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NCERT Book for Class 8 Science Chapter 4 Materials Metals and NonMetals
Class 8 Science students should refer to the following NCERT Book Chapter 4 Materials Metals and NonMetals in Class 8. This NCERT Book for Class 8 Science will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Chapter 4 Materials Metals and NonMetals NCERT Book Class 8
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4.1 Physical Properties of Metals and Non-metals
Have you ever seen a blacksmith beating an iron piece or an article made up of iron, like a spade, a shovel, an axe? Do you find a change in the shape of these articles on beating? Would you expect a You saw that the shape of the iron nail and the aluminium wire changed on beating. If they were beaten harder these could be changed into sheets. You might be familiar with silver foil used for decorating sweets. You must also be familiar with the aluminium foil used for wrapping food. The property of metals by which they can be beaten into thin sheets is called malleability. This is a characteristic property of metals. As you must have noticed, materials like coal and pencil lead do not show this property. Can we call these as metals?
Can you hold a hot metallic pan which is without a plastic or a wooden handle and not get hurt? Perhaps not! Why? Try to list some other experiences in which a wooden or plastic handle protects you from being hurt while handling hot things. On the basis of these experiences what can you say about the conduction of heat by wood and plastic? You must have seen an electrician using his screw driver. What kind of handle does it have? Why? Let us find out.You observe that iron rod, nail and copper wire are good conductors while rolled sulphur piece and coal piece are poor conductors. Where do you find the use of aluminium and copper wires? Have you seen wires of coal? Definitely not! The property of metal by which it can be drawn into wires is called ductility. Have you ever noticed the difference in sound on dropping an iron sheet/ plate, a metal coin, and a piece of coal on the floor? If not, you can try it now. Do you note any difference in the sound produced?
Have you seen wooden bells in temples? Can you give reason? The things made of metals produce ringing sound when struck hard. Suppose you have two boxes similar in appearance, one made of wood and the other of metal. Can you tell which box is made of metal by striking both the boxes? Since metals produce ringing sounds, they are said to be sonorous. The materials other than metals are not sonorous.
After performing the above activities,we can say that some materials are hard, lustrous, malleable, ductile, sonorous and good conductors of heat and electricity. The materials which generally posses these properties are called metals. The examples of metals are iron, copper, aluminium, calcium, magnesium, etc. In contrast, materials like coal and sulphur are soft and dull in appearance. They break down into powdery mass on tapping with hammer. They are not sonorous and are poor conductors of heat and electricity. These materials are called non-metals. The examples of non-metals are sulphur, carbon, oxygen, phosphorus, etc.
4.2 Chemical Properties of Metals and Non-metals
A. Reaction with Oxygen You are familiar with the phenomenon of rusting of iron. Recall the reaction by Now recall the activity of burning spoon magnesium ribbon. The ash obtained on burning magnesium ribbon is dissolved in water and tested for its acidic / basic nature. Is the solution acidic or basic? How do you ascertain this? You must have observed that the red litmus turns blue. So, oxide of magnesium is also basic in nature. In general, metallic oxides are basic in nature. Let us now observe the reaction of non-metals with oxygen. The name of the product formed in the reaction of sulphur and oxygen is sulphur dioxide gas. When sulphur dioxide is dissolved in water sulphurous acid is formed. The reaction can be given as follows:
Sulphur dioxide (SO2) + Water (H2O) → Sulphurous acid (H2SO3)
The sulphurous acid turns blue litmus paper red. Generally, oxides of non-metals are acidic in nature. Recall the name of some of the laboratory acids and bases you have read in Class VII. Note down their names in Table 4.4. Identify the metal or nonmetal present in them which forms oxides with oxygen.
Question. A hydro carbon C4H10 has a boiling point of 00C. Assuming it is stable at 25°C, what would be its state at that temperature(all other conditions like pressure remaining the same)?
(a) Solid
(b) Liquid
(c) Gas
(d) (Cannot predict without knowing the melting point)
Answer : C
Question. When wet turmeric powder is added to lime (chuna used with betel leaves), the turmeric turns red. What could you add to change it back to yellow?
(a) Soap
(b) Detergent
(c) Table salt
(d) Vinegar
Answer : D
Question. Most gases become more soluble in a liquid as the temperature of the liquid is reduced. Which graph BEST shows this relationship?
Answer : C
Question. Sliced apples, when kept in water, take longer to turn brown than those kept outside. This is because of the enzymes, the proteins which speed up the biochemical reactions, present in an apple. Which of the following could be the reason for this?
(a) The enzymes react with water and produce a white coating.
(b) The enzymes do not have access to oxygen.
(c) The enzymes cannot work at such low temperatures.
(d) The enzymes die in the presence of water.
Answer : B
Question. Figure P below shows a beaker of water being heated directly. However, some liquids like alcohol are heated using a water bath (figure Q). Which of these is NOT likely to be a reason for water baths to be used
(a) It is safer to use them with inflammable liquids.
(b) It allows more uniform heating of the liquid.
(c) It is a faster way of heating a liquid.
(d) It is convenient for liquids with low boiling points.
Answer : C
Question. The source of energy for the earth's water cycle is/are
(a) The seas
(b) The sun
(c) The earth’s rotation
(d) Evaporation
Answer : B
Question. The energy transformations shown in the figure are seen in which of these?
(a) kerosene in a lamp
(b) battery in a torch
(c) coal in a fire place
(d) petrol in a car
Answer : D
Question. A train with a diesel engine is not connected to any external source of electricity while it is moving. What is the MAIN source of the electricity on which the fans and lights in the coaches run?
(a) The train draws power from electrical wires overhead.
(b) The train draws power through the tracks.
(c) The train generates power from its motion using a generator
(d) The train carries a large battery that provides electricity during its journey.
Answer : C
Question. The students of a class were asked to look for fossils. Given below are four different rocks and how they are formed. Which of the rocks is most likely to contain fossils?
Rock How it is formed
P Fomed by deposition of sediments one layer over the other
Q Fomed by cooling and solidfication of exremely molten material
R Fomed by being subjected to heat compression and chemicals
S Fomed by slow solidfication of magma from volcanoes cooling before reching the earth surface
(a) P
(b) Q
(c) R
(d) S
Answer : A
Question. Which BEST describes the surface of the Earth over billions of years?
(a) A flat surface is gradually pushed up into higher and higher mountains until it is covered with mountains.
(b) High mountains gradually wear down until most of the Earth is at sea level.
(c) High mountains gradually wear down as new mountains are continuously being formed, over and over again.
(d) High mountains and flat plains stay side by side for billions of years with little change.
Answer : C
Question. Which among these is NOT an alternative energy source?
(a) Wind
(b) Sun
(c) Water
(d) Natural Gas
Answer : D
This graphical bar shows the different proportions of elements in the earth's crust. Minerals are formed from these elements . Choose the mineral that is likely to be found more than the others.
(a) quartz (SiO2)
(b) gold (Au)
(c) diamond (a form of carbon)
(d) copper (Cu)
Answer : A
Question. Which of these best explains why a chullah fire (or a camp fire) burns brighter when it is fanned?
(a) the air tries to put out the fire, so the fire burns brighter
(b) the amount of fuel available to the fire increases
(c) the amount of oxygen available to burn increases
(d) it removes the burnt ashes allowing the wood to burn
Answer : C
Question. Which of the following process/processes help in INCREASING the O2 content in air?
(a) Respiration
(b) Photosynthesis
(c) Burning of fuel
(d) Volcanic eruptions
Answer : B
1. Which of the following can be beaten into thin sheets?
(a) Zinc (b) Phosphorus (c) Sulphur (d) Oxygen
2. Which of the following statements is correct?
(a) All metals are ductile.
(b) All non-metals are ductile.
(c) Generally, metals are ductile.
(d) Some non-metals are ductile.
3. Fill in the blanks :
(a) Phosphorus is very non-metal.
(b) Metals are conductors of heat and .
(c) Iron is reactive than copper.
(d) Metals react with acids to produce gas.
4. Mark ‘T’ if the statement is true and ‘F’ if it is false.
(a) Generally, non-metals react with acids. ( )
(b) Sodium is a very reactive metal. ( )
(c) Copper displaces zinc from zinc sulphate solution. ( )
(d) Coal can be drawn into wires. ( )
5. Give reasons for the following :
(a) Aluminium foils are used to wrap food items.
(b) Immersion rods for heating liquids are made up of metallic substances.
(c) Copper cannot displace zinc from its salt solution.
(d) Sodium and potassium are stored in kerosene.
6. Can you store lemon pickle in an aluminium utensil? Explain.
7. What happens when
(a) Dilute sulphuric acid is poured on a copper plate?
(b) Iron nails are placed in copper sulphate solution?
Write word equations of the reactions involved.
8. Saloni took a piece of burning charcoal and collected the gas evolved in a test tube.
(a) How will she find the nature of the gas ?
(b) Write down word equations of all the reactions taking place in this process.
9. One day Reeta went to a jeweller’s shop with her mother. Her mother gave old gold jewellery to the goldsmith to polish. Next day when they brought the jewellery back, they found that there was a slight loss in its weight. Can you suggest a reason for the loss in weight?
Please refer to attached file for NCERT Class 8 Science Materials-Metals And Non-Metals
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NCERT Book Class 8 Science Chapter 4 Materials Metals and NonMetals
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