CBSE Class 12 Syllabus for Entrepreneurship

Download CBSE Class 12 Syllabus for Entrepreneurship 2023 2024. Refer to the latest syllabus provided below and free download latest curriculum of Class 12 for Entrepreneurship issued by CBSE and NCERT, free download in pdf, get topic wise weightage, suggested readings and books based on latest syllabus and guidelines. The Entrepreneurship Class 12 Syllabus curriculum has been developed and issued by CBSE and NCERT for Entrepreneurship in Class 12. All students studying in Class 12 are suggested to go through latest syllabus to ensure that their preparation is as per the latest syllabus issued by CBSE NCERT KVS. Class 12 Entrepreneurship students should do preparation for Entrepreneurship exam strictly based on the latest curriculum and concentrate more on the topics with higher weightage to help them score higher marks in Class 12 Entrepreneurship class tests and exams

Class 12 Entrepreneurship Syllabus

It is important for students to study as per the latest Class 12 Entrepreneurship curriculum and marks breakup as per important topics. This will help to prepare properly for the upcoming examination. You can click on the following links to download the latest and past year syllabus provided by us below.

Year Wise Entrepreneurship Syllabus Class 12

CBSE Class 12 Syllabus for Entrepreneurship

CBSE Class 12 Syllabus for Entrepreneurship

CBSE Class 12 Syllabus for Entrepreneurship

Students have to do TWO projects in the entire academic session.


1. Business Plan
2. Market Survey
- 10 Marks each for 02 Projects
- 5 Marks for Numerical Assessment
- 5 Marks for Viva
Note: Students need to complete both the projects. Guidelines for both projects are given in the CBSE Textbook.

1.The objectives of the project work:
Objectives of project work are to enable learners to:
- probe deeper into personal enquiry, initiate action and reflect on knowledge and skills, views etc. acquired during the course of class XI-XII.
- analyse and evaluate real world scenarios using theoretical constructs and arguments
- demonstrate the application of critical and creative thinking skills and abilities to produce an independent and extended piece of work
- follow up aspects in which learners have interest
- develop the communication skills to argue logically

2. Role of the teacher:
The teacher plays a critical role in developing thinking skills of the learners. A teacher should:
- help each learner select the topic after detailed discussions and deliberations of the topic;
- play the role of a facilitator to support and monitor the project work of the learner through periodic discussions;
- guide the research work in terms of sources for the relevant data;
- ensure that students must understand the relevance and usage of primary evidence and other sources in their projects and duly acknowledge the same;
- ensure that the students are able to derive a conclusion from the content; cite the limitations faced during the research and give appropriate references used in doing the research work.
- educate learner about plagiarism and the importance of quoting the source of the information to ensure authenticity of research work.
- prepare the learner for the presentation of the project work.
- arrange a presentation of the project file.

3. Steps involved in the conduct of the project:
Students may work upon the following lines as a suggested flow chart:
Choose a title/topic
Collection of the research material
Organization of material/data
Present material/data
Analysing the material/data for conclusion
Draw the relevant conclusion
Presentation of the Project Work

4. Expected Checklist for the Project Work:
- Introduction of topic/title
- Identifying the product/service
- Various stakeholders and effect on each of them
- Use of different tools for market assessment and it’s analysis
- Implication of 4P’s in the process of marketing
- Calculation of various costs involved in the business planning process
- Validity, reliability, appropriateness and relevance of data used for research work and for presentation in the project file
- Presentation and writing that is succinct and coherent in project file
- Citation of the materials referred to, in the file in footnotes, resources section, bibliography etc.

5. Viva-Voce
- At the end of the academic session, each learner will present the research work in the Project File to the External examiner.
- The questions should be asked from the Research Work/ Project File of the learner.
- The Internal Examiner should ensure that the study submitted by the learner is his/her own original work.
- In case of any doubt, authenticity should be checked and verified.

Guidelines to do the project is given in the textbook

Prescribed Books:
1. Entrepreneurship - Class XI- C.B.S.E, Delhi
2. Entrepreneurship - Class XII - C.B.S.E., Delhi
3. Udyamita (in Hindi) by Dr. MMP. Akhouri and S.P Mishra, pub. By National Institute for
Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD), NSIC-PATC Campus,Okhla

1. Udyamita Samachar Patra (Monthly, Hindi), Pub. By Centre for Entrepreneurship Development, M.P. (CEDMAP), 60 Jail Road, Jhangerbad, Bhopal-462008.
2. Science Tec. Entrepreneur (A Bi Monthly Publication), Centre for Entrepreneurship Development, M.P (CEDMAP), 60 Jail Road, Jhangerbad, Bhopal -462008
3. Laghu Udhyog Samachar
4. Project Profile by DCSSI

CBSE Class 12 Syllabus for Entrepreneurship

Where can I download latest CBSE Syllabus for Class 12 Entrepreneurship for 2025

You can download the CBSE 2025 Syllabus for Class 12 Entrepreneurship for latest session from

Can I download the current year Syllabus of Class 12 Entrepreneurship in Pdf

Yes, you can click on the links above and download Syllabus in PDF for Class 12 for Entrepreneurship

Is the Class 12 Entrepreneurship Syllabus available for the latest session

Yes, the syllabus issued for Class 12 Entrepreneurship have been made available here for latest 2025 academic session

How can I download the current year Class 12 Entrepreneurship Syllabus

You can easily access the links above and download the Class 12 Syllabus Entrepreneurship

Is there any charge for the Syllabus for Class 12 Entrepreneurship

There is no charge for the Syllabus for Class 12 CBSE Entrepreneurship you can download everything free

How can I improve my scores by using the Syllabus in Class 12 Entrepreneurship

Planning your studies as per syllabus given on studiestoday for Class 12 subject Entrepreneurship can help you to score better marks in exams

Are there any websites that offer free curriculum for Class 12 Entrepreneurship for 2025

Yes, provides all latest CBSE Class 12 Entrepreneurship Syllabus with suggested books for current academic session

Can latest curriculum for Class 12 Entrepreneurship be accessed on mobile devices

Yes, studiestoday provides curriculum in Pdf for Class 12 Entrepreneurship in mobile-friendly format and can be accessed on smartphones and tablets.

Is syllabus for Class 12 Entrepreneurship available in multiple languages

Yes, syllabus for Class 12 Entrepreneurship is available in multiple languages, including English, Hindi