CUET Chemistry MCQs Unit XIII Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen

Refer to CUET Chemistry MCQs Unit XIII Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for UG Chemistry with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CUET, NCERT and KVS. Multiple Choice Questions for [current-page:node:field_chapter1] are an important part of exams for UG Chemistry and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CUET UG Chemistry and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for UG Chemistry [current-page:node:field_chapter1]

UG Chemistry students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for [current-page:node:field_chapter1] in UG.

[current-page:node:field_chapter1] MCQ Questions UG Chemistry with Answers

Question : Substitution of one alkyl group by replacing hydrogen of primary amines

(a) increases the base strength

(b) decreases the base strength

(c) remains the same

(d) None of the above

Answer : A

Question : The total number of electrons around the nitrogen atom in amines are

(a) 8

(b) 7

(c) 4

(d) 3

Answer : A

Question : The reduction of nitro compounds is most preferred in the presence of

(a) Pd/H2 in ethanol

(b) Sn + HCl

(c) finely divided Ni

(d) iron scrap and HCl.

Answer : D

Question : The total number of electrons around the nitrogen atom in amines are

(a) 8

(b) 7

(c) 4

(d) 3

Answer : A

Question : Gabriel’s phthalimide synthesis is used for the preparation of

(a) Primary aromatic amines

(b) Secondary amines

(c) Primary aliphatic amines

(d) Tertiary amines

Answer : C

Question : An alkyl or benzyl halide on reaction with an ethanolic solution of ammonia undergoes

(a) electrophilic substitution reaction

(b) nucleophilic substitution reaction.

(c) free radical mechanism.

(d) nucleophilic addition reaction.

Answer : B

Question : The basic character of amines is due to

(a) presence of nitrogen atom

(b) lone pair of electrons on nitrogen atom

(c) tetrahedral structure

(d) high electronegativity of nitrogen

Answer : B

Question : Which statement is not true among the following?

(a) Amines are bases

(b) They turn red litmus blue

(c) Trimethyl amine is less basic than dimethyl amine

(d) Amines yield alcohols on aqueous hydrolysis.

Answer : D

Question : A secondary amine is

(a) a compound with two carbon atoms and an –NH2 group.

(b) a compound containing two –NH2 groups.

(c) a compound in which hydrogens of NH3 have been replaced by two alkyl groups.

(d) a compound with an –NH2 group on carbon atom in number two position.

Answer : C

Question : The number of primary amines of formula C4H11N is : 

(a) 1

(b) 3

(c) 4

 (d) 2

Answer : C

Question :  Primary amines can be distinguished from secondary and tertiary amines by reacting with

(a) Chloroform and alcoholic KOH

(b) Methyl iodide

(c) Chloroform alone

(d) Zinc dust

Answer : A

Question : Treatment of ammonia with excess of ethyl iodide will yield

(a) diethylamine

(b) ethylamine

(c) triethylamine

(d) tetraethylammonium iodide

Answer : D

Question : The best reagent for converting 2 – phenylpropanamide into 2-phenylpropanamine is ___________.

(a) excess H2

(b) Br2in aqueous NaOH

(c) iodine in the presence of red phosphorus

(d) LiAlH4in ether

Answer : D

Question : Which of the following will give primary amine only ?

(i) ammonia + propylchloride

(ii) potassium pthalimide + ethylchloride

(iii) potassium pthalimide + chlorobenzene

(a) (i) and (ii)

(b) (i) and (iii)

(c) (ii) and (iii)

(d) (i), (ii) and (iii)

Answer : A

Question : Amines behave as

(a) lewis acids

(b) lewis bases

(c) aprotic acids

(d) amphoteric compounds

Answer : B

Question : Which of the following is not characteristic of amines?

(a) They smell like ammonia

(b) They are inflammable in air

(c) They show the property of hydrogen bonding

(d) They are amphoteric in nature

Answer : D

Question :  Hinsberg reagent is

(a) C6H5SO3H

(b) C6H5NO

(c) C6H5SO2Cl

(d) C6H5N2Cl

Answer : C

Question : The correct decreasing order of basic strength of the following species is __________ H2O, NH3, OH, NH2                         

(a) NH2 – > OH– > NH3 > H2O

(b) OH– > NH2 – > H2O > NH3

(c) NH3 > H2O > NH2 – > OH–

(d) H2O > NH3 > OH–> NH2

Answer : A

Question : Which of the following statements about primary amines is ‘False’ ?

(a) Alkyl amines are stronger bases than aryl amines

(b) Alkyl amines react with nitrous acid to producealcohols

(c) Aryl amines react with nitrous acid to produce phenols

(d) Alkyl amines are stronger bases than ammonia

Answer : C

Question :  Which of the following compounds cannot be identified by carbylamine test?

(a) CH3CH2NH2

(b) CHCl3

(c) C6H5NH2

(d) C6H5–NH–C6H5

Answer : D

Question : Amines play an important role in the survival of life. Naturally they are found in

(a) proteins 

(b) vitamins

(c) alkaloids

(d) All of these

Answer : D

Question : The reduction of nitro compounds is most preferred in the presence of

(a) Pd/H2 in ethanol

(b) Sn + HCl

(c) finely divided Ni 

(d) iron scrap and HCl.

Answer : D

Question : Aliphatic amines are.....basic than NH3 but aromatic amines are......basic than NH3.

(a) more, less         

(b) less, more

(c) both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

Answer : A

Question : Mark the correct statement

(a) Methylamine is slightly acidic

(b) Methylamine is less basic than ammonia

(c) Methylamine is a stronger base than ammonia

(d) Methylamine forms salts with alkalies.

Answer : C

Question :  (CH3)2CHNH2 is reacted with excess acetic anhydride, the compound formed is

(a) (CH3)2CHNCOCH3

(b) (CH3)2CN(COCH3)2

(c) (CH3)2CHOH

(d) (CH3)2CN(COOCH3)2

Answer : B

Question : Intermediates formed during reaction of RCONH2 with Br2 and KOH are

(a) RCONHBr and RNCO

(b) RNHCOBr and RNCO

(c) RNHBr and RCONHBr

(d) RCONBr2

Answer : A

Question : Ethyl amine can be obtained by the

(a) Action of NH3 on ethyl iodide.

(b) Action of NH3 on ethyl alcohol.

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) Neither (a) nor (b)

Answer : C

Question : Which of the following methods of preparation of amines will give same number of carbon atoms in the chain of amines as in the reactant?

(a) Reaction of nitrite with LiAlH4.

(b) Reaction of amide with LiAlH4 followed by treatment with water.

(c) Heating alkylhalide with potassium salt of phthalimide followed by hydrolysis.

(d) Treatment of amide with bromine in aquesous solution of sodium hydroxide.

Answer : C

Question : Amines have

(a) Garlic odour

(b) Fishy odour

(c) Jasmine odour

(d) Bitter almonds odour

Answer : B

Question : Aliphatic amines are.....basic than NH3 but aromatic amines are......basic than NH3.

(a) more, less

(b) less, more

(c) both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

Answer : A

Question : High basicity of Me2NH relative to Me3N is attributed to:

(a) effect of solvent

(b) inductive effect of Me\

(c) shape of Me2NH

(d) shape of Me3N

Answer : A

Question : Which of the following factors affect the basic strength of amine?

(i) Inductive effect

(ii) Steric hinderance

(iii) Solvation effect

(iv) Solubility in organic solvents.

(a) (i) and (iv)

(b) (i), (ii) and (iii)

(c) (ii) and (iii)

(d) (ii) and (iv)

Answer : B

Question : For carbylamine reaction, we need hot alcoholic KOH and

(a) any primary amine and chloroform

(b) chloroform and silver powder

(c) a primary amine and an alkyl halide

(d) a monoalkylamine and trichloromethane.

Answer : A

Question : An organic amino compound reacts with aqueous nitrous acid at low temperature to produce an oily nitrosoamine. The compound is

(a) CH3NH2

(b) CH3CH2NH2


(d) (CH3CH2)3N

Answer : C

Question : Treatment of ammonia with excess of ethyl iodide will yield

(a) diethylamine

(b) ethylamine

(c) triethylamine

(d) tetraethylammonium iodide

Answer : D

Question : Amines behave as

(a) lewis acids   

(b) lewis bases

(c) aprotic acids

(d) amphoteric compounds

Answer : B

Question : For carbylamine reaction, we need hot alcoholic KOH and

(a) any primary amine and chloroform

(b) chloroform and silver powder

(c) a primary amine and an alkyl halide

(d) a monoalkylamine and trichloromethane.

Answer : A

Question : The correct IUPAC name for CH2 = CHCH2NHCH3 is

(a) Allylmethylamine

(b) 2-amino-4-pentene

(c) 4-aminopent-1-ene

(d) N-methylprop-2-en-1-amine

Answer : D

Question : For alkylation of ammonia which of the following is not used?

(a) CH3–X

(b) CH3–CH2–X

(c) (CH3)2CH–X

(d) (CH3)3C–X

Answer : D

Question : An alkyl or benzyl halide on reaction with an ethanolic solution of ammonia undergoes

(a) electrophilic substitution reaction

(b) nucleophilic substitution reaction.

(c) free radical mechanism.

(d) nucleophilic addition reaction.

Answer : B

Question : Substitution of one alkyl group by replacing hydrogen of primary amines

(a) increases the base strength

(b) decreases the base strength

(c) remains the same

(d) None of the above

Answer : A

Question : Reaction of aniline with benzaldehyde is

(a) substitution

(b) addition

(c) condensation

(d) polymerization

Answer : C

Question : The compound obtained by heating a mixture of a primary amine and chloroform with ethanolic potassium hydroxide (KOH) is

(a) an alkyl cyanide

(b) a nitro compound

(c) an alkyl isocyanide

(d) an amide

Answer : C

Question : Secondary amines could be prepared by

(a) reduction of nitriles

(b) Hofmann bromamide reaction

(c) reduction of amides

(d) reduction of isonitriles

Answer : D

Question : Which of the following is not characteristic of amines?

(a) They smell like ammonia

(b) They are inflammable in air

(c) They show the property of hydrogen bonding

(d) They are amphoteric in nature

Answer : D

Question :  Ethylamine reacts with HNOgiving :

(a) C2H5OH

(b) C2H5NO2

(c) NH3

(d) C2H6

Answer : A

Question : Which of the following amines can be prepared by Gabriel method ?

(i) CH3CH2NH2

(ii) (CH3)2CHNH2

(iii) (CH3)3CNH2

(iv) C6H5NH2

(a) (i) and (iii)

(b) (ii) and (iv)

(c) (i), (ii) and (iii)

(d) (i) and (ii)

Answer : D

Question :  Which of the following is not correct ?

(a) Ethyl amine and aniline both have – NH2 group

(b) Ethyl amine and aniline dissolve in HCl

(c) Ethyl amine and aniline both react with CHCl3 and KOH to form unpleasant smelling compound

(d) Ethyl amine and aniline both react with HNOin cold to give hydroxy compounds

Answer : D

Question : Which of the following statement is correct ?

(a) Ammonia is more basic than methylamine.

(b) Methylamine is more basic than ammonia.

(c) Dimethylamine is less basic than methylamine.

(d) Dimethylamine is less basic than trimethylamine.

Answer : B

Question : Mark the correct statement

(a) Methylamine is slightly acidic

(b) Methylamine is less basic than ammonia

(c) Methylamine is a stronger base than ammonia

(d) Methylamine forms salts with alkalies.

Answer : C

Question : Amines have

(a) Garlic odour   

(b) Fishy odour

(c) Jasmine odour

(d) Bitter almonds odour

Answer : B

Question : The general formula of quaternary ammonium compound is

(a) R–NH2

(b) R3N

(c) R4N+ X–

(d) NH4X

Answer : C

Question : Propionamide on Hofmann degradation gives –

(a) methyl amine

(b) ethyl amine

(c) propyl amine

(d) ethyl cyanide

Answer : B

Question : Amongst the given set of reactants, the most appropriate for preparing 2° amine is ___________.

(a) 2°R–Br + NH3

(b) 2°R–Br + NaCN followed by H2/Pt

(c) 1°R–NH2 + RCHO followed by H2/Pt

(d) 1°R–Br (2 mol) + Potassium phthalimide followed by H3O+/heat

Answer : C

Question : The basic character of amines is due to

(a) presence of nitrogen atom

(b) lone pair of electrons on nitrogen atom

(c) tetrahedral structure

(d) high electronegativity of nitrogen

Answer : B

Question :  The amine that does not react with acetyl chloride is

(a) CH3NH2

(b) (CH3)2NH

(c) (CH3)3N

(d) None of these

Answer : C

Question : Carbylamine reaction is used for the detection of

(a) aliphatic 2° amines

(b) aliphatic 1° amines

(c) aromatic 1° amines

(d) Both (b) and (c)

Answer : D

Question : Aniline is used

(a) in crimping of wool

(b) in dyeing industry

(c) in making of glue  

(d) in fast drying vanish

Answer : B

Question : Secondary amines could be prepared by

(a) reduction of nitriles

(b) Hofmann bromamide reaction

(c) reduction of amides

(d) reduction of isonitriles

Answer : D

Question : In the ammonolysis of alkyl halides the halogen atom is replaced by an amino(–NH2) group which of the following represent the correct order of reactivity of halides with amines.

(a) RBr > RI > RCl

(b) RI > RCl > RBr

(c) RI > RBr > RCl 

(d) RCl > RBr > RI

Answer : C

Question : The conjugate base of (CH3)2NH+2 is

(a) (CH3)2NH

(b) (CH3)2N+\

(c) (CH3)3N+

(d) (CH3)2N–

Answer : A

Question : Which of the following will give primary amine only ?

(i) ammonia + propylchloride

(ii) potassium pthalimide + ethylchloride

(iii) potassium pthalimide + chlorobenzene

(a) (i) and (ii)  

(b) (i) and (iii)

(c) (ii) and (iii)  (

d) (i), (ii) and (iii)

Answer : A

Question : Amines play an important role in the survival of life. Naturally they are found in

(a) proteins

(b) vitamins

(c) alkaloids

(d) All of these

Answer : D

Question : Aniline is less soluble in water than ethyl amine due to

(a) resonance stablization of benzene ring

(b) resonance stabilization of anilium ion

(c) more hydrophobic nature of C6H5 group than C2H5 group

(d) more hydrophobic nature of C6H5 group than C2H5 Group

Answer : C

Question : Aniline is used

(a) in crimping of wool

(b) in dyeing industry

(c) in making of glue

(d) in fast drying vanish

Answer : B

Question : Which of the following statements about primary amines is False’ ?

(a) Alkyl amines are stronger bases than aryl amines

(b) Alkyl amines react with nitrous acid to produce alcohols

(c) Aryl amines react with nitrous acid to produce phenols

(d) Alkyl amines are stronger bases than ammonia

Answer : C

Question : The correct order of basicity in amines

(i) C2H5NH2

(ii) CH3NH2

(iii) (CH3)2NH

(iv) (CH3)3N

(a) (i) < (iv) < (ii) < (iii)

(b) (iv) < (ii) < (iii) < (i)

(c) (i) < (ii) < (iii) < (iv)

(d) (ii) < (iii) < (iv) < (i)

Answer : A

Question : Propionamide on Hofmann degradation gives –

(a) methyl amine

(b) ethyl amine

(c) propyl amine 

(d) ethyl cyanide

Answer : B

Question : Gabriel’s phthalimide synthesis is used for the preparation of

(a) Primary aromatic amines

(b) Secondary amines

(c) Primary aliphatic amines

(d) Tertiary amines

Answer : C

Question : Which statement is not true among the following?

(a) Amines are bases

(b) They turn red litmus blue

(c) Trimethyl amine is less basic than dimethyl amine

(d) Amines yield alcohols on aqueous hydrolysis.

Answer : D

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