CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Aldehydes Ketones And Carboxylic Acids VBQs

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VBQ for Class 12 Chemistry Unit 12 Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids

Class 12 Chemistry students should refer to the following value based questions with answers for Unit 12 Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids in Class 12. These VBQ questions with answers for Class 12 Chemistry will come in exams and help you to score good marks

Unit 12 Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids VBQ Questions Class 12 Chemistry with Answers

Question. Arrange the following compounds in the decreasing order of their reactivity in nucleophilic addition reactions.
(I) Benzaldehyde, (II) p-Tolualdehyde, (III) p-Nitro benzaldehyde,
(a) I >II >III > IV
(b) I >III >II > IV
(c) II >I >III > IV
(d) III >I >II > IV
Answer. D

Question. The IUPAC name of CH3 COCH(CH3)2 is
(a) 3- methylbutan-2-one
(b) 3,3-dimethyl propanone
(c) 1,1-dimethyl propanone
(d) isopropyl methyl ketone
Answer. A

Question. The purpose of S in Rosemonds reduction is
(m) to prevent the reduction of aldehyde to alcohol
(n) to prevent the oxidation of aldehyde to carboxylic acid
(o) to increase the rate of reaction.
(d) None of the above
Answer. A

Question. Toluene is oxidized to benzaldehyde by
(a) alkaline KMnO4
(b) PCC
(c) acidified K2Cr2O7
(d) CrO2Cl2
Answer. D

Question. The oxidation of toluene to benzaldehyde using chromyl chloride is
(a) Stephan’s reaction
(b) Étards reaction
(c) Gatterman Koch reaction
(d) ozonolysis
Answer. B

Question. The IUPAC name of CH3 CH(OH)COOH is
(a) lactic acid
(b) 2-hydroxypropanoic acid
(c) 3- carboxypropanol
(d) 3-carboxy propan -2-ol
Answer. B

Question. substance X is heated with soda lime and gives ethane ,the substance X is
(a) ethanol
(b) ethanoic acid
(c) propanoic acid
(d) methanoic acid
Answer. C

Question. The major product of nitration of benzoic acid is,
(a) 2-nitrobenzoic acid
(b) 4-nitrobenzoic acid
(c) 3-nitrobenzoic acid
(d) 2,4- dinitro benzoic acid
Answer. C

Question. Which of the following does not react with NaHSO3
(a) Acetone
(b) Acetaldehyde
(c) Benzaldehyde
(d) benzophenone
Answer. D

Question. Carbonyl compounds undergo nucleophilic addition because of
(a) More stable anion with negative charge on oxygen and less stable carbocation
(b) Electromeric effect
(c) Electronegativity difference of carbon and oxygen atoms
(d) None of the above.
Answer. A

Question. Wolff Kishner reduction is carried with
(a) LiAlH4 in ether
(b) Zn-Hg and HCl
(c) H2 in the presence of Pd
(d) NH2-NH2/ethylene glycol and KOH
Answer. D

Question. The addition of HCN to carbonyl compounds is an example of
(a) Electrophilic addition
(b) Nucleophilic addition
(c) Nucleophilic substitution
(d) Electrophilic substitution
Answer. B

Question. Oxidation of cyclohexene using acidified KMnO4 will give ………
(a) adipic acid
(b) hexane -1,6-dial
(c) cyclohexane carboxylic acid
(d) cyclopentane carboxylic acid
Answer. A

Question. Aldol condensation will not occur in
(a) HCHO
(b) CH3 CHO
(c) CH3 CO CH3
(d) CH3- CH2- CHO
Answer. A

Question. Electrolysis of an aqueous solution of CH3 –COONa gives
(a) methane
(b) ethane
(c) ethene
(d) butane
Answer. B

Question. Which of the following have the highest Ka value
(a) formic acid
(b) acetic acid
(c) chloroacetic acid
(d) fluroacetic acid
Answer. D

Question. Benzoyl chloride is prepared from benzoic acid by
(a) Cl2/ FeCl3
(b) Cl2/ uv
(c) SOCl2
(d) HCl
Answer. C

Question. Which of the following can be reduced with Zn/Hg and HCl to give the corresponding hydrocarbon.
(a) Butanal
(b) Butan-2-one
(c) Butanoic acid
(d) Benzoyl chloride
(a) a only
(b) both band d
(c) both a and c
(d) both a and b
Answer. D


Read the assertion and reason carefully to mark the correct option out of the options given below:
a. If both Assertion and Reason are correct and the Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion.
b. If both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is not a correct explanation of the Assertion.
c. If the Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
d. If both the Assertion and Reason are incorrect.

Question. Assertion : Benzoic acid does not undergo Freifel Craft reaction
Reason : Carbonyl group in benzoic acid donate electron into thr ring through resonance
Answer. C

Question. Assertion : Although phenoxide ion has more number of resonating structures than Carboxylate ion, Carboxylic acid is a stronger acid than phenol.
Reason : In carboxylate ions, negative charge is delocalised over two oxygen atoms which is more stable. Phenoxide is less stable as negative charge is delocalised over one oxygen atom and carbon atoms of benzene ring.
Answer. A

Question. Assertion : Carboxylic acids have greater boiling point than alcohols
Reason : Carboxilic acid have the greater ability to form dimers in solution
Answer. A

Question. Assertion: Aldehydes react with Tollen's reagent to form silver mirror.
Reason: Both, aldehydes and ketones contain a carbonyl group.
Answer. B

Question. Assertion: Aldol condensation can be catalysed both by acids and bases.
Reason: ββ Hydroxy aldehydes or ketones readily undergo acid catalysed dehydration.
Answer. B

Question. Assertion: Ethanal and Propanone both gives iodoform test
Reason: both having –CO- CH3 group
Answer. A

Question. Assertion: The boiling points of aldehydes and ketones are higher than hydrocarbons and ethers of comparable molecular masses.
Reason: There is a weak molecular association in aldehydes and ketones arising out of the dipole-dipole interactions.
Answer. A

Question. Assertion: Compounds containing –CHO group are easily oxidised to corresponding carboxylic acids.
Reason : Carboxylic acids can be reduced to alcohols by treatment with LiAlH4
Answer. B

Question. Assertion: Acetic acid does not undergo a haloform reaction.
Reason: Acetic acid has no alpha hydrogens.
Answer. C

Question. Assertion: 2, 2–Dimethyl propanal undergoes Cannizzaro reaction with concentrated NaOH.
Reason: Cannizzaro is a disproportionation reaction.
Answer. B

Question. Assertion: Acetaldehyde on treatment with dil NaOH it gives aldol.
Reason: Acetaldehyde molecules contain alpha hydrogen atom.
Answer. A

Question. Assertion : The boiling points of aldehydes and ketones are higher than hydrocarbons and ethers of comparable molecular masses.
Reason : There is a weak molecular association in aldehydes and ketones arising out of the dipole-dipole interactions.
Answer. A

Question. Assertion : Butan -2 – ol will give butanone on oxidation with alkaline KMnO4 solution.
Reason : Aldehydes are easily oxidised to carboxylic acids on treatment with common oxidising agents like nitric acid, potassium permanganate, potassium dichromat, etc.
Answer. B

Question. Assertion : Benzaldehyde gives a positive test with Tollens reagent but not with Fehling’s solution
Reason: Under normal circumstances, aldehydes that lack alpha hydrogens and so cannot form an enolate do not produce a positive test using Fehling's solution, which is a weaker oxidising agent than Tollen's reagent.
Answer. A

Question. Assertion: Propanal is more reactive than propanone.
Reason- Due to the presence of alkyl groups on both sides of the carbonyl carbon, propanone is sterically more hindered than propanal, making it less reactive to nucleophilic attack.
Answer. A

Question. Assertion : Carboxylic acid is a stronger acid than phenol.
Reason : Carboxylate ions are more polar and has less stearic hindrance
Answer. C



Question. What is Tollens’ reagent? Write one usefulness of this reagent.
Answer. Tollens’ reagent is an ammoniacal silver nitrate solution. Tollens’ reagent is used to test an aldehyde. Both aliphatic and aromatic aldehydes reduce Tollens ’reagent and give silver mirror.

Question. The aldehydes and ketones undergo a number of addition reactions. Explain.
Answer. Aldehydes and ketones undergo a number of addition reactions as both possess the carbonyl functional group which reacts with a number of nucleophiles such as HCN, NaHSO3, alcohols,ammonia derivatives and Grignard reagents. 

Question. A and B are two functional isomers of compound C2H6O. On heating with NaOH and I 2, isomer B forms yellow precipitate of iodoform whereas isomer A does not form any precipitate. Write the formulae of A and B .
Answer. Formula of compounds A and B = C3H6O & B forms yellow precipitate of iodoform. Hence,B must contain —COCH3 group Therefore, compound ‘B’ must be .
A does not give iodoform test and it is functional isomer of B thus, it may be CH3CH2CHO.

Question. Arrange the following compounds in increasing order of their boiling points.
Answer. The molecular masses of the given compounds are in the range 44 to 46. CH3CH2OH undergoes extensive intermolecular H-bonding, resulting in the association of molecules. Therefore, it has the highest boiling point and is more polar than CH3OCH3 and so CH3CHO has stronger intermolecular dipole - dipole attraction than CH3OCH3 and so CH3CH2CH3 has only weak van der Waals force. Thus, the arrangement of the given compounds in the increasing order of their boiling points is given by:

Question. Give chemical tests to distinguish between :Benzoic acid and Phenol
Answer. Phenol and benzoic acid can be distinguished by their reactions with sodium bicarbonate solution. Benzoic acid will give effervescence with NaHCO3 but phenol will not react.

Question. Account for the following :Cl -CH2COOH is a stronger acid than CH3COOH.
Answer. Chloroacetic acid has lower pKa value than acetic acid; ‘Cl’ in chloroacetic acid shows
–I effect, it creates less electron density on oxygen of carboxylic aci(d) thus, release of proton becomes easier. In case of acetic acid, the state of affair is just opposite. Hence, chloroacetic acid is stronger than acetic

Question. Monochloroethanoic acid has a higher pKa value than dichloroethane aci)Why?
Answer. The strength of an acid is indicated by pKa value, where, pKa = – log Ka
Since monochloroethanoic acid is weaker than dichloroethanoic acid , it has lower value of dissociation constant Ka. ,therefore, it has higher value of pKa.

Question. Ethanoic acid is a weaker acid than benzoic aci(d) Explain.
Answer. The —COOH group in benzoic acid is attached to sp2 - carbon of the phenyl ring and is more acidic than acetic acid in which —COOH group is attached to sp3 – carbon atom of CH3 group. So, benzoic acid is stronger than acetic or acetic acid is weaker acid than benzoic acid

Question. Why does solubility decrease with increasing molecular mass in carboxylic acid?
(ii) Why PCC cannot oxidize methanol to methanoic acid while KMnO4 can? .
(iii) Benzaldehyde is less reactive in nucleophilic addition reactions than propanal ? Why?
 (i) Solubility decrease with increasing molecular mass in carboxylic acid as with increase of molecular mass size the hydrophobic carbon chain length increases.
(ii) PCC (pyridinium chlorochromate )is a mild oxidizing agent and can oxidize methanol to methanal only, while KMnO4 is strong oxidizing agent which oxidizes it to methanoic aci(d)
(iii) Carbon atom of carbonyl is C6H5CHO is less reactive than that of propanal.
C6H5CHO less polar due to resonance

Question. The term “Green chemistry” as adopted by the IUPAC working pastly on synthetic pathways and processes in green chemistry is getting awareness even among common people. My mother who has retired twenty years ago, as working with a laboratory synthesizing aldehydes using.
Myself, working in the same lab adopted this method but my mother advised not to use this method and suggested another one Now answer the following questions:
(i) Why did my mother advise not to use given method
(ii) What was another method? Did you consider it to be environmental friendly and economically?
Answers:  (i) BaSO4 causes toxic problems. My mother having recent knowledge about green chemistry advised me to discard this method.
(ii) Another method does not use BaSO4


Question. Formaldehyde (Methanal) is gas at room temperature. It is soluble in water because it is polar. It has pungent smell.
I. What is formalin? Give its use.
II. Which thermoplastics can be made from formalin? Give their uses also.
III. Name a medicine prepared from formaldehyde? Give chemical equation and its use.
IV. What is the problem in using formalin?
Answers: i) 40% aqueous solution of formaldehyde is called Formalin.
ii) a) Urea – Formaldehyde resin: It is used for making unbreakable crockery.
b) Phenol – Formaldehyde resin (Bakelite): It is used for making electrical switches and switch boards.
iii) It is used for the preparation of Urotropine ( urinary antiseptic)
iv) It is strongly pungent smelling, which is difficult 


Please refer to the link below for CBSE Class 12 Chemistry -  Aldehydes, Ketones And Carboxylic Acids VBQs

Unit 08 The d- and f-Block Elements
CBSE Class 12 Chemistry D And F Block Elements VBQs
Unit 12 Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids
CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Aldehydes Ketones And Carboxylic Acids VBQs

VBQs for Unit 12 Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids Class 12 Chemistry

We hope students liked the above VBQs for Unit 12 Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 12 Chemistry released by CBSE. Students of Class 12 should download the Value Based Questions and Answers in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in above Class 12 Chemistry VBQs Questions on daily basis. All latest VBQs with answers have been developed for Chemistry by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics which the students should learn and practice to get better score in school tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Class 12 Chemistry to develop the Chemistry Class 12 VBQs. After solving the questions given in the VBQs which have been developed as per latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 12 Chemistry designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of other VBQs for Class 12 Chemistry which you can use to further make yourself better in Chemistry.

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Regular revision of VBQs given on studiestoday for Class 12 subject Chemistry Unit 12 Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids can help you to score better marks in exams

What are VBQs for Class 12 Chemistry Unit 12 Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids

Value Based Questions (VBQs) for Class 12 Chemistry Unit 12 Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids help to test the ability of students to apply learnings to various situations in life.