CBSE Class 12 Economics Producers Behaviour And Supply To Economics Assignment

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 12 Economics Producers Behaviour And Supply To Economics Assignment. Get printable school Assignments for Class 12 Economics. Class 12 students should practise questions and answers given here for Producers Behaviour And Supply To Economics Economics in Class 12 which will help them to strengthen their understanding of all important topics. Students should also download free pdf of Printable Worksheets for Class 12 Economics prepared as per the latest books and syllabus issued by NCERT, CBSE, KVS and do problems daily to score better marks in tests and examinations

Assignment for Class 12 Economics Producers Behaviour And Supply To Economics

Class 12 Economics students should refer to the following printable assignment in Pdf for Producers Behaviour And Supply To Economics in Class 12. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 12 Economics will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Producers Behaviour And Supply To Economics Class 12 Economics Assignment

Question. The supply of a commodity implies
a) actual product of a good
b) stock available for sale
c) total existing stock of the good
d) the amount of goods offered for sale at a different prices, per unit of time

Answer. D

Question. A firm will supply more quantity of a commodity at same price or even at a reduced price, if the firm wants to
a) maximise profit
b) maximise social welfare
c) maximise sales
d) maximise wealth

Answer. C

Question. Supply of a commodity is …… concept.
a) stock
b) flow
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) wholesale

Answer. B

Question. The claim that other things being equal, the quantity supplied of a good rises when the price of good rises and vice-versa is known as
a) Law of Economics
b) Law of Supply
c) Law of Demand
d) All of these

Answer. B

Question. The functional relationship between supply of a commodity and its various determinants is known as
a) supply function
b) change in supply
c) change in quantity supplied
d) None of the above

Answer. A

Question. Which of the following shows relationship between the price of a commodity and quantity supplied graphically?
a) Supply statement
b) Supply schedule
c) Supply curve
d) All of these

Answer. C

Question. The supply curve is usually
a) upward rising
b) downward sloping
c) nothing definite can be said
d) None of the above

Answer. A

Question. When supply curve shifts to the right, there is ...... in supply.
a) an increase
b) expansion
c) contraction
d) decrease

Answer. A

Question. Supply schedule shows ...... relationship between price and quantity supplied of a commodity.
a) positive
b) inverse
c) negative
d) opposite

Answer. A

Question. Increase or decrease in supply means
a) change in supply due to change in its own price.
b) change in supply due to change in factors other than its own price.
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above

Answer. B

Question. Contraction of supply curve means
a) upward movement along the supply curve
b) downward movement along the supply curve
c) rightward shift in supply curve
d) leftward shift in supply curve

Answer. B

Question. A supply curve will shift leftward due to
a) increase in supply
b) increase in quantity supplied
c) decrease in supply
d) decrease in quantity supplied

Answer. C

Question. Relation between price of a good and its amount of good is known as
a) Supply
b) Quantity supplied
c) Stock
d) None of these

Answer. B

Question. As the cost of production increases, supply of a good
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remains constant
d) None of these

Answer. B

Question. Consider the following supply schedule.

Price (Rs per unit)Quantity Supplied (in units)

It is called
a) decrease in supply
b) decrease in quantity supplied
c) decrease in demand
d) All of the above

Answer. A

Question. The supply of a good refers to
a) Actual production of goods
b) Total stock of goods
c) Stock available for sale
d) Amount of goods offered for sale at a particular price per unit time

Answer. D

Question. Consider the following supply schedule 

Price (Rs per unit)                             
 Quantity Supplied (in units)

This refers to
a) expansion in supply
b) contraction in supply
c) increase in supply
d) Both (b) and (c)

Answer. A

Question. Expansion in supply refers to a situation when the producers are willing to supply a
a) larger quantity of the commodity at an increased price.
b) larger quantity of the commodity due to increased taxation on that commodity.
c) larger quantity of the commodity at the same price.
d) larger quantity of the commodity at the decreased price.

Answer. A

Question. Supply of a good depends upon
(i) Willingness to sell
(ii) Ability to sell
(iii) Price of the good
(iv) Time period
Choose from the options below
a) (i) and (ii)
b) (iii) and (iv)
c) (i), (ii) and (iii)
d) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)

Answer. D

Question. Elastic supply curve starts from the
a) X-axis
b) Y-axis
c) Origin
d) None of these

Answer. B

Question. The variable which is measured over a point in time is known as ………… .
a) stock
b) supply
c) quantity supplied
d) None of these

Answer. A

Question. Which of the following is not a cause of decrease in supply?
a) Rise in price of substitute goods
b) Increase in price of complementary goods
c) Increase in taxes
d) Rise in price of labour (i.e. wages)

Answer. B

Question. Indian government is focusing on Make in India programme, which has led to significant improvement in technology. What will be its impact on supply of goods concerned?
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) No impact
d) Both (a) and (b)

Answer. A

Question. An increase in customers’ income will have following impact on supply curve
a) Lead to movement along supply curve
b) Lead to shift in supply curve
c) Lead to movement and shift along supply curve
d) No impact on the supply curve

Answer. D

Question. If a firm’s supply increases due to application of improved technology, this is known as
a) expansion in supply
b) contraction in supply
c) increase in supply
d) increase in quantity supplied

Answer. C

Question. When supply price increase in the short run, the profit of the producer ……… .
a) increases
b) decreases
c) remains constant
d) it may increase or decrease

Answer. D

Question. Due to 10% fall in price of Good X, quantity demanded falls by 15%. Elasticity of supply is
a) Elastic
b) Inelastic
c) Unitary elastic
d) None of the above

Answer. A

Question. Unitary elastic supply curve starts from the
a) X-axis
b) Y-axis
c) Origin
d) None of these

Answer. C

Question. As you are aware of recent outbreak of Covid-19, which has a led to lockdown in many countries around the globe. In extension of this, government has stopped imports in India from various countries. How it will impact supply of a good concerned?
a) Expansion in quantity supply
b) Contraction in quantity supply
c) Increase in supply
d) Decrease in supply

Answer. D

Question. The following are causes of shift in supply EXCEPT the one
a) Change in government policy
b) Change in cost of production
c) Change in own price of the good
d) Change in expectation about future price

Answer. C

Question. If the goal of the producer changes from profit maximisation to sales maximisation, supply will
a) increase
b) decrease
c) remains constant
d) downward movement along supply curve

Answer. A

Question. Increase in price of the good leads to ……… in total revenue.
a) increase
b) decrease
c) no change
d) either increase or decrease

Answer. D

Question. When supply is perfectly inelastic, Elasticity of Supply is equal to
a) – 1
b) zero
c) 1
d) infinity

Answer. B

Question. Recently government of India increase excise duty on import of gold. It will lead to ……… in supply.
a) increase
b) decrease
c) no change in supply
d) either increase or decrease

Answer. B

Question. When the price of a good rises from Rs 20 per unit to Rs 30 per unit, the revenue of the firm producing this good rises from Rs 100 to Rs 300. Calculate Price Elasticity of Supply.
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) −1

Answer. C

Question. During year 2019-20, world recession led to fall in income levels drastically. Automobile market in India faced a major setback due to fall in demand. To deal with these, Automobile companies offered huge discounts to attract buyers. This is an example of
a) Expansion in quantity supplied
b) Contraction in quantity supplied
c) Increase in supply
d) Decrease in supply

Answer. C

Question. Elasticity of Supply is defined as a measure of the responsiveness of quantity supplied of a good to change in
a) price of concerned good
b) price of substitute good
c) demand
d) None of these

Answer. A

Question. Total Revenue is Rs 400 when the price of the commodity is Rs 2 per unit. When price rises to Rs 3 per unit, the quantity supplied is 300 units. Calculate the Price Elasticity of Supply?
a) 0
b) – 1
c) 1
d) ¥

Answer. C

Question. A firm supplies 500 units of a good at a price of Rs 5 per unit. The Price Elasticity of Supply of a good is 2. At what price will the firm supply 700 units?
a) Rs 5
b) Rs 1
c) Rs 6
d) Rs 4

Answer. C

Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question. Why does average cost curve and averages variable cost curve never intersect each other?
Answer. Because AFC can never be zero at any level of output.
Question. What do you mean by producer’s equilibrium?
Answer. Producer’s equilibrium is a situation where he gets maximum profit.

Question. State any two conditions of producers equilibrium according to marginal revenue and marginal cost approach.
Answer. 1. MR = MC
2. Rising portion of Marginal cost curve intersects marginal revenue curve.
Question. Define supply.
Answer. Supply refers to the amount of the commodity that a firm or seller is willing to offer for sale in a given period of time at various prices.

Question. Name two determinants of supply.
Answer. 1. Number of firms
2. Change in technology

Question. What is meant by change in supply?
Answer. Change in supply refers to increase or decrease in supply of a commodity due to change in factors other than price like technology, price of inputs, Goal of producer, Number of firms etc.

Question. What type of change in price is the cause of upward movement along a supply curve?
Answer. Due to increase in price.
Question. What do you mean by marginal revenue?
Answer. Marginal revenue is net additions to total revenue by sale of one additional unit of output.

Question. What will be the behaviour of total revenue when marginal revenue is zero?
Answer. Total revenue will be maximum.
Question. What do you mean by individual supply schedule?
Answer. Individual supply schedule is a tabular representation showing various quantities of a commodity which a firm is ready to sell at different prices during a given period of time.

Question. Define Market Supply
Answer. It refers the sum of total quantity supplied by all the firms in a market.
Question. Why does a supply curve have a positive slope?
Answer. Because of positive relation between price and supply.
Question. What causes a downward movement along a supply curve?
Answer. Decrease in price.
Question. What effect does an increase is tax rates have on supply of a commodity?
Answer. As a result of increase in tax rates production cost increase, so the profit margin of producer will fall and producer will decrease the supply.
Question. How does a decrease in price of input effect supply curve of the commodity?
Answer. As a result of decrease in price of input production cost falls then producers profit margin will increase so producer will increase the supply of commodity.
Question. What is meant by leftward shift of supply curve?
Answer. Due to change in other factors the supply of a commodity falls at same price than supply curve shifted to leftward.

Question. What is meant by elasticity of supply?
Answer. Price Elasticity of Supply (Es) is a measure of degree of response of supply for a good to change in its price.
Question. How does fall in MPP affect TPP?
Answer. TPP increases at decreasing rate.
Question. What effect does an increase in input price have on the supply curve?
Answer. The supply curve will shift towards left-hand side.

Question. Why does average cost fall as output rises?
Answer. AC falls due to operation of the law of increasing returns to a factor as output rises.

Question. Does fixed cost affect marginal cost? Give the answer with reason.
Answer. No, because fixed cost is not subject to change and it is not considered while calculating MC.
Question. What would be the effect of increase in the output on the TFC?
Answer. There would not be any effect of increase in the output on the TFC, It will be constant at different levels of production.

Question. If marginal revenue falls, will total revenue fall?
Answer. It may fall when MR falls and becomes negative. If MR falls but remains positive then TR may increase with diminishing rate.

Question. What is the price elasticity of supply of a commodity whose straight line supply curve passes through the origin forming an angle of 75º?
Answer. Price elasticity of supply will be equal to one when a straight line supply curve passes through the origin; angle does not matter anything.
Question. Why is total variable cost curve parallel to total cost curve?
Answer. Total cost is the sum of total fixed cost and total variable cost. TFC remains constant at all levels of output.

Question. Why does average fixed cost fall with increase in output?
Answer. AFC can be calculated from TFC. Which remains constant at all level of output.

Question. Why is total fixed cost curve parallel to ox-axis.
Answer. TFC remains constant at all levels of output.

Question. Under which situation will MR fall when an additional quantity of a good is sold?
Answer. When per unit price falls by selling an additional unit of a good.

Question. What behaviour of per unit price will cause the equality of average and marginal revenue.
Answer. Per unit price remains constant.

Question. Give one differences between law of supply and price elasticity of supply.
Answer. Law of supply reflects the direction of change in supply where as price elasticity of supply measures the magnitude of change in supply.

Question. What is the price elasticity of supply associated when the supply curve passingthrough to intersect to x-axis?
Answer. Inelastic.

Question. Why does a producer moves downward along a supply curve due to decrease in price of commodity?
Answer. Because profit margin of firm (producer) decreases.

Question. What is the price elasticity of supply associated with when a supply curve passes through the origin at 40° angle?
Answer. Equal to unity elastic.

Question. When does the supply curve shift rightward while price remains constant.
Answer. When the supply of commodity increases due to change in other factors.

Question. What effect does an increase in price of competitive good have on the supply of a commodity?
Answer. Supply of the commodity will fall.
Short Answer Type Questions

Question. Why is AC curve in the short run U-shaped?
Answer. AC curve is U-shaped in short run due to operation of law of returns to factors (i.e., law of variable proportion). Initially production is subject to law of increasing returns (i.e. decreasing cost), then law of constant return (i.e. constant cost) and ultimately to law of diminishing return (i.e. increasing cost). As output is increased, AC first falls, reaches its minimum and then rises. Hence, AC curves become Ushaped.

Question. How do changes in MR affect TR?
Answer. 1. If MR increases, TR increases at increasing rate.
2. If MR is constant, TR increases at constant rate.
3. If MR falls, TR increases at diminishing rate.

Question. What is MR? How is it related to AR?
Answer. MR refers to the change in TR due to sale of an additional unit.
Relation –
1. If AR (Price) is constant, MR = AR
2. If AR (Price) falls, MR < AR.
3. If AR (Price) rises, MR > AR.

Question. What will be the price elasticity of supply if the supply curve is a positively sloped straight line?
Answer. Es = 1 if the curve starts from the origin point.
Es>1 if the curve starts from the y-axis and E<1 if the curve starts from the x-axis.

Question. Define marginal revenue. State the relation between marginal revenue and average revenue when a firm:
(i) is able to sell more quantity of output at the same price.
(ii) is able to sell more quantity of output only by lowering the price.
Answer. Marginal revenue is the addition to total revenue from producing one more unit of output.
1. MR = AR at all levels of the output. (In case of perfect competitive market)
2. MR will be less than AR at all levels of the output. (In case of monopoly and monopolistic market)

Question. Explain how do the following determine price elasticity of supply:
(i) Nature of the good (ii) Time period.
Answer. 1. Nature of Commodity - Elasticity of industrial goods is more than that of agricultural goods. Similarly supply of durable goods e.g. table is more elastic than that of perishable goods e.g. vegetables.
2. Time Period- Generally elasticity of supply is more in the long period than in shorter period of time. The reason is that in the long period, all adjustments to the changed price can be made easily and supply of commodity can be varied accordingly.

Question. Draw average cost, average variable cost and marginal cost curves on a single diagram and explain their relations.
Relation of AC, AVC and MC
1. MC intersects to AC and AVC at their minimum level
2. AC and AVC decreases before the intersection by MC, but remain greater than MC.
3. AC and AVC starts to increase after the intersection by MC, and becomes less than MC.
4. As output increases, AC and AVC tends to be closer but the difference between AC and AVC can never be zero.
Question. With the help of example distinguish between total fixed cost and total variable cost.
Question. Explain the likely behaviour of total product under the stage of increasing return to a factor with the help of numerical example.
Answer. Increasing return to a factor is the first phase of the Law of return to a factor. When more and more units of a variable factor is combined with fixed factor up to a certain level total physical product increases with increasing rate.
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CBSE Class 12 Economics Producers Behaviour And Supply To Economics Assignment

We hope you liked the above assignment for Producers Behaviour And Supply To Economics which has been designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 12 Economics released by CBSE. Students of Class 12 should download and practice the above Assignments for Class 12 Economics regularly. We have provided all types of questions like MCQs, short answer questions, objective questions and long answer questions in the Class 12 Economics practice sheet in Pdf. All questions have been designed for Economics by looking into the pattern of problems asked in previous year examinations. You can download all Revision notes for Class 12 Economics also absolutely free of cost. Lot of MCQ questions for Class 12 Economics have also been given in the worksheets and assignments for regular use. All study material for Class 12 Economics students have been given on studiestoday. We have also provided lot of Worksheets for Class 12 Economics which you can use to further make your self stronger in Economics.

What are benefits of doing Assignment for CBSE Class 12 Economics Producers Behaviour And Supply To Economics?

a. Score higher marks: Regular practice of Economics Class 12 Assignments for chapter Producers Behaviour And Supply To Economics will help to improve understanding and help in solving exam questions correctly.
b. As per CBSE pattern: All questions given above follow the latest Class 12 Economics Sample Papers so that students can prepare as per latest exam pattern.
c. Understand different question types: These assignments include MCQ Questions for Class 12 Economics with answers relating to Producers Behaviour And Supply To Economics, short answers, long answers, and also case studies.
d. Improve time management: Daily solving questions from Producers Behaviour And Supply To Economics within a set time will improve your speed and accuracy.
e. Boost confidence: Practicing multiple assignments and Class 12 Economics mock tests for Producers Behaviour And Supply To Economics reduces exam stress.

How to Solve CBSE Class 12 Economics Producers Behaviour And Supply To Economics Assignment effectively?

a. Start with Class 12 NCERT and syllabus topics: Always read the chapter carefully before attempting Assignment questions for Class 12 Economics Producers Behaviour And Supply To Economics.
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c. Use Class 12 worksheets and revision notes: Refer to NCERT Class 12 Economics worksheets, sample papers, and mock tests for extra practice.
d. Revise tricky topics: Focus on difficult concepts by solving Class 12 Economics MCQ Test.
e. Maintain notebook: Note down mistakes in Producers Behaviour And Supply To Economics assignment and read them in Revision notes for Class 12 Economics

How to practice CBSE Class 12 Economics Producers Behaviour And Supply To Economics Assignment for best results?

a. Solve assignments daily: Regular practice of Producers Behaviour And Supply To Economics questions will strengthen problem solving skills.
b.Use Class 12 study materials: Combine NCERT book for Class 12 Economics, mock tests, sample papers, and worksheets to get a complete preparation experience.
c. Set a timer: Practicing Class 12 Economics Producers Behaviour And Supply To Economics assignment under timed conditions improves speed and accuracy.

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All topics given in Producers Behaviour And Supply To Economics Economics Class 12 Book for the current academic year have been covered in the given assignment

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Latest syllabus issued for current academic year by CBSE has been used to design assignments for Producers Behaviour And Supply To Economics Class 12

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