CBSE Class 11 Economics Rural Development

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Study Material for Class 11 Economics Indian Economic Development Chapter 6 Rural Development

Class 11 Economics students should refer to the following Pdf for Indian Economic Development Chapter 6 Rural Development in Class 11. These notes and test paper with questions and answers for Class 11 Economics will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 11 Economics Indian Economic Development Chapter 6 Rural Development

Question. The population dependent on agriculture in India is:
(a) Two - third population
(b) One - third population
(C) both a and b
(d) Nor of these
Answer. (A)

Question. The real progress of India refers not to the development of urban industrial centers but mainly to the development of the village:
(A) JavaharLal Nehru
(B) Mahatma Gandhi
(C) Sardar Patel
(D) None of these.
Answer. (B)

Question. Rural development means:
(A) Rural education department
(B) Rural health facilities development
(C) Rural Infrastructure development
(D) All the above
Answer. D

Question. Non-agriculturdoal productive activities are required for rural development:
(A) Education department activities
(B) Food Processing activities
(C) Health development activities
(D) All of the above.
Answer. (D)

Question. The reason for India's prosperity rate to decrease to 3% between 1991 and 2012 is:
(A) Decline in public investment
(B) Insufficient infrastructure
(C) Lack of alternative employment opportunities in industry and service sector
(D) All of the above.
Answer. (D)

Question. What percentage of agricultural production increased from 2007 to 2012?
(A) 2 %.
(B) 3.2 %
(C) 5%.
(D) 6%.
Answer. (B)

Question. What is the reason that farmers need to take loan:
(A) Seeds purchase
(B) Fertiliser purchase
(C) Other social work
(D) All the above.
Answer. (D)

Question. When was the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development established in India:
(A) 1991
(B) 1982
(C) 1986
(D) 1990
Answer. (B)

Question. Which institutions are working in the institutional structure of rural Banking :
(A) Commercial Banks
(B) Regional rural banks
(C) Cooperatives and land development Banks
(D) All the above
Answer. (D)

Question. In the rural area, small institutions collect small savings and give credit to their members:
(A) Self Help Group
(B) Saving Help Group
(C) Short time Help Group
(D) All the above.
Answer. (A)

Question. What is another name for Self Help Group Program:
(A) Mini Bank program
(B) Micro-credit programmes
(C) Both A and B
(D) None of these
Answer. (B)

Question. Activities are included in agricultural marketing system:
(A) Assembling and storage of agriculture commodities
(B) Processing and transportation and packaging of agriculture commodities
(C) Grading and distribution of agriculture commodities
(D) All the above.
Answer. (D)

Question. Measures adopted to improve the agricultural marketing system are:
(A) Regulation of markets
(B) of infrastructure facilities provided
(C) Minimum Support Price
(D) All the above
Answer. (D)

Question. Name the state where Kudumshree was started.
(A) Kerala.
(B) Uttar Pradesh
(C) Assam
(D) Tamil Nadu
Answer. (A)

Question. Non-institutional sources of agriculture credit are?
(a) Commercial Bank
(c) Regional Bank
(d) Traders
Answer. (d)

Question. The state related to Tanwa project is:
(A) Kerala
(B) Tamil Nadu
(C) Rajasthan.
(D) Assam
Answer. (B)

Question. Program have been made by MPs in India to identify and develop a village in their constituency
(A) SansadAdarsh Gram Yojna
(B) Pradhan MantriYojna
(C) both A and B
(D) None of the above.
Answer. (A)

Question. Examples of diversification of productive activities are:
(A) Animal husbandry
(B) Fisheries
(C) Horticulture
( D) All the above.
Answer. (D)

Question. Rural population require long-term loans because:
(A) For buying Fertilizers
(B) Buying agricultural machinery
(C) Buy seeds
(D) To make minor improvements on land
Answer. (B)

Question. _____________ is a comprehensive term that focuses on action for the development of areas that are lagging behind in the overall development of village economy. ( fill up the blank with correct answer)
Answer: Rural development

Question. What does the Micro Credit programme mean? (choose the correct option)
a) Credit provision made by small farmers
b) Credit provision made by self-help group to its members
c) Credit provision made by large farmers d) None of the above
Answer. B

Question. What is NABARD full form? ( Choose the correct option)
a) National Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development
b) National Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Development
c) Native Bank of Agriculture and Regional Development
d) National Bank of Agriculture and Regional Development
Answer. A

Question. _______________ & _____________ are Non-institutional sources of agriculture credit.(Cooperative bank/Trader) ( Fill up the blank with correct alternative)
Answer. Traders.

Question. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) was set up in year ____________ as an apex body to coordinate the activities of all institutions involved in the rural financing system. ( Fill up the blank with correct answer)
Answer. 1982

Question.: Agriculture marketing does not comprise of ……………..(Choose the correct alternative)
a) Transportation of the produce to the market place for sale.
b) Grading of the produce according to the quality.
c) Storage of the produce for sale in future.
d) Credit taken to meet expenditure on agriculture.
Answer: D

Question. Below-mentioned are the major producers of the marine product except
a) Gujarat
b) Punjab
c) Maharashtra
d) Kerala
Answer. B

Question. Identify the correct sequence of alternatives given in Column II by matching them with respective terms in Column I:
COLUMN I                  COLUMN II
a) Apni Mandi               i) Tamil Nadu
b) Hadaspur Mandi      ii) Haryana
c) Rythu Bazar             iii) Pune
d) Uzhawar Sandies    iv) Andhra Pradesh
Choose the correct option
a) iii, i, iv, ii
b) ii, iii, iv, i
c) iv, iii, ii, i
iv) iv, iii, i, ii
Answer: B

Question. Write two instruments to safeguard the interest of farmers by the government.
Answer: The two instruments are a fixation of minimum support price (MSP) and Buffer stock.

Question. Whether the statement is true or false? Milk production in the country has increased by more than eight times between 1951-2014. This can be attributed mainly to the successful implementation of Operation Flood‘.
Answer: True

Question. In Oct, 2014 the government of India introduced a scheme Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojna‘(SAGY) which aims at: ( Choose the correct option)
a) Development plan of Member of Parliament‘s own village.
b) Identify a most backward village and develop it by building infrastructure
c) MPs to adopt any village from their constituency and develop health, education etc
d) to develop the villages around sansad and motivate villagers to take up activities.
Answer: C

Question. What is agriculture marketing?
Answer: Agricultural marketing is a process that involves the assembling, storage, processing, transportation, packaging, grading and distribution of different agricultural commodities across the country.

Question. Producing crops such as fruits, vegetables, tuber crops, flowers, medicinal and aromatic plants, spices and plantation crops is called as____________. ( Floriculture/Arboriculture/ Horticulture) ( Fill in the blank with correct option).
Answer: Horticulture

Question. Identify the correct sequence of alternatives given in Column II by matching them with respective terms in Column I:
COLUMN I                                       COLUMN II
a.NABARD                                    i) M.S.Swaminathan
b. Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojna    ii) Apex body for Rural finance
c. Green Revolution                     iii) Women Credit society
d. Kadambshree                           iv) Adoption of Village
Write the correct sequence.
Answer: (ii, iv, i, iii)

Question. Full form of TANWA.
a) Training and Nurturing of Wild Animals
b) Technical Advancement & National Women Education
c) Tamil Nadu Women in Agriculture
d) Tamil Nadu Women Association
Answer: C

Question. Whether the following statement is true or false? There are many retail chains and supermarkets which are accorded with green status to sell organic food‘.
Answer: True

Question. Which of the following statement is false about TANWA?
a) it trains women in latest agricultural techniques
b) making and selling vermicompost
c) promote small-scale household activities
d) Gives loan to the small farmers
Answer: D

Question. Whether the following statement is true or false? Organically produced cotton in Maharashtra is tested by the German Accredited Agency, AGRECO, and found to be of poor quality‘.
Answer: False

Question 20: Identify the correct sequence of alternatives given in Column II by matching them with respective terms in Column I:
COLUMN I                              COLUMN II
a.Green Revolution          i) Fish Production
b. Golden Revolution       ii) Milk Production
c. White Revolution         iii) Horticulture Production
d. Blue Revolution           iv) Agriculture Production
Choose the correct sequence.
a) ii, iv, i, iii
b) iv, i, ii, iii
c) iv, ii, i, iii
d) iv, iii, ii, i
Answer: D

Question. What do you mean by rural development? Bring out the key issues in rural development.
Answer: Rural development is a comprehensive term which includes various aspects of economic development. It mainly focuses on those areas which are lagging behind in the overall development of the rural economy. The key issues in rural development are as follows:
- Development of human resources
- Land reforms
- Development of productive resources
- Infrastructure development
- Special measures for poverty alleviation

Question. Discuss the importance of credit in rural development.
i) Buying inputs for Agriculture: The gestation period between crop sowing and income realization is quite long for farmers. Farmers need infusion of capital at various stages of the farm cycle. This capital need is usually met by borrowings from various sources. Hence, credit is very important for rural development. ii)For Investing in Non Farm Activities: Availability of cheap credit is used to set up small and cottage units, dairy, poultry, shop keeping, or small business. iii)For buying assets: Rural people may buy tractors, thresher, pump set, construct well, house, warehouse, cold storage, purchase vehicle etc.

Question. Explain the role of micro-credit in meeting credit requirements of the poor.
Answer: Lending by organized sector; like banks and cooperative banks has its own limitations. As collateral is required for availing loans from banks, the poor are automatically excluded from its ambit. Micro-credit works on the involvement of SHGs (Self Help Groups). Such groups pool money from their members and grant loan to a member who is in need. SHGs promote spendthrift so that loan recovery can be realized. As experience of many villages shows, micro-credit has definitely helped in improving the status of rural poor.

Question. Explain the steps taken by the government in developing rural markets.
Answer: The government has taken following steps in developing rural markets:
- Regulation of markets to create orderly and transparent marketing conditions
- Provision of physical infrastructure facilities; like roads, railways, warehousing, cold storage, etc.
- Cooperative marketing for realizing fair prices for farm produce
- Policy instruments; like ensuring MSP (minimum support price), maintaining buffer stocks for wheat and rice and distribution of food grains and sugar through PDS (Public Distribution System).

Question. Why is agricultural diversification essential for sustainable livelihoods?
Answer: There are two major problems in agriculture; when ensuring sustainable livelihood is concerned. The first problem is over-dependency on cropping to earn livelihood. The second problem is over supply of labour to the farming sector. In India, while most of the farm labourers get engaged during kharif season, many of them remain unemployed during rabi season; especially in areas with poor irrigation facilities. Due to overcrowding of labourer in farming, many people suffer from disguised unemployment and seasonal unemployment. This does not ensure sustainable livelihoods for many. Hence, diversification in agriculture is essential.

Question. Critically evaluate the role of the rural banking system in the process of rural development in India.
Answer: The rural banking system has a positive effect on rural development.
Especially after the green revolution, the rural banking system helped farmers to avail loans for various farm inputs. This ensured better farm productivity and as a result famines are a thing of the past. However, the formal credit system has failed to ensure that credit reaches to poor farmers. With some exception of the commercial banks, most of the financial institutions have failed to ensure availability of loans to the rural poor. High default rate is another major problem among rural farmers. The banking sector needs to turn into customer relationship specialist to ensure proper disbursal and recovery of loans. This will help in better development in rural India.

Question. What do you mean by agricultural marketing?
Answer: Agricultural marketing is a process that involves the assembling, storage, processing, transportation, packaging, grading and distribution of different agricultural commodities across the country.

Question. Mention some obstacles that hinder the mechanism of agricultural marketing.
Answer: Some obstacles that hinder the mechanism of agricultural marketing are as follows.
- Very high involvement of private players in procurement means that many farmers are still at the mercy of moneylenders and merchants.
- Lack of proper connectivity through roads and railways debars the farmers from proper access to the market.
- Lack of cold storages and cold supply chain results in huge wastage of fruits, vegetables and other perishable items.
- Lack of information on real time prices prevents farmers from ensuring optimum profits.

Question. What are the alternative channels available for agricultural marketing? Give some examples.
Answer: There are two types of alternative channels available for agricultural marketing. In many states; like Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh; mandis are available where farmers can directly sell to the buyers. This helps the farmers in earning good profit. Another trend has recently developed and that is of contract farming. Large MNCs make contracts with farmers. As per the contract, a farmer has to grow a particular crop exclusively for the MNC. The company provides seeds and inputs and ensures that all the farm produce would be bought by the company. This has helped many farmers in getting a steady source of income.

Question. Distinguish between Green Revolution‘ and Golden Revolution‘.
Answer: While Green Revolution is related to improved production of wheat and rice, Golden Revolution is related to horticulture, i.e. production of fruits and vegetables.

Question. Do you think various measures taken by the government to improve agricultural marketing are sufficient? Discuss.
Answer: The government has taken various measures to improve agriculture marketing. Let us look at them from a critical perspective. To ensure fair price for farm produce, the government announces MSP (Minimum Support Price) for some farm produce; like wheat, rice and sugarcane. On behalf of the government, the FCI (Food Corporation of India) procures farm produce from the farmers at MSP. The system of MSP helps in negating the impact of moneylenders and merchants to some extent but they still have a stranglehold on the major market share. Roads have been built but still a major part of the rural India needs to be connected with all weather road. Rail network has reached most parts of the country but lack of dedicated freight corridor means that farm produce often lie rotting in the warehouse of the railways. Number of cold storages is bare minimum which results in wastage of a huge quantity of perishable items.

Question. Explain the role of non-farm employment in promoting rural diversification.
Answer: We know that there is problem of over-dependency on farming activity which creates the problem of disguised unemployment and seasonal unemployment. This necessitates that farmers should diversify into non-farm activities; like food processing or beekeeping. Promotion of non-farm activities will help farmers in acquiring new skills and alternate sources of income. This will help in diversifying the rural economy.

Question. Bring out the importance of animal husbandry, fisheries and horticulture as a source of diversification.
Answer: Animal husbandry, fisheries and horticulture can be very important as a source of diversification in rural economy. While animal husbandry and horticulture can be practiced in almost every village, fishery can be practiced only at select locations. However, these activities will help in ensuring alternate sources of income to the farmers. These activities are also more sustainable compared to farming which involves just two major cropping seasons in a year. The success of Operation Flood has shown that dairy farming can help in making the farmers prosperous. At present, about 70 million small farmers earn their livelihood from animal husbandry. Animal husbandry can be especially helpful in ensuring livelihood for landless farmers. Similarly, the success of Blue Revolution has helped in improving the condition of the fishing community. Today, the total fish production accounts for 0.7% of the GDP.

Question. Information technology plays a very significant role in achieving sustainable development and food security‘ — comment.
Answer: Many modern thinkers believe that IT can play a significant role in achieving sustainable development and food security. IT by itself cannot bring change but proper use of IT as a tool can help in changing the scenario. The government can use information technology to disseminate timely information about areas susceptible to food insecurity so that timely action could be taken. Farmers can get real time information regarding weather, seed price and farm produce price. They can also get relevant information about best practices of farming if they can be connected through internet. Today, mobile phone has reached to most of the villages in India and it can be used as a tool to reach the benefits of information technology to the farmers.

Question. What is organic farming and how does it promote sustainable development?
Answer: Farming which is done without use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides is called organic farming. We know that excess use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides has resulted in soil pollution and groundwater pollution. It has also resulted in many harmful chemicals reaching our biological system through food chain. Organic farming, on the other hand, does not carry the risk of soil pollution or groundwater pollution. Risk of harmful chemicals reaching our body through food is also minimized if we use organic farm produce. Thus, organic farming is the way which can be sustained in the long run. It can be said that organic farming promotes sustainable development.

Question. Identify the benefits and limitations of organic farming.
Answer: Benefits of Organic Farming: Organic farming is more environment friendly than modern farming. It helps in preventing pollution of soil and groundwater. Organic farming helps in promoting sustainable development. Organic farming has the potential of generating income through exports because organic farm produce are in high demand in many countries. Organic farming is highly labour intensive and hence can create more employment opportunities. Limitations of Organic Farming: There is a need for increasing awareness about organic farming among the farmers. Proper infrastructure facilities need to be provided so that farmers can be encouraged to go for organic farming. Produce from organic farming may have shorter life span and more quality issues. Growing more crops or getting large yields is not possible through organic farming; unlike modern farming. Small and marginal farmers are not in a position to adapt to organic farming on a larger scale.

Question.  Enlist some problems faced by farmers during the initial years of organic farming.
Answer: Some of the problems faced by farmers during the initial years of organic farming can be as follows:
- Lack of finance to buy farm inputs
- Fear of losing revenue because of low farm output
- Risk of losing farm produce because of shorter shelf life

CBSE Class 11 Economics Chapter 6 Rural Development True and False Questions

Question. The main function of regional rural banks is to provide financial assistance to big farmers.( True / False)
Answer. False

Question. NABARD was established in 1982. ( True/ False).
Answer. True

Question. Food corporation of India is the principal government agency storing foodgrains. ( False/True)
Answer. True

Question. chemical fertilizers sustain soil fertility. ( False/True)
Answer. False

Question. Long - term loans are generally availed by the lenders farmers. ( False/True)
Answer. False

CBSE Class 11 Economics Chapter 6 Rural Development Very Short Answer Questions

Question. what do you mean by rural development?
Answer. Rural development means an 'action - plan' for the social and economic growth of the rural areas.

Question. What are Micro Credit Programmes?
Answer. Micro Credit Programmes refer to the credit provisions made by the self help-groups.

Question. What do you mean by diversification of crop production?
Answer. diversification of crops production implies production of multiple crops rather then one specialised crop.

Question. What do you mean by diversification of production activity?
Answer. diversification of production activity implies a shift from crop farming to other areas of production activity. It raises income as well as stabilises it.

Very Short Answer Questions – 1 Marks Each

1. What is meant by rural development?

2. List the major issues that contribute to rural development.

3. What are Self Help Groups? Short Answer Questions – 3 Marks Each

1. Discuss the importance of credit in rural development.

2. Explain the role of self help groups in micro-credit in meeting credit requirements.

3. Explain the steps taken by the government in developing rural markets.

4. Why is agricultural diversification essential for sustainable livelihoods?

5. Critically evaluate the rural banking system in the process of rural development in India.

6. What do you mean by agricultural marketing system?

7. Mention some obstacles that hinder the mechanism of agricultural marketing.

8. What are the alternative channels available for agricultural marketing? Give examples.

9. Explain four measures taken by the government to improve agricultural marketing.

10. Explain the role of non-farm employment in promoting rural diversification.

11. Explain the term ‘Golden Revolution’. Long Answer Questions – 6 Marks Each

1. Bring out the importance of animal husbandry, fisheries and horticulture as a source of diversification.

2. ‘Information technology plays a very significant role in achieving sustainable development and food security’ — comment.

3. What is organic farming and how does it promote sustainable development?

4. List the benefits and limitations of organic farming.

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CBSE Class 11 Economics Indian Economic Development Chapter 6 Rural Development Study Material

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