Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 8 English Voice Assignment. Get printable school Assignments for Class 8 English. Class 8 students should practise questions and answers given here for Voice English in Class 8 which will help them to strengthen their understanding of all important topics. Students should also download free pdf of Printable Worksheets for Class 8 English prepared as per the latest books and syllabus issued by NCERT, CBSE, KVS and do problems daily to score better marks in tests and examinations
Assignment for Class 8 English Voice
Class 8 English students should refer to the following printable assignment in Pdf for Voice in Class 8. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 8 English will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Voice Class 8 English Assignment
Question. A child could understand his theory ?
a) His theory is being understood by a child
b) His theory was understood by a child
c) His theory could be understood by a child
d) His theory can be understood by a child.
Answer : C
Question. We have looked at the plan carefully ?
a) The plan is being looked at carefully
b) The plan has been looked at carefully
c) The plan have been looked at carefully
d) The plan was looked at carefully
Answer : B
Question. This beautiful story was written by Maya ?
a) Maya writes this beautiful story
b) Maya was writing this beautiful story.
c) Maya wrote this beautiful story
d) Maya is writing this beautiful story
Answer : C
Question. Animals cannot make tools ?
a) Tools are not to be made by animals
b) Animals cannot be made by tools
c) Tools could not be made by animals
d) Tools cannot be made by animals
Answer : D
Question. My art teacher asked me whether I had attended her classes ?
a) My art teacher was asking me whether I had attended her classes
b) My art teacher asks me whether I attended her classes
c) I was being asked by my art teacher whether I was attending her classes
d) I was asked by my art teacher whether I had attended her classes
Answer : D
Question. Some people believe that discipline means blind submission to authority ?
a) It is belief by some people that discipline means blind submission to authority
b) It was believed by some people that discipline meant blind submission to authority
c) It is believed by some people that discipline means blind submission to authority
d) It has been believed by some people that discipline means blind submission to authority
Answer : C
Question. Pruning of trees in my colony has been started by the horticulture department ?
a) Pruning of trees in my colony has started the horticulture department
b) The horticulture department has been started pruning of trees in my colony
c) The horticulture department has started pruning of trees in my colony
d) The horticulture department will start pruning of trees in my colony
Answer : C
Question. Mobile toilets were placed by the district administration behind the area where people assembled for army recruitment ?
a) The district administration has placed mobile toilets behind the area where people assembled for army recruitment
b) The district administration is planning is place mobile toilets behind the area where people will assemble for army recruitment
c) The district administration placed mobile toilets behind the area where people assembled for army recruitment
d) The mobile toilets placed district administration behind the area where people assembled for army recruitment
Answer : C
Question. An award was given to the film ‘Andhaa Dhund.’ ?
a) The jury had given the film ‘Andhaa Dhund’ an award
b) The jury gave the film ‘Andhaa Dhund’ an award
c) The jury was gave the film ‘Andhaa Dhund’ an award
d) The jury will give the award to the film ‘Andhaa Dhund
Answer : C
Question. The mechanic repaired my car quite satisfactorily ?
a) My car repaired quite satisfactorily by the mechanic
b) The mechanic was repaired quite satisfactorily by my car
c) My car was repaired quite satisfactorily by the mechanic
d) My car is repaired quite satisfactorily by the mechanic
Answer : C
Question. The manager keeps the work pending ?
a) The work has been kept pending by the manager
b) The work are being kept pending by the manager
c) The work was kept pending by the manager.
d) The work is kept pending by the manager
Answer : D
Question. Dr. Verma advised patients to try out a new medicine for migraine ?
a) The patients were being advised to try out a new medicine for migraine by Dr. Verma
b) The old patients had been advised to try out a new medicine for migraine by Dr. Verma
c) Patients were advised to try out a new medicine for migraine by Dr. Verma
d) Patients have been advised to try out a new medicine for migraine by Dr. Verma
Answer : C
Question. We are arranging an exhibition of sarees from different states of India at Dilli Haat. ?
a) An exhibition of sarees from different states of India is being arranged by us at Dilli Haat
b) An exhibition of sarees from different states of India was arranged by us at Dilli Haat
c) An exhibition of sarees from different states of India has been arranged by us at Dilli Haat
d) An exhibition of sarees from different states of India will be arranged by us at Dilli Haat
Answer : C
Question. Your lunch box has been packed by mother. ?
a) Mother had packed your lunch box
b) Mother is packing your lunch box
c) Mother has packed your lunch box
d) Mother will pack your lunch box
Answer : C
Question. The prisoners have made these paintings. ?
a) These prisoners have been made by the paintings
b) These paintings were made by the prisoners
c) These paintings are made by the prisoners
d) These paintings have been made by the prisoners
Answer : D
Question. The chief guest gave prizes to the children ?
a) The children were being given prizes by the chief guest
b) The children are given prizes by the chief guest
c) The children were given prizes by the chief guest
d) The children was given prizes by the chief guest
Answer : C
Question. The first settlers displaced the original inhabitants. ?
a) The original inhabitants are displacing the first settlers
b) The original inhabitants were displaced by the first settlers
c) The original inhabitants will displace the first settlers
d) The original inhabitants are being displace by the first settlers
Answer : B
Question. More roles for women will be opened up in the ranks of soldiers by the Indian army. ?
a) The Indian army has opened up more roles for women in t he ranks of soldiers
b) More roles will open up for the Indian army in t he ranks of women soldiers
c) The Indian army will open up more roles for women in the ranks of soldiers
d) Women will open up more roles for the Indian army in the ranks of soldiers
Answer : C
Question. Please take these students round the biscuit factory ?
a) These students should be taking round the biscuit factory
b) You are requested to take these students round the biscuit factory
c) Let these students to be taken round the biscuit factory
d) You must take these students round the biscuit factory
Answer : B
Question. Rain lashed Delhi and brought the temperature down by a few degrees ?
a) Delhi was lashed by rains and the temperature was brought down by a few degrees
b) Delhi was being lashed by rain and the temperature was being brought down by a few degrees
c) Delhi had been lashed by rain and the temperature had been brought down by a few degrees
d) Delhi is being lashed by rain and the temperature was brought down by a few degrees
Answer : A
Question. They will put away their woollens after the festival of Holi. ?
a) Their woollens are being put away after the festival of Holi
b) Their woollens have been put away after the festival of Holi
c) Their woollens will be put away after the festival of Holi
d) Their woollens are put away after the festival of Holi
Answer : C
Question. The wall of this park is being painted by children ?
a) Children are painting the wall of this park
b) The wall is painting children of this park
c) Children have been painting the wall of this park
d) Children painted the wall of this park
Answer : A
Question. He was given another chance by his employer ?
a) His employer has given him another chance
b) His employer is giving him another chance
c) He gave his employer another chance
d) His employer gave him another chance
Answer : D
Question. Two children were shot dead by a psychopath during the California music festival ?
a) Two children were being shot dead by a psychopath during the California music festival
b) Two children are shot dead by a psychopath during the California music festival.
c) A psychopath during the California music festival was shooting dead two children.
d) A psychopath shot dead two children during the California music festival.
Answer : C
Question. They will lay the foundation stone next week ?
a) The foundation stone will be laid by them next week
b) The foundation stone will h ave been laid by them next week
c) The foundation stone will be laying by next week
d) The foundation stone is being laid by them next week
Answer : A
Question. She was seen sitting in the last row ?
a) We see her sitting in the last row
b) We saw her sitting in the last row
c) We had seen her sitting in the last row
d) We have seen her sitting in the last row
Answer : B
Question. The theft was reported to the police by the curator ?
a) The curator reported the theft to the police
b) The curator is reporting the theft to the police
c) The curator had reported the theft to the police
d) The curator has reported the theft to the police
Answer : A
Question. It was decided by the members that the report would be placed before the Chairman for his comments ?
a) The members decided to place the report before the chairman for his comments
b) The Chairman’s comments were to be placed on the report of the members
c) Did the members decide to place the report before the Chairman
d) The Chairman decided to place the report before the members
Answer : A
Question. Only home cooked-food is eaten by us ?
a) We are eating only home-cooked food
b) We ate only home-cooked food
c) We eat only home-cooked food
d) We have eaten only home-cooked food
Answer : C
Question. Savita will deliver a speech on the occasion of Ambedkar Jayanti. ?
a) On the occasion of Ambedkar Jayanti a speech is being delivered by Savita
b) On the occasion of Ambedkar Jayanti a speech was delivered by Savita
c) On the occasion of Ambedkar Jayanti a speech will be delivered by Savita
d) On the occasion of Ambedkar Jayanti a speech is to be delivered by Savita
Answer : C
Question. They found her guilty of theft ?
a) She found them guilty of theft.
b) She was found guilty of theft.
c) She had been find guilty of theft.
d) She is find guilty of theft by them
Answer : B
Question. Your behaviour annoys me greatly ?
a) I was greatly annoyed by your behaviour
b) I have been greatly annoyed by your behaviour.
c) I am greatly annoyed by your behaviour.
d) Your behaviour has been greatly annoyed by me.
Answer : C
Question. They shifted the venue of the conference ?
a) The venue of the conference was shifted
b) The venue of the conference has been shifted
c) They are shifting the venue of the conference
d) They were shifting the venue of the conference
Answer : A
Question. The main gate of the building was being guarded by gun-totting guards ?
a) Gun-totting guards guarded the main gate of the building
b) The main gate of the building were guarding gun-totting guards
c) Gun-totting guards were guarding the main gate of the building
d) Gun-totting guards have been guarding the main gate of the building
Answer : C
Question. The child tore the page of the book ?
a) The page of the book was torn by the child
b) The page of the book tore by the child
c) The book’s page is torn by the child
d) The page of the book is tearing by the child
Answer : A
Question. One of the passengers was being thoroughly checked by the custom officers ?
a) The custom officers have been thoroughly checking one of the passengers
b) The custom officers thoroughly checked one of the passengers
c) One of the passengers was thoroughly checking the custom officers
d) The custom officers were thoroughly checking one of the passengers
Answer : D
Question. An apple carries about 100 million useful bacteria ?
a) About 100 million useful bacteria are being carried by an apple
b) An apple will carry about 100 million useful bacteria
c) The useful bacteria to be carried in an apple is about 100 million
d) About 100 million useful bacteria are carried by an apple
Answer : D
Question. It is believed by the doctors that she will soon recover ?
a) The doctors are believing that she will soon recover
b) The doctors have believed that she is soon recovering
c) The doctors believe that she will soon recover.
d) The doctors believe that she would soon recover
Answer : C
Question. The terrorist was arrested by Mumbai Police ?
a) The terrorist arrested Mumbai Police
b) Mumbai Police has arrested the terrorist
c) Mumbai Police is arresting the terrorist
d) Mumbai Police arrested the terrorist
Answer : D
Question. The police arrested the thieves yesterday ?
a) The thieves were arrested yesterday by the police
b) The thieves have been arrested yesterday by the police
c) The thieves were being arrested yesterday by the police
d) The thieves had been arrested yesterday by the police
Answer : A
Question. I use baking soda to remove stains from my clothes ?
a) Baking soda is being used by me to remove stains from my clothes.
b) Baking soda is used by me to remove stains from my clothes
c) I have been using baking soda to remove stains from my clothes
d) Baking soda was used by me to remove stains from my clothes
Answer : B
Question. How were they managing the school for one y ear without a Principal ?
a) How was the Principal managed for one year without a School?
b) How was the school managed for one year without a Principal?
c) How was the Principal being managed for one year without a School?
d) How was the school being managed for one year without a Principal?
Answer : D
Question. Harsh has applied for leave ?
a) Leave is applied for by Harsh
b) Leave had been applied by Harsh
c) Leave was applied by Harsh
d) Leave has been applied for by Harsh
Answer : D
Question. I burnt my hand yesterday while cooking ?
a) My hand was burning yesterday while cooking
b) My hand could be burnt yesterday while cooking
c) My hand was burnt yesterday while cooking
d) My hand will be burnt yesterday while cooking
Answer : C
Question. You might be promoted this year ?
a) They should have promoted you this year
b) They might promote you this year
c) They will promote you this year
d) You may promote them this year
Answer : B
Question. We expect an important announcement regarding the foreign policy today ?
a) An important announcement regarding the foreign policy was expected today
b) An important announcement regarding the foreign policy is expected today
c) We had been expected an important announcement regarding the foreign policy today.
d) An important announcement regarding the foreign policy will be expected today
Answer : D
Question. The students have performed a new version of Shakespeare's ' Macbeth' ?
a) Shakespeare's ' Macbeth' have been performed by the new version of the students
b) A new version of Shakespeare's ' Macbeth' have been performed by the students
c) A new version of Shakespeare's ' Macbeth' has been performed by the students
d) Shakespeare's ' Macbeth' has been performed by the new version of the students
Answer : C
Question. They are going to open the shops at eleven o'clock. ?
a) The shops must be opened at eleven o'clock
b) The shops were opened at eleven o'clock.
c) The shops were opened at eleven o'clock
d) The shops have been opened at eleven o'clock.
Answer : C
Question. Jiya wrote the research paper with the help of her tutor ?
a) The research paper is being written by Jiya with the help of her tutor.
b) The research paper was wrote by Jiya with the help of the tutor
c) The research paper can be written by the tutor with the help of Jiya
d) The research paper was written by Jiya with the help of her tutor
Answer : D
Question. They are paying special attention to the weak students ?
a) Special attention is being paid to the weak students
b) Special attention is paid to the weak students
c) Special attention are paid to the weak students
d) Special attention has been paid to the weak students
Answer : A
Question. The two little girls were playing a game of dice ?
a) The two little girls had played a game of dice
b) A game of dice was played by the two little girls
c) A game of dice was being played by the two little girls
d) The two little girls had been playing a game of dice
Answer : C
Question. They were the correct active form of the given sentence ?
a) The police can refuse them entry in Delhi
b) The police had refused them entry in Delhi
c) The police have refused them entry in Delhi
d) The police refused them entry in Delhi
Answer : D
Question. The Delhi Police has shot an educational video on Traffic Rules for school students ?
a) An educational video on Traffic Rules for school students is being shot by the Delhi Police
b) An educational video on Traffic Rules for school students has been shot by the Delhi Police
c) An educational video on Traffic Rules for school students had been shot by the Delhi Police
d) An educational video on Traffic Rules for school students was being shot by the Delhi Police
Answer : B
Question. We were given very little time to prepare the presentation. ?
a) They have given us very little time to prepare the presentation
b) They gave us very little time to prepare the presentation
c) They will give us very little time to prepare the presentation
d) They give us little time to prepare the presentation
Answer : B
Question. By whom were you pushed into the mud ?
a) Who was pushing you into the mud?
b) Who has pushed you into the mud?
c) Who pushed you into the mud?
d) Whom did you push into the mud?
Answer : C
Question. Please give me some more time to complete the assignments ?
a) You may please give me some more time to complete the assignments
b) I am requesting you to give me some more time to complete the assignments
c) Some more time will be given to me to complete the assignments
d) I may please be given some more time to complete the assignments
Answer : D
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CBSE Class 8 English Voice Assignment
We hope you liked the above assignment for Voice which has been designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 8 English released by CBSE. Students of Class 8 should download and practice the above Assignments for Class 8 English regularly. We have provided all types of questions like MCQs, short answer questions, objective questions and long answer questions in the Class 8 English practice sheet in Pdf. All questions have been designed for English by looking into the pattern of problems asked in previous year examinations. You can download all Revision notes for Class 8 English also absolutely free of cost. Lot of MCQ questions for Class 8 English have also been given in the worksheets and assignments for regular use. All study material for Class 8 English students have been given on studiestoday. We have also provided lot of Worksheets for Class 8 English which you can use to further make your self stronger in English.
What are benefits of doing Assignment for CBSE Class 8 English Voice?
a. Score higher marks: Regular practice of English Class 8 Assignments for chapter Voice will help to improve understanding and help in solving exam questions correctly.
b. As per CBSE pattern: All questions given above follow the latest Class 8 English Sample Papers so that students can prepare as per latest exam pattern.
c. Understand different question types: These assignments include MCQ Questions for Class 8 English with answers relating to Voice, short answers, long answers, and also case studies.
d. Improve time management: Daily solving questions from Voice within a set time will improve your speed and accuracy.
e. Boost confidence: Practicing multiple assignments and Class 8 English mock tests for Voice reduces exam stress.
How to Solve CBSE Class 8 English Voice Assignment effectively?
a. Start with Class 8 NCERT and syllabus topics: Always read the chapter carefully before attempting Assignment questions for Class 8 English Voice.
b. Solve without checking answers: You should first attempt the assignment questions on Voice yourself and then compare with provided solutions.
c. Use Class 8 worksheets and revision notes: Refer to NCERT Class 8 English worksheets, sample papers, and mock tests for extra practice.
d. Revise tricky topics: Focus on difficult concepts by solving Class 8 English MCQ Test.
e. Maintain notebook: Note down mistakes in Voice assignment and read them in Revision notes for Class 8 English
How to practice CBSE Class 8 English Voice Assignment for best results?
a. Solve assignments daily: Regular practice of Voice questions will strengthen problem solving skills.
b.Use Class 8 study materials: Combine NCERT book for Class 8 English, mock tests, sample papers, and worksheets to get a complete preparation experience.
c. Set a timer: Practicing Class 8 English Voice assignment under timed conditions improves speed and accuracy.
You can download free Pdf assignments for CBSE Class 8 English Voice from
All topics given in Voice English Class 8 Book for the current academic year have been covered in the given assignment
No, all Printable Assignments for Voice Class 8 English have been given for free and can be downloaded in Pdf format
Latest syllabus issued for current academic year by CBSE has been used to design assignments for Voice Class 8
Yes, we have provided detailed answers for all questions given in assignments for Voice Class 8 English