CBSE Class 7 Syllabus for Mathematics

Download CBSE Class 7 Syllabus for Mathematics 2023 2024. Refer to the latest syllabus provided below and free download latest curriculum of Class 7 for Mathematics issued by CBSE and NCERT, free download in pdf, get topic wise weightage, suggested readings and books based on latest syllabus and guidelines. The Mathematics Class 7 Syllabus curriculum has been developed and issued by CBSE and NCERT for Mathematics in Class 7. All students studying in Class 7 are suggested to go through latest syllabus to ensure that their preparation is as per the latest syllabus issued by CBSE NCERT KVS. Class 7 Mathematics students should do preparation for Mathematics exam strictly based on the latest curriculum and concentrate more on the topics with higher weightage to help them score higher marks in Class 7 Mathematics class tests and exams

Class 7 Mathematics Syllabus

It is important for students to study as per the latest Class 7 Mathematics curriculum and marks breakup as per important topics. This will help to prepare properly for the upcoming examination. You can click on the following links to download the latest and past year syllabus provided by us below.

Year Wise Mathematics Syllabus Class 7

Number System (50 hrs)

(i) Knowing our Numbers:Integers

• Multiplication and division of integers (through patterns). Division by zero is meaningless
• Properties of integers (including identities for addition & multiplication, commutative, associative, distributive) (through patterns). These would include examples from whole numbers as well. Involve expressing commutative and associative properties in a general form. Construction of counterexamples, including some by children.
Counter examples like
• subtraction is not commutative.
• Word problems including integers (all operations)

(ii) Fractions and rational numbers:

• Multiplication of fractions
• Fraction as an operator
• Reciprocal of a fraction
• Division of fractions
• Word problems involving mixed fractions
• Introduction to rational numbers (with representation on number line)
• Operations on rational numbers (all operations)
• Representation of rational number as a decimal.
• Word problems on rational numbers (all operations)
• Multiplication and division of decimal fractions
• Conversion of units (length & mass)
• Word problems (including all operations)

(iii) Powers:

• Exponents only natural numbers.
• Laws of exponents (through observing patterns to arrive at generalisation.)

Algebra (20 hrs)


• Generate algebraic expressions (simple) involving one or two variables
• Identifying constants, coefficient, powers
• Like and unlike terms, degree of expressions e.g., x2y etc. (exponent≤3, number of variables )
• Addition, subtraction of algebraic expressions (coefficients should be integers).
• Simple linear equations in one variable (in contextual problems) with two operations (avoid complicated coefficients)

Ratio and Proportion (20 hrs)

• Ratio and proportion (revision)
• Unitary method continued, consolidation, general expression.
• Percentage- an introduction.
• Understanding percentage as a fraction with denominator 100
• Converting fractions and decimals into percentage and vice-versa.
• Application to profit and loss (single transaction only)
• Application to simple interest (time period in complete years).

Geometry (60 hrs)

(i)Understanding shapes:
• Pairs of angles (linear, supplementary, complementary, adjacent, vertically opposite) (verification and simple proof of vertically opposite angles)
• Properties of parallel lines with transversal (alternate, corresponding, interior, exterior angles)

(ii) Properties of triangles:
• Angle sum property (with notions of proof & verification through paper folding, proofs using property of parallel lines, difference between proof and verification.)
• Exterior angle property
• Sum of two sides of a it’s third side
• Pythagoras Theorem (Verification only)

(iii) Symmetry
• Recalling reflection symmetry
• Idea of rotational symmetry, observations of rotational symmetry of 2-D objects. (900,1200, 1800)
• Operation of rotation through 900 and 1800 of simple figures.
• Examples of figures with both rotation and reflection symmetry (both operations)
• Examples of figures that have reflection and rotation symmetry and vice-versa

(iv) Representing 3-D in 2-D:
• Drawing 3-D figures in 2-D showing hidden faces.
• Identification and counting of vertices, edges, faces, nets (for cubes cuboids, and cylinders, cones).
• Matching pictures with objects (Identifying names)
• Mapping the space around approximately through visual estimation.

(v) Congruence
• Congruence through superposition (examples-blades, stamps, etc.)
• Extend congruence to simple geometrical shapes e.g. triangles, circles.
• Criteria of congruence (by verification) SSS, SAS, ASA, RHS

(vi) Construction (Using scale, protractor, compass)
• Construction of a line parallel to a given line from a point outside it. (Simple proof as remark with the reasoning of alternate angles)
• Construction of simple triangles. Like given three sides, given a side and two angles on it, given two sides and the angle between them.

Mensuration (15 hrs)
• Revision of perimeter, Circumference of Circle Area
Concept of measurement using a basic unit area of a square, rectangle, triangle,parallelogram and circle, area between two rectangles and two concentric circles.

Data handling (15 hrs)
i. Collection and organisation of data – choosing the data to collect for a hypothesis testing.
ii. Mean, median and mode of ungrouped data – understanding what they represent.
iii. Constructing bargraphs
iv. Feel of probability using data through experiments. Notion of chance in events like tossing coins, dice etc. Tabulating and counting occurrences of 1 through 6 in a number of
v. throws. Comparing the observation with that for a coin. Observing strings of throws, notion of randomness.

Number System (50 hrs)

(i) Knowing our Numbers:Integers


• Multiplication and division of integers (through patterns). Division by zero is meaningless


• Properties of integers (including identities for addition & multiplication, commutative, associative, distributive) (through patterns).


These would include examples from whole numbers as well. Involve expressing commutative and associative properties in a general form. Construction of counterexamples, including some by children. Counter examples like subtraction is not commutative.


• Word problems including integers (all operations)

(ii) Fractions and rational numbers:


• Multiplication of fractions
• Fraction as an operator
• Reciprocal of a fraction
• Division of fractions
• Word problems involving mixed fractions
• Introduction to rational numbers (with representation on number line)
• Operations on rational numbers (all operations)
• Representation of rational number as a decimal.
• Word problems on rational numbers (all operations)
• Multiplication and division of decimal fractions
• Conversion of units (length & mass)
• Word problems (including all operations)

(iii) Powers:


• Exponents only natural numbers.
• Laws of exponents (through observing patterns to arrive at generalisation.)


(i) am an am+n
(ii) (am)n =amn
(iii) am/an = am-n, where m - n ∈ Ν

Algebra (20 hrs)



• Generate algebraic expressions (simple) involving one or two variables
• Identifying constants, coefficient, powers
• Like and unlike terms, degree of expressions e.g., x2y etc. (exponent ≤ 3, number of variables )
• Addition, subtraction of algebraic expressions (coefficients should be integers).
• Simple linear equations in one variable (in contextual problems) with two operations (avoid complicated coefficients)

Ratio and Proportion (20 hrs)


• Ratio and proportion (revision)
• Unitary method continued, consolidation, general expression.
• Percentage- an introduction.
• Understanding percentage as a fraction with denominator 100
• Converting fractions and decimals into percentage and vice-versa.
• Application to profit and loss (single transaction only)
• Application to simple interest (time period in complete years).

Geometry (60 hrs)

(i) Understanding shapes:


• Pairs of angles (linear, supplementary, complementary, adjacent, vertically opposite) (verification and simple proof of vertically opposite angles)


• Properties of parallel lines with transversal (alternate,corresponding, interior, exterior angles)

(ii) Properties of triangles:


• Angle sum property (with notions of proof & verification through paper folding, proofs using property of parallel lines, difference between proof and verification.)
• Exterior angle property
• Sum of two sides of a it's third side
• Pythagoras Theorem (Verification only)

(iii) Symmetry


• Recalling reflection symmetry
• Idea of rotational symmetry, observations of rotational symmetry of 2-D objects. (90o, 120o, 180o)
• Operation of rotation through 90o and 180o of simple figures.
• Examples of figures with both rotation and reflection symmetry (both operations)
• Examples of figures that have reflection and rotation symmetry and vice-versa

(iv) Representing 3-D in 2-D:


• Drawing 3-D figures in 2-D showing hidden faces.
• Identification and counting of vertices, edges, faces, nets (for cubes cuboids, and cylinders, cones).
• Matching pictures with objects (Identifying names)
• Mapping the space around approximately through visual estimation.

(v) Congruence


• Congruence through superposition (examplesblades, stamps, etc.)
• Extend congruence to simple geometrical shapes e.g. triangles, circles.
• Criteria of congruence (by verification) SSS, SAS, ASA, RHS

(vi) Construction (Using scale, protractor, compass)


• Construction of a line parallel to a given line from a point outside it.(Simple proof as remark with the reasoning of alternate angles)
• Construction of simple triangles. Like given three sides, given a side and two angles on it, given two sides and the angle between them.

Mensuration (15 hrs)


• Revision of perimeter, Idea of , Circumference of Circle Area Concept of measurement using a basic unit area of a square, rectangle, triangle, parallelogram and circle, area between two rectangles and two concentric circles.

Data handling (15 hrs)


(i) Collection and organisation of data – choosing the data to collect for a hypothesis testing.
(ii) Mean, median and mode of ungrouped data – understanding what they represent.
(iii) Constructing bargraphs
(iv) Feel of probability using data through experiments. Notion of chance in events like tossing coins, dice etc. Tabulating and counting occurrences of 1 through 6 in a number of throws. Comparing the observation with that for a coin.Observing strings of throws, notion of randomness.

Where can I download latest CBSE Syllabus for Class 7 Mathematics for 2025

You can download the CBSE 2025 Syllabus for Class 7 Mathematics for latest session from

Can I download the current year Syllabus of Class 7 Mathematics in Pdf

Yes, you can click on the links above and download Syllabus in PDF for Class 7 for Mathematics

Is the Class 7 Mathematics Syllabus available for the latest session

Yes, the syllabus issued for Class 7 Mathematics have been made available here for latest 2025 academic session

How can I download the current year Class 7 Mathematics Syllabus

You can easily access the links above and download the Class 7 Syllabus Mathematics

Is there any charge for the Syllabus for Class 7 Mathematics

There is no charge for the Syllabus for Class 7 CBSE Mathematics you can download everything free

How can I improve my scores by using the Syllabus in Class 7 Mathematics

Planning your studies as per syllabus given on studiestoday for Class 7 subject Mathematics can help you to score better marks in exams

Are there any websites that offer free curriculum for Class 7 Mathematics for 2025

Yes, provides all latest CBSE Class 7 Mathematics Syllabus with suggested books for current academic session

Can latest curriculum for Class 7 Mathematics be accessed on mobile devices

Yes, studiestoday provides curriculum in Pdf for Class 7 Mathematics in mobile-friendly format and can be accessed on smartphones and tablets.

Is syllabus for Class 7 Mathematics available in multiple languages

Yes, syllabus for Class 7 Mathematics is available in multiple languages, including English, Hindi