Refer to NTSE Chemistry Periodic Table MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Chemistry with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NTSE, NCERT and KVS. Periodic Table Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Chemistry and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NTSE Full Syllabus Chemistry and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Full Syllabus Chemistry Periodic Table
Full Syllabus Chemistry students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Periodic Table in Full Syllabus.
Periodic Table MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Chemistry with Answers
Question: “The properties of the elements are the periodic function of their atomic numbers”. This statement is given by -
- a) N. Bohr
- b) J.W. Dobereiner
- c) D.I. Mandeleev
- d) H.G.J. Moseley
Answer: D.I. Mandeleev
Question: In Lothar Meyer plot, the peaks are occupied by-
- a) Alkali metals
- b) Alkaline earth metals
- c) Halogens
- d) Noble gases
Answer: Alkali metals
Question: Which of the following is a correct pair according to increasing atomic number ?
- a) Na, Ne
- b) Ca, CI
- c) Be, B
- d) He, H
Answer: Be, B
Question: Which of the following statements is not true for noble gases ?
- a) They have stable configuration.
- b) All of them contain eight electrons in their outermost shell except helium.
- c) They are the zero group elements.
- d) They are colored.
Answer: They are colored.
Question: An element with atomic number 17 is -
- a) a rare gas.
- b) a halogen gas.
- c) an alkali metal.
- d) a transition metal.
Answer: a halogen gas.
Question: The element with atomic number 35 belongs to -
- a) s - block
- b) p - block.
- c) d - block.
- d) f - block.
Answer: p - block.
Question: Which block of the periodic table contains maximum number of metals ?
- a) s-block
- b) p-block
- c) d-block
- d) f-block
Answer: d-block
Question: Which of the following represents the outermost shell’s electronic configuration of d-block elements ?
- a) (n-1)s2 nd1-10
- b) (n-1)d1-10 ns0-2
- c) (n-1)1-10 ns2p4
- d) (n-1)p4ns2
Answer: (n-1)d1-10 ns0-2
Question: Elements of which of the following form anions most readily ?
- a) Oxygen family
- b) Nitrogen family
- c) Halogens
- d) Alkali metals
Answer: Halogens
Question: Which of the following is smallest is size -
- a) Na+
- b) Na
- c) Li+
- d) All have equal size
Answer: Li+
More Questions.........................
Question: Number of electrons is M shell of an element with atomic number 28 is -
- a) 18
- b) 126
- c) 8
- d) 2
Answer: 126
Question: Largest is size out of Na+, O-2 and K+ is -
- a) Na+
- b) O-2
- c) K+
- d) All are equal
Answer: K+
Question: Which of the following has the largest size ?
- a) Rb+
- b) Mg+2
- c) Li+
- d) Ba+2
Answer: Rb+
Question: Increasing order of electron affinity of halogens is -
- a) CI < Br < I < F
- b) I < Br < F < CI
- c) F < CI < Br < I
- d) Br < F < I < CI
Answer: I < Br < F < CI
Question: Electron affinity of X would be equal to -
- a) Electron affinity of X-
- b) Ionisation potential of X-
- c) Ionisation potential of X.
- d) None of these.
Answer: Ionisation potential of X-
Question: The correct order of atomic radii is -
- a) Na < Be < B
- b) F- < O2- < N3-
- c) Na < Li < K
- d) Fe3+ < Fe2+ < Fe4+
Answer: F- < O2- < N3-
Question: In which of the following arrangement, the order is not according to the property indicated against it ?
- a) Al3+ < Mg2+ < Na+ < F- increasing ionic size.
- b) B < C < N < O increasing first ionisation enthalpy
- c) I < Br < F < CI increasing electron gain enthalpy (with negative sign)
- d) Li < Na < K < Rb increasing metallic radius
Answer: B < C < N < O increasing first ionisation enthalpy
Question: Which of the following is strongest base ?
- a) Be(OH)2
- b) Mg(OH)2
- c) AI(OH)3
- d) Si(OH)4
Answer: Mg(OH)2
Question: The incorrect statement among the following is -
- a) The first ionization potential of Al is less than the first ionization potential of Mg.
- b) The second ionization potential of Mg is greater than the second ionization potential of Na.
- c) The first ionization potential of Na is less than the first ionization potential of Mg.
- d) The third ionization potential of Mg is greater than third ionization potential of Al.
Answer: The second ionization potential of Mg is greater than the second ionization potential of Na.
Question: Which of the following oxides is amphoteric ?
- a) CaO
- b) Na2O
- c) MgO
- d) Al2O3
Answer: Al2O3
Question: The correct order of atomic radii is -
- a) Na < Be < B
- b) F- < O2- < N3-
- c) Na < Li < K
- d) Fe3+ < Fe2+ < Fe4+
Answer: F- < O2- < N3-
Question: In which of the following arrangement, the order is not according to the property indicated against it ?
- a) Al3+ < Mg2+ < Na+ < F- increasing ionic size.
- b) B < C < N < O increasing first ionization enthalpy
- c) I < Br < F < CI increasing electron gain enthalpy (with negative sign)
- d) Li < Na < K < Rb increasing metallic radius
Answer: B < C < N < O increasing first ionization enthalpy
Question: Which of the following is strongest base ?
- a) Be(OH)2
- b) Mg(OH)2
- c) AI(OH)3
- d) Si(OH)4
Answer: Mg(OH)2
Question: The incorrect statement among the following is -
- a) The first ionization potential of Al is less than the first ionization potential of Mg.
- b) The second ionization potential of Mg is greater than the second ionization potential of Na.
- c) The first ionization potential of Na is less than the first ionization potential of Mg.
- d) The third ionization potential of Mg is greater than third ionization potential of Al.
Answer: The second ionization potential of Mg is greater than the second ionization potential of Na.
Question: Which of the following oxides is amphoteric ?
- a) CaO
- b) Na2O
- c) MgO
- d) Al2O3
Answer: Al2O3
Question: The question given below consist of two statements each printed as Assertion (a) and Reason (r). While answering these question you are required to choose any one of the following four -
Assertion : Each d-block series contains ten elements.
Reason : The maximum capacity of d-orbitals is of then electrons as in each series d-orbitals are gradually field up.
- a) If both (a) and (r) are correct and (r) is the correct explanation for (a).
- b) If both (a) and (r) are correct and (r) is not the correct explanation for (a).
- c) If (a) is correct but (r) is incorrect.
- d) If (a) is incorrect and (r) is correct.
Answer: If both (a) and (r) are correct and (r) is the correct explanation for (a).
Question: The questions given below consist of two statements each printed as Assertion (a) and Reason (r). While answering these question you are required to choose any one of the following four -
Assertion : Helium and beryllium have similar outer electronic configuration ns2.
Reason : Both are chemically inert.
- a) If both (a) and (r) are correct and (r) is the correct explanation for (a).
- b) If both (a) and (r) are correct and (r) is not the correct explanation for (a).
- c) If (a) is correct but (r) is incorrect.
- d) If (a) is incorrect and (r) is correct.
Answer: If (a) is correct but (r) is incorrect.
Question: The questions given below consist of two statements each printed as Assertion (a) and Reason (r). While answering these question you are required to choose any one of the following four -
Assertion : Electron affinity of oxygen is less than that of fluorine but greater than that of nitrogen.
Reason : Ionization potential is as follows - N > O > F
- a) If both (a) and (r) are correct and (r) is the correct explanation for (a).
- b) If both (a) and (r) are correct and (r) is not the correct explanation for (a).
- c) If (a) is correct but (r) is incorrect.
- d) If (a) is incorrect and (r) is correct.
Answer: If (a) is correct but (r) is incorrect.
Question: The questions given below consist of two statements each printed as Assertion (a) and Reason (r). While answering these question you are required to choose any one of the following four -
Assertion : The size decreases as Pb > Pb2+ > Pn4+.
Reason : Force of attraction towards nucleus increases.
- a) If both (a) and (r) are correct and (r) is the correct explanation for (a).
- b) If both (a) and (r) are correct and (r) is not the correct explanation for (a).
- c) If (a) is correct but (r) is incorrect.
- d) If (a) is incorrect and (r) is correct.
Answer: If both (a) and (r) are correct and (r) is the correct explanation for (a).
Question: The questions given below consist of two statements each printed as Assertion (a) and Reason (r). While answering these question you are required to choose any one of the following four -
Assertion : There are fourteen elements in the lanthanide series and fourteen elements in the actinide series.
Reason : All the element of the actinide series are radioactive.
- a) If both (a) and (r) are correct and (r) is the correct explanation for (a).
- b) If both (a) and (r) are correct and (r) is not the correct explanation for (a).
- c) If (a) is correct but (r) is incorrect.
- d) If (a) is incorrect and (r) is correct
Answer: If both (a) and (r) are correct and (r) is not the correct explanation for (a).
MCQs for Periodic Table Chemistry Full Syllabus
Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Full Syllabus Chemistry to develop the Chemistry Full Syllabus MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Full Syllabus test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of Chemistry will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Full Syllabus Chemistry. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Full Syllabus Chemistry so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Full Syllabus Chemistry MCQ Test for the same chapter.
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