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Assignment for Class 8 English Report Writing
Class 8 English students should refer to the following printable assignment in Pdf for Report Writing in Class 8. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 8 English will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Report Writing Class 8 English Assignment
What is a report?
A report is a document that presents information in an organized format for a specific audience and purpose.
Although summaries of reports may be delivered orally, complete reports are almost
Reports may contain some or all of the following elements:
• A description of a sequence of events or a situation;
• Some interpretation of the significance of these events or situation,
whether solely your own analysis or informed by the views of others,
always carefully referenced of course (see our page on Academic
Referencing for more information);
• An evaluation of the facts or the results of your research;
• Discussion of the likely outcomes of future courses of action;
• Your recommendations as to a course of action; and
• Conclusions.
Not all of these elements will be essential in every report.
If you’re writing a report in the workplace, check whether there are any standard guidelines or structure that you need to use.
For example, in the UK many government departments have outline structures for reports to ministers that must be followed exactly.
Sections and Numbering
A report is designed to lead people through the information in a structured way, but also to enable them to find the information that they want quickly and easily.
Reports usually, therefore, have numbered sections and subsections, and a clear and full contents page listing each heading. It follows that page numbering is important.
Modern word processors have features to add tables of contents (ToC) and page numbers as well as styled headings; you should take advantage of these as they update automatically as you edit your report, moving, adding or deleting sections.
Report Writing
Getting Started: prior preparation and planning
The structure of a report is very important to lead the reader through your thinking to a course of action and/or decision. It’s worth taking a bit of time to plan it out beforehand.
Step 1: Know your brief
You will usually receive a clear brief for a report, including what you are studying and for whom the report should be prepared.
First of all, consider your brief very carefully and make sure that you are clear who the report is for (if you're a student then not just your tutor, but who it is supposed to be written for), and why you are writing it, as well as what you want the reader to do at the end of reading: make a decision or agree a recommendation, perhaps.
Step 2: Keep your brief in mind at all times
During your planning and writing, make sure that you keep your brief in mind: who are you writing for, and why are you writing?
All your thinking needs to be focused on that, which may require you to be ruthless in your reading and thinking. Anything irrelevant should be discarded.
As you read and research, try to organise your work into sections by theme, a bit like writing a Literature Review.
Make sure that you keep track of your references, especially for academic work. Although referencing is perhaps less important in the workplace, it’s also important that you can substantiate any assertions that you make so it’s helpful to keep track of your sources of information.
The Structure of a Report
Like the precise content, requirements for structure vary, so do check what’s set out in any guidance.
However, as a rough guide, you should plan to include at the very least an executive summary, introduction, the main body of your report, and a section containing your conclusions and any recommendations.
Executive Summary
The executive summary or abstract, for a scientific report, is a brief summary of the contents. It’s worth writing this last, when you know the key points to draw out. It should be no more than half a page to a page in length.
Remember the executive summary is designed to give busy 'executives' a quick summary of the contents of the report.
The introduction sets out what you plan to say and provides a brief summary of the problem under discussion. It should also touch briefly on your conclusions.
Report Main Body
The main body of the report should be carefully structured in a way that leads the reader through the issue.
You should split it into sections using numbered sub-headings relating to themes or areas for consideration. For each theme, you should aim to set out clearly and concisely the main issue under discussion and any areas of difficulty or disagreement. It may also include experimental results. All the information that you present should be related back to the brief and the precise subject under discussion.
If it’s not relevant, leave it out.
Conclusions and Recommendations
The conclusion sets out what inferences you draw from the information, including any experimental results. It may include recommendations, or these may be included in a separate section.
Recommendations suggest how you think the situation could be improved, and should be specific, achievable and measurable. If your recommendations have financial implications, you should set these out clearly, with estimated costs if possible.
A Word on Writing Style
When writing a report, your aim should be to be absolutely clear. Above all, it should be easy to read and understand, even to someone with little knowledge of the subject area.
You should therefore aim for crisp, precise text, using plain English, and shorter words rather than longer, with short sentences.
You should also avoid jargon. If you have to use specialist language, you should explain each word as you use it. If you find that you’ve had to explain more than about five words, you’re probably using too much jargon, and need to replace some of it with simpler words.
Consider your audience. If the report is designed to be written for a particular person, check whether you should be writing it to ‘you’ or perhaps in the third person to a job role: ‘The Chief Executive may like to consider…’, or ‘The minister is recommended to agree…’, for example.
A Final Warning
As with any academic assignment or formal piece of writing, your work will benefit from being read over again and edited ruthlessly for sense and style.
Pay particular attention to whether all the information that you have included is relevant. Also remember to check tenses, which person you have written in, grammar and spelling. It’s also worth one last check against any requirements on structure.
For an academic assignment, make sure that you have referenced fully and correctly. As always, check that you have not inadvertently or deliberately plagiarised or copied anything without acknowledging it.
Question. Cultural Society Sunshine Public School, Nellore organised an adult literacy camp in its neighbourhood. Write a report in 150-200 words on the camp for your school newsletter. You are P.V. Sunitha, Secretary. Use the following clues: no. of volunteers – hours spent in teaching – location of the class – chairs, blackboards – no. of people attending the camp – benefit.
An adult literacy camp was organised by Cultural Society Sunshine Public School, Nellore in the school neighbourhood yesterday extending educational options to those adults, who have lost the opportunity and have crossed the age of formal education. The activities of the camp were carried out by the cultural society of the school and there were a total of 25 volunteers.
The camp began with the welcome speech for the chief guest, Mrs. Kavita Naik, a renowned social worker. 400 people were a part of the camp. They were divided into different groups in accordance with their competencies. They were taught the basics for being able to read and write. Free books and stationery is being provided for quality education. All the arrangements including desks and blackboard were done in advance. Apart from the educational needs, special care was devoted to hygiene and sanitation. They were taught basics of cleanliness like types of wastes and their management. Refreshments were also provided to the participants. The immense enthusiasm and zeal in the people to learn iwas the main driving factor.
The chief guest distributed the certificates of participation among the volunteers. The camp ended on a positive note. There was an atmosphere of learning and growing together.
Question. You are Sandhya/ Sohan an active member of the Animal Lovers Club which works for the welfare of animals by preventing cruelty to them. Recently you visited Mahatma Gandhi Animal Care Home. You were pleasantly surprised to see the good treatment given to the animals. Write a report in 150-200 words on your visit. You may use the following points: injured dogs and cats – abandoned pets – very old animals – all very well cared for – well-equipped medical room – veterinary surgeon – green surroundings.
Visit to Mahatma Gandhi Animal Care Home
Animal Lovers Club was recently invited by the Mahatma Gandhi Animal Care Home for a visit where an opportunity to oversee the working of the organisation was given.
It is a home to abandoned pets, rescued animals and the ones injured on the streets. There were many old animals as well. It was astounding to see the quality of care the animals are being given. They have a family-like environment for them. This helps them to heal faster and stay happy. The animal home has all the facilities ranging from well- equipped medical room to a veterinary surgeon. Regular check-ups of those unwell by a team of veterinary specialists are carried out. The surroundings are animal-friendly as well. They are not being ruthlessly kept in cages. They have green surroundings with enough space for them to play and nurture.
Mahatma Gandhi Animal Care Home is doing a mind-blowing job by understanding and fulfilling the needs of those who can’t speak for themselves. The experience was an overwhelming one.
Supply the Heading and the by line as mentioned in the questions
Question. Independence Day was celebrated in your school. District Magistrate, Ms. Indu Bala Sharma was the Chief Guest. Write a report on the function in 150-200 words describing all the activities that took place. You are Head boy/Head girl.
GD Goenka School celebrated the Independence Day with great enthusiasm and patriotic fervour. On the morning of August 14, 2018, our students presented hand-made greeting cards and tri-colour flag badges to the senior management functionaries of the school.
The cultural programme at school commenced with everyone singing ‘Vande Mataram’ followed by flag hoisting by the chief guest, Ms. Indu Bala Sharma, the District Magistrate. The spirit of freedom and nationalism was well exhibited by the students as well as the teachers through a spectrum of patriotic poems, speeches, quiz on freedom fighter, songs and dance. Committed to the task of nation building, both faculty and student teachers pledged to serve their motherland through spreading education and serving the community. A presentation on the historical evolution of the national flag of India was shown. A documentary on the contribution of unsung heroes of Indian freedom struggle like Tirupur Kumaran, Kamla Devi Chattopadhayay and Khudiram Bose enlightened the audience. A few of them spoke on the history and significance of the Independence Day and shed light on the special highlight of celebrations this year
It ended with a speech by the principal on the topic, “What does freedom mean to me?” The celebration concluded with the inspiring words of the principal madam, followed by the National Anthem and the distribution of refreshments.
Question. MMD School, Nashik, recently organised a science symposium on the topic: 'Effect of pollution on quality of life'. You are Amit/Amita Raazdan, editor of the school magazine. Write a report on the event for your school magazine. (150 – 200 words)
Report on Science Symposium held at MMD School, Nashik
Amit/ Amita Raazdan, Editor of the school magazine
A symposium was organised on 1 March 2018 in the school on the topic "Effect of Pollution on Quality of Life". All the science students were a part of the elucidative programme. The event stared with the felicitation of the guest speakers. Thereafter, the participants were espoused by Sh. Suraj Prakash. He acquainted them with the objectives and goals of the workshop. The resource person Dr. Hari Om Gupta reflected his profound knowledge on the topic and highlighted how important it is to curb the menace of pollution.
An exalting demonstration of effects of pollution on our lives galvanized the engrossed participants. After the lunch break Dr. K.K. Arora, Resource Person, exhibited the possible steps that can be undertaken at the personal level to reduce pollution. It was followed by another session on the basic concept behind pollution reduction which triggered the young minds into thinking innovative ways.
An interactive concourse ignited the inquisitiveness of participants. They have committed themselves completely to bring about a change in the situation. The informative workshop culminated with a vote of thanks proposed by the head of the science department.
Question. You are Karan/ Kirti of L.M. Memorial Public School, Dwarka. Your school has adopted a village as a social responsibility. Students are being taken to teach the children of that village on a regular basis. Write a report, for your school magazine, on the various other programmes organized there in 150-200 words.
On the occasion of World Literacy Day, L.M. Memorial Public School, Dwarka has taken an oath to embrace the village named Rajpur.
The school has taken the responsibility of educating the people residing in the village. Selected students from each standard are taken there every weekend, during school hours to impart knowledge. The first 6 month motive is to make each and every person capable of reading and writing. Free books and stationery is being provided for quality education. Children are given time to spend with each other, play games and interact. Apart from the educational needs, special care is devoted to hygiene and sanitation. Girls are being given awareness on the importance of menstrual hygiene as well. Various talent hunts have been organised which left everyone overawed. The immense enthusiasm and zeal in the people to learn is the main driving factor.
A family kind of environment is being created. The school treats the people of the village as its own students and is unbiased. By adopting a village, the school is making its students sensitive towards the needs of the environment at a young age. It is committed towards raising the leaders of tomorrow.
Question. You are Sweety/Suresh of L.M. Jain School, Ajmer. As Secretary of your School Co-curricular Activities Club, you visited a slum area in your city where the people suffered a great loss of life and property in a massive fire. The students of your school rendered their services and material help to the victims. Write a report in 150-200 words for your school magazine.
Students Service To Victims Of Fire
By: Sweety
L.M. Jain School
14th February, 20xx. A major slum area in Vilas Nagar was gutted by a massive fire on 10th February, 20xx.
The fire whose exact cause is still not very clear caused extensive damage to life and property. Ten persons lost their lives, many were injured and about two hundred people were rendered homeless.
Our school joined and relief to the victims. The students of our school got together and collected food packets, old clothes, medicines, utensils, etc. to be distributed to these homeless and helpless people. Ten students and three teachers personally visited this slum area to ensure proper and fair distribution of the items that had been collected and thus provided some relief to these unfortunate people in their time of crisis and misery.
Question. Recently your school held a Seminar on Conservation of Water as a part of World Water Day celebrations. As the School Pupil Leader of Maryland School, Gurgaon, write a report in 150-200 words for a local daily. Sign as Pritham/Preeti.
Seminar On Water Conservation
By: Preeti
Maryland School,
Gurgaon 16th March, 20xx, Gurgaon: Our school organised a seminar on ‘Water Conservation’ as part of the World Water Day Celebrations on 13th August, 20xx. The main aim of this seminar was to remind us all about the need to save the government and the non-governmental organisations in providing help water as it is a precious source imperative for our survival.
distinguished environmentalists and eminent personalities were our guest speakers and they reiterated the need not only of conserving water but also spoke at length on how to conserve water by stressing upon the fact that each drop of water is precious. Dr. Yashraj, an eminent environmentalist, suggested rain-water harvesting as one of the best ways to conserve water.
Using visual aids to highlight his discourse, he suggested that to ensure availability of water for the future generations the withdrawal of fresh water from an ecosystem should not exceed its natural replacement rate. The seminar concluded on the note that water conservation is the most cost-effective, environmentally sound way to reduce our demand for water and so each one of us must do our bit towards improving water management to enhance optimum use of water.
Question. Your school organised an exhibition-cum-sale of the items prepared under Work Experience Certificate by your school students. There was an overwhelming response from the public. Prepare a report in 150-200 words for a local daily. You are the Coordinator, S.U.P.W. activities, Nita School, Gurgaon.
An Exhibition-Cum-Sale
By: ABC, Coordinator, SUPW Activities
Nita School, Gurgaon
3rd Aug. 20xx, Gurgaon. Our school organised an exhibition-cum-sale of items prepared under Work Experience by our students on the 31st of July in the school lawns. It was heartening to see the overwhelming response our endeavour got from not only the parents but also from the general public who showed a lot of interest in the items made by the students. A wide array of items such as candles, greeting cards, jewellery boxes, wooden handicrafts had been prepared by talented students.
The students were really encouraged by the positive feedback they got from everyone present. Our principal too was personally present there all the time interacting with everyone. He appreciated the students’ hard work and creativity and announced that the money collected from the sale of items would be donated to an old-age home in the vicinity of our school. Our principal also decided that such initiatives would be taken up by our school more frequently to motivate the creative students and to help a noble cause.
Question. Your state government has banned the use of plastic bags. You are Amarjeet, a reporter of The National Herald. Write a report in 150-200 words on how the ban is being ignored and what damage the indiscriminate use of plastic bags in causing to the environment.
Environment Unfriendly Polybags
By: Amarjeet, Staff Reporter
The National Herald
In the year 2002 the government had banned the production and use of plastic bags in our country. But unfortunately, these are now being widely used again everywhere. Not only are we using a huge number of polybags daily but we are also discarding them in our drains uncaring about the fact that they will block the flow of drain water. Polybags are also a threat to our environment. They cause pollution, kill wildlife and are responsible for using up the natural resources of the earth. They are one of the main factors that litter the landscape. If burnt, they will infuse the surrounding air with toxic fumes.
The main problem of plastic bags is that they are non-biodegradable. The decomposition of plastic takes around a thousand years, so with the plastic rubbish produced each day it is likely that this problem will never be solved. While the government works out ways to lessen the impact of polybags on the environment each one of us too should shoulder some responsibility for this problem that ultimately harms us all.
Question. You are Ramesh/Rani, Sports Secretary, Government Senior Secondary School, Chandigarh. Last Monday an inter-school twenty-over cricket match was played on your school ground. Write a report in 150-200 words on the match.
Inter-School Twenty Over Cricket Match
Ramesh, Sports Secretary,
Govt. Senior Secondary School, Chandigarh 17th January, 20xx. Last Monday an inter-school twenty over cricket match played in our school grounds between Kendriya Vidyalaya, Sector-4 and Central School, Sector-37.
It was one of the most thrilling match that we all had seen as the winner was decided only after the last ball of the match had been bowled. Kendriya Vidyalaya won the toss and chose to bat. They set a target of 130 runs in twenty overs for the opposition team who beat them in the last ball of the match by hitting a boundary which took their score to 131 runs. Central School had to make ten runs in the last two balls in order to win. Their star batsman ABC scored a six followed by a fantastic boundary to take his team to victory.
It was a great match with a nail-biting finish and all the spectators present there thoroughly enjoyed watching it.
Question. A major bus mishap which left several people seriously injured took place at Nicholas Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai. Luckily no life was lost. Collect the information from the eyewitnesses and send a report in 150-200 words to ‘The Nungambakkam Times’. You are Vinod/Vinodhini, a reporter.
Bus Mishap
Vinod, Staff Reporter
The Nungambakkam Times 14th February, 20xx: A major bus mishap took place at Nicholas Road in Nungambakkam, Chennai yesterday at about 10 a.m. It resulted in serious injuries to almost twelve of the twenty-five passengers who were on board the bus. Luckily though, there was no loss of life. An eyewitness accounts how the high speeding bus overturned when it took a sharp turn in an attempt to avert a collision with a truck that was coming in the wrong direction.
The authorities have arrested the truck driver for his negligence. The bus driver could not be taken into custody for overspeeding as he is admitted in hospital with grievous injuries. The state government has announced a compensation of? 25,000 for those seriously injured and ‘10,000 for those whose injurious are not very serious. A state-level inquiry has also been ordered into the mishap.
Question. You are Poorva/Partha, Cultural Secretary of your school, D.B. Senior Secondary School, Ambur. A week-long Music and Dance festival was organised by your school. Write a report in 150-200 words for your school magazine. Invent the details.
Music And Dance Fiesta
Poorva, Cultural Secretary
D.B. Senior Secondary School, Ambur
26th August, 20xx: Our school organised a week-long Music and Dance festival, which commenced on the 18th of August and ended on the 26th of August, in which 15 schools of our town participated.
It was a great music and dance extravaganza which saw a wide variety of Indian classical music and folklore and western music and dance forms. During this week-long festival, many competitions and programmes were organised in our school and these were graced by illustrious musicians and reputed dancers.
On the concluding day of this festival, a two-hour-long programme displaying a unique fusion of classical and western dance and music was put up. This was a treat and delight for all music and dance lovers and was also the highlight of our festival. Seeing the huge success of this fiesta our principal assured us that attempts would be made to organise it on a regular basis.
Question. Recently a cultural programme was arranged by B.M. Public School, Noida with the help of the local artists of the city for raising funds to help an association for the differently-abled children of your city. Write a report in 150-200 words for publication in the newsletter of your school. You are Sunil/Sunita, Secretary of the Social Club of your school.
Cultural Programme To Help Disabled
By: Sunita, Secretary, Social Club
Our school arranged a cultural programme with the help of the local artists of our city to raise funds to help an association ‘Nirmal-Chaya’ that works for the differently-abled children of our city.
All the proceeds from this programme were given to the NGO so that they are in a better position to provide assistance to these unfortunate children in the form of medical aid. It was most heartening to see the overwhelming response of our staff, students and their parents for our noble endeavour. The local artists too participated in this programme without charging any money as everyone wanted to do their bit for a good cause.
Seeing the positive response of everyone who was involved in this noble cause, our school authorities have decided to organise one such event every year to help the NGOs of our city.
Question. Write a report in 150-200 words on ‘No Tobacco’ campaign organized by your school in the academic session 2010-11. You are Deep/ Deepa, Cultural Secretary, Anupam Senior Secondary School, Meerut.
‘No Tobacco’ Campaign
Deep, Cultural Secretary,
Anupam Sr. Secondary School, Meerut
Our school organised a ‘No Tobacco’ Campaign on 19th November during the academic session 2010-11. Our school children took out a huge procession around the school carrying posters and placards and shouting slogans on the harmful effects of tobacco. This campaign also brought together experts from various fields like fitness experts, public health experts, media representatives and also members of the youth organizations who increased awareness about the dangers of using tobacco. Various interschool art competitions, debates and declamations were also organised as a part of this campaign. The main aim of our campaign was to highlight the hazards of using tobacco and to encourage people to give up use of tobacco in any form. Through this campaign the student community came forth in its own way to lend its voice and draw public attention to the fatal dangers of using tobacco.
Question. Write a report as an eyewitness to the fire accident that occurred in your neighbourhood. Your report should be within 150-200 words. Invent the necessary details. You are Rashi/ Raman of 15, Ballimaran, Delhi.
Fire Mishap
15 Ballimaran, Delhi
12th September, 20xx, Delhi: A fire broke out in our neighbourhood in Ballimaran yesterday in a two-storey house due to a gas cylinder explosion.
Three persons received severe burn injuries and household goods worth almost five lakhs were completely destroyed. It was rather frightening to see the extent of the flames which seemed to engulf even the adjacent houses. Though the exact cause of the bursting of the cylinder is not known, it is suspected that a possible leakage in the gas pipe triggered the blast. It took three fire tenders almost four hours to control the fire. The police have registered a case of accident and a probe to investigate the exact cause of the fire will be carried out.
The injured persons, a man and two women, have been admitted to the Bums Ward of ABC Hospital and their condition is stated to be critical.
Question. You are an eye-witness to a road accident resulting in loss of human life and property. As a press reporter of National Herald, write a report in 150-200 words.
Fatal Road Accident
XYZ, Staff Reporter
National Herald
5th May, 20xx, Delhi: Two persons were killed and three injured when a speeding Scorpio crashed into their Maruti 800 car near the INA Metro Station yesterday afternoon. The incident took place at around 12:45 p.m. when the victims, aged between 35-40 years, were going from their office to attend a meeting at South Extension. As their vehicle approached the INA Metro Station, a speeding Scorpio rammed into the Maruti from behind killing two people on the spot and injuring the other three occupants. The accident also caused a traffic snarl on the busy road before the police arrived on the scene and rushed the injured to the nearby AIIMS Trauma Centre. The accused, driver of the Scorpio, has been arrested and a case of rash and negligent driving causing death has been registered against him.
Question. Your school Commerce Association organised a seminar for class XII students of the schools of your zone on the topic, ‘Rising prices create a crisis’. As Co-ordinator of the programme, write a report in 150-200 words for your school magazine. You are Piyush/Priya of ABC School, Agra.
Seminar On ‘Rising Prices’
Priya, Co-ordinator, Commerce Association
ABC School, Agra
The Commerce Association of our school organised a seminar for the class XII students of all the schools of our zone on 19th November, 20xx.
The topic of the seminar was ‘Rising prices create a crisis’. The three-day seminar, which was attended by distinguished and eminent personalities from the field of finance and commerce, was an eye-opener as to how the ever-rising prices are most likely to cause a crisis to which there may be no solution. The need of the hour of our government is to check and control the rising prices which have strained the pocket as well as the well-being of the common man. The students got an insight into how inflation is hampering the economic growth of our country.
On a concluding note our principal assured us that he would do his best to organise seminars on contemporary issues regularly.
Question. A new indoor gymnasium has recently been constructed and inaugurated at APJ International School at Goa. As special correspondent of ‘The Hindu’ draft a report in 150-200 words on the gymnasium and the inauguration ceremony.
Gymnasium Inauguration
Special Correspondent,
The Hindu
7th August, Goa: An indoor gymnasium which had been under construction for the past few months was inaugurated at APJ International School.
The State Health Minister, Shri S.D. Philips, inaugurated the fully equipped air-conditioned gymnasium yesterday in the presence of the staff and students of the school. In his inaugural speech, the Minister stressed upon the need of physical fitness and the importance of following a regular work-out regime in today’s stressful lifestyle. The gymnasium combines innovative early physical education, pre-gymnastics classes with state-of-the-art fitness equipment and other facilities.
Such initiatives empower the school children by j helping them to acquire the necessary skills, confidence and positive self-image needed to become healthy young adults.
Question. Your school conducted a seminar on ‘How to prevent cruelty towards animals’, in which 40 city CBSE schools took part. As Co-ordinator of the programme, write a report in 150-200 words for the school magazine. You are Vikram/Vidhi of C.P.S. Senior Secondary School, Bengaluru.
Seminar To Prevent Cruelty Towards Animals
Vidhi, Co-ordinator
C.P.S. Senior Secondary School, Bangalore
Our school conducted a seminar for classes XI and XII on ‘How to prevent cruelty towards animals’.
Forty city CBSE schools participated in this three-day seminar which started on 31st October, 20xx. The seminar discussed animal cruelty in perspective to two main themes — preventing cruelty to animals through early intervention, educating and changing legislation and examining the connection between cruelty towards animals in relation to the violent human nature. Distinguished members of the SPCA organisation addressed: the members during this seminar.
They stressed upon the need for compassion and care which is due to animals as living and responsive beings. Animals are entitled to kind and respectful treatment at the hands of humans, and that is not to be left to the compassionate impulses of humans but is an entitlement that must be protected under the law.
During this seminar, other animal-cruelty issues that came under the scanner were fighting animal cruelty perpetrated by industries like factory farming, the fur industry, animal experimentation and animals used in entertainment.
Question. You witnessed a bomb blast in a Delhi market when you went there for shopping along with your parents for Diwali purchases. Write a report in 150-200 words for your school magazine.
Bomb Explosion In Market-Place
Our shopping for Diwali could not have taken a more ghastly and ugly turn, that was beyond even our worst nightmare.
On 24th October, 20xx, a powerful bomb blast rocked the busy Karol Bagh market where I had gone along with my parents for Diwali shopping. The explosion took place at about 6.10 pm near a three-wheeled vehicle which got ripped apart. Within seconds the entire area was strewn with glass and splattered with blood. Amidst utter fear, chaos and confusion people were seen running wildly, some in search of their dear ones and others to ensure their own safety.
I stood they are dumbfounded, almost paralysed with fear as my parents helped an old couple who had sustained severe injuries in the blast. Not even in my wildest dreams could I have imagined the horrific sights that then met my eyes. I am convinced that these nightmarish sights are there to stay in my memory for a lifetime.
Every time I close my eyes I relive those horrifying moments where I can see people wailing and groaning.
Question. You witnessed a fire accident in a slum area near your colony on Saturday night. You were very much disturbed at the pathetic sight. Write a report in 150-200 words for your school magazine. You are Lakshmi/Lakshman, a student of P.D.K. International School, Madurai.
Fire In Slum Area
By: Lakshmi
P.D.K. International School, Madurai A fire broke out near our colony, I.G. Extension on 12th October, 20xx.
This ghastly fire burnt down at least 50 shanties and about 30 casualties were reported. The meagre belongings of daily wagers and labourers living in this slum were turned to ashes. The pathetic sight of wailing children and women was heartrending. Since the fire broke out at around 7.30 pm, most of the womenfolk were cooking their evening meals. So many slum dwellers had to go hungry that night as the fire brigades took almost four hours to douse the flames and control the fire. People from our colony came forward to help these distressed people. We offered packed food and water to them.
The miserable plight of these people as their abodes turned to ashes will continue to haunt the residents of our locality for a long time.
Question. You are Jay/Jaya, an NCC cadet from Shyamala Memorial Hall, Trichy. You were selected as a member of the contingent to represent Tamil Nadu in the Republic Day parade in Delhi. Write a report for your school magazine, in 150-200 words on the programme, and about your participation.
Parade Honour
By: Jay, NCC Cadet
Shyamala Memorial Hall, Trichy
It was indeed a great honour for me to be selected as a member of the contingent to represent Tamil Nadu in the Republic Day Parade in Delhi. It was heartwarming to hear the loud applause and cheers that greeted our float as we marched past the VIP area which seated the President of India, the Prime Minister and various other foreign dignitaries. I felt extremely proud to be a member of the contingent to march on Rajpath with 86 other members. This march past was indeed wonderful with each contingent marching along in all their finery and official decorations. Our contingent highlighted the culture of Tamil Nadu by presenting the ‘Karagam’ folk dance. We had put in a great amount of practice and every minor detail was looked into minutely. We wanted to do everything perfectly including our costumes, jewellery and the essential props that were needed because the event we had been selected for was one that was of great national significance and pride. It was a lifetime opportunity for us and we wanted to put up our best.
Question. You are Jay/Jaya, studying in Shyamala Memorial Hall, Trichy. Some students of your school attended a first aid training camp for a week at Red Cross Headquarters of your state. Write a report for your school magazine in 150-200 words on the events of the camp and your participation and performance.
First Aid Training Camp
By: Jaya,
Shyamalan Memorial Hall Some students of class XII of our school got an opportunity to attend a first aid training camp for a week at the Red Cross Headquarters in Chennai.
Attending this camp proved very helpful to us because it gave us an opportunity to learn as to how we can help in providing emergency health care for anyone who requires immediate first-aid. I am sure all those who attended this camp will help make a difference to society. Our seven-day training started with a batch of 20 volunteers who received training under a Red Cross trainer.
The training comprised practical sessions in artificial respiration, use of bandages, simple medication through common drugs and ointments etc. Apart from administering first aid in emergency situations, the trainer also made us understand the basis of home nursing. We were also trained in potentially life-saving techniques that can be performed with minimal equipment.
At the end of our seven-day camp, we were given a course completion certificate in which our performance was evaluated. We were confident we were now in a position of saving a life in case of an emergency.
Question. You are Deepak/Deepika, Secretary of Ahimsa club, Parsva Public School, Delhi. On 2nd October your school observed ‘International Day for Peace and Non-violence’, organizing various activities such as visit to Raj Ghat, Charkha spinning, lectures by eminent Gandhians etc. Write a report on the same in 150-200 words.
International Day For
Peace And Non-Violence
By: Deepika,
Secretary, Ahimsa Club Parsva Public School, Delhi Our school observed ‘International Day for Peace and Non-violence’ on 2nd October this year.
This was our way to pay our tribute to the Father of our Nation by attempting to highlight the principles he followed that enabled him to win our independence. On this occasion, our school organized various activities such as a visit to Raj Ghat, Charkha Spinning, lectures by eminent Gandhians etc. It was enlightening to hear the lectures of the eminent Gandhians who emphasised Gandhiji’s foremost principles that guided all his thoughts and activities. These included complete unity and integrity of the body, mind and soul in an individual. It was also revealed that one of the greatest achievements of Gandhiji was the spiritualisation of politics.
This celebration was the most enlightening way to commemorate the memory of the Father of Our Nation.
Question. You visited a Job Fair organised by Ability Foundation at Chennai recently. You were impressed to see that nearly 55 companies from various sectors such as information technology, telecommunication, electronics etc. offered jobs to the final year students of colleges. As a reporter of ‘The Deccan Times’, Chennai, prepare a report in 150-200 words. You are Peeyush/Priya.
Great Job Opportunities For Young Students
Priya, Staff Reporter,
The Deccan Times
14th April, 20xx: The Ability Forum organised a Job Fair in Chennai for final year students of colleges. The fair witnessed an overwhelming response from job seekers and companies from across the region.
The two-day event saw 55 companies from various sectors, such as information technology, telecommunication, electronics, etc. offering jobs to these students. It was really a great incentive for these fresh graduates to be offered jobs literally ‘on a platter’. Over 500 job seekers walked into seek well-paying jobs with the most renowned companies. This is surely going to motivate other undergraduates to attend this fair every year.
Such employment fairs should be organised as these provide an ideal platform for students who are on the lookout for jobs after having completed their graduate-level education.
Question. You witnessed a programme performed by differently-abled persons on Zee TV. You were very much impressed by their performance and were emotionally touched. Highlighting their talent, the reaction of the judges to their performance etc., prepare a report in 150-200 words for your school magazine. You are Gopal/Gopi, Student Editor of the magazine.
A Special Programme On Zee Tv
Gopi, Student Editor
On the occasion of Independence Day, Zee TV organized a special programme in which differently-abled persons performed in front of a live audience and were also watched by millions of people across the globe. They displayed their talent in the fields of music and dance. Their performances left the judges, the audience and the viewers enthralled. I am sure it also touched the hearts of many.
An outstanding sequence, in which wheelchair-bound boys and girls performed ‘Bharatnatyam’, left the audience spellbound and got a standing ovation from the judges.
It was most touching to see these children performing with such perfection despite their handicaps and their zest and enthusiasm added an extra touch to their performance. I strongly feel more such shows should be telecast so that more disabled children get an opportunity to showcase their talent. This will give them self-confidence that in spite of their disabilities they too are very much a part of our societ
Question. Traffic police has launched a special drive against pollution causing vehicles. This has led to traffic jams and crowds at important intersections. Write a report in 150-200 words to be published in ‘Chennai Times’. You are Prince/Priya, 12 M.G. Road, Adayar, Chennai.
Pollution Check Causes A Mess
By: Priya,
12, M.G. Road, Adayar, Chennai 26th August, 20xx, Chennai: The traffic police has recently launched a special drive against the pollution causing vehicles. This has created more confusion than relief. It has led to traffic jams and crowds at important intersections.
The traffic constables have gone into overdrive by putting barricades and conducting checks on pollution. These barricades, put up by the police, create heavy traffic snarls especially during the peak hours. Traffic congestion is a problem for commuters who are invariably delayed in reaching their destination.
The police need to restrict their drive to lean traffic hours. This way they will be able to carry forth their drive against pollution without causing inconvenience to the commuters.
Question. Maxim Gorky School, Kodaikanal celebrated ‘Nutrition Week’ from 1st September to 7th September by arranging inter-school cookery contests, oratorical, painting and poster competitions, besides talks by eminent nutritionists and medical professionals. There was an overwhelming response from students and parents. Prepare a report in 150-200 words to be published in your school magazine. You are Arjun/Anita, School Pupil Leader.
Nutrition Week Celebrated
By: Anita,
School Pupil Leader,
Maxim Gorky School, Kodaikanal Our school celebrated ‘Nutrition Week’ from the 1st to the 7th September, 20xx.
The theme of the celebration was ‘Food & Nutrition for Better Health’. The celebration aimed to raise awareness about the importance of healthy eating. Inter-school cookery contests, oratorical, painting and poster competitions were held, besides talks by eminent nutritionists and medical professionals. It was heartening to see the overwhelming response of students and parents. The highlight of the week-long celebration was a constant reiteration of healthy eating habits and adequate physical activity as a key to a healthy life.
The ‘Nutrition Week’ provided a reminder to everyone that an appropriate lifestyle can prevent us from diseases, improve our quality of life and increase life- expectancy. Nutrition Week was concluded by a prize distribution ceremony.
Question. You are Roshan/Rohini, School Pupil Leader of Meerut Public School, Meerut. Your school joined a campaign organised by various agencies of your city to create awareness among people to conserve water. Write a report in 150-200 words highlighting the activities such as rainwater harvesting etc.
By: Rohini,
School Pupil Leader Meerut Public School, Meerut On 12th September, 20xx: Our school joined a water conservation campaign at the India Habitat Centre.
This campaign was organised by various agencies of our city to create awareness among people to conserve water. The main agenda of this campaign was to reiterate the need to save water which is a precious source for our survival. Distinguished environmentalists suggested rain-water harvesting as the best way to conserve water and used visual aids to explain the process to harvest rainwater.
The agencies explained time and again on the fact that water-conservation is the most cost-effective, environmentally sound way to reduce the demand of water and each one of us must do our bit towards improving water management to enhance optimum use of water.
Question. You are Smitha/Smith, Secretary, Cultural Association, Motilal Fomra School, Tirupati. Last month your school celebrated Library Week in which book reading sessions, writing of book reviews, lectures by eminent writers, etc. were organised. Write a report on it to be published in your school newsletter in 150-200 words.
Library Week Celebrated
By: Smitha,
Secretary, Cultural Association Motilal Fomra School, Tirupati Our school celebrated Library Week from 5lh January to 12th January.
This was a great opportunity for each one of us to recognise the value of libraries. It was a much-awaited event and we made lots of preparations for it. Competitions were held on topics ranging from English Elocution, Book Mark Making, Book Cover Designs and Writing Book Reviews. Many students participated in these events and gave in their best. In addition to these competitions, book reading sessions and lectures by eminent writers were also organised. The new books purchased by our school library were also displayed.
Library Week was altogether a very interesting and enjoyable week for students as well as teachers, who are already looking forward to celebrating it in the following years.
Question. You are Rohini/Rehan. Your school KRM Senior Secondary School, Gurgaon organised a workshop on how to conserve energy. A number of CBSE schools participated in it. Many eminent personalities addressed the students. Write a report in 150-200 words for your school magazine.
Workshop On
Energy Conservation
By: Rohini
KRM Senior Secondary School, Gurgaon Our school organised a workshop on ‘How to conserve energy’ on 24th April, 20xx. Around 25 CBSE schools participated in it.
The participants were trained on various tools and methods for energy conservation and efficient use of energy. A training manual titled ‘Doing More with Less’ was distributed to all the participants. Many eminent personalities from the Energy Department of the NRSE Division addressed the students. They highlighted the importance of incorporating energy into different spheres. They also pointed out the various steps that could be taken at the individual levels to conserve energy and use it efficiently.
The workshop which was organised as a part of the project, Building Energy Awareness on Conservation (BEACON), was most enlightening and everyone felt more such workshops should be organised at regular intervals.
Question. Keeping in view the frequent occurrence of earthquakes, floods and torrential rains in different parts of the country, your school arranged a talk on disaster management. The speaker explained the precautionary measures to be taken by the public and the government in case of emergency. As a student reporter, Ravi/Rani prepare a report on the talk in 100125 words, to be published in your local paper.
Talk On Disaster Management
By: Ravi,
Student Reporter
1st April, 20xx: Keeping in view the frequent occurrence of earthquakes, floods and torrential rains in different parts of our country, our school arranged a talk on disaster management.
The talk was held in our school auditorium at 11 AM, on 24th March, 20xx. The main aim for arranging this talk was to spread awareness among the people on how to deal with disasters. The speaker, who was a member of the National Disaster Response Force, explained all of us about the steps that need to be taken to minimise the risks in case of any disaster. He also explained with the help of visual aids the precautionary measures that should be taken by the public and the government in case of an emergency.
This talk, with demonstrations, is sure to help each one of us to enhance our knowledge to deal with disasters.
Question. Incessant rain has caused irrecoverable damage in your area. As an active participant in the flood relief programme, write a report in 125-150 words on the different flood relief measures carried out. You are Krishan/ Krishna.
Flood Relief Programme
By: Krishna
In an initiative to provide immediate material and trauma relief to the evacuees of the flood calamity struck victims in our area the volunteers of ‘The Saviours of the Earth Foundation’ organized a flood relief programme of which I was an active participant. Ever since incessant rains resulting in heavy floods lashed our area, volunteers of our organization have been working in coordination with the disaster management team to distribute door to door relief material to the victims. For providing material relief, our organization has been raising funds and has also been conducting trauma-relief meditation for the evacuees. A team of 250 volunteers of our organization including doctors are constantly providing medical aid and food, assisting in rescue operations and clearing the debris.
Question. You are Pulkil/Prema, a staff reporter of The Times of India. You have been asked to cover an incident of daylight robbery on the outskirts of Delhi when the inmates were present in the house. Write a report in 150-200 words.
Daylight Robbery
Prema, Staff Reporter
Tire Times of India
17th August, 20xx, Delhi: A daring, daylight robbery has set fear and anxiety in the minds of the residents of Najafgarh, that lies on the outskirts of Delhi.
Four armed robbers entered the house of a retired IAS official in broad daylight at about 4 p.m. The official himself was present in the house along with his wife, daughter-in-law and two-year-old grandson. Though the robbers did not harm the inmates, they locked them up in a store-room before escaping with? 75,000 cash and gold jewellery worth about? 3 lakhs. This incident evoked a lot of resentment among the residents of the area who complained about a total security lapse in their colony.
The police have registered a complaint of robbery and on the basis of the appearance of the robbers given by the inmates a search has been launched to apprehend all the four.
Question. Your school, Sea View Public School, Kochi, organized a Blood-donation Camp on the occasion of the Republic Day celebrations. As Cultural Secretary of your school, write a report on the event in 150-200 words.
Blood Donation Camp
By: Cultural Secretary,
Sea View Public School, Kochi Our school organized a Blood Donation Camp on 26th January, 20xx on the occasion of the Republic Day celebrations.
This camp was a huge success and saw the participation from over 300 students and 50 faculty members. The camp was organized in collaboration with the Red Cross Society of India. Dr. Bela Anand from the Red Cross Society appreciated the efforts of the school in organizing the camp. She appreciated the overwhelming response from the students as well as teachers and said it felt good when people, especially young students, come forward for a noble cause.
Refreshments, certificates of appreciation and blood donor cards were given to all the donors. Our Principal finally administered the vote of thanks.
Question. You have visited a book exhibition in your neighbourhood. Write a report in 125-150 words on the exhibition. You are Rohan/ Rohini.
Book Exhibition
By: Rohini
The Book Trust of India successfully organized a three day Book Exhibition in our neighbourhood, in the Raja Garden grounds.
Many reputed national and international publishers participated in this event. This fair was inaugurated by the Vice-Chancellor of Indira Gandhi National Open University, Professor Kumar. He appreciated all the arrangements made at the book fair and also visited many stalls and thanked the publishers for making the book fair such a success. Many people enthusiastically visited the book fair as it housed a good collection of academic, fiction, research and general books.
This book fair is likely to play a pivotal role in reiterating the importance of books and is likely to be recognized as a huge annual cultural event of book bonanza keenly awaited by students, teachers, scholars, intellectuals, authors and book lovers.
Question. On Teachers’ day, the badge holders of your school organized a grand celebration to honour the teachers of your school. As the head boy of the school, write a report on the celebration in 125-150 words.
On the occasion of Teachers’ Day, on the 5th of September, the badge holders of our school organized a grand celebration to honour the teachers of our school.
The programme started with a tribute to Dr. Radhakrishnan. The entire programme had an emotional and recreational touch. The students had made elaborate preparations to ensure that the Teachers’ Day, celebrations was a huge success. They had organized various games and a range of cultural programmes for the teachers.
The students also made a movie for the teachers in which they conveyed their heartfelt gratitude to their teachers. They also added on video messages from the school alumni and the members of the governing body of the school wherein the teachers were thanked for their contribution to the school and the society.
The teachers were overwhelmed with emotion on seeing the movie. The programme ended with a vote of thanks from our principal.\
Question. A few teachers and students from Edwin University had visited your school on an exchange programme. You welcomed them grandly. Write a report in 125-150 words on the celebration. You are Brijesh/Benu.
Exchange Programme
By: Brijesh
16th April, 20xx: A few teachers and students from Edwin University had visited our school on an exchange programme for ten days.
The teachers were given a grand welcome. The principal, staff and students of our school personally accorded them a warm welcome. A cultural extravaganza was held to familiarise them with our traditions and customs. They were served a traditional Indian meal and sweets. It was heartening to see the foreign teachers and students taking active and enthusiastic part in the different programmes we had specially organized for them.
Our principal gave the welcome speech and then they were escorted to our school hostel where they stayed during their ten-day tour of our city.
Question. You are AnuragfAnjali, a reporter with a national daily. You have heard that a multistorey building near the main railway station has collapsed causing panic in the area. You rush to the site of the accident along with your team. Write a report in 125-150 words mentioning the time and place of the accident, number of casualties, the cause of the accident and the rescue operation conducted by the authorities.
Multistorey Building Collapses
By: Anjali,
Staff Correspondent 5th September, 20xx: Tragedy struck the city early on Monday morning when an eight storeyed NDMC building collapsed around 7 a.m. in Central Delhi, near the main railway station.
The building, civic officials said, was old and probably not maintained well. Rescuers raced to reach the dozens of people feared trapped in the rubble. At least ten people are reported killed and twenty have been so far pulled alive from the building and rushed to the hospital, said Alok Bansal, local commander of the National Disaster Response Force. “Approximately 70 to 80 people are believed to be left behind under the debris.”, Mr. Bansal said, citing reports from his team on the scene. This is the latest of several building collapses in Delhi and NCR this year.
The State Government has ordered an enquiry into the mishap.
Question. Write a report in 150-200 words on the Zonal Cricket Tournament held in the playground of A.B.C. School, Laxmi Nagar last week. Your report should include details such as names of participating teams, exciting, cheerful atmosphere, decorated playground, a large crowd of cheering students and presentation ceremony. You are Gopalan/Gauri, Student Editor of your school magazine.
Zonal Cricket Tournament
By: Gopalan,
Student Editor The Zonal Cricket Tournament was held in the playground of A.B.C. School, Laxmi Nagar from the 20th to the 27th of September, 20xx.
The participating teams included JMJ School Rohini; XYZ Public School, Roop Nagar; PQR Public School, Fatehpuri; MPL School, Azadpur; RPW Senior Secondary School, Paschim Vihar and LML Boys School, Patel Nagar. After a series of knockout rounds, PQR Public School and XYZ Public School emerged as the finalists.
On the day of the finals, both these teams were cheered by a large crowd of students. After winning the toss, the PQR Public School team elected to bat first and set a target of 153 runs in 20 overs. But the XYZ team could only get 126 runs and thus PQR Public School won the match and their star batsmen Akash Ahuja was awarded with ‘Man of the Match’ trophy.
It was most enthralling to see the cheerful and exciting atmosphere in the playground which seemed to resound with zest and enthusiasm.The winning team was awarded with a trophy, medals and certificates which were presented by the Honorary Sports Secretary, Shri Vipin Kumar.
Question. Members of the Social Activities Club of your school recently visited an orphanage run by a well-known N.G.O. Members of the club were greatly impressed with the atmosphere in the orphanage. Write a report in 125-150 words, giving details such as clean surroundings, nice and caring staff, well-fed children with glowing faces, toys and games for kids, etc. You are Nutan/Naveen, President of your school’s Social Activities Club.
Visit To An Orphanage
By: Nutan,
President, Social Activities Club Members of the Social Activities Club of our school recently visited an orphanage run by a reputed N.G.O.
It was indeed a pleasure to be greeted by smiling faces of innocent children. Before we actually got to interact with the kids, we were given a tour of the property. Walking around was a pleasant experience as our expectations of a dusty and gloomy place were replaced by the reality of a vibrant, heartwarming and welcoming environment. The children smiled with sparkling and curious eyes as we walked around. We were pleasantly surprised to encounter such happy and lively kids, who were being looked after by nice and caring staff.
It was a day spent between fun and games and towards the end of our visit we parted with the promise to return soon.
We would like to convey our heartfelt gratitude to all the staff members and volunteers of the orphanage for giving us this opportunity to interact with these wonderful kids.
Question. The members of Saraswati Residents Welfare Association held a protest rally at the District Park against the decision of the Municipal Corporation to cut down trees for widening of roads to ease traffic congestion. Write a report on the rally in 125-150 words. You are Puneeta/ Pramod, the President of the Association.
Protest Rally
By: Puneeta, President, Saraswati R.W.A.
25th 20xx: The members of the Saraswati Residents Welfare Association held a protest rally at the District Park on 19th November, 20xx.
The protest rally was held against the decision of the Municipal Corporation to cut down trees for widening of roads to ease traffic congestion. Dozens of concerned citizens marched to the District Park on early Monday morning to strongly protest against what they called ‘rampant slaughter of trees’.
Since July this year residents have been campaigning against the Municipal Corporation’s decision to remove around 125 trees as part of its road extension plan. Many multisectoral groups also joined this protest rally which turned out to be quite successful and hopefully effective.
Through this protest rally we hope to garner support so as to deter the decision of the Municipal Corporation to cut down trees.
Question. Cultural Society Sunshine Public School, Nellore organised an adult camp in its neighbourhood. Write a report in 150-200 words on the camp for your school newsletter. You are P.V. Sunitha, Secretary. Use the following clues: no. of volunteers—hours spent in teaching— location of the class—chairs, blackboards—no. of people attending the camp — benefit.
Adult Literacy Camp
By: P.V. Sunitlia, Secretary
Cultural Society, Sunshine Public School, Nellore The cultural society of our school organised an adult literacy camp in our neighbourhood from 22nd September to 21st October, 20xx for the slum dwellers, whose colony is located about two kilometres away from our school.
It was heartening to see the overwhelming response of our senior students who were keen volunteers and spent almost two hours each day teaching the adults who attended the camp in large numbers. The classes were held under a shed that the community center of our colony had allowed us to use for the camp. The members of the community center also lent us fifty chairs and five blackboards. The increasing number of adults who attended our month-long camp was proof enough of its success and of the fact that they were certainly gaining benefit from it. Reportedly, nearly 110 adults which included 45 females, benefitted from this noble initiative taken up by the cultural society of our school.
Adult learners and the need for improved adult literacy deserves our attention and we need to constantly strive and take up initiatives to ensure literacy for all.
Question. History Society of Kendriya Vidyalaya, Krishna Nagar sent a group of students to visit a place of historical interest. You, Anant/ Anita, were its leader. Write a report in 150200 words for the school newsletter on the tour, describing the place, its history, how you reached there and all that you have learnt.
Enlightening Visit
Tokonark Temple
By: Anant, Leader,
History Society Kendriya Vidyalaya, Krishna Nagar : The History Society of our school organised a visit for thirty-two students to the Konark Temple in Orissa.
As the leader of the group I was entrusted with a big responsibility to ensure that our travel, stay and visit was smooth as well as informative. We reached Bhubaneshwar railway station and took a deluxe bus from there to the Konark Temple which is about 65 kms away. After checking-in to our guesthouse, we were served lunch and given pamphlets about the history of the Konark Temple.
We rested that night and went to see the temple the next day. On reaching there we understood why the Konark Temple is an architectural marvel of India. It is believed that it was built by King Narasimhadeva I of Eastern Ganga Dynasty. The temple complex is in the shape of a gigantic chariot, having elaborately carved stone wheels, pillars and walls. Konark houses a massive temple dedicated to the Sun God.
There are three images of the Sun God at different sides of the temple, positioned in such a direction as to catch the sun’s rays in the morning, noon and evening.
Our three-day visit to the Konark Temple was most enlightening and an experience that enriched us about the amazing cultural heritage of India. We hope our History Society organises more such trips to other historical sites.
Question. You are Ram/Rajani, an N.C.C. cadet who attended Republic Day Parade in Delhi. You study in Shyamala Public School, Salem. Write a report to be published in your school magazine, in 150-200 words on Republic Day Camp & Parade. Don’t forget to mention the floats and how you enjoyed the occasion.
The Grandeur Of Republic Day Celebrations
By: Ram, N.C.C cadet
Shyamala Public School, Salem
Being an N.C.C cadet I got the privilege of attending the Republic Day Parade in Delhi. I was awestruck by its sheer grandeur and magnificence. The parade showcases not only India’s defence capability but also gives us a unique glimpse of our cultural and social heritage.
The Republic Day Parade which is held in the capital city, New Delhi starts from the Rashtrapati Bhavan, along Rajpath, past India Gate. Before its commencement, the Prime Minister lays a floral wreath at the’ Amar Jawan Jyoti, a memorial to the soldiers who laid down their lives during various wars. The President then unfurls the National flag after which the different regiments of our armed forces march past with their bands in all their fineries saluting their commander-in-chief, the President of India.
Another highlight of the parade were the tableaus of different states that depicted India’s culture and diversity. Each Indian state and Union Territory is represented by a float that presents an aspect of its culture and is a visual treat. Watching the Republic Day celebrations was the most enjoyable experience and it was my good fortune to have got this opportunity to watch the parade from such close quarters, an experience that I will not be able to forget.
The celebrations came to an end and everyone arose for the National Anthem following which the important dignitaries left Rajpath.
Question. As you were travelling by train, you happened to witness an accident at an unmanned level crossing. As the reporter of a newspaper, write a report on the accident, including details of the number of people injured and the extent of damage caused.
Two Killed In Train Accident
By: ABC, Staff Correspondent
16th March, 20xx: Delhi: Two persons were killed when their car was hit by the KK Express at an unmanned level crossing at Dabri Mor.
The occupants of the car were rushed to a local hospital where they were declared brought dead. The car driver was identified as Umesh (36) and the other passenger as Soham (39). Expressing sorrow and shock at the accident, the State Transport Minister, stressed the need to set up manned level crossings, which should be taken up by the Centre. According to eyewitnesses, at around 11:15 am, the car was at the level crossing and stopped just before the KK Express was to pass, but unfortunately, it was too close to the tracks. The car was thrown around 20 feet from the level crossing.
The area where the road crosses the railway tracks is unmanned, and according to local residents, this is the second time within one year that a car has been hit by a train. An enquiry has been ordered into the accident.
Question. You had attended a workshop on personality development for students. Many eminent personalities had been present. Write a report in 125-150 words on how the workshop proved to be beneficial. You are Rajesh/Rajshree.
Workshop On Personality
Development For Students
By: Rajesh
19th April, 20xx: Regular personality development workshops are organized for students wherein eminent personalities from different fields are invited to interact with the students.
I attended one such workshop organized by Bharat Vikas Sadan, an NGO that works for child development. About 72 students attended this workshop wherein, Mrs. Rachita Sharma, a student counsellor and personality trainer conducted the workshop for the development of students’ communication skills.
Through multimedia presentation, along-with an animated and energizing speech, she stressed that for rising in any field of career, communication skills play a very important role. After attending the one hour workshop I understood that this was bound to prove most beneficial to the students who had attended it. They were sure to gain a lot of valuable knowledge that would prove to be most useful to them in the future.
I feel such workshops should be organized more frequently to help the youth of the country to build their personality and become useful citizens of the nation.
Question : You are Priya/Priyanshu .As a member of greenwood society, you have participated in the ‘campaign against polythene bags’. Write a detailed report of the campaign for a local newspaper in about 80-100 words. (Don’t exceed the words limit)
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CBSE Class 8 English Report Writing Assignment
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