CBSE Class 9 PSA Qualitative Passage Based MCQs Set A

Refer to CBSE Class 9 PSA Qualitative Passage Based MCQs Set A provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 9 English with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Qualitative Passage Based Class 9 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 9 English and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 9 English and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Class 9 English Qualitative Passage Based

Class 9 English students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Qualitative Passage Based in Class 9.

Qualitative Passage Based MCQ Questions Class 9 English with Answers

CBSE Class 9 PSA Qualitative Passage Based MCQs Set A. Chapter wise Multiple Choice Questions (MCQds) are being given by teachers to students to make them understand the chapter concepts. Its extremely critical for all CBSE students to practice all MCQs which will help them in gaining better marks in examinations. All assignments available for free download on the website are developed by the best teachers having many years of teaching experience in CBSE schools all over the country. Students, teachers and parents are advised to download the CBSE study material. 


Passage Based MCQ

Passage No. 1

Disability refers to any kind of physical or mental incapacity that limits a person’s ability to work. Yet it is seldom that we have thanked God for the gift of Good health and well being. The smallest actions like seeing the sunrise, brushing our teeth, popping peanuts into your mouth come so naturally and effortlessly, and Yet we are never satisfied, always discontented. It is not so for the disabled. For them it requires immense concentration, effort, will power, energy and a lot of time. Despite this, it could be a long way of perfection.

It takes great courage and determination to cope with disability.Give them encouragement, facilities and resources, and then watch them as they learn, earn, play, work and even start their families.

Very often we find that a person lacking in one faculty is gifted in some other way. That’s nature’s way of maintaining balance. Some of the most beautiful greeting cards are made by disabled children, using one hand, one foot or even mouth. Nothing stops them from using their talent, intelligence and their knowledge.

Question. To cope up with disability one needs lots of.................
(a) Courage
(b) Determination
(c) Courage and determination
(d) Effort

Answer: C

Question. Pity and sympathy can make them loose.
(a) Confidence
(b) Will power
(c) Determination
(d) Ability

Answer: B

Question. If we are sensitive to their needs and problems we will.
(a) learn to cope better
(b) admire ability
(c) enhance our lives
(d) All of the above

Answer: D

Question. A person lacking in one faculty is gifted in some other way. That’s how nature................
(a) Maintains imbalance
(b) Maintains balance
(c) Helps them cope with disability
(d) Helps them to be tough

Answer: B

Question. An agency promoting greeting cards made by specially gifted children is................
(a) WTO
(b) IMF 
(d) WHO

Answer: C

Question. We should thank God for................
(a) Being able to do easiest of tasks
(b) Being able to enjoy benefits of nature
(c) Being able walk and talk 
(d) All the above

Answer: D




Passage No. 2
Once a man saw three masons who along with some labourers were constructing a temple. He observed the masons for some days and found that though the three of them were doing the same kind of work, there was a marked difference in their approach to their job.
He saw that the first mason reported for his work late, did his work halfheartedly and sluggishly enjoyed longer respite, frequently checked the time on his wrist-watch and left the work before time.
The second mason was very punctual in arriving and leaving, and did his work methodically and conscientiously. The third mason,however, would come before time, took little rest in the interval and often worked overtime.
The man naturally got curious and wanted to know the three masons’ outlook towards their work. He asked them what they were doing. The first mason tapped his protruding belly with his hand and said, I am earning fuel for this belly". The second said. " I am constructing a building." The third looked at the stately edifice and said. "I am building the house of God".
Question. The first mason’s approach to work was that of.................
(a) Earn livelihood
(b) Just to spend time
(c) Earn only money
(d) Waste time
Answer: A
Question. The second mason his approach.
(a) Structured
(b) Professional
(c) Unmethodical
(d) Punctual
Answer: B
Question. The third mason approached his work with.
(a) Zest
(b) Skill
(c) Duty
(d) Dedication
Answer: D
Question. The first mason was .....................
(a) Lazy
(b) Sick
(c) Hard-working
(d) Active
Answer: A
Question. The Phrase ‘work is worship’ can be associated with ................
(a) First mason
(b) Second mason
(c) Third mason
(d) All of the above
Answer: C
Question. The writer of the above passage is trying to tell the readers that ....................
(a) All work and no play is healthy
(b) All play and no work is healthy
(c) Enjoy doing work with commitment
(d) All of the above
Answer: C
Passage No. 3
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow :
There was a little boy called Varun who did not have any friends and nobody liked to play with him. His teachers also did not love him much and his parents were unhappy with him. Do you know, why? It was because he was very short tempered and used to argue, use abusive language and get into fights with everyone.
One day, his mother gave him a board and some drawing pins. She told him that everytime he lost his temper and abused or fought with anyone,he was to go to his room and put a pin on the board. At the end of the month, his mother suggested that both of them check the board. The board was now full of pins. Varun’s mother asked him, “Can you remove these pins?” He did so. His mother told him gently, “See how many holes you have made on the board by sticking the pins. Each hole on the board represents someone you have hurt. You have made many holes in their hearts by your behaviour. Do you think you can repair all the hurt you have caused to so many people?”
Varun realised how much damage he had done to his friends, family and teachers, even to strangers and he resolved to change himself.
Question. Which behavioural problem was not annoying to his parents?
(a) Losing his temper
(b) Abusive
(c) Anger
(d) Laziness
Answer: D
Question. What did each hole on the board represent?
(a) Happiness
(b) Depression
(c) Hurt feelings
(d) Belongingness
Answer: C
Question. How can anger be controlled?
(a) By fighting
(b) By abusing
(c) By deep breathing
(d) By sleeping
Answer: C
Question. The suitable title for this passage is ...................
(a) Angry Varun
(b) Disciplined Varun
(c) Happy Varun
(d) Anger Management
Answer: D
Question. What message does this paragraph give?
(a) We should be angry with everyone.
(b) Anger affects our relationships.
(c) Anger has only ill-effects.
(d) Anger is a natural reaction.
Answer: B
Question. What is the approach towards feelings or emotions in this paragraph?
(a) Positive approach
(b) Negative approach
(c) Indifferent approach
(d) Destructive approach
Answer: A
Passage No. 4
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow :
What is soil?
Soil is the loose top layer of Earth’s surface. Plants, depend on soil. It holds them up. It provides them with food and water.
Soil is made of particles. These very small pieces mostly come from rocks broken down by weathering. Other soil particles come from rotting remains of plants and animals. The part of soil that comes from living things is called organic matter.
Many small organisms live in soil. They include worms, bacteria and fungi. Fungi are like plants, but they aren’t green. And they have no leaves, flowers or roots. The organisms feed on dead plants and animals.
They cause them to decay or break down. The decayed plant and animal matter is called humus. Humus makes the soil dark. It provides the nutrients, plants need to grow.
Soil develops in layers. The top layer consists mostly of humus. It is called topsoil. The next layer down is called subsoil. Subsoil contains more rock particles than topsoil and less humus. It is not as good for growing plants. The layer below the subsoil has many pieces of rocks. The pieces get bigger when they are deeper in the ground. Most plants cannot grow in this rocky layer. The soil layers all rest on solid rock. It is called bedrock. There are many types of soil. Soil can be of many colours. They can also have different textures. Texture is the size of the particles that make up soil.
Clay is a type of soil with many small particles. The particles are packed together tightly. Clay can hold a lot of water, which makes it heavy and sticky. Sand has much larger particles than clay. It feels rough. There’s a lot of air space between the particles, so water drains through this soil easily.
Loam contains a mix of sand and clay. Loam is the best soil for growing plants. It lets just the right amount of water pass through for plant roots to take in.
Question. Name the material which provides nutrients for the formation of plant’s body?
(a) Humus
(b) Top soil
(c) Subsoil
(d) Rock bed
Answer: A
Question. Which organism doesnot help the dead plants and animals to decay?
(a) Bacteria
(b) Fungi
(c) Algae
(d) Worms
Answer: C
Question. What is the most important factor that help in the formation of soil? 
(a) Lightning
(b) Sunlight
(c) Wind currents
(d) Thundering
Answer: B
Question. Where do we find microorganism which help in the formation of humus?
(a) Top soil
(b) Subsoil
(c) Rocks
(d) Rock bed
Answer: A
Question. Why can clay hold lots of water?
(a) Its particle size is very small.
(b) Its particles have more soaking capacity.
(c) Humus is present in the clay.
(d) Lots of air space is present between the particles.
Answer: A
Question. Which soil allows the high amount of water to pass through for the plant roots?
(a) Black soil
(b) Loamy soil
(c) Sandy soil
(d) Clay
Answer: B
Passage No. 5
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow :
Some animals in a forest decided to start a school. The students included a bird, a squirrel, a fish, a dog, a rabbit and a mentally retarded eel. A board was formed to determine the curriculum and it was decided that flying, tree climbing, swimming and burrowing would give a broad-based education. All animals were required to take all subjects.
The bird was excellent at flying and was getting A’s but when it came to burrowing, it kept breaking its break and wings and started failing. Pretty soon, it started making C’s in flying and, of course, in tree climbing and swimming it was getting F’s. The squirrel was great at tree climbing, but was failing in swimming. The fish was the best swimmer but couldn’t get out of the water and thus got F’s in everything else. The dog didn’t join the school, stopped paying taxes, and kept fighting with the administration to include barking as part of the curriculum. The rabbit got A’s in burrowing but tree climbing was a real problem. It kept falling and landing on its head, suffered brain damage, and soon couldn’t even burrow properly and got C’s in that too.
The mentally retarded eel, who did everything half as well, became the valedictorian of the class. The board was happy because everybody was getting a broad-based education. A true broad-based education prepares students for life, without losing their areas of specialization and competence.
Question. Which of the following competition was not organized by the school board?
(a) Flying competition
(b) Tree-climbing competition
(c) Running
(d) Swimming competition
Answer: C
Question. Mentally retarded eel became the valedictorian of the class because ...............................
(a) she did everything half heartedly.
(b) she showed better performance in all other fields without losing her own area of specialization.
(c) she was obedient due to mental retardedness.
(d) the school board was happy with her.
Answer: B
Question. On today’s education system, this paragraph ..........................
(a) is a satire.
(b) is an effort to show the conditions of education system.
(c) is an effort to understand the problems.
(d) shows the importance of broad-based education.
Answer: D
Question. What is a ’broad-based education’?
(a) Students should prepare for life without losing their areas of specialisation and competence.
(b) We are all gifted with some strengrhs so we should get specialization only in that field.
(c) The syllabus is prepared specially for the mentally retarded.
(d) It is a mean to make school board happy.
Answer: A
Question. What is the suitable title for the paragraph?
(a) Broad-based education system
(b) Panchayat of animals
(c) School in a jungle
(d) Importance of broad-based education
Answer: D
Question. The dog denied to pay the tax because ..............................
(a) he was selfish 
(b) he wanted to join the school board
(c) he wanted to learn the skills of others
(d) he wanted to make the syllabus more broad-based by including barking in the syllabus
Answer: D
 Passage No. 6
CBSE Class 9 PSA Qualitative Passage Based MCQs Set A
Question. In the above arrangement, how many vowels are there which comes just after a symbol.
(a) Three
(b) Two
(c) One
(d) Four
Answer: B
Question. In the above arrangement how many numerals come just before a symbol.
(a) Two
(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) Five
Answer: D
Question. In the above arrangement how many consonant are there which come just before a numeral.
(a) One
(b) Four
(c) Three
(d) Five
Answer: A
Question. In the above arrangement how many symbols are there which have a numeral just before them and a vowel does not come just after.
(a) Three
(b) Five
(c) Two
(d) Four
Answer: A
Question. In the above arrangement how many geometrical figures are there which comes just before a numeral but does not come after a vowel.
(a) Three
(b) Two
(c) Four
(d) One
Answer: D
Question. In the above arrangement how many vowels are there which come either just before or just after any consonant.
(a) Two
(b) Four
(c) Three
(d) Five
Answer: C
Passage No. 7
Four friends Anuj, Dinesh, Pankaj and Sumit come from different cities of India. They have different professions like Artist, Doctor, Player and Singer. Now read carefully the following rules and information and answer the questions that follow. You can take help from the given table by marking the (×) or (√) in the boxes.
1. The first letter in the name of person, profession and the city is not same.
2. Sumit is a player and comes from Durg city.
3. Pankaj, Anuj and the player do not come from Pune.
4. Anuj is not a singer and comes from Sambhal.
5. Pankaj comes from the city whose first letter can not be the same as the first letter of his profession.
Artist Doctor Player Singer Ajmer Durg Pune Sambhal
Question. Dinesh comes from which city?
(a) Ajmer
(b) Durg
(c) Pune
(d) Sambhal
Answer: C
Question. What is the profession of Anju?
(a) Artist
(b) Doctor
(c) Player
(d) Singer
Answer: B
Question. Name the city from where Pankaj comes?
(a) Ajmer
(b) Durg
(c) Pune
(d) Sambhal 
Answer: A
Question. Who among the following is the singer?
(a) Anuj
(b) Dinesh
(c) Pankaj
(d) Sumit
Answer: C
Question. Which pair of the following can exchange their profession with each other if they follow the rule number 1 strictly?
(a) Anuj – Dinesh
(b) Sumit – Pankaj
(c) Dinesh – Pankaj
(d) None of these
Answer: D
Question. What is the profession of Dinesh?
(a) Artist
(b) Doctor
(c) Player
(d) Singer
Answer: A
Passage No. 8
Education is for life, not merely for a livelihood! So long as we are unmindful of this truth the quality of our educational curriculum as well as that of our teachers and students will remain inadequate. It is not enough for a society to have experts. It needs human beings who can think, feel, and act generously, the kind of people who cannot be replaced by the computers and robots. The great faults of our present age is its emphasis on efficiency at the cost of humanity.
Question. The author talks about ....................... in the above passage.
(a) Human beings
(b) Teachers
(c) Education
(d) Curriculum
Answer: C
Question. When the author says that education is for life, he means to say that –
(a) Education is very useful for life.
(b) Education is useful for earning money.
(c) Education can make a person rich.
(d) Education can train the people to be proper human beings.
Answer: D
Question. The author says that it is not enough for a society to have experts because –
(a) Experts are very egoistic people
(b) Experts cannot give overall view of facts
(c) Experts are not really sensitive to the needs of the society
(d) Experts are eccentric people
Answer: C
Question. According to the author the present educational system :
(a) Stresses on efficiency
(b) Fulfills social aspects
(c) Is science oriented
(d) Emphasizes on computer education
Answer: A
Question. Human beings cannot be replaced by computers and robots because :
(a) Computers and robots are non-human
(b) They react mechanically
(c) They do not have specialized knowledge
(d) They cannot think and feel like humans
Answer: D
Question. The main idea of the passage is :
(a) Educated people should have a sympathetic attitude
(b) Education should be to improve the quality of life rather than efficiency
(c) Only experts are efficient
(d) The only goal of education is to gain efficiency
Answer: B
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MCQs for Qualitative Passage Based English Class 9

Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Class 9 English to develop the English Class 9 MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Class 9 test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of English will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 9 English. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Class 9 English so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Class 9 English MCQ Test for the same chapter.

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