JEE Chemistry The Solid State MCQs Set B

    Question: Frenkel and Schottky defects are : a) crystal defects b) nucleus defects c) non-crystal defects d) nuclear defects Answer: crystal defects   Question: Equal number of atoms or ion missing from normal lattice point…

JEE Chemistry The Solid State MCQs Set A

    Question: Which of the following is not a characteristic property of solids? a) Intermolecular forces are weak b) Intermolecular distances are short c) Constituent particles have fixed positions d) Solids oscillate about their mean positions…

JEE Chemistry Online Test The Solid State Set G

  Refer to JEE Chemistry Online Test The Solid State Set G below. Students of JEE Chemistry can refer to the full list of free JEE Chemistry Mock Test provided by StudiesToday. These MCQ based online mock tests for Chapter Solid State in JEE Chemistry has been designed…