CUET Chemistry MCQs Unit VI General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements

Refer to CUET Chemistry MCQs Unit VI General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for UG Chemistry with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CUET, NCERT and KVS. Multiple Choice Questions for Unit VI General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements are an important part of exams for UG Chemistry and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CUET UG Chemistry and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for UG Chemistry Unit VI General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements

UG Chemistry students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Unit VI General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements in UG.

Unit VI General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements MCQ Questions UG Chemistry with Answers

Question : All ores are minerals, while all minerals are not ores because
(a) the metal can’t be extracted economically from all the minerals
(b) minerals are complex compounds
(c) the minerals are obtained from mines
(d) all of these are correct

Answer : A

Question : Galena is an ore of
(a) Pb
(b) Hg
(c) Zn
(d) None of these

Answer : A

Question : Which of the following is not used as a collector ?

(a) Pine oil

(b) Xanthates

(c) Cresols

(d) Fatty acids

Answer : B

Question : Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the list

(a) 1–B, 2–A, 3–C, 4–D

(b) 1–B, 2–C, 3–A, 4–B

(c) 1–C, 2–A, 3–B, 4–D

(d) 1–C, 2–D, 3–A, 4–B

Answer : D

Question : Which of the following is not an ore of iron?





Answer : D

Question : The natural materials from which an element can be extracted economically are called

(a) ores

(b) minerals

(c) gangue

(d) None of these

Answer : A

Question : Composition of azurite mineral is

(a) CuCO3CuO

(b) Cu(HCO3)2. Cu(OH)2

(c) 2CuCO3.Cu(OH)2

(d) CuCO3. 2Cu(OH)2

Answer : C

Question : The most abundant element in the earth’s crust (by weight) is

(a) Si

(b) Al

(c) O

(d) Fe

Answer : C

Question : Matrix is defined as

(a) the unwanted foreign material present in the ore

(b) the flux added to remove the unwanted impurities from ore

(c) the slag formed as a result of the reaction of flux with gangue

(d) the material used in the reduction of metal oxide to metal

Answer : A

Question : Cassiterite is concentrated by

(a) levigation

(b) electromagnetic separation

(c) floatation

(d) liquefaction

Answer : B

Question : Which one of the following ores is concentrated by chemical leaching method?

(a) Galena

(b) Copper pyrite

(c) Cinnabar

(d) Argentite

Answer : D

Question : In froth flotation process many chemicals (frother , collector,activator, and depressant) are used. Which of the following is a frother ?

(a) CuSO4

(b) NaCN+ alkali

(c) Pine oil

(d) Potassium xanthate

Answer : C

Question : Heating of pyrites in air for oxidation of sulphur is called

(a) roasting

(b) calcination

(c) smelting

(d) slagging

Answer : A

Question : Calcination is the process in which :

(a) ore is heated above its melting point to expel H2O or CO2 or SO2

(b) ore is heated below its melting point to expel volatile impurities

(c) ore is heated above its melting point to remove S, As and Sb as SO2 ,As2O3 and Sb2O3 respectively

(d) ore is heated below its melting point to expel H2O or CO2

Answer : D

Question : Hydro-metallurgical process of extraction of metals is based on

(a) complex formation

(b) hydrolysis

(c) dehydration

(d) dehydrogenation

Answer : A

Question : Chief ore of Al is :

(a) cryolite 

(b) bauxite

(c) feldspar

(d) kaolin

Answer : B

Question : Which of the following is a carbonate ore?

(a) Pyrolusite

(b) Malachite

(c) Diaspore

(d) Cassiterite

Answer : B

Question : Sulfide ores are common for the metals

(a) Ag, Cu and Pb 

(c) Ag, Cu and Sn

(b) Ag, Mg and Pb

(d) Al, Cu and Pb

Answer : A

Question : Ellingham diagrams are plots drawn between ____ and ____ for formation of oxides.

(a)Temperature and change in enthalpy

(b)Change in Gibbs free energy and Pressure

(c)Change in Gibbs free energy and temperature

(d)Change in enthalpy and pressure

Answer : B

Question : Cinnabar is an ore of

(a) Hg

(b) Cu

(c) Pb

(d) Zn

Answer : A

Question : Which of the following is chalcopyrite?

(a) CuFeS2

(b) FeS2

(c) KMgCl3.6H2O

(d) Al2O3.2H2O

Answer : A

Question : The impurities associated with mineral used in metallurgy are called collectively?

(a) Slag

(b) Flux

(c) Gangue

(d) Ore

Answer : C

Question : The metal always found in the free states is

(a) Au

(b) Ag

(c) Cu

(d) Na

Answer : A

Question : The method of concentrating the ore which makes use of the difference in density between ore and impurities is called

(a) levigation

(b) leaching

(c) magnetic separation

(d) liquifaction

Answer : A

Question : Which one of the following ores is not concentrated by froth floatation process?

(a) Copper pyrites

(b) Pyrargyrite

(c) Pyrolusite

(d) Zinc blende

Answer : C

Question : Roasting is generally done in case of the

(a) oxide ores

(b) silicate ores

(c) sulphide ores

(d) carbonate ores

Answer : C

Question : Process followed before reduction of carbonate ore is

(a) calcination

(b) roasting

(c) liquation

(d) polling

Answer : A

Question : 2CuFeS2 + O2 → Cu2+ 2FeS +SO2 Which process of metallurgy of copper is represented by above equation?

(a) Concentration

(b) Roasting

(c) Reduction

(d) Purification

Answer : B

Question : Flux is used to remove :

(a) basic impurities

(b) acidic impurities

(c) all types of impurities

(d) acidic and basic both impurities

Answer : D

Question : In metallurgical process of aluminium, cryolite is mixed with alumina in its molten state, because it

(a) decreases the amount of alumina

(b) oxidises the alumina

(c) increases the melting point of alumina

(d) decreases the melting point of alumina

Answer : D

Question : Which process of metallurgy of copper is represented by below equation?


(a) Concentration

(b) Roasting

(c) Reduction     

(d) Purification

Answer : B

Question : Which one of the following is an ore of silver ?

(a) Argentite

(b) Stibnite

(c) Haematite

(d) Bauxite

Answer : A

Question : Haematite is the ore of

(a) Pb

(b) Cu

(c) Fe

(d) Au

Answer : C

Question : Cassiterite is an ore of

(a) Mn

(b) Ni

(c) Sb

(d) Sn

Answer : D

Question : Froth floatation process is used for the metallurgy of

(a) chloride ores

(b) amalgams

(c) oxide ores

(d) sulphide ores

Answer : D

Question : Which of the following metal is leached by cyanide process ?

(a) Ag

(b) Na

(c) Al

(d) Cu

Answer : A

Question : General method for the extraction of metal from oxide ore is

(a) carbon reduction

(b) reduction by aluminium

(c) reduction by hydrogen

(d) electrolytic reduction

Answer : A

Question : After partial roasting the sulphide of copper is reduced by

(a) cyanide process

(b) electrolysis

(c) reduction with carbon

(d) self reduction

Answer : D

Question : Froth floatation is a process of:

(a) Oxidation

(b) Reduction

(c) Refining  

(d) Concentration

Answer : D

Question : Match list I with list II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:

(a) I-C, II-A, III-D, IV-B


(c) I-C,II-B,III-D, IV-A


Answer : D

Question : The undesired material which is present with the element in its ore is known as ____.

(a) slag

(b) gangue

(c) flux

(d) sludge

Answer : B

Question : The most abundant metal on the surface of the earth is

(a) Fe

(b) Al

(c) Ca

(d) Na

Answer : B

Question : Which one of the following is not a sulphide ore?

(a) Magnetite

(b) Iron pyrites

(c) Copper glance

(d) Sphalerite

Answer : A

Question : Which one of the following ores is best concentrated by froth-flotation method ?

(a) Galena

(b) Cassiterite

(c) Magnetite

(d) Malachite

Answer : C

Question : For which ore of the metal, froth floatation method is used for concentration?

(a) Horn silver

(b) Bauxite

(c) Cinnabar

(d) Heamatite

Answer : C

Question : Function of the flux added during smelting is

(a) to make ore porous

(b) to remove gangue

(c) to make reduction easier

(d) to precipitate slag

Answer : B

Question : According to Ellingham diagram, the oxidation reaction of carbon to carbon monoxide may be used to reduce which one of the following oxides at the lowest temperature ?

(a) Al2O3

(b) Cu2O

(c) MgO

(d) ZnO

Answer : B

Question : Carbon and CO gas are used to reduce which of the following pairs of metal oxides for extraction of metals?

(a) FeO, SnO   

(b) SnO, ZnO

(c) BaO, Na2O2

(d) FeO, ZnO

Answer : D

Question : During the formation of metal oxides from metal and oxygen, what happens to the change in Gibbs free energy with the little increase of temperature?



(c)Remains same

(d)Insufficient data

Answer : A

Question : Which one of the following is a mineral of iron ?

(a) Malachite

(b) Cassiterite

(c) Pyrolusite

(d) Magnetite

Answer : D

Question : While extracting an element from its ore, the ore is grounded and leached with dil. potassium cyanide solution to form the soluble product potassium argento cyanide. The element is

(a) Lead

(b) Chromium

(c) Manganese

(d) Silver

Answer : D

Question : Main function of roasting is

(a) to remove volatile substances

(b) oxidation

(c) reduction

(d) slag formation

Answer : A

Question : Which of the following reactions is an example for calcination process ?

(a) 2Ag + 2HCl + (O) → 2AgCl + H2O

(b) 2Zn + O2 →2ZnO

(c) 2ZnS + 3O2 →2ZnO + 2SO2

(d) MgCO3 → MgO+CO2

Answer : D

Question : In the extraction of copper from its sulphide ore, the metal is formed by reduction of Cu2O with :

(a) FeS 

(b) CO

(c) Cu2S

(d) SO2

Answer : C

Question : The main reactions occurring in blast furnace during extraction of iron from haematite are________.

(a) (i) and (iii) 

(b) (ii) and (iv)

(c) (i) and (iv)

(d) (i), (ii) and (iii)

Answer : C

Question : Which of the following is an ore of tin ?

(a) Carborundum

(b) Epsomite

(c) Cassiterite

(d) Spodumene

Answer : C

Question : Which of the following pair is incorrectly matched ?

(a) Magnetite – Fe3O4

(b) Copper glance – Cu2S

(c) Calamine – ZnCO3

(d) Zincite – ZnS

Answer : C

Question : In the froth flotation process of concentration of ores, the ore particles float because they:

(a) are light

(b) are insoluble

(c) have the surface which is not wetted easily

(d) have a constant electrical charge

Answer : C

Question : Which of the following fluxes is used to remove acidic impurities in metallurgical process?

(a) Silica

(b) Lime stone

(c) Sodium chloride

(d) Sodium carbonate

Answer : B

Question : Mac Arthur process is used for the extraction of:

(a) Au

(b) Pt

(c) Cu

(d) Zn

Answer : A

Question :  Distillation is very useful for low boiling metals like____.

(a)zinc and mercury

(b)sodium and magnesium

(c)iron and copper

(d)gold and silver

Answer : A

Question : Leaching is a process of

(a) reduction

(b) concentration

(c) refining

(d) oxidation

Answer : B

Question : When a metal is to be extracted from its ore and the gangue associated with the ore is silica, then

(a) an acidic flux is needed

(b) a basic flux is needed

(c) both acidic and basic fluxes are needed

(d) Neither of them is needed

Answer : B

Question : An example of an oxide ore is

(a) Bauxite

(b) Malachite

(c) Zinc blende

(d) Feldspar

Answer : A

Question : Froth flotation process is based on

(a) wetting properties of ore particle

(b) specific gravity of ore particles

(c) magnetic properties of ore particles

(d) electrical properties of ore particles

Answer : A

Question : The process does not involve a catalyst is :

(a) Haber process   

(b) Contact process

(c) Thermite process

(d) Ostwald process

Answer : C

Question : Malachite is an ore of

(a) iron

(b) copper

(c) mercury

(d) zinc

Answer : B

Question : The role of calcination in metallurgical operations is

(a) to remove moisture

(b) to decompose carbonates

(c) to drive off organic matter

(d) to decompose carbonates and drive off moisture and organic matter

Answer : D

Question :   In the electrolysis of aluminium, the anodes in the cell have to be replaced frequently because ____.

(a)they melt in the high temperature inside the cell.

(b)they are burned away by O reacting with the carbon anode to form CO2 gas.

(c)they get coated in a thick crust of solid Al2O3.

(d)the Al formed on them has to be removed.

Answer : B

Question : Electromagnetic separation is used in the concentration of

(a) copper pyrites

(b) bauxite

(c) cassiterite

(d) cinnabar

Answer : C

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Learning Unit VI General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements based MCQs will help students improve their overall understanding of important concepts and topics and help to score well in UG Chemistry exams.

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