CBSE Class 11 English Writing Skills Concepts and Assignments

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Assignment for Class 11 English Writing Skills Concepts

Class 11 English students should refer to the following printable assignment in Pdf for Writing Skills Concepts in Class 11. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 11 English will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Writing Skills Concepts Class 11 English Assignment

Issuing organization in capitals
State nature of announcement in capital
Date of the notice
Caption in capitals
Message is informative and concise, in words and numbers Authority responsible for the notice, with designation be written
Example 1

HAPPY VALLEY SCHOOL_______________1
10th Jan 2012_____________3

The Drama club proposes to stage Shakespeare’s ‘Othello’ as part of its Literary Week
Celebration in April. Young aspirants are requested to submit their names to Malathi
Arora, on or before 20th March for selection and audition. Venue and date will be
intimated later._____5

Example 2:
On behalf of the Vice-Principal of your school write a notice regarding implementation of new school uniform in your school. Mention the given guidelines for purchasing new uniform and relaxation given to students of some classes. Write the notice in not more than 50 words.

Galaxy International School
New Uniform

Date: 01/04/2012
This is to inform all the students and the parents that the school management committee has decided to change the uniform of the students to meet with the climatic conditions pertaining to this area. For the newly admitted students it is mandatory while for others it will be mandatory from August 15. Refer the notice board for sample of the same or contact the undersigned.
Mr. P. K. Singh
Vice- Principal

Types of advertisement
1. Classified 2. Commercial

Classified Advertisements
Brevity is the principle in this form of advertisement as the publisher charges for each word published. Hence efficient use of apt words is solicited. Its ingredients are the purpose,
requirement/need, criteria and qualification, expectations, offering, contact number and address.

Examples for the same are matrimonial, wanted, to let, on rent, property sale/purchase, job ads etc.

Examples of classified.
Situation Vacant/wanted.
Lost and found
Sale and purchase
Accommodation wanted
Placement services
To-let/for sale
Travels and Tours
Commercial/ display advertisements :
Designed for commercial purposes,
Attractive with visuals,
Catchy phrases and slogans
Present the matter in a box.

Essential details: No block no design and language to be simple formal and to the Point. Begin with wanted or Required, name of the company post, age, sex, qualification experience, pay scale, mode of applying, contact address and phone no.


A First class graduate in commerce seeks a suitable job in a reputed firm or a banking institution to work as an accountant in and around Delhi, Well travelled, having faith in
synergy. Creative with practical experience in accountancy. Flare in English and computer operating. Salary expected negotiable. Contact Sriprakash 1-2A Ajitnagar,
Ambala cantt 130001

II. To let/ For Sale

Value points: begin with for Sale/ to let, accommodation/Vehicle/Household item, Physical description, negotiable rent/price,contact.
To let/ For Sale
(Flat/ House/ Bungalow)


Available on rent/ for immediate sale DDA Flat/ 2 BHK/ BHK, II ground floor, two modular kitchen, full interiors, lobby, balcony, fully furnished, well ventilated, car parking
available, walking distance from market, large landscaped area, large playground, Resident’s club, multi gym, swimming pool, community hall, Banquet Hall, Children’s
playing area, Basketball court, tennis court, amphitheatre, Indoor game, Rent Negotiable/ Price negotiable. Contact Sri Prakash A 21, Ashok Vihar, 27210012

Example : 3 - Matrimonial
Begin with ‘wanted’, age, gender, complexion, qualification, job, physical description, expectations, contact,
Wanted Bride

Wanted a bride of fair complexion, age within 24-28 years, sensitive, loving, caring, soft-hearted, beautiful and searching for her prince charming. May or may not be in
service but should have a good heart. Working in an M.N.C. in U.S.A. has pursued M.B.A. in a top school in California. Family well settled in India. Tall, Handsome, high
salary and a good family background. Contact with details and full horoscope. Ph-

Example : 4 – Property
Plot, accommodation, location, area, facilities, price/rent expected, purpose, contact.

Wanted Property

Wanted a spacious and well-built house/ flat for an international diplomat in a very good locality in or around Delhi. Exquisitely designed, well ventilated, modular kitchen, lobby, balcony, lift- facility, self-contained, 4-5 bedrooms house with ultra-modern amenities and a servant quarter.
Interested parties contact within a week. Embassy of China, New Delhi-

Example : 5

Situation Vacant
Wanted/ Required a smart, confident, dynamic, and efficient P.A./ stenographer for a leading company. Only fresh graduates with excellent command over English and computer operating, age 25-30 years, typing speed 40 wpm, short hand 100 wpm. Preference to those who have creativity and innovative ideas for planning. Handsome salary with perks. Apply with detailed C.V./Resume within seven days to the Manager Wipro, Chennai, 4100270

There is no specific format for a poster though the following are considered as its general constituents: Appropriate and catchy title, punch line, message, picture/painting, address and contact numbers, e-mail ID, etc.

An article is a piece of writing that differs from a news item or a composition because of its unique and interesting presentable style which includes interesting facts, thoughts, discussions and dialogues of people, elucidating a problem of social, cultural, local / national importance or describing a place or narrating an event.

Characteristics / Format of an article:
Catchy Heading
Introduction (May begin with a slogan, saying, startling fact, figure or statement)
Body – Two or three paragraphs stating causes, effects, present state of affairs, etc.
Conclusion – Last paragraph suggesting remedies/measures, prospects, optimistic expectations, ways of for improving situation, etc.

Why do we write articles?
To present information on a variety of themes in along and sustained piece of writing, namely,
Describing some event, person and his life and action,
expressing opinion on some issue of social interest
expressing arguments in favour or against some stated hypothesis or current event
to pass on such information in a wide range of contexts, namely,
magazine (general)
magazine (school)
newspapers (wider audience)
What should an article contain?
The word limit is 200
It has a title that catches attention - and encapsulates the central theme
The content reflects clarity of thought, accuracy of parts and a balanced view of issue, unless it is
an argument that calls for a single one- sided point of view
The paragraphs may be two or more depending on the content. Generally, an article contains
An introduction to the theme (one paragraph)
The body: the cause-effect relationship supporting data. (One/more paragraphs):
Conclusion: suggestions/ measures to improve the situation, personal observations, predictions
(one or two paragraphs).
Originality of ideas
All information is presented in a coherent, logical and convincing manner.
The name of the writer (with designation, where applicable.)

Marks distribution
Format: (title and writer’s name) 1 mark
Content 3 marks
Expression (grammatical accuracy, appropriate words and spelling) 2marks
Coherence and relevance of ideas and style 2marks

Solved Examples
Example 1


New York: people appear to have an innate ability to determine when someone is cheating them out of a deal, US researchers suggest. In one recent report, a group of investigators demonstrate that humans from widely different cultures can identify when someone is reneging on some type of social agreement, suggesting this ability may be an aspect of being human.
In another article, the authors report the experience of a man who suffered damage to one portion of the brain in a bicycle accident and lost the ability to detect a cheater. However, he remained able to reason and express emotions, demonstrating that the ability maybe linked to a particular region of the brain.
The research centers on the principle of social contracts, in which one person offers to do something for the other, who then offers something in return. The process is known as social exchange.
Researchers have spotted this behavior in a variety of species besides humans, ranging from bats to baboons. Although it is often in the interest of animals to help blood relatives without the promise of a return reward, in other cases, indiscriminately performing favours for others can hurt chances of survival.
Individuals who enter into social exchanges without determining whether the participant will cheat them out of the return favor will become exploited over time, and are less likely to reproduce and pass on their tendencies. Consequently, those who try not to let themselves become exploited during social exchanges are more likely to live long enough to reproduce and distribute their genes to the next generation. But in order to do that, “you have to notice when you’re being exploited,”
The two articles published in the early edition of the proceedings of the National Academy Sciences, offer evidence to support the theory that humans are born with the capacity to identify people who cheat during social exchanges.

Suggested value points

Status of present reality shows
Misuse of gymnastics and PT exercises
Do not represent Indian culture
Ape the west
(any one)
Need for exclusive reality show to showcase Indian Classical and Folk Dances
Classical and folk dances represent India’s cultural legacy
Can revive the national spirit since many old art forms are dying
Will reach a large target audience because of the viewership of reality shows
(any one)
any other relevant details

Writing Speeches
Composition------ Speech 8 Marks
Content: 04 Marks
Expression: 04 Marks
Points to remember:
Greet your audience and introduce the topic
If you are speaking for /against the motion –express your stance
Respect your audience
Use rhetorical questions, exclamatory effectively
Give live examples to justify your views
Express your world view coherently
Conclude your speech /debate with respect

Why do we make Speeches?
to convey information orally to large gatherings of people, forcefully and convincingly, to convert listeners to the speaker's point of view to pass on orally a wide range of information, to a wide range of audience to express an opinion, share a. point of view, experience, observation, etc.
What should form a part of speech?
The salutation where the speaker greets the chief guests, fellow speakers and audience.
The key sentence, carrying the central theme or issue of the speech.
The speech reflects clarity of thought, accuracy of facts and a balanced view of issues, unless, it is a debate that calls for a single one-sided stand.
The speech begins with a catchy introduction. It may be supported by an anecdote, quotation, striking statistical data or a thought provoking question.
The speech/debate will contain adequate supporting data to make your speech credible and interesting, infusing humour through creative use of language or anecdotal references strictly pertaining to the theme.
Similar to the introduction, the conclusion should be brief, consolidate the ideas presented, personal observations and predictions, with a catchy and striking end. Your conclusion should leave the audience thinking about what you have spoken.
Originality of ideas, powerful language, repetitions are allowed, only to emphasize or focus the listeners" attention on the point addressed by the speaker.
Avoid using abbreviations, vague notations and numbers, that would mar the smooth 'reading of
the speech script
Thank the audience (Thank You ...).

Example: 1
Debate : India has the potential to lead the world .
Good Morning! Hon’ble Speaker, Respected jury and my worthy opponents. I, Sarang Agarwal of Kendriya Vidyalaya , Nagaon, want to enlighten your views saying a few words in favour of the motion that ‘India has the potential to lead the world .’India is not just the matter of latitude and longitude .It has been the birth place of human civilization since ancient time .What a great fun it is! My learned opponents have failed to interpret the meaning of the word ‘potential’.
What credentials do you want me to prove the mettle of my nation in every sphere of life? In this economic recession India is the only country next to China which has reached and has maintained the 7% economic growth. This is the only country in the world that leads its citizens to enjoy the fruits of democracy. It ranges from right to Information to right to education irrespective of caste, gender and money .My learned opponents, this is the only land where two sisters, capitalism and socialism live together. Do you have the address of any nation? Let me know .We have the history where the first civilized human being was born on the bank of INDUS. This is the first country in the history of human civilization that has the words in action in the form of Vedas .My dear friends ,you know the country where Royal Bengal tiger and the lion of GIR coexist together .Flora and fauna of my country –lotus blooms in the mud and saffron turns the beautiful lady in red ,herbs of western Ghats and panoramic view of the Himalaya is matchless .The land whose feet washed by the Arabian sea and Indian ocean and where the head is held high with the dignity of Himalaya is the identity of my nation .Desert is on one side ,natural ports are there on the other hand ,fragrance of sandalwood is in the forest of Karnataka and conscience is echoed in the ranges of Himalaya, where spices make the life delicious and coconut make the life shriveled like a nut outside and as soft as my mother’s hand inside is the geography of my nation. It’s not the overstatement of my dear friends, it’s just the statement to my worthy opponent’s understatement to prove my potential .Let’s see our selfsufficiency from bread and butter to the science and technology .Go to lush green fields of Harayana and Punjab .They are ever ready to satisfy the hunger of millions and perennial reservoir of Ganga is ready to quench the thirst of millions .Look at the sky you may see the rainbow of GSLV and the footprints landed Indian satellite on the moon. Does it not prove the potential of my nation?

Example: 2
This is the famous Inauguration Speech of one of America's most popular and much admired Presidents, John F Kennedy. It has inspired many generations of speakers around the world, and excerpts have often been quoted by students when they prepare speeches.
Here is an extract: Read it aloud in turns. Your teacher will guide you.
Title: Inauguration of John F. Kennedy
Speaker: John F. Kennedy
"Vice President Johnson, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Chief Justice, President Eisenhower, Vice President Nixon, President Truman, Reverend Clergy, fellow citizens:
We observe today not as a victory of a party but as a celebration of freedom symbolizing an end as well as a beginning- signifying renewal as well as change. For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forbears prescribed nearly a century and three-quarters ago.
The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And, yet, the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe- the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God...”
"In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility- I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.
And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.
My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you but what together we can do for the freedom of man.
Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God work must truly be our own."

Suggested value points
addressing the audience
stating the problem
surroundings unclean, untidy and unhygienic
(any one)
importance and need to keep the premises clean
students responsibility
use of dustbins
ensure clean surroundings
(any one)

Practice Questions:

1. You are selected as the Head Boy/Girl of your school. It’s your first address to the school assembly. Draft a speech in 150-200 words with help of the following points:
Express your gratitude
Declare your planning for smooth functioning of academic and co-curricular activities
Co-ordination with students and teachers
Suggest some improvements
Seek cooperation from the students

2. Your school is going to organize a plantation drive. Being the secretary of the school Environment Club prepare a speech stating importance of plantation for balanced eco-system and to encourage students to participate in it voluntarily.
Historical background
Causes leading to the problem
Present status
Probable solutions
Appeal to participate


Title : bold letters, catchy, attractive, in simple present tense Place , date (reporters name) and name of agency
Introduction: what ,where ,when, how ,why (2-3 lines in past tense)
Body of the report: what, where, when, why, how ( 2 paragraphs in past tense)
Opinion of the reporter: in past/present tense (1-2 lines)

One needs to be creative, innovative and have an analytical bent of mind.
The Focal theme related to universal sentiments and appeals to contemporary sensibilities.
It brings a rich resource of world-view, knowledge and cognitive strategies to meet the challenges of future.

Solved Examples:
Example 1:


Nagaon : 15th February, 2012 (Aas Mohammed). Modern Public school, Nagaon held Three day Regional level workshop on “Capacity Building and 21th century skills” for the
teachers of Guwhati Region. The workshop ran for three days from 12th Feb. 2010 to 14th Feb.2012. The workshop was inaugurated by Shri Nagaraju, Eminent educationist. In his
inaugural speech, he appealed to the participants to gird their lions to meet the challenges of 21st Century. Ms. Aastha Singh, Course Director and venue Principal expounded the aims and objectives of the workshop. She expressed the vision of the workshop, to hone the skills of the trainee to render their services to answer the expectations of the 21th century, Dr. V.N. Jha and Dr. Seema Kumari, resource persons rendered their services to mould the view of the participants to welcome the impending history with open arms. Mr. Govind Singh, Librarian, connected the participants to the world through ‘Think quest com’. All the participants coming from different Schools expressed their world view through discussion, extempore, project and group work.
Three Day conclave envisioned the values that can redefine the civilization in the long run.

Example 2:
Tiny Angle Public School Celebrates 15th August

Durgapur: 16th August, 2012 (Rahul Sharma). Tiny Angle Public School enjoyed the pleasant morning of 15th August by paying tribute to the national cause. The Independence Day was celebrated with tremedous gaiety and traditional fervour. The Guests were welcomed with open arms by the Bulbuls and Cubs of school. Hon’ble Mr. D.S. Negi, DIGP, Range CRPF Durgapur unfurled the tri -colour as symbol of the glory of the bygone that always holds our head high. It was followed by the ‘Jhanda Geet’ which glorifies the paramountacy of national icons in our life.
Hon’ble Dr. Poonam Singh, Principal, Tiny Angle Public School DGP-14, delivered the welcome address and wished the happy Independence Day to one and all present there. To make the event colourful, the unique blend of music and steps of tiny angels in the tune of folk music was performed. Patriotic speeches and poetic recitation made the event sensitive. The students of secondary section paid homage to the motherland in their group song. Group dance presented by the secondary section enthralled the atmosphere. Little masters of primary section kept the audiences spell bound through their action song. On the occasion Hom’ble Sanjeeva Roy, Commandant CRPF GC DGP was present to appreciate the wonderland of tiny angels. In his blessing the chief guest said, “Sacrifice, service to man and stand for national cause will create a responsible civic sense among us.” He congratulated the children for their scintillating performance on the occasion. A vote of thank was proposed by Dr. V.N. Jha .Distribution sweets among the students made the event sweeter and more delicious..

Example 3
Assam hit by worst floods in twelve years

Guwahati, 18th July 2012 (Sahil Kumar), the Times News Network.
Assam is reeling under the worst ever floods in the last twelve years. In the first wave alone from April to June, 126 people have died and over 700 animals drowned even as fear of the second wave hitting soon looms large. 17 people reported missing. The annual devastation comes in multiple waves- ranging from three to four beginning from April. According to state disaster management 5 lakh people have been affected and of the 5000 villages that came under water, 500 are still flooded. The current wave was declared by the state government as the worst since 2004. Banks of the Brahmaputra valley is the most affected area as river has crossed its danger line. It is changing its course of flow now and then, something that swallows hundreds of villages. His tributaries crossed the danger mark due to incessant rain in the catchment areas of the Brahmaputra. Along with the devastating floods, the monsoon also triggered landslides, which have so far claimed 16 humans lives including 10 farmers, 600 relief camps were set up, they are still in operation. The state government has deployed 77 medical teams besides loss to human lives; the flood has destroyed the infrastructure which includes massive destruction to as many as seven national highways. Roads have been damaged, bridges have been washed away, school buildings have been collapsed, and train connectivity to the area has been damaged by
landslides. State government has launched exhausting rescue operation. The rescue operation team reached out to the flood victims provided relief on time. They deployed boats and other rescue equipment’s at different locations which enabled timely evacuation of people’s stranded by the worst flooding and saved lives. Realizing the gravity of the situation the task force equipped with boats, life jacket, medical aid and relief materials including food and water were required. The people facing imminent danger were immediately evacuated. Helicopters were also used for dropping relief materials in areas cut off by the flood. National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) is monitoring the relief and rescue operations.

‘Example 4
Annual Day Function celebrated in your school

On October 24th the Annual Day Function was held at 5 p.m. in the school auditorium. The Chief Guest for the function was the District Collector and among other dignitaries were eminent personalities from the city. Olympic medal winner GaganNarang was the special attraction of the function. After the convocation to the goddess the function was formally started with different cultural items presented on the stage. Each and every item presented was the result of the hard work put up to make it perfect by the student participants and the teachers. The ‘Mushira’ (Poetry conclave) because of its humorous pieces of poems became an instant hit and Christmas Dance by tiny tots got a ‘once more’. The best houses in academics, sports and co-curricular activities were awarded. Awards were also given at the hands of the Chief Guest to the meritorious students in the Board Examinations. The Chief Guest in his address could not conceal his happiness to be amongst the students. He revealed the secret that he was an exstudent of our school and had learnt a lot from the teachers. The principal proposed vote of thanks at the end of the function. With national anthem the function came to an end but the memories of the same will be fresh in our mind for many days to come.

Suggested value points for other reports
A Fire Accident
(FIRE ACCIDENT /any other suitable heading)
the scene (billowing smoke, panic, wailing of victims, arrival of fire engine)
suspected cause (how)
loss/damage (life/property)
visit of officials
enquiry ordered
rescue and relief (first aid etc / compensation)
response of neighbourhood
any other relevant details
(note : first/third person account may be accepted)
It is to be written in past tense if a past event/incident is being described and Passive Voice in scientific and technical writing or lab reports.

Cultural Function
Day, date, time, place of the event
Occasion/Celebration, importance, dignitaries present and their address, audience
Sequence of the programme, highlights

Van mahotsava
Van Mahotsava was celebrated in your school on 05 June. You are asked to write the report of
the programme. Write the report with all necessary details about the plantation etc.
Who- which school celebrated
What- name of the celebrated
How- how celebrated
Where- venue
Who- chief guest
Mention all the above items in the first paragraph.
Use simple past tense
Start with title, date, place and reporter’s name

Factual description means describing a place or an event factually. A factual description involves developing a complete mental picture of a place or event. It must not include feelings, sentiments, opinions or speculations; it should be realistic, descriptive and detailed.

Tips for Descriptive/Factual Writing
The students should keep the following tips in mind while planning to write a factual description:
An eye for detail
One should be very observant
One should aim at providing the description in a sequential manner.
The important features should be mentioned first and, then, the less important things should come. Relevant adjectives should be used for a picture perfect description. One can start with a topical sentence or with a list of jotted down words. After that a rough draft should be made.
After reorganization and editing the final draft should be writte

Solved Examples
Example: 1
Write a factual description of the newly constructed building of your school.

We all are amazed to see the newly constructed building of our school. Before this our school had been running in a rented building. The grandeur and art is evident from its huge and beautifully decorated entrance. Separate wings for primary and secondary sections is one of its remarkable features. The class rooms are not only spacious but also have good ventilation for natural light. There are display boards, glass boards, new furniture and cupboard in each class room. A provision to develop classrooms into information technology enabled room is its specialty. Sufficient number of toilets and drinking water facilities are also provided. Sports room is big and equipped with many indoor games. The assembly area is very well beautified.
Apart from office rooms it also has sick room separately for boys and girls, music room, well equipped laboratories and a big library with thousands of books categorized subject wise. We really feel happy to get this new building of our school.

Example 2
Try to draw a picture of Colin Taylor’s house.

Colin Taylor lives in a small detached house. There is a small garden in front of the house. On the left there is a low brick wall and on the right there is a wooden fence. A hedge separates the garden from the pavement. On the left, there is a small gate and a path which leads to the front door. On both sides of the path, there are narrow flowerbeds containing plants and small bushes.
On the right, there is a small square lawn. Just outside the gate, close to the hedge, there are a pillar box and a telephone box. Colin Taylor’s house has two storeys. There is one large window on the ground floor on the right hand side. On the left there is a small porch over the front door.
There are two smaller windows on the first floor. Colin has put his satellite dish between the two windows. A gutter runs around the house at the bottom of the roof. This collects the water which falls on the roof. A drainpipe on the left carries the water down to the ground. The chimney is on the right hand side of the roof. There is a TV aerial attached to the chimney.

Example: 3

You are Sanjay / Amrita of Wonderland School. A fully equipped and furnished biology laboratory has come up in your school. Your class teacher has asked you to write a factual
description of the laboratory for the school’s half yearly bulletin. Write the description in not more than 100 words.

Biology Laboratory
A fully equipped and furnished biology laboratory has been set up in our school. It is on the first floor and is spacious, properly ventilated and designed to receive maximum natural light. Rows of marble slabs with wash basins and water taps are fixed in L-shape along two sides to conduct experiments. On one side, there is a platform having a table, a chair, a blackboard and a small cup-board fixed on the wall. Biological specimens, stuffed in formal de Hyde and a human Skelton kept in glass cases are neatly displayed. It can accommodate 40 students at a time. The setup is excellent and lacks no shortcomings..

Example: 4
Foot hold
Let’s talk about Hawaii Chappals, the Indian rubber flip flops, commodity of the common man, used by everyone, everywhere, for any occasion. Cheap, comfortable and easily available, these slippers have become the way of life not only in cities but among villagers, farmers and labourers as well. Ever wondered what goes into the making of these foot wears?
Raw material
Natural: Clearing of forest for rubber plantation has results in soil erosion, loss of soil fertility, loss of bio-diversity
Synthetic: Produced from crude oil, which are non-renewable sources.
Rubber processing
Additives such as sulphur and carbon black cause air pollution. Add to this chemical processes like vulcanization, which are very energy intensive.
The machinery requirements are negligible as the process is labour intensive. But it produces huge quantities of solid waste and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs).
VOCs have significant vapour pressures and leaves lasting impact on the environment and human health. Prolonged exposure of workers to toxic chemicals and VOCs poses serious health hazards.
Each pair is put in a polythene bag then packed in low quality cardboard box. Both of these are promptly disposed of by the consumer.
The three footwear giants of India namely Bata, Relaxo and Paragon jointly have a manufacturing capacity of about 600,000 pairs per day. So the raw material required is enormous in volume.
They are disposed of and replaced frequently because they are cheap and are readily available.
As a result demand is high but supply always exceeds it.
Most of the slippers end up in landfills or incinerators. Some of the chemicals used in manufacturing leach into ground water, thus polluting it. Flip flops made of synthetic materials
are difficult to recycle.
Synthetic and vulcanized rubber can be mechanically recycled to make shoe soles, roads, and sports surface.

(It is usually written in Simple Present tense and in Passive forms)
The place and its geographical location, weather conditions, dimension, facilities, and other features.
Nature of work done there or its specialty, exceptional qualities.
People, their clothes, food habits, social and cultural customs, occupation, individualities, manners, routine, etc.
Describe an old age home which you have visited in the recent past.
a. Last Sunday you happened to go to the railway station to receive a guest. You had to spend some time there. Give description of what you saw at the railway platform.
Clues: Trains-passengers-trains late-rush at tea stall-hustle and bustle-door blocked-hawkersbeggars- line and cry-coolies.
b. You went to a local bank to withdraw money. You had to wait for some time before the work was done. Describe what you experienced there in the form of a factual description.
Clues: crowed- long lines-different counters-different requisition forms-tokens-withdrawing of money- depositing money-loan-bank staff-manger-security guards
c. You are Shekhar / Gita. Your school has built a well-planned auditorium to hold cultural and academic meets. Write a factual description of the auditorium.
Clues: Shape and size-carpet area –place-capacity to accommodate and exits- furnishingseating arrangement-stage-lighting facility.
d. Recently you paid a visit to the science city of your town. You thoroughly enjoyed the visit. Write a factual description of the science city.
Clues: Entry fee-different sections-working models-seminar hall-projector hall-young students-teachers-parents-instructors-guides
e. Recently you went to the town library to borrow books. You wereimpressed by its size and facilities. Write a factual description of the town library. Clues: Place of libraryshape
and size-seating capacity-number of books-magazines and periodicals-newspapermanuscripts- other facilities

a. Process (Describing A Process) :
a. the process of paper making.
*This diagram shows how paper is made.
*First /First of all, logs are delivered to a paper mill, where the bark is removed and the wood is cut into small chips.
* Next /Second, the wood chips are pulped, either using chemicals or in a pulping machine.
* Pulping breaks down the internal structure of the wood and enables /allows the natural oils to be removed.
*Once /After the wood has been pulped, the pulp is bleached in order to remove impurities
/……. is bleached so that impurities can be removed.
*The next stage is to feed the pulp into the paper machine, where it is mixed with water and then poured on to a wire conveyor belt.
*As the pulp travels along the conveyor belt, the water drains away. This causes the solid material to sink to the bottom, forming a layer of paper.
*At this point the new paper is still wet, so it is passed between large heated rollers, which press
out the remaining water and simultaneously dry the paper /……. dry the paper at the same time.
*The final stage is to wind the paper on to large rolls. /Finally the paper is wound on to large rolls.
b. Try your hand in stitching up a cloth bag yourself
Check the things you require:
A pair of scissors
Needle and thread or sewing machine
Thick cotton, cloth at least a meter in length
Get your fabric. It can be of any type. But canvas, duck cloth, denim and heavy broadcloth are best suited for larger bags. Small and decorative ones can be stitched out of cotton or polyester blend.
So you have your fabric and you are ready to begin sewing. Sew a seam 1/2 inch from edge of the fabric, along the upper side. This will give a finished look to your bag.
Use the leftover smaller pieces of cloth for creating the handle. Decide the length of the handle according to your convenience. Fold the cloth, bring it to the middle and sew it. The handle will look almost like a cloth pipe. Gently turn the pipe inside out. Follow the same procedure with the other handle.
Once the handles are ready, place them on the seam on the wrong side and stitch it carefully.
Cross stitch will make the handle more robust.
Fold the cloth into half and start stitching the edges. Make sure that the sides are stitched securely. You may wish to do a double stitch to make the bag more durable. Now turn the bag inside out and iron it to form the crease 

Further Guidance for Factual Description
While writing a description of an object, we no only focus on its appearance, but also its functions or uses. Any factual description of an object will follow the following format: It is important to use specific, accurate and concrete details which elaborate on the topicsentence. 
To make the reader know exactly what we see and know, we have to choose a precise word, e.g.
instead of, 'The bag is ‘pretty' where 'pretty' is very subjective, a word like, 'soft', ‘red' would be more accurate.

Question 5: Writing one out of two letters based on verbal input. It would cover all types of letters. 
Letter types may include:
(a) business or official letters (for making enquiries, registering complaints, asking for and giving information, placing orders and sending replies):
(b) letters to the editor (giving suggestions on an issue)
(c) application for a job
(d) letter to the school or colleges authorities, regarding admissions, school issues, requirements /suitability of courses etc.

Letter writing is an important channel of communication between people who are geographically distant from one another. In general there are two types of letter: (a) formal which includes business or official letters, letters to the editor, application for a job, letter to the school or college authorities and(b) informal which are personal letters to communicate with friends and family members.

Sender’s Address
Receiver’s Address
Reference: (If any)
Complimentary Close
Attachment: (If any)

Sender’s Address
Complimentary Close

Points to ponder over:
No punctuation marks to be used at the end of lines in the address Simplicity and clarity of language used is a must
Tone of the letter depends on the relationship of the sender with the receiver Format to be strictly followed

A format of formal letter
Name and address of sender
Name and address of addressee
Mode of address or salutation
Dear Sir/Madam – to a total stranger
Dear Mr. / Ms/DR/Prof + surname- formal relationship
Dear John – knows the addresses personally
Subject (very concisely expressed)
Content of letter
The content of the letter begins on the next line and is arranged in two or three paragraphs
Complimentary close
Subscription – yours sincerely/yours faithfully/ Yours truly
Signature of sender
Name in capitals
Enclosures if any. – Encl:
Note: no marks are to be awarded if only the format is given. Credit should be given for the
candidate’s creativity in presentation of ideas. Use of both the traditional and the new format is
Format: 1 mark
Sender’s address, 2. Date, 3. Receiver’s address, 4. Subject/heading,
5. Salutation, 6. Complimentary close.
Content: 3 Marks
Expression: 3 Marks
Grammatical accuracy, appropriate words and spelling = 1.5
Coherence and relevance of ideas and style=1.5
(a) Business or official letters (for making enquiries, registering complaints, asking for and
giving information, placing orders and sending replies):

Registering complaint
Most letters of complaint use formal language and are organized in a standard way:
Para – 1 explain why you are writing
Para – 2 explain what the problem is and describe any action you have already taken.
Para – 3 say what inconvenience it has caused you.
Para – 4 state what you want done about the problem.

Example 1
17 Race course
Laxmi Road
16th August 2012
The customer Services
BSNL, Bangalore
Subject: Complaint about the poor service.
Dear Sir/ Madam,
I am writing to complain about the poor service provided by your tele-communication company.
I am the user of broad Band Net connectivity provided by BSNL on telephone No. 243427.
When I was busy on net purchasing on 15th Aug. at 3.00pm with international company your company failed to provide uninterrupted services as a result I lost my Rs. 10000 in the
unsuccessful business transaction.
In the wake of this disappointment, I tried to communicate with the customer care service and received no explanation or apology more over. I was disconnected.
As a result of these poor services I lost my Rs. 10000/- to the counter company, that caused significant financial loss and embarrassment.
In the circumstances I expect better service from a company of your reputation.
Yours faithfully,
Arun Prakash

Example 2
ABC School
16th July, 2012
The Manager
Ajantha Print House
Dear Sir/ Madam
Ref: Order No. 434789 dated – 16th June, 2012 of student’s Dairy
Subject: Complaining about defective Diary Printing.
We are writing to express our dissatisfaction with your business transaction about the printing of student’s diary. I am writing to complain about a number of aspects of the service we received.
In my opinion the note book covers are a very dark shade of blue; the quality of paper used is extremely inferior, the academic calendar has not been printed properly, there are spelling mistakes in the students’ prayer, and staff list has not been published in order as we provided to you.
I have a copy of the order form and it very clearly specifies the above mentioned things
I am returning the diaries through the bearer so that you can verify it for yourself and get diaries printed afresh giving the quality and content we have asked for.
I enclose placing order / the paper of our business transaction and look forward to hearing from you shortly.
Yours faithfully

Other useful phrases for a letter of complaint.
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with / at----
I was surprised / shocked/ horrified to find-----
I returned/explained/requested-----
This caused me to -------------
As a consequence--------------
I am sure you will appreciate that this level of service is unacceptable.
I expect to be compensated for the inconvenience. . I have been caused.
I expect service from a company of your reputation.

Placing orders
Example 1
You are Arafat/Rita, who has seen the advertisement of the newspaper. Write a letter, placing an order, requesting them for a demonstration of the product at home. Also, remind them to deliver/ install the promotional offer on purchase of the computer.
25, South corner
New Delhi
10th Sept. 2012
The Marketing Manager
InfoTech Computer
Mayur Colony
New Delhi
Subject: Placing on order for personal computer Pintron.
This is with reference to your advertisement in The New Indian Times, Dated 28th August,2012, I wish to place my order for the mentioned product/model-pintron./ I request you to install the model within a week and arrange for a smooth delivery at home. I would also prefer that as per your advertisement, your technician installs my free internet connection and anti-virus software, during the demonstration.
Kindly ensure that your purchase bill is delivered with an authorized letter of warranty and detail of after sale service by the dealer / manufactures.
An urgent positive reply would be appreciated, confirming the order.
Yours truly
Govind Singh Kosta

Example 2
Shantinekatan Vidyalaya
Shivaji Nagar
3rd Sept. 2012
The Sales manager
RD & Sons
Natun Bazar
Subject: Asking for the rates of uniform.
I am writing to ask for some information about the rates of uniform. Our Vidyalaya is interested in cotton pattern and the colours as advertised in your brochure and I would appreciate it if you could send us further information about prices and shades of colours.
Could you tell us how many patterns are available and how much does it cost per pair? I would also like to know whether the mode of transaction is realised at the earliest, as the session has already started.
We are looking forward to your early reply.
Thank you
Yours faithfully,
Hari Dutt

Official Letter of Complaint

Last week a fifty year old man died of cardiac arrest while taking a ride on a Swing in an amusement park. Write a letter to the Mayor in connection with this, putting forward suggestions of some safety measures which must be observed before issuing tickets.
Hanuman Nagar
Patna -16
17 August, 2012
The mayor
Municipal Corporation
Subject- safety measures in amusement parks
Through this letter I want to bring to your kind notice that amusement parks are mushrooming in different corners of the city. They are drawing big crowds. Children have special fascination for them. Unfortunately, no adequate safety measures are undertaken by the owners before issuing tickets. This is resulting in frequent accidents.
Last week, a fifty year old man died of cardiac arrest while taking a ride in one swing in an amusement park in Lohianagar. Similarly a ten year old child was seriously injured when he fell down during a swing-ride. These mishaps speak of negligence and indifferent attitude of the owners of these parks towards precautionary and safety measures. I suggest some measures which can definitely help in preventing such avoidable mishaps, such park should not allow children below 10 years and old people to ride such swings which increase stress level and abnormal heart beat. Those who do not know how to swing should not be allowed to go near pools. Let amusement parks entertain people and not put their lives at stake.
Yours faithfully
D. Silva

Letter to the Editor
- Purpose
- To express and share one’s observation and views in a public forum, namely, magazine or newspaper
- To share such information on a wide range of social issues.
- that should still be a formal letter, but because it is for the public, it should show your opinion clearly or tell people something interesting or new. It can be direct and feel quite personal – you can use I, we and you.
- it consists of four paragraphs.
Clear introduction of the topic and the writer’s opinion.
Main point with reasons.
Further point to support main one, with reasons and / or examples.
Repeats the writer’s opinion and offers a challenge.

Sender’s_______22, Rock Garden
Date ________31/08/2012
(Receiver’s) The Editor
The Times of India
Dear Sir/Madam
Through the esteemed columns of your daily, I would like to draw your kind attention to the
unfortunate fact that ……………………………………………
Body of the letter
Explain the issue (5 to 6 lines)
ii) Suggestions to overcome the issue
We hope the responsible citizen of this nation come forward to take the initiatives and the concerned authorities will rise from their stereo type and take immediate remedial measures to deal with the situation.
Yours Faithfully

Solved Examples:
Example 1:
You have noticed many stray animals on the road during the busy hours of the day. These animals cause traffic jams as well as accidents. You have already written to the concerned
authorities but no action has been taken so far. Write a letter to the editor of a leading newspaper telling him about the nuisance created by the stray animals.
129/B hakim
West Bengal
25 August 2012
The Editor
The Times of India
Subject- nuisance caused by stray animals
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I want to draw the attention of the general public and the higher authorities towards the suffering of the residents and pedestrians of hill cart road, siliguri. Due to the nuisance caused by the stray animals, one can easily become a prey for accidents. One can notice stray animals on the road even during the peak hours of the day. The stray animals have become a great problem for the drivers as well as for the young children.
They cause frequent traffic jams and accidents. Sometimes rows of stray cows block the road causing great miseries.
We have already written to the concerned authorities but of no avail. Even a delegation of residents met the deputy commissioner on last Sunday but the outcome was not fruitful. We hope the concerned authorities will take immediate remedial measures to deal with this nuisance.
Yours faithfully

Example 2
You are Anamika Nath of 22 Rock Lane, Natun Bazar, Nagaon. You are appalled by westernization of Indian culture. Write a letter to the Editor of ‘The Sentinel’, Guwahati,
expressing your resentment and putting forward measures to curb the bizarre trend.
22 Rock Lane
Natun Bazaar
21st march, 2012
The Editor
The Times
Subject: Celebration of New Year
Dear Sir,
Through the esteemed columns of your daily newspaper I should like to draw your kind attention to the impact of westernization on Indian culture.
In the name of modernism people are aping western culture. Welcoming the New Year may not raise a question of invasion on culture and civilization but the way of celebration makes us disgusted, disappointed. Young generation is getting intoxicated and excited with wild fervor and zeal. Excessive use of power, sound pollution, waking till midnight, passing comments to gentlemen, encroaching the streets for whole night are the common feathers of their celebration.
These are the sign of declining condition of our social fabric. They lack source of inspiration and idol to be led.
I would like to use some valuable suggestions to make the society and sensible and committed to the noble cause. We can celebrate the New Year giving a smile to the traffic police man, wishing the rickshaw puller and greeting the office boy. Whatever job we are assigned, let’s give it our hundred percent.
Finally, let’s end New Year’s Day with an evening with our families.
Happy New Year!
Yours faithfully
Anamika Nath

Job Applications

Solved Examples
Example 1:
You are Sumit/Sunita, a post-graduate in HR management. You come across an advertisement in a national daily regarding a situation vacant for the post of Human Resource Managerin Matrix HR Services, a multinational company situated at Bangalore. Write an application for the vacant post submitting your candidature for the same. Invent other relevant details. Also attach your full resume with the application.
25, Downing Street
July 25, 2012.
The Chief Executive Officer
Matrix HR Services
Subject: Application for the post of Human Resource Manager.
I, Sumit Kumar, gold medalist in post-graduation in HR management from Kolkata University, have come across the advertisement in the daily, ‘The Hindu’, dated July 20, 2012 for a situation vacant for the post of Human Resource Manager in your prestigious company. I would like to submit my candidature through this application for the said post.
I have been among the toppers throughout my school and college life. I am presently working as a management trainee for a very well-known Korean company. I possess good physical and mental health and assure you of dedicated work for your esteemed organization if given a chance to work for.
So, please be kind to consider my candidature for the said post. My detailed resume and photo copies of educational qualification and experience are attached along with this application.
Thank you,
Yours faithfully,

Enclosure: 1. Resume
Photo copies of relevant documents
Format for writing Bio-Data/Curriculum Vitae/Resume:
Name :
Address :
Contact Number :
E-mail ID :
Date of Birth :
Academic Qualification :
Experience :
Hobbies and Interests :
Special Achievements :

Example 2
22 Rocks Lane
20 March 2012
The Manager
State Bank of India
Subject: Applying for the post of ‘Accountant’.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to apply for the post ‘Accountant’ advertised in the Times of India of 18th March.
Body of letter
Explain relevant qualification & experience
(5 to 6 lines)
I would welcome the chance to work as part of a small dynamic team where I could make a
significant contribution while developing my skills yet further. I would be happy to show you a
portfolio of my work.
I am available for interview next week and look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Sameer Bora
Enc. CV /Resume/Bio-data

Example 3
22 M G Road
Natun Bazar
20th April 2012
Human Resource Deptt.
Subject : Applying for the post of Production Manager.
Dear Sir,
I am writing to apply for the post of production manager advertised in the Assam Tribune of 18th April please find enclosed a copy of my CV.
I have been working on the documentary production Deptt. of Assam Govt. since my graduation from National School of Drama, Delhi. I have become particularly interested in
creative / innovative Documentary on burning issues and now wish to nurture my worldview with Non-Govt organization.
I would welcome the chance to work as part of a socially aware dynamic group where I could make a noteworthy contribution while nourishing my creativity yet further. I would be
happy to show you a portfolio of my work.
I am available for interview next week and look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully
Sameer Bora
Enc. CV

TELEPHONE 03276187910
Nationality INDIAN
Profile A highly motivated, well-travelled and creative graduate with practical
production experience in a govt. Deptt.
BA in Creative Production
2006-2008 Kendriya Vidyalaya, Nagaon
Employment 2011 Present Docu. Production Deptt. Assam Govt.
Skills Computer literate; except in animation; good at creative writing clean driving License.
Interests Tennis, Photography & Travel
Reference available on request.
Para -1 explain which job you are applying for and how/where you heard about it
Para -2 briefly describe your most relevant qualification and / experience
Para -3 explain why you want the job and why you think you would be good at it
Para -4 say how you can be contacted and/ when you are available for interview

Letter to the school or colleges authorities
For making enquiry

Solved Examples:
Example 1
You have passed the AISSCE-2012 of CBSE. You desire to pursue your graduation in “creative writing”, write a letter seeking details about admission criteria to central Institute of Foreign and English language Hyderabad. You are Aman/ Anita of Chandigarh
28/B Block
Rock Garden Street
20th August 2012
The Principal
Central Institute of Foreign & Eng. Language
Subject: Seeking information about the course.
This is in response to your advertisement in the Hindu dated 10th August 2012, I would like to seek the information regarding course ‘creative writing’ and its admission criteria offered by your institute.
I have passed the AISSCE-2012 with Grade ‘A’ and I am interested to pursue any graduation in ‘Creative writing’ from your knowledge hub. I would appreciate it if you could send me a brochure and details of admission criteria.
I would be grateful if you could let me love the following details:
Date of its commencement
Duration and timings
Board facilities
Cost of course and hostel accommodation.
Could you tell me what would be opportunities offered after the completion of course?
I shall be grateful if you could respond at the earliest.
Yours truly
Anita Singh

Other useful phrases for asking for information :
If would also be helpful to know what/when----
I would be interested to know---
Please let me know----
Would you send me details of-----------
I would be grateful if you could let me have---------
I would appreciate it if you could-----------
Would it be possible for you to -----?
Suggested value points
Details of your ward (name/class/ section)
Information about selection for National Swimming Championship
Reason – coaching by Sports Authority
Requesting permission for 2 hr late attendance for one month
(specify time in the morning)
Any other relevant details

CBSE Class 11 English Writing Skills Concepts Assignment

We hope you liked the above assignment for Writing Skills Concepts which has been designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 11 English released by CBSE. Students of Class 11 should download and practice the above Assignments for Class 11 English regularly. We have provided all types of questions like MCQs, short answer questions, objective questions and long answer questions in the Class 11 English practice sheet in Pdf. All questions have been designed for English by looking into the pattern of problems asked in previous year examinations. You can download all Revision notes for Class 11 English also absolutely free of cost. Lot of MCQ questions for Class 11 English have also been given in the worksheets and assignments for regular use. All study material for Class 11 English students have been given on studiestoday. We have also provided lot of Worksheets for Class 11 English which you can use to further make your self stronger in English.

What are benefits of doing Assignment for CBSE Class 11 English Writing Skills Concepts?

a. Score higher marks: Regular practice of English Class 11 Assignments for chapter Writing Skills Concepts will help to improve understanding and help in solving exam questions correctly.
b. As per CBSE pattern: All questions given above follow the latest Class 11 English Sample Papers so that students can prepare as per latest exam pattern.
c. Understand different question types: These assignments include MCQ Questions for Class 11 English with answers relating to Writing Skills Concepts, short answers, long answers, and also case studies.
d. Improve time management: Daily solving questions from Writing Skills Concepts within a set time will improve your speed and accuracy.
e. Boost confidence: Practicing multiple assignments and Class 11 English mock tests for Writing Skills Concepts reduces exam stress.

How to Solve CBSE Class 11 English Writing Skills Concepts Assignment effectively?

a. Start with Class 11 NCERT and syllabus topics: Always read the chapter carefully before attempting Assignment questions for Class 11 English Writing Skills Concepts.
b. Solve without checking answers: You should first attempt the assignment questions on Writing Skills Concepts yourself and then compare with provided solutions.
c. Use Class 11 worksheets and revision notes: Refer to NCERT Class 11 English worksheets, sample papers, and mock tests for extra practice.
d. Revise tricky topics: Focus on difficult concepts by solving Class 11 English MCQ Test.
e. Maintain notebook: Note down mistakes in Writing Skills Concepts assignment and read them in Revision notes for Class 11 English

How to practice CBSE Class 11 English Writing Skills Concepts Assignment for best results?

a. Solve assignments daily: Regular practice of Writing Skills Concepts questions will strengthen problem solving skills.
b.Use Class 11 study materials: Combine NCERT book for Class 11 English, mock tests, sample papers, and worksheets to get a complete preparation experience.
c. Set a timer: Practicing Class 11 English Writing Skills Concepts assignment under timed conditions improves speed and accuracy.

Where can I download in PDF assignments for CBSE Class 11 English Writing Skills Concepts

You can download free Pdf assignments for CBSE Class 11 English Writing Skills Concepts from

How many topics are covered in Writing Skills Concepts English assignments for Class 11

All topics given in Writing Skills Concepts English Class 11 Book for the current academic year have been covered in the given assignment

Is there any charge for this assignment for Writing Skills Concepts English Class 11

No, all Printable Assignments for Writing Skills Concepts Class 11 English have been given for free and can be downloaded in Pdf format

Are these assignments for Writing Skills Concepts Class 11 English designed as per CBSE curriculum?

Latest syllabus issued for current academic year by CBSE has been used to design assignments for Writing Skills Concepts Class 11

Are there solutions or answer keys for the Class 11 English Writing Skills Concepts assignments

Yes, we have provided detailed answers for all questions given in assignments for Writing Skills Concepts Class 11 English