CBSE Class 6 Syllabus for Science

Download CBSE Class 6 Syllabus for Science 2023 2024. Refer to the latest syllabus provided below and free download latest curriculum of Class 6 for Science issued by CBSE and NCERT, free download in pdf, get topic wise weightage, suggested readings and books based on latest syllabus and guidelines. The Science Class 6 Syllabus curriculum has been developed and issued by CBSE and NCERT for Science in Class 6. All students studying in Class 6 are suggested to go through latest syllabus to ensure that their preparation is as per the latest syllabus issued by CBSE NCERT KVS. Class 6 Science students should do preparation for Science exam strictly based on the latest curriculum and concentrate more on the topics with higher weightage to help them score higher marks in Class 6 Science class tests and exams

Class 6 Science Syllabus

It is important for students to study as per the latest Class 6 Science curriculum and marks breakup as per important topics. This will help to prepare properly for the upcoming examination. You can click on the following links to download the latest and past year syllabus provided by us below.

Year Wise Science Syllabus Class 6

Questions Key Concepts Resources Activities/

1. Food
Sources of food What are the various
sources of our food?
What do other animals

Components of food
What is our food made
up of? Why do we eat a variety of food?







Cleaning food
How do we separate the grains after harvesting the
wheat /rice crop?

Plant parts and animal
products as sources of
food; herbivores,
carnivores, omnivores.


Carbohydrates, fats,
proteins, vitamins,
minerals, fibres, their
sources and significance
for human health;
balanced diet; diseases and disabilities due to food deficiencies.





Threshing, winnowing,
hand picking,
sedimentation, filtration.

Examples of food from
different parts of plants
and of food from animals


Mid Day Meal; Charts,
pictures/films of children
suffering from food
deficiencies and disabilities.






Talking to some elders
about practices after
harvesting the crop; kit

(Periods - 20)
Germination of seeds
such as mung, chick pea etc.; preparing a chart on food habits of animals and food culture of different regions of India.


Studying the variety of food in different regions in India; preparing a menu of balanced diet in the context of the diversity of foods eaten in different parts of the country.
Classifying foods according to food components; test for starch, sugars, proteins
and fats.

Discussion on threshing,
winnowing, handpicking;
experiments on
sedimentation, filtration.
Separating mixture of salt and sand.

2. Materials
Materials of daily use
What are our clothes made of? How did
people manage when there
were no clothes?


Are some of our clothes made of materials
obtained from plants?
In what kinds of places
do these plants grow?
Which parts of the plants
are used for making clothes?

Different kinds of materials
What kinds of things do we see around us?

How things change/
react with one another
In what ways do things
change on being heated?
Do they change back on
being cooled? Why does
a burning candle get

How much salt can be
dissolved in a cup of

Different types of cloth materials – cotton, wool,
silk and synthetics.
Development of clothing

Plant fibre, especially
cotton and jute;
production of cotton, jute
and other locally available
plant fibres; types of soil
required for the growth of
different fibrous plants.

Grouping things on the
basis of common

Some changes can be
reversed and others
cannot be reversed.

Solubility, saturated
Amount of substance
dissolving varies with
At the same temperature
amounts of different
substances that dissolve

Sharing of prior knowledge with parents
and community.
Archaeological and
historical accounts.

Sharing of prior
knowledge with parents
and community.

Materials, kit items.

Prior knowledge, kit items.

Salt, sugar and other
common substances, kit

Whole class discussion.

Simple activities to
distinguish among
different types of cloth.


Whole class discussion.
Field survey/ collecting
information on locally
available plant fibres
(coconut, silk cotton, etc.)

Collecting and grouping
things on the basis of
gross properties e.g.
roughness, lustre,
transparency, solubility,
sinking/floating using
prior knowledge, through

Experiments involving
heating of air, wax, paper,
metal, water to highlight
effects like burning,
change of state.
Discussion on other
changes which cannot be
reversed – growing up,
opening of a bud,

Experiments for testing
the solubility of
commonly available
substances. Experiments
on the effect of heating
and cooling on solubility.
Comparison of
solubilities of different
substances using nonstandard
units (eg. spoon,
paper cone).

3. The World of the Living
Things around us
Are all things around us
living? What is the
difference between living
and non-living? Are all
living things similar? Do all
living things move?
Where do plants and
animals live? Can we
grow plants in the dark?

The habitat of the living
How does habitat affect
plants and animals? How do fish live in water?




Plants – form and
What is the structure and
function of various parts
of the plants - stem, leaf
and roots? How do
different flowers differ
from one another? How
does one study flowers?









Animals – form and
function What is inside our bodies?
How do animals move?
Do all animals have bones in their bodies? How do fishes move? And birds fly? What about snakes,snails, earthworms?

L i v i n g / n o n - l i v i n g
characteristics; habitat;
biotic, abiotic (light,
temperature, water, air,
soil, fire)

Habitat varies – aquatic,
deserts, mountains etc. –


plants and animals show
adaptation; other plant
part modifications like
tendrils, thorns etc.
Animals in deserts and









Morphological structure
and function of root,
stem and leaves. Structure
of the flower, differences














Structure and functions of
the animal body; Human
skeletal system, some
other animals e.g. fish,
bird, cockroach, snail.




Recollection of diversity
of living organisms and
the habitat where they live.

Potted plants or seeds,
pots, etc; thermometer,any water plants, any
xerophytic plants,
Information on desert and
aquatic plants and animals







Plants, flowers, blade,
hand lens
















Observation of nature;
model of skeleton, X-rays
of arms or legs, chest,
hips, jaws, vertebral
column (could be given in
the textbook).

Listing of things around
us, listing of characteristics
after making observations
say on size, colour, shape etc., categorisation;
observations on habitat;
observing germination of seeds, also observing
under dark conditions;
growth and development
of domestic animals,
hatching of birds’ eggs
etc., developing drawing

Listing the diverse set of
living organisms around

us; prepare herbarium
specimens of different
leaves, plants; studying
modifications in plants and animals; observing how different environmental
factors (water availability,
temperature) affect living


Studying plant parts –
types of stems, roots,
leaves, seeds; experiment
to show conduction by
stem, activity to show
anchorage by roots,
absorption by roots.
Study of any flower,
counting number of parts,
names of parts, cutting
sections of ovary to
observe ovules.


Activities to study X-rays,
find out the direction in
which joints bend, feel the
ribs, backbone etc.
Observation/ discussion
on movement and skeletal
system in other animals.

4. Moving Things,
People and Ideas
How did people travel
from one place to another
in earlier times? How did
they know how far they
had travelled?
How do we know that
something is moving?
How do we know how
far it has moved?
Need to measure distance
(length). Measurement of
length. Motion as change
in position with time.
Everyday experience;
equipment (scale etc.) to
measure length.
Stories for developing
contexts for measuring
(Periods - 12)
Measuring lengths and
Observation of different
types of moving objects
on land, in air, water and
Identification and
discrimination of various
types of motion.
Demonstrating objects
having more than one type
of movement (screw
motion, bicycle wheel,
fan, top etc.)
Observing the periodic
motion in hands of a
clock / watch, sun, moon,

5. How things work
Electric current and
How does a torch work?

Do all materials allow
current to flow through


What is a magnet?

Where on a magnet do
things stick?
How is a magnet used to find direction?

How do two magnets
behave when brought
close to each other?

Electric current: Electric
circuit (current flows only
when a cell and other
components are
connected in an unbroken

Conductor, Insulator.


Poles of a magnet.
A freely suspended
magnet always aligns in a particular direction. North
and South poles.

Like poles repel and
unlike poles attract each

Torch: cell, bulb or led, wires, key.

Mica, paper, rubber,
plastic, wood, glass metal
clip, water, pencil
(graphite), etc.


Magnet, iron pieces.
Magnet, iron pieces, iron
filings, paper.
Bar magnet, stand, thread,
Two bar magnets, thread,

Activity using a bulb, cell and
key and connecting wire to
show flow of current and
identify closed and open
circuits. Making a switch.
Opening up a dry cell.

Experiment to show that
some objects (conductors)
allow current to flow and
others (insulators) do not.


Demonstrating how
things are attracted by a
magnet. Classification of
objects into magnetic/
non-magnetic classes.
Activity to locate poles of
a magnet; activity with iron
filings and paper.
Activities with suspended
bar magnet and with
compass needle.
Activities to show that like
poles repel and unlike
poles attract.

6. Natural Phenomena
Rain, thunder and
Where does rain come
from? How do clouds
Which are the things we
can see through?


When are shadows
formed? Do you get a
shadow at night – when
there is no light in the
room, no moonlight or
other source of light?
What colour is a shadow?
On what kinds of surfaces
can we see images?

Evaporation and
condensation, water in
different states. Water
Classification of various
materials in terms of
transparent, translucent
and opaque.


A shadow is formed only
when there is a source of
light and an opaque material
obstructs a source it.
A shadow is black
irrespective of the colour
of the object.
Reflecting surfaces;
images are different from

Previous experience,
candle/torch/lamp, white
paper, cardboard box,
black paper.

Child’s own experience,
candle/torch/lamp, white
paper, black paper,
coloured objects.
Experience, objects with
polished surfaces, mirror

(Periods - 26)
Discussion, observation;
looking across different
materials at a source of

Discussion; observing
shadow formation of
various objects of
different shapes, and of
same shape and different
colours; playing and
forming shadows with
the hands in sunlight, in
candle light, and in a well lit region during daytime;
making a pinhole camera
and observing static and
moving objects.

Observing differences
between the image and
the shadow of the same


7. Natural Resources
Importance of water
What will happen to soil,
people, domestic animals,
rivers, ponds and plants
and animals if it does not
rain this year?
What will happen to soil,
people, domestic animals,
plants and animals living
in rivers and ponds, if it
rains heavily?


Importance of air
Why do earthworms
come out of the soil when
it rains?


Do you throw away fruit
and vegetable peels and
cuttings? Can these be reused?
If we dump them
anywhere, will it harm the
surroundings? What if we
throw them in plastic

Importance of water,
dependence of the living
on water.
Droughts and floods.






Some animals and plants live in water; some live on land and some live in respire.
Waste; recycling of waste products; things that rot and things that don’t.
Rotting is supported by
animals/animal and plant products.




upper layers of soil; but
all need air to breath/to

Estimation of water used by a family in one day, one month, one year.
Difference between need and availability.
Activity: plant growth in
normal, deficient and
excess water conditions.




Survey of solid waste
generation by households;
estimation of waste
accumulated (by a house/
village/colony etc.) in a
day, in a year; discussion
on ‘what is waste’; Activity
to show that materials rot
in soil, this is affected by
wrapping in plastics.

Where can I download latest CBSE Syllabus for Class 6 Science for 2025

You can download the CBSE 2025 Syllabus for Class 6 Science for latest session from

Can I download the current year Syllabus of Class 6 Science in Pdf

Yes, you can click on the links above and download Syllabus in PDF for Class 6 for Science

Is the Class 6 Science Syllabus available for the latest session

Yes, the syllabus issued for Class 6 Science have been made available here for latest 2025 academic session

How can I download the current year Class 6 Science Syllabus

You can easily access the links above and download the Class 6 Syllabus Science

Is there any charge for the Syllabus for Class 6 Science

There is no charge for the Syllabus for Class 6 CBSE Science you can download everything free

How can I improve my scores by using the Syllabus in Class 6 Science

Planning your studies as per syllabus given on studiestoday for Class 6 subject Science can help you to score better marks in exams

Are there any websites that offer free curriculum for Class 6 Science for 2025

Yes, provides all latest CBSE Class 6 Science Syllabus with suggested books for current academic session

Can latest curriculum for Class 6 Science be accessed on mobile devices

Yes, studiestoday provides curriculum in Pdf for Class 6 Science in mobile-friendly format and can be accessed on smartphones and tablets.

Is syllabus for Class 6 Science available in multiple languages

Yes, syllabus for Class 6 Science is available in multiple languages, including English, Hindi