NCERT Book Class 6 Science Motion and Measurement of Distances

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NCERT Book for Class 6 Science Chapter 10 Motion and Measurement of Distances

Class 6 Science students should refer to the following NCERT Book Chapter 10 Motion and Measurement of Distances in Class 6. This NCERT Book for Class 6 Science will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Chapter 10 Motion and Measurement of Distances NCERT Book Class 6

Click on the view or download PDF button below to access the Chapter 10 Motion and Measurement of Distances Class 6 Science book. All Science Class 6 NCERT books have been divided into various chapters so that you can download and read them easily. Refer to the section below to access more books of Science in Class 6.


Motion and Measurement of Distances

There was a general discussion among the children in Paheli and Boojho's class about the places they had visited during the summer vacations. Someone had gone to their native village by a train, then a bus, and finally a bullock cart. One student had travelled by an aeroplane. Another spent many days of his holidays going on fishing trips in his uncle's boat. The teacher then asked them to read newspaper articles that mentioned about small wheeled vehicles that move  on the soil of Mars and conductedexperiments. These vehicles were taken by spacecraft all the way to Mars! Meanwhile, Paheli had been reading stories about ancient India and wanted to know how people travelled from one place to another in earlier times.


Long ago people did not have any means of transport. They used to move only on foot and carry goods either on their back or using animals. For transport along water routes, boats were used from ancient times. To begin with, boats were simple logs of wood in which a hollow cavity could be made. Later, people learnt to put together different pieces of wood and give shapes to the boats. These shapes imitated the shapes of the animals living in water. Recall our discussions of this streamlined shape of fish . Invention of the wheel made a great change in modes of transport. The design of the wheel was improved over thousands of years. Animals were used to pull vehicles that moved on wheels. Until the beginning of the 19th century, people still depended on animal power to transport them from place to place. The invention of steam engine introduced a new source of power. Railroads were made for steam engine driven carriages and wagons.


Long ago people did not have any means of transport. They used to move only on foot and carry goods either on their back or using animals. For transport along water routes, boats were used from ancient times. To begin with, boats were simple logs of wood in which a hollow cavity could be made. Later, people learnt to put together different pieces of wood and give shapes to the boats. These shapes Later came automobiles. Motorised boats and ships were used as means of transport on water. The early years of 1900 saw the development of aeroplanes. These were later improved to carry passengers and goods. Electric trains, monorail, supersonic aeroplanes and spacecraft are some of the 20th century contributions. Fig. 10.1 shows some of the different modes of transport. Place them in the correct order — from the earliest modes of transport to the most recent. Are there any of the early modes of transport that are not in use today?


How did people know how far they have travelled? How will you know whether you can walk all the way to your school or whether you will need to take a bus or a rickshaw to reach your school? When you need to purchase something, is it possible for you to walk to the market? How will you know the answers to these questions? It is often important to know how far a place is, so that we can have an idea how we are going to reach that place — walk, take a bus or a train, a ship, an aeroplane or even a spacecraft! Sometimes, there are objects whose length or width we need to know In Paheli and Boojho's classroom, there are large desks which are to be shared by two students. Paheli and Boojho share one desk, but, frequently end up fighting that the other is using a larger share of the desk. Hello! Now, when measured with the new set of gilli and danda, the desk length seems to be about two danda lengths, one gilli length with a small length still left out. This is less than one gilli length. Now what? What would you suggest Paheli and Boojho do, to measure the length of the whole desk? Can they use a cricket wicket and bails to measure the length or do you think that this might create the similar problem? One thing they could do is to take a small length of string and mark two points on it. This will be a string length. They can measure the width of the desk in string lengths (Fig. 10.4). How can they use the string to measure distances less than the length of a string?


1. Give two examples each, of modes of transport used on land, water and air.

2. Fill in the blanks:

(i) One metre is ______________ cm.

(ii) Five kilometre is ______________ m.

(iii)Motion of a child on a swing is ______________.

(iv) Motion of the needle of a sewing machine is ______________.

(v) Motion of wheel of a bicycle is______________.

3. Why can a pace or a footstep not be used as a standard unit of length?

4. Arrange the following lengths in their increasing magnitude: 1 metre, 1 centimetre, 1 kilometre,1 millimetre.

5. The height of a person is 1.65 m. Express it into cm and mm.

6. The distance between Radha's home and her school is 3250 m. Express this distance into km.

7. While measuring the length of a knitting needle, the reading of the scale at one end is 3.0 cm and at the other end is 33.1 cm. What is the length of the needle?

8. Write the similarities and differences between the motion of a bicycle and a ceiling fan that has been switched on.

9. Why could you not use an elastic measuring tape to measure distance? What would be some of the problems you would meet in telling someone about a distance you measured with an elastic tape?

10. Give two examples of periodic motion

Please refer to attached file for NCERT Class 6 Science Motion and Measurement of Distances

Chapter 01 Food Where Does It Come From
NCERT Book Class 6 Science Food Where Does It Come From
Chapter 02 Components of Food
NCERT Book Class 6 Science Components of Food
Chapter 04 Sorting Materials Into Groups
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Chapter 05 Separation of Substances
NCERT Book Class 6 Science Separation of Substances
Chapter 07 Getting to Know Plants
NCERT Book Class 6 Science Getting to Know Plants
Chapter 09 The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings
NCERT Book Class 6 Science The Living Organisms and their Sorroundings
Chapter 10 Motion and Measurement of Distances
NCERT Book Class 6 Science Motion and Measurement of Distances
Chapter 11 Light Shadows and Reflection
NCERT Book Class 6 Science Light Shadows and Reflections
Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits
NCERT Book Class 6 Science Electricity and Circuits
Chapter 16 Garbage In Garbage Out
NCERT Book Class 6 Science Garbage in Garbage out

NCERT Book Class 6 Science Chapter 10 Motion and Measurement of Distances

The above NCERT Books for Class 6 Science Chapter 10 Motion and Measurement of Distances have been published by NCERT for latest academic session. The textbook by NCERT for Chapter 10 Motion and Measurement of Distances Science Class 6 is being used by various schools and almost all education boards in India. Teachers have always recommended students to refer to Chapter 10 Motion and Measurement of Distances NCERT etextbooks as the exams for Class 6 Science are always asked as per the syllabus defined in these ebooks. These Class 6 Chapter 10 Motion and Measurement of Distances book for Science also includes collection of question. Along with Science Class 6 NCERT Book in Pdf for Chapter 10 Motion and Measurement of Distances we have provided all NCERT Books in English Medium for Class 6 which will be really helpful for students who have opted for english language as a medium. Class 6 students will need their books in English so we have provided them here for all subjects in Class 6. You can download free NCERT Science Class 6 Textbook PDF and all chapters by clicking on the links above

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