CBSE Class 4 English Punctuation VBQs

CBSE Class 4 English Punctuation VBQs read and download in pdf. Value Based Questions come in exams for English in Class 4 and are easy to learn and helpful in scoring good marks. You can refer to more chapter wise VBQs for Class 4 English and also get latest topic wise very useful study material as per latest NCERT book for Class 4 English and all other subjects for free on Studiestoday designed as per latest Class 4 CBSE, NCERT and KVS syllabus and examination pattern

VBQ for Class 4 English Punctuation

Class 4 English students should refer to the following value based questions with answers for Punctuation in Class 4. These VBQ questions with answers for Class 4 English will come in exams and help you to score good marks

Punctuation VBQ Questions Class 4 English with Answers

Question. my father will return next week. 
(a) my
(b) will
(c) next
(d) week

Answer: my

Question. today mother and I will finish the painting.
(a) today
(b) mother
(c) and
(d) will

Answer: today

Question. Shakespeare says:- Sweet are the uses of adversity.
(a) semi colon
(b) quotation mark
(c) comma
(d) exclamation mark

Answer: quotation mark

Question. No i will not do this
(a) No, i will not do this?
(b) No, I will not, do this.
(c) No, I will not do this.
(d) no I will not do this

Answer: No, I will not do this.

Question. oh, mom, you don’t understand me.
(a) mom
(b) understand
(c) me
(d) oh

Answer: oh

Question. Is the lion a brave animal
(a) Is the Lion a brave animal!
(b) Is the Lion a Brave animal?
(c) Is the lion a brave animal?
(d) Is the lion a Brave animal.

Answer: Is the lion a brave animal?

Question. A. Hooray! We are finally free.
B. I am sleepy!
(a) FT
(b) TF
(c) TT
(d) FF

Answer: TF

Question. How wonderful the weather is
(a) how wonderful the weather is?
(b) How wonderful the weather is!
(c) How wonderful the weather is?
(d) How wonderful! the weather is.

Answer: How wonderful the weather is!

Question. tomorrow grandmother leaves for dehradun. 
(a) grandmother
(b) tomorrow
(c) dehradun
(d) both (b) and (c)

Answer: both (b) and (c)

Question. A. My car is old! 
B. Alas! I lost the match.
(a) FT
(b) TF
(c) TT
(d) FF

Answer: FT

Question. Anu had no money in her purse
(a) Anu had no money in her purse?
(b) Anu had no money in Her Purse.
(c) Anu had no money in her purse.
(d) Anu had no money in her purse!

Answer: Anu had no money in her purse.

Question. did sis want to go with us?
(a) want
(b) did
(c) with
(d) us

Answer: did

Question. This is Priyas grammar book.
(a) apostrophe
(b) colon
(c) quotation mark
(d) comma

Answer: apostrophe

Question. Add milk cream cocoa powder in the eggless cake
(a) add Milk cream cocoa powder in the Eggless cake
(b) Add milk, cream, cocoa powder in the eggless cake.
(c) Add milk cream Cocoa Powder in the Eggless Cake.
(d) Add Milk, cream cocoa powder in the eggless cake.

Icy Fog

This heavy winter fog contains ice crystals. It occurs mostly in the mountain valleys of the western United States. What is it called?
To answer the question, read each sentence below. If the quotation marks and punctuation with them are used correctly, write the letter after the sentence in the space above the sentence number at the bottom of the page.
If the quotation marks or the punctuation with them is incorrect, do not write any letter in the space. When you are done, cross out the empty blanks. The letters that remain will be your answer.

1. Last night Marvin read an article titled “Our Changing Climate.” (I)

2. “I agree said Sheila. Yesterday it was supposed to be sunny, but it rained all day.” (E)
Answer. –

3. “I watched a special TV show about the weather,” said Marvin. (N)
Answer. N

4. “What time was that program on? asked Sheila. (A)
Answer. –

5. “Nine o’clock,” Marvin said. “It was a great show.” (G)
Answer. G

6. “I’m sorry I missed it.” Sheila said. (Y)
Answer. –

7. Marvin said, “I really learned a lot from the program.” (O)
Answer. O

8. “Maybe someday you’ll be a meteorologist,” Sheila said. (P)
Answer. P

9. “Who knows,” said Marvin. “maybe I will.” (D)
Answer. –


Women and Voting

This country was the fi rst to give women the right to vote, in 1893. What country was this?
To answer the question, read each sentence below. If the quotation marks and the punctuation with them are correct, write the letter for “correct” in the space above the sentence number at the bottom of the page. If the quotation marks or the punctuation with them is incorrect, write the letter for “incorrect.” You will need to divide the letters into words.

1. “Susan B. Anthony was a leader in the struggle to gain the right for women to vote,” said Ashley.
L. Correct
M. Incorrect
Answer. L

2. “The right to vote is called suffrage.” said Taylor.
A. Correct
Z. Incorrect
Answer. Z

3. “I did a report on Susan B. Anthony,” said Marla. “She was a remarkable woman.”
N. Correct
E. Incorrect
Answer. N

4. “Her fi ght for women’s rights began in 1851,” Marla said, “When she met Elizabeth Cady Stanton.”
E. Correct
W. Incorrect
Answer. W

5. “Who was she?” asked Taylor.
D. Correct
N. Incorrect
Answer. D

6. “I’ve heard of her,” said Ashley. “She was a leader in the women’s rights movement.”
N. Correct
G. Incorrect
Answer. N

7. Marla said “Stanton and Anthony worked together for a constitutional amendment giving women the right to vote.”
R. Correct
E. Incorrect
Answer. E

8. “The United States was not the fi rst country to give women the right to vote, said Ashley.”
U. Correct
A. Incorrect
Answer. A


New World Explorer

This man was the fi rst European explorer to fi nd Manhattan Island. Who was he?
To answer the question, read each sentence below. If the quotation marks and the punctuation with them are correct, write the letter for “correct” in the space above the sentence number at the bottom of the page. If the quotation marks or the punctuation with them is incorrect, write the letter for “incorrect.” You will need to divide the letters into words.

1. “I think we should do our project on explorers.” Roxanne said to her friend Stephanie.
N. Correct
S. Incorrect
Answer. S

2. “OK, but which ones,” said Stephanie.
N. Correct
R. Incorrect
Answer. R

3. “How about European explorers of the ’New World’?” said Roxanne.
Z. Correct
U. Incorrect
Answer. U

4. She opened a book to Chapter 10, “New World Explorers.”
E. Correct
A. Incorrect
Answer. E

5. “This will get us started,” she said, “but we’ll need more information.
S. Correct
O. Incorrect
Answer. O

6. “I’ll check the Internet,” Stephanie said. “There should be plenty of helpful sites.”
N. Correct
R. Incorrect
Answer. N

7. “Should we begin with Columbus?” Stephanie asked.
D. Correct
A. Incorrect
Answer. D

8. “Let’s fi nd the explorers we feel are most interesting,” said Roxanne, “and narrow it down from there.”
Y. Correct
A. Incorrect
Answer. Y

9. “We’d better start,” said Stephanie, “Because we have a lot to do.”
V. Correct
H. Incorrect
Answer. H 

Born at Sea

This was the fi rst child born on the Mayfl ower during its voyage to the New World. What was this child’s name?
To answer the question, decide whether the names and titles below require italics. If a name or title is correctly written in italics, write the letter for “correct” in the space above its number at the bottom of the page. If a name or title is incorrect, write the letter for “incorrect.”

1. Main Street
R. Correct
A. Incorrect
Answer. A

2. the New York Yankees
E. Correct
I. Incorrect
Answer. I

3. the starship Enterprise
U. Correct
S. Incorrect
Answer. U

4. the poem The Raven
H. Correct
C. Incorrect
Answer. C

5. the novel The Outsiders
S. Correct
E. Incorrect
Answer. S

6. the train Cannonball Express
K. Correct
V. Incorrect
Answer. K

7. Dallas, Texas
Y. Correct
H. Incorrect
Answer. H

8. the magazine National Geographic
E. Correct
A. Incorrect
Answer. E

9. the Star-Spangled Banner
C. Correct
O. Incorrect
Answer. O

10. the newspaper Los Angeles Times
P. Correct
A. Incorrect
Answer. P

11. the TV show The Simpsons
N. Correct
L. Incorrect
Answer. N

Moonless Planets

These two planets in our solar system do not have any moons. Which planets are they?
To answer the question, read each sentence below. If the underlined words or titles should be italicized, write the letter for “italics” in the space above the sentence number at the bottom of the page. If the underlined words or titles should not be italicized, write the letter for “no italics.” You will need to divide the letters into words.

1. For her birthday, Jill’s Uncle Ted gave her a new telescope.
U. Italics
N. No italics
Answer. N

2. He also gave her a book titled Our Solar System.
C. Italics
N. No italics
Answer. C

3. Jill has always been interested in astronomy.
P. Italics
Y. No italics
Answer. Y

4. She imagines what it must have been like to be an astronaut on Apollo 11 and land on the moon.
S. Italics
O. No italics
Answer. S

5. Science fi ction movies such as Star Wars are among her favorite movies.
M. Italics
H. No italics
Answer. M

6. Jill is interested in other science subjects, too.
M. Italics
V. No italics
Answer. V

7. She likes the magazine Discover, because it has articles on many topics in science.
U. Italics
T. No italics
Answer. U

8. But space and our solar system fascinate her.
A. Italics
R. No italics
Answer. R

9. War of the Worlds is one of her favorite novels.
E. Italics
R. No italics
Answer. E

Bird-Eating Bug

Hummingbirds are so small that one of their predators is an insect. What insect preys on hummingbirds?
To answer the question, determine whether each name or title on the left requires quotation marks or italics. Choose your answers from the column labeled “Quotation Marks” or the column labeled “Italics.” Write the letter of each answer in the space above its number at the bottom of the page. You will need to divide the letters into words.
                                                               Marks          Italics
1. King Kong (movie)                                   R                M
2. The Open Window (short story)               S                 N
3. Yankee Doodle (song)                             R                 C
4. All About Dogs (book)                              W                G
5. Caring for Your Puppy (book chapter)      T                 L
6. The Phantom of the Opera (play)            R                 Y
7. The Secret Garden (novel)                      S                 P
8. The Road Not Taken (poem)                   N                 U
9. The Scout (painting)                                P                  I
10. Santa Maria (ship)                                 O                 A
1. M 2. S 3. R 4. G 5. T 6. Y 7. P 8. N 9. I 10. A

One of the First Systems of Writing

The Sumerians were a people of the ancient Middle East. About fi fty-fi ve hundred years ago they invented a system of writing that used symbols to represent words. What was this system of writing called?
To answer the question, read each sentence below. Decide whether the underlined word or words require quotation marks, italics, or neither. Write the letter of each answer in the space above its sentence number at the bottom of the page.

1. Veronica read a book about ancient history.
U. Quotation marks
L. Italics
I. Neither
Answer. I

2. In Chapter 4, The Sumerians, she learned about a people who lived over fi ve thousand years ago.
O. Quotation marks
U. Italics
E. Neither
Answer. O

3. They lived in a land called Mesopotamia.
A. Quotation marks
T. Italics
E. Neither
Answer. E

4. Veronica learned more about these people in a book titled Ancient Lands and Peoples.
I. Quotation marks
U. Italics
S. Neither
Answer. U

5. Her friend Gianna asked, What did you learn?
R. Quotation marks
E. Italics
U. Neither
Answer. R

6. Veronica explained that Mesopotamia was home to many early civilizations.
P. Quotation marks
H. Italics
C. Neither
Answer. C

7. Veronica looked for articles about Mesopotamia in the magazine National Geographic.
I. Quotation marks
M. Italics
C. Neither
Answer. M

8. Gianna suggested that Veronica watch a TV special titled Lost Lands.
C. Quotation marks
N. Italics
L. Neither
Answer. N

9. I’ll check the Internet, too, said Veronica.
F. Quotation marks
M. Italics
R. Neither
Answer. F 


Side by Side

Most animals walk by moving alternating legs. Only three animals walk by moving the legs on one side of their body, then moving the legs on the other side. Two of these animals are the cat and the camel. What is the third?
To answer the question, read each sentence below. If the quotation marks and italics are used correctly, write the letter for “correct” in the space above the sentence number at the bottom of the page. If either quotation marks or italics are used incorrectly, write the letter for “incorrect.”

1. Chapter 8, “Unusual Mammals,” was the most interesting chapter in the book titled Mammals.
A. Correct
J. Incorrect
Answer. A

2. “According to a recent TV program,” said Amy, “mammals are found throughout the world.”
A. Correct
E. Incorrect
Answer. E

3. “They are the dominant species on our planet, said Josh.”
A. Correct
I. Incorrect
Answer. I

4. “In the magazine called Discover, I read that blue whales are the biggest mammals,” said Amy.
F. Correct
I. Incorrect
Answer. F

5. “I read an article titled Little Mammals,” said Amy, “and learned that some of the smallest mammals are bats.”
U. Correct
R. Incorrect
Answer. R

6. “Have you ever read the poem “A Bat Is Born”?” said Josh.
U. Correct
F. Incorrect
Answer. F

7. “If you are interested in mammals,” said Amy, “you might enjoy checking websites on the Internet.”
G. Correct
J. Incorrect
Answer. G


Nation’s Capital

Washington, D.C., our nation’s capital, was not always named Washington. What was its original name?
To answer the question, match the phrase describing the use of the punctuation mark on the left with its punctuation mark on the right. Write the letter of each answer in the space above the phrase’s number at the bottom of the page. One punctuation mark will be used more than once. You will need to divide the letters into words.

1. Shows a speaker’s exact words                     E. Period
2. Sets off a list                                                  C. Question mark
3. Indicates a title of a book                               D. Exclamation point
4. Ends a statement                                           T. Comma
5. Shows ownership                                           R. Colon
6. Separates items in a series                            F. Semicolon
7. Ends a sentence of strong emotion                A. Quotation marks
8. Indicates italics in handwritten material         I. Italics
9. Ends an interrogative sentence                     L. Apostrophe
10. Ends a command or order                           Y. Underlining
11. Connects two independent clauses
not joined by a conjunction
1. A 2. R 3. I 4. E 5. L 6. T 7. D 8. Y 9. C 10. E 11. F

Keeping Warm

In 1873, Chester Greenwood of Maine invented a popular item for keeping warm. What did he invent?
To answer the question, read each sentence below and identify the missing punctuation mark. Choose your answers from the punctuation marks that follow each sentence. Write the letter of each answer in the space above its sentence number at the bottom of the page.

1. The average persons normal body temperature is 98.6 degrees.
W. Comma
I. Period
U. Apostrophe
Answer. U

2. When Leah caught a cold last week she had a fever.
A. Comma
E. Period
H. Apostrophe
Answer. A

3. Her temperature rose to 102 degrees and she felt miserable.
S. Comma
N. Period
D. Apostrophe
Answer. S

4. Fortunately, she recovered from her cold in a few days
D. Comma
F. Period
E. Apostrophe
Answer. F

5. She was glad to get back to school she had a lot to do.
T. Comma
M. Semicolon
D. Colon
Answer. M

6. “How are you feeling” said Mrs. Williams, her science teacher.
O. Comma
N. Period
R. Question mark
Answer. R

7. “I’m fi ne,” Leah said “but I’m a little tired.”
E. Comma
H. Period
W. Apostrophe
Answer. E

8. Leah made the following list of all her makeup work math, reading, social studies, and English.
E. Comma
R. Semicolon
F. Colon
Answer. F


Answer: Add milk, cream, cocoa powder in the eggless cake.

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CBSE Class 4 English Punctuation VBQs

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Punctuation VBQs English CBSE Class 4

All VBQs given above for Class 4 English have been made as per the latest syllabus and books issued for the current academic year. The students of Class 4 can refer to the answers which have been also provided by our teachers for all VBQs of English so that you are able to solve the questions and then compare your answers with the solutions provided by us. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Class 4 English so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. All study material for Class 4 English students have been given on studiestoday.

Punctuation CBSE Class 4 VBQs English

Regular VBQs practice helps to gain more practice in solving questions to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of Punctuation concepts. VBQs play an important role in developing understanding of Punctuation in CBSE Class 4. Students can download and save or print all the VBQs, printable assignments, practice sheets of the above chapter in Class 4 English in Pdf format from studiestoday. You can print or read them online on your computer or mobile or any other device. After solving these you should also refer to Class 4 English MCQ Test for the same chapter

CBSE VBQs English Class 4 Punctuation

CBSE Class 4 English best textbooks have been used for writing the problems given in the above VBQs. If you have tests coming up then you should revise all concepts relating to Punctuation and then take out print of the above VBQs and attempt all problems. We have also provided a lot of other VBQs for Class 4 English which you can use to further make yourself better in English

Where can I download latest CBSE VBQs for Class 4 English Punctuation

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Yes, you can click on the links above and download topicwise VBQs Questions PDFs for Class 4 for English Punctuation

Are the Punctuation Class 4 English VBQs available for the latest session

Yes, the VBQs issued by CBSE for Punctuation Class 4 English have been made available here for latest academic session

How can I download the Class 4 English Punctuation VBQs

You can easily access the links above and download the Punctuation Class 4 VBQs English for each chapter and topic

Is there any charge for the VBQs with answers for Class 4 English Punctuation

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How can I improve my VBQs in Class 4 English Punctuation

Regular revision of VBQs given on studiestoday for Class 4 subject English Punctuation can help you to score better marks in exams

What are VBQs for Class 4 English Punctuation

Value Based Questions (VBQs) for Class 4 English Punctuation help to test the ability of students to apply learnings to various situations in life.