Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1: Which one of the following food items does not provide dietary fibre?
a) Whole grains
b) Whole pulses
c) Fruits and vegetables
d) Milk
Solution 1: The right thing for which selection is made is d) Milk.
Milk does not provide dietary fibre because it is an animal product.
Dietary fibre is received mainly from plant product and Whole grains, Whole pulses, Fruits and vegetables are rich sources of dietary fibre.
Question 2: Which of the following sources of protein is different from others?
a) Peas
b) Gram
c) Soyabeans
d) Cottage cheese (paneer)
Solution 2: The right thing for which selection is made is d) Cottage cheese.
Cottage cheese (paneer) is received from animals because of this it is an animal protein.
Peas, gram and soyabeans are received from plant proteins.
Question 3: Which of the following nutrients is not present in milk?
a) Protein
b) Vitamin C
c) Calcium
d) Vitamin D
Solution 3: The right thing for which selection is made is b) protein.
Protein, Calcium, Vitamin D is present in large/relatively large amounts in milk whereas vitamin C is present in insignificant amount in milk.
Question 4: Read the food items given below:
i) Wheat
ii) Ghee
iii) Iodized salt
iv) Spinach (palak)
Which of the above food items are “energy giving foods”?
a) (i) and (iv)
b) (ii) and (iv)
c) (i) and (ii)
d) (iii) and (iv)
Solution 4: The right thing for which selection is made is c) (i) and (ii).
Ghee (butter) and wheat are foods that provide energy because ghee contain big amount of fat and wheat is rich in carbohydrate.
Spinach and iodized salt are protective food. They both are containing vitamin and mineral.
Question 5: Read the following statements about diseases.
i) They are caused by germs.
ii) They are caused due to lack of nutrients in our diet.
iii) They can be passed on to another person through contact.
iv) They can be prevented by taking a balanced diet.
Which pair of statements best describes a deficiency disease?
a) (i) and (ii)
b) (ii) and (iii)
c) (ii) and (iv)
d) (i) and (iii)
Solution 5: The right thing for which selection is made is c) (ii) and (iv)
Deficiency diseases caused by a lack of essential dietary elements and especially a vitamin or mineral. And they can be prevented by taking lots of different healthy foods.
Question 6: Given below are the steps to test the presence of proteins in a food item:
(i) Take a small quantity of the food item in a test tube, add 10 drops of water to it and shake it.
(ii) Make a paste or powder of food to be tested.
(iii) Add 10 drops of caustic soda solution to the test tube and shake well.
(iv) Add 2 drops of copper sulphate solution to It.
Which of the following is the correct sequence of the steps?
(a) i, ii, iv, iii
(b) ii, i, iv, iii
(c) ii, i, iii, iv
(d) iv, ii, i, iii
Solution 6: The right thing for which selection is made is b) ii, i, iv, iii.
Very Short Answer Questions
Question 7: Unscramble the following words related to components of food and write them in the space provided.
a) Reinpot
b) menliars
c) tivanmi
d) bocatradhyer
e) nitesturn
f) tfa
Solution 7: The correct words are
- Protein
- Minerals
- Vitamin
- Carbohydrate
- Nutrients
- Fat
Question 8: Which of the following food items does not provide any nutrient?
Milk, water, Orange juice, Tomato soup
Solution 8: Water is medicine of life and helps to flushing out waste products from body but it does not provide any nutrient (vitamins, minerals, protein, etc.) to human body.
Short Answer Questions
Question 9: Fill in the blanks from the list of words given below:
(carbohydrate, fat, protein, starch, sugar, Vitamin A, Vitamin C. roughage, balanced diet, obesity, goitre)
a) Egg yolk is rich in _____ and egg albumin is rich _____.
b) Deficiency diseases can be prevented by taking a _____.
c) Eating too much of fat rich foods may lead to a condition called ______.
d) The component of food that does not provide any nutrient to our body and yet is essential in our food is ______.
e) The vitamin that gets easily destroyed by heating during cooking is ______.
Solution 9:
a) Egg yolk is rich in Fat and egg albumin is rich protein.
b) Deficiency diseases can be prevented by taking a Balanced diet.
c) Eating too much of fat rich foods may lead to a condition called Obesity.
d) The component of food that does not provide any nutrient to our body and yet is essential in our food is Roughage.
e) The vitamin that gets easily destroyed by heating during cooking is Vitamin C.
Question 10: Read the items of food listed below. Classify them into carbohydrate rich, protein rich and fat rich foods and fill them in the given table. Moong dal, fish, mustard oil, sweet potato, milk, rice, egg, beans, butter, butter milk (chhachh), cottage cheese (paneer), peas, maize, white bread.
Solution 10:
Question 11: Tasty food is not always nutritious and nutritious food may not always be tasty to eat. Comment with examples.
Solution 11: Some food are tasty and delicious but contain extremely low nutritional value because these food contain too much high-quality flour, oil and spices that are not good for health. For example: burger, potato chips, pizza etc.
Whereas foods that are not always tasty or delicious but they are providing us nutrients like vitamins and proteins and keep us always healthy. For Example: boiled vegetables, juices, pulses etc.
Question 12: While using iodine in the laboratory, some drops of iodine fell on Paheli's socks and some fell on her teacher's saree. The drops of iodine on the saree turned blue black while their color did not change on the socks. What can be the possible reason?
Solution 12: Starch is the reason that saree turned blue black because In the presence of starch, iodine turns a blue/black color. It is possible that the saree worn by Paheli’s teacher must have contained starch and Paheli’s socks would have been free from starch that’s why her socks did not change color.
Question 13: Paheli and Boojho peeled some potatoes and cut them into small pieces. They washed and boiled them in water. They threw away the excess water and fried them in oil adding salt and spices. Although the potato dish tasted very good, its nutrient value was less. Suggest a method of cooking potatoes that will not lower the nutrients in them.
Solution 13: The potato is a moderate source of iron, and its high vitamin C content promotes iron absorption. It is a good source of vitamins B1, B3 and B6 and minerals but boiling potatoes can lower their nutrition content. So, a method of cooking potatoes that will not lower the nutrients in them is as follows:
i) Firstly, wash the potatoes completely with water and cut them in small slices.
ii) Now take cooking pot and cook potato with oil, spices, salt. Don’t forget to cover up the pot while cooking. This method maintains the nutrients value of potatoes.
Question 14: Paheli avoids eating vegetables but likes to eat biscuits, noodles and white bread. She frequently complains of stomachache and constipation. What are the food items that she should include in her diet to get rid of the problem? Give reason for your answer.
Solution 14: The food items that Paheli should include in diet are whole pulses, whole grain food, fresh fruits and vegetables especially green that helps her to overcome from the problem of stomachache and constipation. She should also completely avoid eating biscuits and other such junk food as they contain refined flour which has minimum quantity of fibre.
Question 15:
(a) List all those components of food that provide nutrients.
(b) Mention two components of food that do not provide nutrients.
Solution 15:
a) Components of food that provide nutrients are: Carbohydrates (CHO), Lipids (fat), Proteins Vitamins and Minerals
b) Components of food that do not provide nutrients are: Roughage and water.
Question 16: 'Minerals and vitamins are needed in very small quantities by our body as compared to other components, yet, they are an important part of a balanced diet.' Explain the statement.
Solution 16: Minerals and vitamins are often called micronutrients because our body needs only tiny amount of them because:
i) Getting sufficient quantities of vitamins and minerals can provide substantial benefits like-strong bones, healthy teeth etc.
ii) If we failing to get even those small quantities of vitamin and minerals virtually guarantees diseases like scurvy, rickets and blindness etc.
iii) They fight against many diseases and protect us from these diseases.
Question 17: Water does not provide nutrients, yet it is an important component of food.' Explain?
Solution 17: Water is important component of food because it performs vital function in body:
i) It helps in digestion, absorption and transportation of food.
ii) It helps to transport oxygen and nutrients to the cell.
iii) It also helps to remove wastage product from body through urine and sweat.
iv) It helps to maintaining temperature of our body.
Large Answers Questions
Question 18: Boojho was having difficulty in seeing things in dim light. The doctor tested his eyesight and prescribed a particular vitamin supplement. He also advised hint to include a few food items in his diet.
a) Which deficiency disease is he suffering from?
b) Which food component may be lacking in his diet?
c) Suggest some food items that he should include in his diet. (Any four)
Solution 18:
a) Boojho is suffering from night blindness.
b) Food component that may be lacking in his diet is Vitamin A because absence or minimum amount of vitamin A in body causes night blindness.
c) He should eat papaya, carrot, potatoes, dairy products, broccoli, squash, dark green leafy vegetables like spinach, fish etc.
Question 19: Solve the cross-word puzzle given as Fig 2.1 from the clues given below
- Lack of nutrients in our diet over a long period causes these diseases (10)
- Rice and potato are rich in this type of carbohydrate (6)
- Deficiency disease in bones making it become soft and bent (7)
- The diet that provides all the nutrients that our body needs, in right quantities, along with adequate amount of roughage and water (8. 4)
- Deficiency disease with bleeding gums (6)
- Disease caused due to deficiency of iodine (6)
- Starch and sugar in our food are rich in this type of energy giving nutrient (13)
- The term given to the useful components of food (9)
- The disease caused by deficiency of iron in diet (7)
- Green leafy vegetables, liver and apples are rich in this mineral (4)
- Deficiency disease caused due to lack of vitamin B1, in the diet (8)
Solution 19:
Make a board-game just like 'snakes and ladders' with 10 x 10 grid boxes. The mouth of the snake will represent the faulty food habit or faulty method of cooking. Its tall will represent the deficiency disease caused or loss of any nutrient in food. Similarly, the box at the base of a ladder will represent healthy food habit or healthy method of cooking. Its upper end will represent the beneficial effect of that habit. An example is given as Fig. 2.3. Complete the board and play with your friends.
Solution 20: The terms to name at the mouth and tails of snakes at different grid numbers are as follows:
The terms to name at the bottom and top ends of the ladder at different grid numbers are as follows:
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