Refer to NTSE Civics MCQs Set A provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Civics with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NTSE, NCERT and KVS. All Chapters Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Civics and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NTSE Full Syllabus Civics and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Full Syllabus Civics All Chapters
Full Syllabus Civics students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for All Chapters in Full Syllabus.
All Chapters MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Civics with Answers
Question: Which of the following is regarded as an essential function of the State -
- a) To run schools for education
- b) To provide defense against external attacks
- c) To prevent diseases
- d) All of the above
Answer: All of the above
Question: In addition to the power given in the Union and Concurrent List, the Union Government has the -
- a) Residuary powers
- b) Federal powers
- c) Power to legislate in state list
- d) None of these
Answer: Residuary powers
Question: Who decided whether a bill is a finance bill or an ordinary bill ?
- a) President
- b) Chairman
- c) Speaker
- d) Prime minister
Answer: Speaker
Question: Article 352 of the Indian Constitution is related to :-
- a) National Emergency
- b) State Emergency
- c) Financial Emergency
- d) None of the above
Answer: National Emergency
Question: Which country is not the member of SAARC ?
- a) India
- b) Burma
- c) Bhutan
- d) China
Answer: China
Question: The State Government’s responsibility for educational planning is shared by the -
- a) Ministry of Programme Implementation
- b) Ministry of Human Resource development
- c) Ministry of Planning
- d) Ministry of Home Affairs
Answer: Ministry of Human Resource development
Question: Which of the following feature does not belong to a federal government ?
- a) The government has two distinct levels, State Government and Central Government
- b) State Governments are agent of the Central Government
- c) Both Central and State Government derive powers from the Constitution
- d) Both Central and State Government has co-ordinates status
Answer: Both Central and State Government has co-ordinates status
Question: Who became the second President of India Union ?
- a) Dr. Radhakrishnan
- b) Dr. Zakir Hussain
- c) Mr. V.V. Giri
- d) None of the above
Answer: Dr. Radhakrishnan
Question: The Panchayati Raj system was adopted to -
- a) Make people aware of politics
- b) Decentralise the power of democracy
- c) To provide political education to the rural people
- d) All of the above
Answer: All of the above
Question: Who became the second President of India Union ?
- a) Dr. Radhakrishnan
- b) Dr. Zakir Hussain
- c) Mr. V.V. Giri
- d) None of the above
Answer: Dr. Radhakrishnan
More Questions......................
Question: Which of the following is a source of income of the Gram Panchayats ?
- a) Income Tax
- b) Sales Tax
- c) Professional Tax
- d) Levy duties
Answer: Levy duties
Question: In the Constitution, setting up of village panchayats finds mention under -
- a) Art 40
- b) Art 48
- c) Art 51
- d) None of the above
Answer: Art 40
Question: The need for local government can be justified primarily on the grounds of -
- a) Administrative efficiency
- b) The principle of grass root democracy
- c) Promoting local leadership
- d) All of the above
Answer: Promoting local leadership
Question: Mandal Panchayats were recommended by-
- a) Ashok Mehta Committee
- b) Narasimhan Committee
- c) Balwantrai Mehta Committee
- d) Vengal Rao Committee
Answer: Ashok Mehta Committee
Question: The function of the Panchayat Samiti is to -
- a) Deal with administration of justice at the the Panchayat level
- b) Implement community development project schemes
- c) Deal with financial matters of the Panchayat
- d) Deal with rural industrialization
Answer: Implement community development project schemes
Question: The Election Commision does not conduct the election to the -
- a) Lok Sabha
- b) Rajya Sabha
- c) Local bodies
- d) President election
Answer: Local bodies
Question: Graduates constitute a separate contituency for the election fo specified number of members to the -
- a) Nyaya Panchayat
- b) Sate Legislative Council
- c) Rajya Sabha
- d) Sate Legistative assembly
Answer: Sate Legislative Council
Question: India is a democratic republic, because -
- a) There is independence of Judiciary
- b) The Head of the state if elected by the people
- c) There is distribution of powers between the Center and the States
- d) There is Parliamentary supremacy
Answer: The Head of the state if elected by the people
Question: Which year was celebrated as ‘Old Age Help age Year’ ?
- a) 1999-2000
- b) 2001-2002
- c) 1998-1999
- d) 2002-2003
Answer: 1999-2000
Question: Right of the people to vote and elect their representatives to make laws for them is :
- a) Adult Franchise
- b) Elections
- c) both of the above
- d) None of the above
Answer: Adult Franchise
Question: Liberal democracies of the west are :
- a) Great Britain
- b) The United States
- c) Germany
- d) All of the above
Answer: All of the above
Question: If the Lok Sabha or any of the State Assemblies is dissolved before the expiry of its full term and elections to a new house are conducted. These are :
- a) min - term ‘elections
- b) by-elections
- c) general election
- d) None of the above
Answer: min - term ‘elections
Question: The election Commission does not ;
- a) Ensure free and fair elections
- b) Announce the dates of the elections
- c) Political parties and contestants
- d) None of the above
Answer: None of the above
Question: What are the life lines of elections ?
- a) Leaders and people
- b) Regions
- c) Political parties and contestants
- d) None of the above
Answer: Political parties and contestants
Question: The constituent Assembly was created by -
- a) Simla conference, 1945
- b) Cripps Mission
- c) Indian Independence Act
- d) Cabinet Mission Plan
Answer: Cabinet Mission Plan
Question: The election commission is :
- a) an elected body
- b) an appointed body
- c) an independent body
- d) All of the above
Answer: an independent body
Question: Symbols are approved by the Election Commission to the :
- a) National parties
- b) Regional parties
- c) Independent candidates
- d) All of the above
Answer: All of the above
Question: A national party is recognized by the Election Commission under the following conditions -
- a) A party should have secured 8% of the total valid votes in the previous general elections at least in four Union territories
- b) A party should have secured 4% of the total valid votes in the previous general elections at least in four states
- c) A party that secures at least 6% of total votes in Lok Sabha elections or Assembly elections in four states and wins at least for seats in the Lok Sabha
- d) Both the statement are incorrect
Answer: A party that secures at least 6% of total votes in Lok Sabha elections or Assembly elections in four states and wins at least for seats in the Lok Sabha
Question: Which of the following is not the feature of the general elections ?
- a) The right to vote is the basis of democracy
- b) There are number of communities in India and our Constitution has reserves constituencies for SC/ST
- c) During the British period, we had only one representative democracy
- d) None of the above statements is correct
Answer: During the British period, we had only one representative democracy
Question: Anti Dowry ACT was passed in-
- a) 1961
- b) 1965
- c) 1968
- d) 1971
Answer: 1961
Question: Which of the following is not an organ of UNO ?
- a) The General Assembly
- b) Trusteeship Council
- c) International Monetary fund
- d) Secretariat
Answer: International Monetary fund
Question: By-election are held :
- a) Out of the normal schedule.
- b) If an elected member of the Lok Sabha dies while in office
- c) If an elected member of the Lock Sabha or a state legislative assembly dies while in office or resigns or his office falls vacant due to some other reasons
- d) All of the above
Answer: If an elected member of the Lock Sabha or a state legislative assembly dies while in office or resigns or his office falls vacant due to some other reasons
Question: Child marriage restrain Act was passed in-
- a) 1929
- b) 1935
- c) 1948
- d) 1955
Answer: 1929
Question: The only UN organisation that is located outside New York is (_____) at Hague (Netherlands) :
- a) The international court of justice
- b) The security council
- c) Economic and social council
- d) All of the above
Answer: The international court of justice
Question: The South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation was formed in 1985 at Dhaka but it has its headquarters at :
- a) New Delhi, India
- b) Colombo, Sri Lanka
- c) Kathmandu, Nepal
- d) Timphu, Bhutan
Answer: Kathmandu, Nepal
Question: With which country the question of river water was settled amicably with the help of World Bank through the Indus Water Treaty in 1960 ?
- a) China
- b) Pakistan
- c) Both of the above
- d) None of the above
Answer: Pakistan
Question: The universal declaration of Human rights was adopted in -
- a) 1949
- b) 1948
- c) 1950
- d) 1945
Answer: 1948
Question: Disarmament means :
- a) The destruction of arms
- b) The destruction of all weapons
- c) Both of the above
- d) None of the above
Answer: Both of the above
Question: Shimla agreement was signed between India and Pakistan on :
- a) July 13, 1972
- b) July 03, 1972
- c) July 30, 1972
- d) July 31, 1972
Answer: July 03, 1972
Question: Which of the following is not a Military Pact ?
- a) NATO
- b) SEATO
- c) CENTO
- d) SAARC
Answer: SAARC
Question: Which of the following are basic principles of India’s foreign policy ?
- a) Non-alignment
- b) Panchsheel
- c) Respect for Human Rights and use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes
- d) All of the above
Answer: All of the above
Question: The organisation which improved the conditions of Labour is :
- a) International Leader Organisation
- b) International Labour Organisation
- c) International Liberation Organisation
- d) None of the above
Answer: International Labour Organisation
Question: The permanent members of the Security Council have the exclusive right of :
- a) Veto Power
- b) Emergency declaration
- c) Both of the above
- d) None of the above
Answer: Veto Power
Question: India has been member of (____) for 20 years :
- a) Security council
- b) General assembly
- c) Economic and social council
- d) None of the above
Answer: Economic and social council
Question: Rashtriya Mahila Ayog was established in-
- a) 1990
- b) 1991
- c) 1994
- d) 1992
Answer: 1992
Question: The words Socialist, Secular, Unity and Integrity of the Nation have been added to the Indian Constitution by which amendment ?
- a) 38th
- b) 40th
- c) 42th
- d) 48th
Answer: 42th
Question: The part of the Constitution that reflects the mind and ideals of the framers is
- a) Directive Principles
- b) Fundamental Rights
- c) Preamble
- d) Citizenship
Answer: Preamble
Question: What is the ratio of reservation for disabled person in govt. jobs -
- a) 5%
- b) 3%
- c) 6%
- d) 14%
Answer: 3%
Question: Right of Constitutional Remedies comes under
- a) Fundamental Rights
- b) Legal Rights
- c) Constitutional Rights
- d) Natural Rights
Answer: Fundamental Rights
Question: The prohibition of traffic inhuman beings and ‘begar’ comes under
- a) Art 22
- b) Art 23
- c) Art 24
- d) Art 25
Answer: Art 23
Question: The theory of Fundamental Rights implies
- a) Sovereignty of the people
- b) Equality of opportunity for all
- c) Limited government
- d) Equality of all before law
Answer: Equality of all before law
Question: The Constitution describes India as :
- a) Democratic, Socialist Republic
- b) Democratic, Secular and Socialist Republic
- c) Sovereign, Democratic Republic
- d) Sovereign Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic
Answer: Sovereign Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic
Question: The Preamble was amended for the first time by :
- a) The 24th amendment
- b) The 42nd amendment
- c) The 44th amendment
- d) None of the above amendments
Answer: The 42nd amendment
Question: The Constitution of India has introduced single citizenship on the pattern of :
- a) United States
- b) Canada
- c) Britain
- d) Both (B) and (C)
Answer: Both (B) and (C)
Question: How many times has the President declared national emergency so far ?
- a) Only once
- b) Twice
- c) Thrice
- d) Never
Answer: Thrice
Question: Under which Article of the Indian Constitution can the President be impeached ?
- a) Article 356
- b) Article 75
- c) Article 76
- d) Article 61
Answer: Article 61
Question: The Panchayati Raj institutions in India are established as per Constitutional direction of the
- a) Preamble
- b) Directive Principles
- c) Federalism
- d) Fundamental Rights
Answer: Directive Principles
Question: Which one of the following is not a fundamental right of the Indian citizen :
- a) Right to freedom
- b) Right to employment
- c) Right against exploitation
- d) Right to equality
Answer: Right to employment
Question: The Indian Constitution borrowed the idea of Directive Principle of State Policy from the constitution of the
- a) USSR
- b) France
- c) Switzerland
- d) Ireland
Answer: Ireland
Question: The minimum age for a person to be elected as member of the Rajya Sabha is -
- a) 25 years
- b) 30 years
- c) 35 years
- d) 50 years
Answer: 30 years
MCQs for All Chapters Civics Full Syllabus
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