CBSE Class 8 Science Synthetic Fibers And Plastics Assignment

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 8 Science Synthetic Fibers And Plastics Assignment. Get printable school Assignments for Class 8 Science. Class 8 students should practise questions and answers given here for Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres And Plastics Science in Class 8 which will help them to strengthen their understanding of all important topics. Students should also download free pdf of Printable Worksheets for Class 8 Science prepared as per the latest books and syllabus issued by NCERT, CBSE, KVS and do problems daily to score better marks in tests and examinations

Assignment for Class 8 Science Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres And Plastics

Class 8 Science students should refer to the following printable assignment in Pdf for Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres And Plastics in Class 8. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 8 Science will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres And Plastics Class 8 Science Assignment

Question. Which of the following is a thermoplastic ?
(A) Bakelite
(B) Melamine
(C) Phenol
(D) P.V.C.

Question. Which is used in making of thermocoal ?
(A) Polypropylene
(B) Polyethylene
(C) Polystyrene
(D) High density polyethylene

Question. Which polymer is used in making automobile battery casing ?
(A) High density polyethylene
(B) Polyester
(D) Poly propylene

Question. Which of the following plastic is a thermosetting plastic ?
(A) Polystyrene
(B) Polyethylene
(D) Bakelite

Question. Which is used to make disposable cups?
(A) Low density polyethylene
(B) Polypropylene
(C) Polystyrene

Question. Plastic products are identified by the use of some special numbers. These numbers represent for :-
(A) Electrical conductivity of plastic product
(B) Thermal resistance of plastic product
(C) Durability of plastic product
(D) Recycling of plastic product

Question. Why the waste created by plastics is not friendly with environment ?
(A) Plastics are non biodegradable
(B) Plastics are biodegradable
(C) On burning it causes pollution due to evolution of poisonous gases
(D) A & C both

Question. Disposal of plastic is a major problem becasue :-
(A) It is non biodegradable
(B) It is biodegradable
(C) It takes several years to decompose
(D) A & C both


Question. Melamine is a .................. plastic.

Question. Like synthetic fibres plastic is also a ..................

Question. A material which gets decomposed through natural processes is called ..................

Question. The name of the fire proof plastic is ..................

Question. A special plastic on which oil and water do not stick is ..................

Question. Plastic which gets deformed easily on heating and can be bent easily is ..................

Question. Plastics which when moulded once, can not be softened by heating is ..................

Question. Containers which are light weight, lower price, good strength and easy to handling is made up of ..................

Question. .................. material is responsible for the cause of animal death.

Question. Most of the thermoplastics can be ..................


 Column–A                   Column–B
(A) Polymer                  (i) Poly tetra fluoroethylene
(B) Polyethene              (ii) Thermosetting plastic
(C) Bakelite                  (iii) Thermoplastic
(D) Teflon                     (iv) Biodegradable
(E) Wollen cloth             (v) Small units combine to form large single units
Answer.(A) → (v) ; (B) → (iii) ; (C) → (ii) ; (D) → (i) ; (E) → (iv)



Question. South-Indian temples are made of :-
(A) Granite
(B) Sandstone
(C) Limestone
(D) Concrete

Question. Dams on rivers are mostly made by :-
(A) Sandstone
(B) Limestone
(C) Metamorphic rocks
(D) Granite

Question. Red Fort at Delhi and palace of Fatehpur Sikri are made of :-
(A) Granite
(B) Sandstone
(C) Limestone
(D) Concrete

Question. Who discovered cement?
(A) Agassiz
(B) Albertus Magnus
(C) Joseph Aspdin
(D) Janseen

Question. Which of the following is used to build bridges?
(A) Cinder concrete
(B) Sandstone
(C) Limestone
(D) None of these

Question. Which of the following is used to reinforce cement?
(A) Bricks
(B) Stones
(C) Steel rods or bars
(D) Mortar

Question. Photochromic glass contains :-
(A) Silver bromide
(B) Silver iodide
(C) Silver chloride
(D) All of these

Question. Which of the following is used in endoscopy?
(A) Optical fibres
(B) Glass fibres
(C) Glass wool
(D) None of these

Question. Purple-blue coloured glass is obtained by the addition of :-
(A) Chromium salts
(B) Ferrous oxide
(C) Cobalt salts
(D) None of these

Question. Terra cotta is :-
(A) Kaolin
(B) Clay
(C) Unglazed primitive pottery
(D) Porcelain

Question. Porcelain is made from :-
(A) Clay
(B) Kaolin
(C) Quartz
(D) White clay

Question. Which of the following is a natural polymer?
(A) Cellulose
(B) Nylon
(C) Polythene

Question. Which of the following have long-chains of protein?
(A) Jute
(B) Cotton
(C) Silk and wool
(D) All of these

Question. Thermocole is made from
(A) Polythene
(B) Polystyrene
(C) Perspex
(D) Teflon

Question. Which of the following is thermoplastics?
(A) Polythene
(B) Bakelite
(C) Both of these
(D) None of these

Question. Contact lenses are made from :-
(A) Polyvinyl chloride
(B) Polystyrene
(C) Lucite
(D) Teflon

Question. Which of the following is used as non-stick coating for cooking utensils?
(A) Perspex
(B) Styrofoam
(C) Polystyrene
(D) Teflon

Question. Which of the following are thermosets?
(A) Formica and Melamine
(B) Polystyrene
(C) Polythene
(D) Thermocole

Question.Which of the following is similar to cotton?
(A) Nylon
(B) Dacron
(C) Rayon
(D) Terylene

Question. Which of the following do not soften upon heating?
(A) Lucite
(B) Bakelite
(C) Polystyrene
(D) Polythene

Question. Which of the following does not produce insoluble carbonates in hard water?
(A) Soap
(B) Detergent
(C) Both of these
(D) None of these

Question. Which of the following is alkaline in nature?
(A) Soap
(B) Detergent
(C) Both of these
(D) None of these

Question. Which of the following is the basic constituent of Nitrogenous fertilizers?
(A) Amide
(B) Ammonia
(C) Sulphuric acid
(D) Hydrochloric acid

Question. Heptachlor is :-
(A) Fungicide
(B) Weedicide
(C) Insecticide
(D) All of these

Question. Which of the following pesticide is banned in some contries?
(B) Dieldrin
(C) Chlordane
(D) Parathion

Question. The correct order of increasing size of particles is :-
(A) Sand, silt, clay
(B) Clay, sand, silt
(C) Clay, silt, sand
(D) Sand, clay, silt



Question. Explain why some fibres are called synthetic.
Answer. Some fibres are called synthetic because they are made by human beings.

Question. Marks (√ ) the correct answer :

Rayon is different from synthetic fibres because.
(a) It has a silk like appearance
(b) It is obtained from wood pulp
(c) Its fibres can also be woven like those of natural fibres.
Answer. (b) It is obtained from wood pulp.

Question. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words :

(a) Synthetic fibres are also called ......... or ......... fibres.
Answer. Artificial, man-made.

(b) Synthetic fibres are synthesised from raw material called ......... .
Answer. Petrochemicals

(c) Like synthetic fibres, plastic is also a ......... .
Answer. Polymer

Question. Give examples which indicate that nylon fibres are very strong.
Answer.  Parachutes and ropes for rock climbing.

Question. Explain why plastic containers are favoured for storing food.
Answer.  Three main advantages of using plastic containers for storing food are :
(i) They do not react with food items.
(ii) They do not get rusted.
(iii) They are light, strong and durable.

Question. Explain the difference between thermoplastic and thermosetting plastics.
Answer.  Thermoplastics can be softened by heating and can be bent easily whereas thermosetting plastic cannot be softened by heating and break when forced to bend.

Question. Explain why the following are made of thermosetting plastics.
(a) Saucepan handles
(b) Electric plugs/switches/plug boards.
Answer.  Above articles are made up of bakelite (a thermosetting plastic) because it is –
(a) Poor conductor of electricity
(b) Heat resistant.

Question. Categories the materials of the following products into 'can be recycled' and 'cannot be recycled' :
Telephone instruments, plastic toys, cooker handles, carry bags, ball point pens, plastic bowls, plastic covering on electrical wires, plastic chairs, electrical switches.
Can be recycled                                                     Cannot be recycled
Toys, carry bags, p lastic bowls,                         Telep hone instruments, cooker handles,
electric wire, covering , p lastic chairs                 ball p oint p ens, electrical switches.

Question. Rana wants to but shirts for summer. Should he buy cotton shirts or shirts made from synthetic material? Advise Rana, giving your reason.
Answer. Synthetic fabric soaks less water than cotton fabric. In summers we have extensive sweating which must be soaked up by our clothings. Since synthetic fabric is poor in this property we prefer cotton clothes in summers.

Question. Give examples to show that plastics are noncorrosive in nature.
Answer. (i) It does not react with the chemical or other items stored in the containers made of it.
(ii) It does not get rusted when exposed to moisture and air.
(iii) It does not decompose when left in open for a long period.

Question. Should the handle and bristles of a toothbrush be made of the same material? Explain your Answer.
Answer.  Handle and bristles of a toothbrush should be made of different materials because they have different uses and require different properties in the material e.g., bristles should be much more flexible than the handle.

Question. 'Avoid plastics as far as possible.' Comment on this advice.
Answer. Since plastic takes several years to decompose, it is not environment friendly. It causes environmental pollution.Besides, when the synthetic material is burnt it takes a long time to get completely burnt. In the process it releases a lot of poisonous fumes into the atmosphere causing air pollution.

Question. Match the terms of Column A correctly with the phrases given in Column B.
           A                        B
(i) Polyester      (a) Prepared by using wood pulp
(ii) Teflon          (b) Used for making parachutes and stockings
(iii) Rayon        (c) Used to make non-stick cookwares
(iv) Nylon         (d) Fabrics do not wrinkle easily
Answer.   A                     B
(i) Polyester         (d) Fabrics do not wrinkle easily
(ii) Teflon             (c) Used to make non-stick cookwares
(iii) Rayon           (a) Prepared by using wood pulp
(iv) Nylon           (b) Used for making parachutes and stockings

Question. 'Manufacturing synthetic fibres is actually helping conservation of forests.' Comment.
Answer. In the manufacturing of synthetic fibres we use no material from natural sources thus in turn we conserve forests which may otherwise been destroyed. When we use articles made of plastics we also save thousands of trees which otherwise have to be cut if we used articles made of wood or natural fibres.

Question. Describe an activity to show that thermoplastic is a poor conductor of electricity.
Answer. A thermoplastic (or plastic) is poor conductor of electricity. It can be shown by using a plastic wire as a connecting wire in a circuit. In this condition the bulb will not glow.


More Questions

1.The first fully man made fiber was:
(A) Polyester.
(B) Acrylic.
(C) Rayon.
(D) Nylon.

2.Rayon is obtained by chemical treatment of
(A) Paper
(B) Wood pulp
(C) Fruit pulp
(D) Any of these

3.Which of the following is not a synthetic fiber?
(A) Nylon
(B) Acrylic
(C) Rayon
(D) Cotton

4.Which of the following is a polyester fiber
(A) Rayon.
(B) Terelene.
(C) Nylon.
(D) Acrylic.

5.Synthetic fiber which resembles with wool is:
(A) Nylon.
(B) Polycot.
(C) Polytester.
(D) Acrylic.

6.Which of the following is/are a man-made fiber?
(A) Acrylic.
(B) Nylon.
(C) Rayon.
(D) All of these.

7.The synthetic fiber also known as artificial silk:
(A) Rayon.
(B) Acrylic.
(C) Nylon.
(D) PET.

8.Parachutes and ropes for climbing mountain are made of:
(A) Rayon.
(B) Polyester.
(C) Acrylic.
(D) Nylon.

9.Which of the following is non-biodegradable?
(A) Paper.
(B) Wood.
(C) Tin can.
(D)Woolen clothes.

10.Cotton is polymer of :
(A) Fructose.
(B) Cellulose.
(C) Maltose.
(D) Sucrose.

11.Clothes made of which of the following fabric must not be worn by you while working in laboratory?
(A) Jute.
(B) Acrylic.
(C) Polyester.
(D) Cotton.

12.A common form of polyester is:
(A) Acrylic.
(B) Nylon.
(C) Rayon.
(D) Terelene.

13.Polyester is made of repeating units of chemical called as:
(A) Ether.
(B) Ester.
(C) Acid.
(D) Cotton.

14.Fabric polycot is prepared by mixing:
(A) Polyester with wool.
(B) Polyester with acrylic.
(C) Polyester with cotton.
(D) Polyester with nylon.

15.Which of the following is not a characteristic of synthetic fibers?
(A) Synthetic fibers are cheap.
(B) Synthetic fibers dry up quickly.
(C) Synthetic fibers are durable.
(D) Synthetic fibers are difficult to maintain.

16.Plastics are--
(A) Natural substance.
(B) Bio degradable.
(C) Non bio -degradable.
(D) Reactive.

17.Petroleum is the main source of:
(A) Silk.
(B) Plastics.
(C) Cotton.
(D) All of these.

18.Which of the following is/are common forms of polyester?
(B) Terylene
(C) Both (a) and (b)
(D) None of these

19.Plastic containers are preferred over iron containers for storing food because, plastic is:
(A) Non-reactive.
(B) Durable.
(C) Cheap.
(D) All of these.

20.The plastics that cannot be repeatedly molten and given new shapes are called:
(A) Thermoplastics.
(B) Thermosetting.
(C) Elastomers.
(D) None of these.

21.Which of the following is thermosetting plastic?
(A) PVC.
(B) Melamine.
(C) Polythene.
(D) All of the these.

22.Handles of saucepan are made of
(A) Thermoplastics.
(B) Acrylic.
(C) Thermosetting plastic.
(D) None of these.

23.Which of the following fabric will absorb maximum amount of water
(A) Silk
(B) Cotton
(C) Nylon
(D) Rayon

24.Non stick cookware has coating of:
(A) PET.
(B) Teflon.
(C) Acrylic.
(D) Melamine.

25.A fabric which does not wrinkle easily is:
(A) Cotton.
(B) PET.
(C) Polyester.
(D) Rayon.

26.Plastics and synthetic fibers are made of large units called as:
(A) Monomers.
(B) Cations.
(C) Anions.
(D) Polymers.

27.The fiber which is prepared from wood is:
(A) Nylon.
(B) PET.
(C) Acrylic..
(D) Rayon.

28.A plastic which becomes soft on heating and can be repeatedly remolded into desired shape is
(A) Thermoplastic.
(B) Thermosetting.
(C) Monomer.
(D) None of these.

29.PVC (Poly vinyl chloride) and Polythene are:
(A) examples of thermosetting plastics.
(B) examples of thermoplastics.
(C) examples of natural substances.
(D) examples of heavy fibers.

30.Which of the following does not have cross linked arrangement:
(A) Bakelite.
(B) Melamine.
(C) PVC.
(D) None of these.

31.Electrical switches are made of:
(A) Melamine.
(B) PET.
(C) Bakelite.
(D) PVC.

32.Uniform of fireman is coated with:
(A) Teflon.
(B) Rayon.
(C) PVC.
(D) Melamine.

33.Acrylic is used as substitute of wool because:
(A) It appears like wool.
(B) It is cheap.
(C) It is more durable than wool.
(D) All the reasons are correct.

34.Soft drink bottles are made of:
(A) PET.
(B) PVC.
(C) Rayon.
(D) Teflon.

35.PET is:
(A) polyester.
(B) polyamide.
(C) polyacid.
(D) polyacronitrile.

36.Nylon fibers are:
(A) strong.
(B) light.
(C) elastic.
(D) having all of these properties.

37.Which of the following statement is true for Rayon
(A) It is cheaper than wool.
(B) It is obtained by chemical treatment of wood pulp.
(C) It can be dyed in various colours
(D) All the statements are correct.

38.Cheap sweaters are made of:
(A) polyester.
(B) acrylic.
(C) polycot.
(D) cotton.

39.On a rainy day one must avoid wearing clothes made of:
(A) cotton.
(B) nylon.
(C) rayon.
(D) acrylic.

40.Cheap silk sarees are made of:
(A) acrylic.
(B) rayon.
(C) polyester.
(D) polycot.

41.What are natural fibres?

42.What are man made fibres?

43.Name two natural fibres obtained from plants.

44.Name two natural fibres obtained from animals.

45.What is a polymer?

46.Name a natural polymer.

47.Name a synthetic fibre which resembles silk.

48.How is rayon prepared?

49.Name the first fully synthetic fiber.

50.Name the raw material used in synthesis of nylon.

51.Name the repeating unit of polyester.

52.Name two common forms of polyester.

53.Name the raw materials used for making synthetic fibers.

54.What are thermoplastics?

55.What are thermosetting plastics?

56.Give two examples of thermoplastics.

57.Give two examples of thermosetting plastics.

58.Why Bakelite is used in making electrical switches? <

59.Name the chemicals which give fruits their characteristic smell.

60.Name the different types of plastics.

61.Name the man made fiber made of wood pulp.

62.Name the fabric, which is used to imitate wool.

63.Why nylon is used for making carpet, toothbrush bristles and tyre?

64.Handles of frying pans are made of plastic.Why? <

65.Electrical wires have covering of plastic. Why?

66.How are clothes, fabrics and fibres are related to each other?

67.Define (i) Fabric ( ii)Cloth.

68.Why scientists tried to discover a fabric like silk?

69.Why nylon is used in making clothes?

70.Explain why some fibres are called synthetic.

71.Mark the correct answer.

72.Rayon is different from synthetic fibres because
(a) it has a silk-like appearance.
(b) it is obtained from wood pulp.
its fibres can also be woven like those of natural fibres.

73.Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
(a) Synthetic fibres are also called ___ or _______ fibres.
(b) Synthetic fibres are synthesised from raw material called.
Like synthetic fibres, plastic is also a .


74.Although rayon is obtained from a natural source, wood pulp, yet it is a man-made fibre.
Give reasons.

75.Nylon is used in making many articles. Name four of them.

76.Why polyester is suitable for making dress material?

77.What is PET? What is its use?

78.What are acrylics? What are its uses?

79.Why one should never wear polyester clothes while working in the kitchen or laboratory?

80.Why synthetic fibers are preferred as clothing material?

81.Why melamine is used for making kitchenware and fabrics which resist fire?

82.Why plastic containers are convenient to store different food containers?

83.Acrylic is considered cheap substitute of wool. Give reasons.

84.Define (i) Fabric ( ii)Cloth

85.Give examples which indicate that nylon fibres are very strong.

86.Explain why plastic containers are favoured for storing food.

87.Explain the difference between thermoplastic and thermosetttng plastics.

88.Explain why the following are made of thermosetting plastics.
(a) Saucepan handles
(b) Electric plugs/switches/plug boards

89.Categorise the materials of the following products into 'can be recycled'
and 'cannot be recycled'.
Telephone instruments, plastic toys, cooker handles, carry bags, ball point pens, plastic
bowls, plastic covering on electrical wires, plastic chairs, electrical switches.


90.Write the properties and uses of rayon.

91.Write three characteristics of synthetic fibers.

92.Write three properties of plastics.

93.Write three disadvantages of synthetic fibers.

94.Rana wants to buy shirts for summer. Should he buy cotton shirts or
shirts made from synthetic material? Advise Rana, giving your reason.

95.Give examples to show that plastics are noncorrosive in nature.

96.Should the handle and bristles of a tooth brush be made of the same
material? Explain your answer.

97.Avoid plastics as far as possible'. Comment on this advice.


98.What are the advantages of using synthetic fiber?

99.State True or False
(i) Nylon is a polymer.
(ii) All polymers are natural materials.
(iii) Polythene is thermosetting plastic.
(iv) Starch, cellulose, proteins, silk and rubber are natural polymers.
(v) Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is used in making clothes.

100.i) The process of formation of polymers is called ---------------------------------------.
ii) Cotton is a natural polymer made of--------.
iii) Another name of -------is artificial silk.
iv) ------------------- has feel of wool.
V) Bakelite is an examples of------------------.

101.Match the column A and B
(i) Teflon (a) Natural polymer
(ii) Terelene (b) Artificial silk
(iii) Cellulose (c) Acrylic
(iv) Rayon (d) Non stick coating
(v) Synthetic fiber (e) popular polyester

102.State True or False (5Marks)
(i) Plastic is also a polymer like the synthetic fibre
(ii) Synthetic fabrics soak less water (sweat)
(iii) Rayon is modified glucose.
(iv) Polywool is mixture of polyester and wool.
(v) All plastics are biodegradable.

103.What are the problems related to use of plastics.


CBSE Class 8 Science - Synthetic Fibres And Plastics (3)

CBSE Class 8 Science - Synthetic Fibres And Plastics (3)

CBSE Class 8 Science - Synthetic Fibres And Plastics (3) 

1. Answer the following in brief:

a) Name the process of formation of polymer from its monomer.

b) What are blended fibres ?Give any two examples.


2. Give reasons for the following:

a) Nylon is used in making socks.

b) Polyester is used for making sails for boats.

c) Synthetic fabric is uncomfortable during summers.

d) Terylene clothes should not be worn while working in kitchen.


3. Name the monomer unit of the following:

a) Cellulose

b) Polyester

c) P.V.C.

d) Polyethene


4. Differentiate between:

a) Thermoplastics & Thermosetting plastics

b) Synthetic fibres & natural fibres

c) Biodegradable & non-biodegradable materials

5. Why are plastics preferred to natural materials?

6. What do the 4 R’s in 4R principle stand for?

7. Manufacturing synthetic fibres is actually help in the conservation of forests. Comment.

8. Why is Bakelite used for making electrical switches?

9. Why do we use melamine for making kitchenware?

10. Write True or False against the following statements:

a) Polyester shrinks on washing.

b) Plastics are not affected by heat.

c) Acrilon is pure wool obtained from sheep.

d) Bakelite is a thermoplastic.

e) P.V.C. is a good conductor of electricity

11. Write full forms of:

a) P.V.C.

b) P.E.T.

12. State two advantages & disadvantages of synthetic fibres over natural fibres.

1. Answer the following in brief:

a) Name the process of formation of polymer from its monomer.

b) What are blended fibres ?Give any two examples.

2. Give reasons for the following:

a) Nylon is used in making socks.

b) Polyester is used for making sails for boats.

c) Synthetic fabric is uncomfortable during summers.

d) Terylene clothes should not be worn while working in kitchen.

3. Name the monomer unit of the following:

a) Cellulose

b) Polyester

c) P.V.C.

d) Polyethene

4. Differentiate between:

a) Thermoplastics & Thermosetting plastics

b) Synthetic fibres & natural fibres

c) Biodegradable & non-biodegradable materials

5. Why are plastics preferred to natural materials?

6. What do the 4 R’s in 4R principle stand for?

7. Manufacturing synthetic fibres is actually help in the conservation of forests. Comment.

8. Why is Bakelite used for making electrical switches?

9. Why do we use melamine for making kitchenware?

10. Write True or False against the following statements:

a) Polyester shrinks on washing.

b) Plastics are not affected by heat.

c) Acrilon is pure wool obtained from sheep.

d) Bakelite is a thermoplastic.

e) P.V.C. is a good conductor of electricity

11. Write full forms of:

a) P.V.C.

b) P.E.T.

12. State two advantages & disadvantages of synthetic fibres over natural fibres.

CBSE Class 8 Science - Synthetic Fibres And Plastics (6)

CBSE Class 8 Science - Synthetic Fibres And Plastics (6)

1. Answer the following in brief:

a) Name the process of formation of polymer from its monomer.

b) What are blended fibres ? Give any two examples.

2. Give reasons for the following:

a) Nylon is used in making socks.

b) Polyester is used for making sails for boats.

c) Synthetic fabric is uncomfortable during summers.

d) Terylene clothes should not be worn while working in kitchen.

3. Name the monomer unit of the following:

a) Cellulose

b) Polyester

c) P.V.C.

d) Polyethene

4. Differentiate between:

a) Thermoplastics & Thermosetting plastics

b) Synthetic fibres & natural fibres

c) Biodegradable & non-biodegradable materials

5. Why are plastics preferred to natural materials?

6. What do the 4 R’s in 4R principle stand for?

7. Manufacturing synthetic fibres is actually help in the conservation of forests. Comment.

8. Why is Bakelite used for making electrical switches?

9. Why do we use melamine for making kitchenware?

10. Write True or False against the following statements:

a) Polyester shrinks on washing.

b) Plastics are not affected by heat.

c) Acrilon is pure wool obtained from sheep.

d) Bakelite is a thermoplastics plastics.

e) P.V.C. is a good conductor of plastics.

11. Write full forms of:

a) P.V.C.

b) P.E.T.

12. State two advantages & disadvantages of synthetic fibres over natural fibres.

I. Name the following :

I. Define the following :

1. Polymerization

2. Mixed Fibre

3. Hydrophilic substance

4. Hydrophobic substance

5. Plasticity

6. Tensile strength

7. Plastic

II. Name the following :

1. Polymers obtained from petroleum

2. Polymers obtained from natural gas

3. Polymers used as shoe shine

4. Polymers used to make rubber and bubble gums

5. Polymers used to make pipes and crates

6. Blend of cotton and terylene

7. Substitute of natural wool

8. Two varieties of rayon

9. Two types of nylons

10. Two types of polyester

III Differentiate between the following :

1. Thermoplasts and thermosets

2. Natural and synthetic fibres

3. Viscose rayon and acetate rayon

IV Answer the following questions :

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of synthetic fibre over natural fibre?

2. What are the properties of mixed fibre?

3. Write the uses of synthetic fibre.

4. Explain the process of obtaining the three varieties of rayons.

5. Which properties of acrylics makes it a substitute of wool?

6. Plastic being useful is also hazardous. Explain.

7. Write the types of polymers with their examples.

Chapter 01 Crop Production and Management
CBSE Class 8 Science Crop Production And Management Assignment
Chapter 03 Synthetic Fibres and Plastics
CBSE Class 8 Science Synthetic Fibers And Plastics Assignment
Chapter 04 Materials Metals and Non-Metals
CBSE Class 8 Science Materials Metals And Non Metals Assignment
Chapter 07 Conservation of Plants and Animals
CBSE Class 8 Science Conservation Of Plants And Animals Assignment
Chapter 08 Cell Structure and Functions
CBSE Class 8 Science Cell Structure and Functions Assignment
Chapter 10 Reaching the Age of Adolescence
CBSE Class 8 Science Reaching the age of Adolescence Assignment
Chapter 14 Chemical Effects of Electric Current
CBSE Class 8 Science Chemical Effects of Electric Current Assignment
Class 8 Science Revision Assignments
CBSE Class 8 Science Revision Assignment

CBSE Class 8 Science Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres And Plastics Assignment

We hope you liked the above assignment for Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres And Plastics which has been designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 8 Science released by CBSE. Students of Class 8 should download and practice the above Assignments for Class 8 Science regularly. We have provided all types of questions like MCQs, short answer questions, objective questions and long answer questions in the Class 8 Science practice sheet in Pdf. All questions have been designed for Science by looking into the pattern of problems asked in previous year examinations. You can download all Revision notes for Class 8 Science also absolutely free of cost. Lot of MCQ questions for Class 8 Science have also been given in the worksheets and assignments for regular use. All study material for Class 8 Science students have been given on studiestoday. We have also provided lot of Worksheets for Class 8 Science which you can use to further make your self stronger in Science.

What are benefits of doing Assignment for CBSE Class 8 Science Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres And Plastics?

a. Score higher marks: Regular practice of Science Class 8 Assignments for chapter Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres And Plastics will help to improve understanding and help in solving exam questions correctly.
b. As per CBSE pattern: All questions given above follow the latest Class 8 Science Sample Papers so that students can prepare as per latest exam pattern.
c. Understand different question types: These assignments include MCQ Questions for Class 8 Science with answers relating to Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres And Plastics, short answers, long answers, and also case studies.
d. Improve time management: Daily solving questions from Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres And Plastics within a set time will improve your speed and accuracy.
e. Boost confidence: Practicing multiple assignments and Class 8 Science mock tests for Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres And Plastics reduces exam stress.

How to Solve CBSE Class 8 Science Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres And Plastics Assignment effectively?

a. Start with Class 8 NCERT and syllabus topics: Always read the chapter carefully before attempting Assignment questions for Class 8 Science Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres And Plastics.
b. Solve without checking answers: You should first attempt the assignment questions on Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres And Plastics yourself and then compare with provided solutions.
c. Use Class 8 worksheets and revision notes: Refer to NCERT Class 8 Science worksheets, sample papers, and mock tests for extra practice.
d. Revise tricky topics: Focus on difficult concepts by solving Class 8 Science MCQ Test.
e. Maintain notebook: Note down mistakes in Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres And Plastics assignment and read them in Revision notes for Class 8 Science

How to practice CBSE Class 8 Science Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres And Plastics Assignment for best results?

a. Solve assignments daily: Regular practice of Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres And Plastics questions will strengthen problem solving skills.
b.Use Class 8 study materials: Combine NCERT book for Class 8 Science, mock tests, sample papers, and worksheets to get a complete preparation experience.
c. Set a timer: Practicing Class 8 Science Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres And Plastics assignment under timed conditions improves speed and accuracy.

Where can I download in PDF assignments for CBSE Class 8 Science Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres And Plastics

You can download free Pdf assignments for CBSE Class 8 Science Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres And Plastics from

How many topics are covered in Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres And Plastics Science assignments for Class 8

All topics given in Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres And Plastics Science Class 8 Book for the current academic year have been covered in the given assignment

Is there any charge for this assignment for Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres And Plastics Science Class 8

No, all Printable Assignments for Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres And Plastics Class 8 Science have been given for free and can be downloaded in Pdf format

Are these assignments for Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres And Plastics Class 8 Science designed as per CBSE curriculum?

Latest syllabus issued for current academic year by CBSE has been used to design assignments for Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres And Plastics Class 8

Are there solutions or answer keys for the Class 8 Science Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres And Plastics assignments

Yes, we have provided detailed answers for all questions given in assignments for Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres And Plastics Class 8 Science