Granddaughter
d) Sister in Law
Answer : C
Question. C is A‘s father‘s nephew. D is A‘s cousin but not the brother of C. How is D related to C.
a) Father
b) Sister
c) Mother
d) Aunt
Answer : B
Question. If : (i) A +B Means A is the father of B
(ii) A – B means A is the wife of B
(iii) A X B means A is the brother of B
(iv)A ÷ B means A is the Daughter of B
If A – C + B, which of the following statement is true ?
b) A is the mother of B
b) B is the daughter of A
D) A is the Aunt of B
d) A is the sister of B
Answer : A
Question. Pointing towards a girl in the picture, Sarita said, "She is the mother of Meha whose father is my son" How is Sarita related to girl in Picture?
a) Mother in Law
b) Aunt
c) Cousin
d) Sister
Answer : A
Ranking is based on the arrangement of things in a particular order. The arrangement may be on the basis of their position, size, age etc.
In this series, questions are asked about the positions of persons from up or down, or from left or right etc. Some important types are;-
a) In a line girl Advaita‘s position from left is 10th while Trishala‘s position from right is 16th . When they interchange their position Trishala‘s position becomes 20th from left then what will be the position of Advaita from the right :-
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Since, Advaita‘s new position after interchange is 20th from the left:
Therefore total no. of girls in the
Line = 20 + 15 == 35
Hence, Trishala,s position from the right == (35-10) + 1 == 26th .
Question. Five girls participated in an education competitions:-
1. Pratibha ranked higher than Sarita
2. Sarita ranked higher than Ritika
3. Pratibha ranked lower than Gurpreet
4. Kavita ranked between Pratibha and Sarita
Who ranked the highest?
a) Kavita
b) Pratibha
c) Gurpreet
d) Ritika
Answer : A
Question. I a group of six students, Nitin is heavier than Mahesh but lighter than Nandu. Ketan is lighter than Mahesh but he is not as lighter as Ramesh. If Nandu is lighter than Amit, then who is the lightest?
a) Mahesh
b) Ketan
c) Ramesh
d) Nandu
Answer : C
Question. In a reo of plants, a plant is 16th from either end of the row. How many trees are there in the Row?
a) 32
b) 30
c) 31
d) 16
Answer : C
Question. In a row of boys , Deepak is 7th from left and Madhur is 12th from right. If they interchange their positions, Deepak becomes 22nd from the left. How many boys are there in the row?
a) 19
b) 31
c) 33
d) 18
Answer : C
Question. In a class of 36 students the rank of Ramesh is 18th from top. What will be his rank from bottom?
a) 19
b) 17
c) 18
d) 20
Answer : A
Question.  In a row of boys , Deepak is 7th from left and Madhur is 12th from right. If they interchange their positions, Deepak becomes 22nd from the left. How many boys are there in the row?
a) 19
b) 31
c) 33
d) 18
Answer : C
Question. Shruti and Preeti are ranked 7th and 11th respectively in a class of 31 students. What will be their respective ranks from bottom of class?
a) 20th and 24th 
b) 21th and 25th
c) 21st and 26th 
d) 26th and 20th
Answer : B
Question. There are five friends--- Satish, Kishore, Mohan, Amit and Ravi. Satish is shorter than Kishore but taller than Ravi. Mohan is the tallest. Amit is a little shorter than Kishore and little taller than Satish. Who is taller than Amit but shorter than Mohan?
a) Amit
b) Kishore
c) Satish
d) Ravi
Answer : B
Question. Shailendra is shorter than Keshav but taller than Rakesh. Madhav is the tallest. Ashish is a little shorter than Keshav and a little taller than Shailendra. If they stand in the order of their height , who will be in the middle?
a) Keshav
b) Rakesh
c) Shailendra
d) Ashish
Answer : D
Question. Observe the dots on the faces of a dice in the figures given below and find how many dots are on the opposite faces which have four dots.
CBSE Class 9 PSA Qualitative Reasoning (1)-Dice

Answer : A
Question. On the basis of figures of dice find what is the number opposite to the number '6‘ on the Face?
CBSE Class 9 PSA Qualitative Reasoning (1)-Dice-

Answer : A
Question. Statements: I    Some Politician is social workers.
                            II   All doctors are social workers
      Conclusion:   I     Some doctors are politicians
                           II    Some social workers are doctors as well as politicians
a) Both conclusion I and II follow
b) Only I follow
c) Only II follow
d) Neither conclusion I nor II follows
Answer : D
Question. Statements: I Some Chairs are tables.
                         II Some tables are TV.
Conclusion:      I   Some chairs are T.V.
                        II  Some TV are chairs
                       III  All the T.V. is table
                       IV   All the tables are chairs
a) Only II and IV follows
b) Only I and IV follows
c) Only IV
d) None of these
Answer : D
Question. Statements: I All the phones are papers
                           II All the papers are calculators.
Conclusion:        I  All the calculators are papers
                          II All the phones are calculators
                         III All the papers are phones
                         IV Some calculators are phones.
a) All follows
b) Only I and II follows
c) Only II and IV follows
d) None of these
Answer : C
Question. Statements:  I  All men are vertebrates
                            II  Some Mammals are vertebrates.
Conclusion:         I  All men are vertebrates
                           II  Some vertebrates are mammals
                          III  All vertebrates are men
                          IV  All mammals are men.
a) Only II follows
b) Only IV follows
c) Only I and III follows
d) None of these
Answer : A
A,B,C,D,E,F and G are seven kids playing in the garden. They are wearing a clothes of colours—black, blue, white, green, pink, yellow and brown. Out of the seven, three are girls. No girl is wearing either black, yellow or brown. D‘s sister F is wearing pink while he is wearing brown. A is wearing blue, while his sister B is not wearing green. E is wearing yellow, while his best friend G is a boy.
Question. What colour is B wearing?
a) Green
b) Pink
c) Brown
d) None of these
Answer : D
Question. What colour is G wearing?
a) Black
b) Blue
c) White
d) Green
Answer : A
Question. What colour is C wearing?
a) Black
b) Green
c) White
d) None of these
Answer : B
Q.4: What colour are the sister of A and D wearing?
a) Pink & Green
b) Pink & Yellow
c) White & Green
d) White & Brown
Answer : 
Q.5: Which group is denoting only Girls?
a) BCE
b) BEF
c) BCF
d) None of these
Answer : 
Q.6: Which group is denoting only boys?
d) None of these
Answer : 
Solution:- STEP –I
Draw the table from the given passage
CBSE Class 9 PSA Qualitative Reasoning (1)-D
There are five persons A, B, C, D and E. One of them is a doctor, one is an engineer another one is an executive. C and E are unmarried ladies and do not work. None of the ladies in engineer or doctor. These is a married couple in which D is the husband. B is neither an enginee nor an executive and is a male friend of A.
Question. Who is the Doctor?
a) A
b) D
c) B
d) C
Answer : B
Question. Who is the executive?
a) B
b) A
c) D
d) C
Answer : A
Question. Who is the wife of D?
a) C
b) A
c) D
d) E
Answer : C
Question. Who is the Engineer?
a) D
b) A
c) B
d) C
Answer : D
Question. The three ladies are :
a) A, B and E
b) C, D and B
c) B, A and C
d) A,C and E
Answer : D
Question. Which is the married couple?
a) AD
b) BD
c) CD
d) DE
Answer : C
Some words are given in Column I. These word are written in a code language in column II. The code equivalents of the words given in column I and II are not necessarily in the corresponding order. Choose the
correct code for the words from the given alternatives.
CBSE Class 9 PSA Qualitative Reasoning (1)-t
CBSE Class 9 PSA Qualitative Reasoning (1)-tt
Question. Which word will be code for word doll
a) Ton
b) na
c) joc
d) per
Answer : A
Question. Which word will be the code for word keep?
a) Joc
b) per
c) pod
d) tan
Answer : C
Question. Which word will be code for Boy?
a) Nu
b) sa
c) pod
d) tan
Answer : D
Question. Which word will be code for word bright?
a) Pod
b) tan
c) nu
d) na
Answer : B
Question. Which word will be the code for word  'the‘ ?
a) Nu
b) tan
c) per
d) sa
Answer : A
Question. Which word will be the code for word 'very‘?
a) Pod
b) joc
c) na
d) sa
Answer : B
In a family A is the son of B. C who is a sister of B has a son D and a daughter E. F is the maternal uncle of D but he is unmarried and has only one sister. Answer the queries about their relationship.
Question. How is A related to D?
a) Cousin
b) Nephew
c) Uncle
d) Brother
Answer : A
Question. How is E related to F?
a) Sister
b) Daughter
c) Niece
d) Mother
Answer : C
Question. How many nephews does F have?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) None
Answer : B
Question. How is D related to B?
a) Sister
b) Brother
c) Cousin
d) Brother in law
Answer : A
Question. How many nephews does B have?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) None
Answer : B
Question. How is b related to D?
a) Uncle
b) Aunt
c) Father
d) No-relation
Answer : A
PASSAGE --- (Venn Diagram Puzzle)
There is a sample of young people in a colony. Some of them are employed. Some of them come from rural background. Some of them are hardworking and some are intelligent.
Below given is Venn Diagram , where the circle stands for employed, the square for hardworking, the triangle stands for rural and the rectangle stand for intelligent people study the figure carefully and answer the question followed.
 CBSE Class 9 PSA Qualitative Reasoning (1)-Venn
Question. How many people with rural background are employed but they are neither hard working nor intelligent?
a) 10
b) 9
c) 6
d) 4
Answer : C
Question. How many people with rural background are hard working and intelligent?
a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 7
Answer : B
Question. How many people with rural background are not intelligent but hardworking and employed?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
Answer : B
Question. How many people with rural background are neither intelligent not hardworking and also not employed?
a) 2
b) 4
c) 5
d) 9
Answer : C
Question. How many people with rural background are neither employed nor intelligent?
a) 2
b) 8
c) 4
d) 5
Answer : B
Question. How many of them are not from rural background but intelligent so employed but they are not working?
a) 8
b) 9
c) 1
d) 17
Answer : A
CBSE Class 9 Hindi Contextual Vocabulary MCQ
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CBSE Class 9 Hindi Grammar and Usages Based MCQ (2)
CBSE Class 9 Hindi Passage Based MCQ (1)
CBSE Class 9 Hindi Passage Based MCQ (2)
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CBSE Class 9 Language Conventions Grammer and Usage MCQ
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CBSE Class 9 PSA Qualitative MCQs
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CBSE Class 9 PSA Quantitative Passage Based MCQs (1)
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CBSE Class 9 Qualitative Passage Based MCQs (1)
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MCQs for Qualitative Reasoning English Class 9

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