CBSE Class 8 Science Coal and Petroleum Assignment

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 8 Science Coal and Petroleum Assignment. Get printable school Assignments for Class 8 Science. Class 8 students should practise questions and answers given here for Chapter 5 Coal And Petroleum Science in Class 8 which will help them to strengthen their understanding of all important topics. Students should also download free pdf of Printable Worksheets for Class 8 Science prepared as per the latest books and syllabus issued by NCERT, CBSE, KVS and do problems daily to score better marks in tests and examinations

Assignment for Class 8 Science Chapter 5 Coal And Petroleum

Class 8 Science students should refer to the following printable assignment in Pdf for Chapter 5 Coal And Petroleum in Class 8. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 8 Science will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Chapter 5 Coal And Petroleum Class 8 Science Assignment

Question. CNG is used for
(a) Power generation
(b) Electric generators
(c) Solvent
(d) None of these

Answer : A

Question. In India, vast reserves of natural gas are found in
(a) Tripura
(b) Rajasthan
(c) Maharashtra
(d) All of these

Answer : D

Question. Burning of fossil fuel causes
(a) Air pollution
(b) Global warming
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None of these

Answer : C

Question. PCRA stands for
(a) Pollution control research association
(b) Petroleum conversation Research association
(c) Petroleum control research association
(d) Petrol, coal reserve association 

Answer : B

Question. Which of the following is / are fossil fuels?
(a) Coal
(b) Petroleum
(c) Natural gas
(d) All of these

Answer : D

Question. CNG is
(a) Highly polluting
(b) Less polluting
(c) Not at all polluting
(d) None of these

Answer : B

Question. Kerosene is used in / as
(a) Jet engines
(b) Fuel
(c) Ointments
(d) Lubricants

Answer : A

Question. Dead organisms are transformed into petroleum & natural gas in
(a) Absence of air
(b) Presence of air
(c) Presence of sun light
(d) None of these

Answer : A

Question. Diesel is used in
(a) Coojing oil
(b) Paints
(c) Road surfacing
(d) Electric generators

Answer : D

Question. Which of them is used in extraction of metals ?
(a) Coke
(b) coal gas
(c) Coal tar
(d) Petroleum

Answer : A

Question. Bitumen is used in
(a) Electric generators
(b) Road surfacing
(c) Coal tar
(d) Natural Gas

Answer : B

Question. What is called black gold?
(a) Petroleum
(b) Coal
(c) Coal Tar
(d) Natural gas

Answer : A

Question. Petrol can be saved by
(a) Driving at a constant & moderate speed
(b) Ensuring correct type pressure
(c) Switching off the engine at traffic lights
(d) All of these

Answer : D

Question. Which of them is used as solvent for dry cleaning?
(a) Diesel
(b) Kerosene
(c) petrol
(d) Paraffin wax

Answer : C

Question. The fibres manufacture by petrochemicals are
(a) Nylon
(b) Polyester
(c) Acrylic
(d) All of these

Answer : D

 CBSE Class 8 Science - Coal and Petroleum (1)


CBSE Class 8 Science - Coal and Petroleum (1)


Question. Which of the following is used for refining of petroleum ?
(A) Steam distillation
(B) Distillation under reduced pressure
(C) Solvent extraction
(D) Fractional distillation

Answer: D

Question. The monomer units of neoprene ar known as
(A) isoprene
(B) chloroprene
(C) vinyl chloride
(D) ethylene glycol.

Answer: B

Question. Main constituents of coal gas are :
(A) H2O, C2H6 , O2
(B) CH4 , CO2 , O2
(C) CH4 , H2 , CO
(D) C2H6 , N2 , O2

Answer: C

Question. Which one of the following polymers is not properly matched to its monomer ?
(A) Orlon – Acrylonirtile
(B) Synthetic rubber – 2 – Chlorobuta – 1, 3 – diene.
(C) Nylon – Adipic acid & Hexamethylene diamine
(D) Teflon – Vinyl chloride

Answer: D

Question. The distillation of crude petroleum to obtain various commercially useful fraction is called :
(A) cracking
(B) hydroforming
(C) refining
(D) mining

Answer: C

Question. Percentage of carbon present in an air dried sample of Anthracite is :
(A) 94 – 98%
(B) 27 – 30%
(C) 78 – 86%
(D) 27 %

Answer: D

Question. Which one of the following is a condensation polymer?
(A) Polyethene
(B) Polyester
(C) Polystyrene
(D) Polypropylene

Answer: B

Question. Which of the following products obtained by destructive distillation of coal, is not properly matched ?
(A) Coal tar – Dyes, explosives, paints
(B) Coal gas – Fuel
(C) Coke – Drinking purposes
(D) Ammoniacal liquor – Fertilizers

Answer: C

Question. Which of the following is known as regenerated fibre ?
(A) Nylon – 66
(B) Terylene
(C) Nylon – 6
(D) Rayon

Answer: D

Question. Kerosene oil is a mixture of hydrocarbons containing number of carbon atoms -
(A) C6 to C10
(B) C8 to C12
(C) C11 to C16
(D) C18 to C22

Answer: C

Question. Ammoniacal liquor is -
(A) ammonia absorbed in water
(B) ammonium hydroxide
(C) aqueous solution of ammonia
(D) All of the above

Answer: A

Question. The structure of isoprene is -
(A) CH2 = C(C2H5) – CH = CH2
(B) CH2 = C(OCOCH) – CH = CH2
(C) CH2 = C(CH3) – CH = CH2
(D) CH2= CH – C ≡ CH

Answer: C

Question. All are natural fibres except -
(A) silk
(B) cotton
(C) nylon
(D) wool

Answer: C

Question. The first man – made polymer is -
(B) Teflon
(C) Bakelite
(D) Nylon

Answer: D

Question. Which of the following is properly matched ?
(A) Kerosene – C5 – C10
(B) Diesel oil – C5 – C6
(C) Petrol – C7– C9
(D) All are correct

Answer: C

Question. The following are synthetic polymers except -
(A) teflon
(B) terylene
(C) nylon
(D) proteins

Answer: D

Question. Pick out the incorrect statement amongst the following :
(A) Nylon clothings can with stand high temperature & are therefore, good to wear in summers.
(B) Thermosetting plastics do not become soft on heating.
(C) Addition polymers are formed without the elimination of by- product molecules.
(D) Natural rubber is obtained as latex from rubber trees.

Answer: A

Question. Which of the following names represents the foul smelling, black, thick, viscous liquid obtained from destructive distillation of coal ?
(A) Coke
(B) Coal tar
(C) Coal gas
(D) None of these

Answer: B

Question. Which one of the following is not a petroleum product ?
(A) Kerosene
(B) Gasoline
(C) Pitch black
(D) Bees wax

Answer: D

Question. Which of the following is a thermosetting plastic ?
(B) Polyethylene
(C) Bakelite
(D) Terylene

Answer: C


1.Which organization is associated to advise people how to save petrol and diesel?

2.Liquefied Petroleum Gas is:
(A) A mixture of butane, ethane and propane gases.
(B) Obtained as a by-product during refining of petroleum.
(C) Liquefied under high pressure so that it can be stored and transported in cylinders.
(D) All of these.

3.What are the natural recourses?

4.Which natural resource is also called 'Black Gold'?
(A) Coal.
(B) Natural gas.
(C) Petroleum.
(D) Coal tar.

5.The gas which is known as marsh gas and has the molecular formula CH4 is:
(A) Ethane.
(B) Methane.
(C) Propane.
(D) Butane.

6.The process of separating the various constituents of petroleum is called:
(A) Ionization.
(B) Carbonization.
(C) Refining.
(D) Lubrication.

7.The substances obtained from petroleum and natural gas are termed as:
(A) Chemicals.
(B) Petrochemicals..
(C) Fuels.
(D) Fossil fuels.

8.Which petrochemical is used for making ointments and Vaseline?
(A) Bitumen.
(B) Lubricating oil.
(C) Paraffin wax.
(D) Diesel.

9.Which one is the man-made resource?
(A) Air.
(B) Water.
(C) Solar Energy.
(D) None of these.

10.Exhaustible natural resources are-
(A) Coal.
(B) Petroleum.
(C) Natural gas.
(D) a, b and c.

11.Which one is the natural resource?
(A) Wood.
(B) Cow dung cake.
(C) a and b. (D) Air.

12.Which fuel was used in railway engines to produce steam to run the engine?
(A) Coal.
(B) Coke.
(C) Coal gas.
(D) Coal tar.

13.Fuels can be classified as:
(A) Combustible, Non-combustible.
(B) Solid, Liquid or Gaseous.
(C) Efficient or Non-efficient.
(D) All of these.

14.Wood is becoming more and more scarce and expansive because of:
(A) Extensive use in housing and activities.
(B) Large scale felling of trees.
(C) Increased use as a fuel.
(D) both (a) and (b).

15.Coal is a fossil fuel has been formed by:
(A) The slow compression of plant bodies of large forests that existed 300 millions years ago.
(B) Plant bodies got buried under the surface of earth and gradually covered with many layers of soil. The heat and high pressure ultimately converted them into coal.
(C) Both (a) and (b).
(D) The living organisms present in the soil.

16.Heating of coal in absence of air results in the formation of:
(A) Hydrogen Sulphide and Marsh gas.
(B) Coke, coal gas and coal tar.
(C) Oxides of Carbon.
(D) Large amount of energy.

17.The fuel formed from the dead remains of microscopic marine plants and animals settled in muddy sediments at the bottom of sea millions of years ago is
(A) Coke.
(B) Petroleum.
(C) Marsh gas.
(D) All of these.

18.Petroleum is a dark oily liquid with unpleasant smell that does not burn, but still called a fuel:
(A) Because it is made from dead remains of marine plants.
(B) Because it is insoluble in water and floats on it.
(C) Because it is refined to get different constituents with excellent calorific values.
(D) Because of its colour and appearance.

19.Natural gas, found with petroleum in oil wells is:
(A) Mainly methane - a hydrocarbon.
(B) Compressed to form CNG.
(C) Capable of burning easily to produce heat.
(D) All of these.

20.Solar energy, wind energy and hydroelectric energy are the examples of:
(A) Non-renewable energy.
(B) Renewable energy.
(C) Conventional energy.
(D) Fossils.

21.Natural phenomenon utilising the sun energy are:
(A) Blowing of winds.
(B) Rains and Snow.
(C) Photosynthesis.
(D) All of these.

22.Biogas plants are considered environment-friendly because:
(A) They use animal dung, human excreta and agricultural wastes as raw materials.
(B) Their design does not allow the raw material to come in contact with oxygen.
(C) Mixture of gases obtained is a good fuel for cooking and the residue is a good manure.
(D) All of these.

23.Which of the following gas can be liquefied easily under high pressure?
(A) Ethane.
(B) Methane.
(C) Butane.
(D) Propane.

24.In India, petroleum is found in-
(A) Maharashtra and Assam.
(B) Gujarat and Assam.
(C) Gujarat and Maharashtra.
(D) Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra.

25.Petroleum and natural gas have been discovered near the basins of-
(A) Ganga and Godavari.
(B) Brahamputra and Cauvery.
(C) Ganga and Yamuna.
(D) Godavari and Cauvery.

26.How does water help in fire fighting?
(A) It acts as a buffer between fuel and air.
(B) It cools the fuel below its ignition temperature.
(C) It is a neutral liquid.
(D) Both a and b.

27.Which one is not a coal product-
(A) Coal.
(B) Petrol.
(C) Coal tar.
(D) Coal gas.

28.Which of the following gas is used as source of heat and light?
(A) Coal gas.
(B) Natural gas.
(C) Compressed Natural Gas.
(D) Biogas.

29.Petroleum product used for surfacing the roads is:
(A) Coal.
(B) Coke.
(C) Coaltar.
(D) Paraffin wax.

30.A gas which sustains combustion, is:
(A) Methane.
(B) Ethane.
(C) Propane.
(D) Butane.

31.Which gas is added to LPG for detecting its leakage?
(A) Mercaptan.
(B) Methane.
(C) Ethane.
(D) Butane.

32.Natural gas is made up of:
(A) Methane.
(B) Ethane.
(C) Hydrogen.
(D) Nitrogen.

33.The process of conversion of dead vegetation into coal is called:
(A) Ionization.
(B) Carbonization.
(C) Refining.
(D) Lubrication.

34.Write the three products of coal.

35.What is the constitution of natural gas?

36.Can we use all our natural resources forever?

37.What are the inexhaustible natural resources?

38.What are the exhaustible natural resources?

39.What are the fossil fuels?

40.How dead plants are converted into coal?

41.Explain the term carbonisation?

42.What is the bitumen?

43.How can we obtain the coal gas?

44.Define the term coal tar?

45.Explain the term petroleum refinery?

46.Can coal, petroleum and natural gas be prepared in the laboratory from dead organisms?

47.Give tips to save petrol/diesel while driving.

48.When L.P.G. is burnt as a fuel in homes, the products obtained are ............... and ...............
(A) CO + H2. (B) CO2 + H2. (C) CO2 + H2O. (D) CO + H2O.

49.Name the products formed when coal is heat in air

50.Where was world first oil drilled?

51.Write two properties of petrolium

52.Write constitutions of Petroleum.

53.Give two-two examples of each exhaustible and inexhaustible natural resources.

54.Explain the formation of petrolium.

55.Give any four properties of coal

56.Where do we find natural gas our country?

57.Coal is a fossil fuel. Explain.

58.What are the advantages of using CNG and LPG as fuels?

59.Give one use of each coke, coal tar and coal gas.

60.Write three uses of coal.

61.Give constituents of petroleum and their uses.

62.Why petroleum is known as Black gold?

63.Write short note on natural gas.

A. Answer the following in one word or very briefly.

1. Name two fossil fuels.

2. Which government organization is associated with petroleum?

3. What is CNG?

4. Which process is used to separate the components of petroleum?

5. What is the source of a natural gas?

B. Answer the following in brief.

1. State two important uses of coal?

2. What is a fossil fuel?

3. What is carbonization process?

4. How is petroleum formed in nature?

5. Why must we look for alternative sources of energy?

C. Answer the following in appropriate detail.

1. Describe in brief the formation of coal in the earth.

2. Where is natural gas found? Why is it called a clean fuel? Give two reasons.

3. State two important uses of CNG.

4. What is refining of petroleum ? What is the principle behind it ? Name any four components obtained and their uses.

A. Answer the following in one word or very briefly.

1. Name two fossil fuels.

2. Which government organization is associated with petroleum?

3. What is CNG?

4. Which process is used to separate the components of petroleum?

5. What is the source of a natural gas?

B. Answer the following in brief.

1. State two important uses of coal?

2. What is a fossil fuel?

3. What is carbonization process?

4. How is petroleum formed in nature?

5. Why must we look for alternative sources of energy?

C. Answer the following in appropriate detail.

1. Describe in brief the formation of coal in the earth.

2. Where is natural gas found? Why is it called a clean fuel? Give two reasons.

3. State two important uses of CNG.

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CBSE Class 8 Science Chapter 5 Coal And Petroleum Assignment

We hope you liked the above assignment for Chapter 5 Coal And Petroleum which has been designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 8 Science released by CBSE. Students of Class 8 should download and practice the above Assignments for Class 8 Science regularly. We have provided all types of questions like MCQs, short answer questions, objective questions and long answer questions in the Class 8 Science practice sheet in Pdf. All questions have been designed for Science by looking into the pattern of problems asked in previous year examinations. You can download all Revision notes for Class 8 Science also absolutely free of cost. Lot of MCQ questions for Class 8 Science have also been given in the worksheets and assignments for regular use. All study material for Class 8 Science students have been given on studiestoday. We have also provided lot of Worksheets for Class 8 Science which you can use to further make your self stronger in Science.

What are benefits of doing Assignment for CBSE Class 8 Science Chapter 5 Coal And Petroleum?

a. Score higher marks: Regular practice of Science Class 8 Assignments for chapter Chapter 5 Coal And Petroleum will help to improve understanding and help in solving exam questions correctly.
b. As per CBSE pattern: All questions given above follow the latest Class 8 Science Sample Papers so that students can prepare as per latest exam pattern.
c. Understand different question types: These assignments include MCQ Questions for Class 8 Science with answers relating to Chapter 5 Coal And Petroleum, short answers, long answers, and also case studies.
d. Improve time management: Daily solving questions from Chapter 5 Coal And Petroleum within a set time will improve your speed and accuracy.
e. Boost confidence: Practicing multiple assignments and Class 8 Science mock tests for Chapter 5 Coal And Petroleum reduces exam stress.

How to Solve CBSE Class 8 Science Chapter 5 Coal And Petroleum Assignment effectively?

a. Start with Class 8 NCERT and syllabus topics: Always read the chapter carefully before attempting Assignment questions for Class 8 Science Chapter 5 Coal And Petroleum.
b. Solve without checking answers: You should first attempt the assignment questions on Chapter 5 Coal And Petroleum yourself and then compare with provided solutions.
c. Use Class 8 worksheets and revision notes: Refer to NCERT Class 8 Science worksheets, sample papers, and mock tests for extra practice.
d. Revise tricky topics: Focus on difficult concepts by solving Class 8 Science MCQ Test.
e. Maintain notebook: Note down mistakes in Chapter 5 Coal And Petroleum assignment and read them in Revision notes for Class 8 Science

How to practice CBSE Class 8 Science Chapter 5 Coal And Petroleum Assignment for best results?

a. Solve assignments daily: Regular practice of Chapter 5 Coal And Petroleum questions will strengthen problem solving skills.
b.Use Class 8 study materials: Combine NCERT book for Class 8 Science, mock tests, sample papers, and worksheets to get a complete preparation experience.
c. Set a timer: Practicing Class 8 Science Chapter 5 Coal And Petroleum assignment under timed conditions improves speed and accuracy.

Where can I download in PDF assignments for CBSE Class 8 Science Chapter 5 Coal And Petroleum

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How many topics are covered in Chapter 5 Coal And Petroleum Science assignments for Class 8

All topics given in Chapter 5 Coal And Petroleum Science Class 8 Book for the current academic year have been covered in the given assignment

Is there any charge for this assignment for Chapter 5 Coal And Petroleum Science Class 8

No, all Printable Assignments for Chapter 5 Coal And Petroleum Class 8 Science have been given for free and can be downloaded in Pdf format

Are these assignments for Chapter 5 Coal And Petroleum Class 8 Science designed as per CBSE curriculum?

Latest syllabus issued for current academic year by CBSE has been used to design assignments for Chapter 5 Coal And Petroleum Class 8

Are there solutions or answer keys for the Class 8 Science Chapter 5 Coal And Petroleum assignments

Yes, we have provided detailed answers for all questions given in assignments for Chapter 5 Coal And Petroleum Class 8 Science