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Chapter 7 Triangles Class 9 Mathematics NCERT Solutions
Class 9 Mathematics students should refer to the following NCERT questions with answers for Chapter 7 Triangles in Class 9. These NCERT Solutions with answers for Class 9 Mathematics will come in exams and help you to score good marks
Chapter 7 Triangles NCERT Solutions Class 9 Mathematics
Exercise 7.1
Q.1) In quadrilateral π΄πΆπ΅π·, π΄πΆ = π΄π· and AB bisects β A (see Fig.). Show that π₯π΄π΅πΆ β π₯π΄π΅π·. What can you say about BC and BD?
Sol.1) Given,
AC = AD and AB bisects β π΄
To prove,
π₯π΄π΅πΆ β
In π₯π΄π΅πΆ and π₯π΄π΅π·,
AB = AB (Common)
AC = AD (Given)
β πΆπ΄π΅ = β π·π΄π΅ (AB is bisector)
Therefore, π₯π΄π΅πΆ β
π₯π΄π΅π· by SAS congruence condition.
BC and BD are of equal length.
Q.2) ABCD is a quadrilateral in which AD = BC and β π·π΄π΅ = β πΆπ΅π΄ (see Fig.). Prove that
(i) π₯π΄π΅π· β
(ii) π΅π· = π΄πΆ
(iii) β π΄π΅π· = β π΅π΄πΆ.
Sol.2) Given,
AD = BC and β DAB = β CBA
(i) In π₯π΄π΅π· and π₯π΅π΄πΆ,
π΄π΅ = π΅π΄ (Common)
β π·π΄π΅ = β πΆπ΅π΄ (Given)
π΄π· = π΅πΆ (Given)
Therefore, π₯π΄π΅π· β
π₯π΅π΄πΆ by SAS congruence condition.
(ii) Since, π₯π΄π΅π· β
Therefore π΅π· = π΄πΆ by CPCT
(iii) Since, π₯π΄π΅π· β
Therefore β π΄π΅π· = β π΅π΄πΆ by CPCT
Q.3) AD and BC are equal perpendiculars to a line segment AB (see Fig. ). Show that CD bisects AB.
Sol.3) Given,
AD and BC are equal perpendiculars to AB.
To prove,
CD bisects AB
In π₯π΄ππ· and π₯π΅ππΆ,
β π΄ = β π΅ (Perpendicular)
β π΄ππ· = β π΅ππΆ (Vertically opposite angles)
AD = BC (Given)
Therefore, π₯π΄ππ· β
π₯π΅ππΆ by AAS congruence condition.
AO = OB (CPCT). CD bisects AB.
Q.4) π and π are two parallel lines intersected by another pair of parallel lines π and π (see Fig). Show that π₯π΄π΅πΆ β π₯πΆπ·π΄.
Sol.4) Given,
π || π and π || π
To prove,
π₯π΄π΅πΆ β
In π₯π΄π΅πΆ and π₯πΆπ·π΄,
β π΅πΆπ΄ = β π·π΄πΆ (Alternate interior angles)
π΄πΆ = πΆπ΄ (Common)
β π΅π΄πΆ = β π·πΆπ΄ (Alternate interior angles)
Therefore, π₯π΄π΅πΆ β
π₯πΆπ·π΄ by ASA congruence condition.
Q.5) Line π is the bisector of an angle β π΄ and B is any point on π. BP and BQ are perpendiculars from B to the arms of β π΄ (see Fig.). Show that:
(i) π₯π΄ππ΅ β
(ii) π΅π = π΅π or B is equidistant from the arms of β π΄.
Sol.5) Given,
l is the bisector of an angle β π΄.
BP and BQ are perpendiculars.
(i) In π₯π΄ππ΅ and π₯π΄ππ΅,
β π = β π (Right angles)
β π΅π΄π = β π΅π΄π (π is bisector)
π΄π΅ = π΄π΅ (Common)
Therefore, π₯π΄ππ΅ β
π₯π΄ππ΅ by AAS congruence condition.
(ii) BP = BQ by CPCT. Therefore, B is equidistant from the arms of β π΄.
Q.6) In Fig., π΄πΆ = π΄πΈ, π΄π΅ = π΄π· and β π΅π΄π· = β πΈπ΄πΆ. Show that π΅πΆ = π·πΈ.
Sol.6) Given,
π΄πΆ = π΄πΈ, π΄π΅ = π΄π· and β π΅π΄π· = β πΈπ΄πΆ
To show,
π΅πΆ = π·πΈ
β π΅π΄π· = β πΈπ΄πΆ (Adding β π·π΄πΆ both sides)
β π΅π΄π· + β π·π΄πΆ = β πΈπ΄πΆ + β π·π΄πΆ
β β π΅π΄πΆ = β πΈπ΄π·
In π₯π΄π΅πΆ and π₯π΄π·πΈ,
π΄πΆ = π΄πΈ (Given)
β π΅π΄πΆ = β πΈπ΄π·
π΄π΅ = π΄π· (Given)
Therefore, π₯π΄π΅πΆ β
π₯π΄π·πΈ by SAS congruence condition.
π΅πΆ = π·πΈ by CPCT.
Q.7) AB is a line segment and P is its mid-point. D and E are points on the same side of AB such that β π΅π΄π· = β π΄π΅πΈ and β πΈππ΄ = β π·ππ΅ (see Fig.). Show that
(i) π₯π·π΄π β
(ii) π΄π· = π΅πΈ
Sol.7) Given,
P is mid-point of AB.
β π΅π΄π· = β π΄π΅πΈ and β πΈππ΄ = β π·ππ΅
(i) β πΈππ΄ = β π·ππ΅ (Adding β π·ππΈ both sides)
β πΈππ΄ + β π·ππΈ = β π·ππ΅ + β π·ππΈ
β β π·ππ΄ = β πΈππ΅
In π₯π·π΄π β
β π·ππ΄ = β πΈππ΅
AP = BP (P is mid-point of AB)
β π΅π΄π· = β π΄π΅πΈ (Given)
Therefore, π₯π·π΄π β
π₯πΈπ΅π by ASA congruence condition.
(ii) π΄π· = π΅πΈ by CPCT.
Q.8) In right triangle ABC, right angled at C, M is the mid-point of hypotenuse AB. C is joined to M and produced to a point D such that π·π = πΆπ. Point D is joined to point B (see Fig.).
Show that:
(i) π₯π΄ππΆ β
(ii) β π·π΅πΆ is a right angle.
(iii) π₯π·π΅πΆ β
(iv) πΆπ = (1/2)π΄π΅
Sol.8) Given,
β πΆ = 90Β°, π is the mid-point of AB and π·π = πΆπ
(i) In π₯π΄ππΆ and π₯π΅ππ·,
π΄π = π΅π (M is the mid-point)
β πΆππ΄ = β π·ππ΅ (Vertically opposite angles)
CM = DM (Given)
Therefore, π₯π΄ππΆ β
π₯π΅ππ· by SAS congruence condition.
(ii) β π΄πΆπ = β π΅π·π (by CPCT)
Therefore, π΄πΆ || π΅π· as alternate interior angles are equal.
β π΄πΆπ΅ + β π·π΅πΆ = 180Β° (co-interiors angles)
β 90Β° + β π΅ = 180Β°
β β π·π΅πΆ = 90Β°
(iii) In π₯π·π΅πΆ and π₯π΄πΆπ΅,
π΅πΆ = πΆπ΅ (Common)
β π΄πΆπ΅ = β π·π΅πΆ (Right angles)
π·π΅ = π΄πΆ (byy CPCT, already proved)
Therefore, π₯π·π΅πΆ β
π₯π΄πΆπ΅ by SAS congruence condition.
(iv) π·πΆ = π΄π΅ (π₯π·π΅πΆ β
β π·π + πΆπ = π΄π + π΅π
β πΆπ + πΆπ = π΄π΅
β πΆπ = (1/2)π΄π΅
Exercise 7.2
Q.1) In an isosceles triangle ABC, with π΄π΅ = π΄πΆ, the bisectors of β π΅ and β πΆ intersect each other at O. Join A to O. Show that :
(i) ππ΅ = ππΆ (ii) AO bisects β π΄
Sol.1) Given,
AB = AC, the bisectors of β B and β C intersect each other at O
(i) Since ABC is an isosceles with AB = AC,
β΄ β π΅ = β πΆ
β 1/2 β π΅ = 1/2 β πΆ
β β ππ΅πΆ = β ππΆπ΅ (Angle bisectors.)
β ππ΅ = ππΆ (Side opposite to the equal angles are equal.)
(ii) In π₯π΄ππ΅ and π₯π΄ππΆ,
π΄π΅ = π΄πΆ (Given)
π΄π = π΄π (Common)
ππ΅ = ππΆ (Proved above)
Therefore, π₯π΄ππ΅ β
π₯π΄ππΆ by SSS congruence condition.
β π΅π΄π = β πΆπ΄π (by CPCT)
Thus, AO bisects β π΄.
Q.2) In π₯π΄π΅πΆ, π΄π· is the perpendicular bisector of BC (see Fig. ). Show that π₯π΄π΅πΆ is an isosceles triangle in which π΄π΅ = π΄πΆ.
Sol.2) Given,
AD is the perpendicular bisector of BC
To show,
In π₯π΄π·π΅ and ΞADC,
AD = AD (Common)
β π΄π·π΅ = β π΄π·πΆ
π΅π· = πΆπ· (AD is the perpendicular bisector)
Therefore, π₯π΄π·π΅ β
π₯π΄π·πΆ by SAS congruence condition.
AB = AC (by CPCT)
Q,3) ABC is an isosceles triangle in which altitudes BE and CF are drawn to equal sides AC and AB respectively (see Fig.). Show that these altitudes are equal.
Sol.3) Given,
BE and CF are altitudes.
To show,
In π₯π΄πΈπ΅ and π₯π΄πΉπΆ,
β π΄ = β π΄ (Common)
β π΄πΈπ΅ = β π΄πΉπΆ (Right angles)
π΄π΅ = π΄πΆ (Given)
Therefore, π₯π΄πΈπ΅ β
π₯π΄πΉπΆ by AAS congruence condition.
Thus, π΅πΈ = πΆπΉ by CPCT.
Q.4) ABC is a triangle in which altitudes BE and CF to sides AC and AB are equal (see Fig.).
Show that
(i) π₯π΄π΅πΈ β
(ii) AB = AC, i.e., ABC is an isosceles triangle.
Sol.4) Given,
(i) In π₯π΄π΅πΈ and π₯π΄πΆπΉ,
β π΄ = β π΄ (Common)
β π΄πΈπ΅ = β π΄πΉπΆ (Right angles)
BE = CF (Given)
Therefore, π₯π΄π΅πΈ β
π₯π΄πΆπΉ by AAS congruence condition.
(ii) Thus, AB = AC by CPCT and therefore ABC is an isosceles triangle.
Q.5) ABC and DBC are two isosceles triangles on the same base BC (see Fig.). Show that β π΄π΅π· = β π΄πΆπ·.
Sol.5) Given,
π΄π΅πΆ and π·π΅πΆ are two isosceles triangles.
To show,
β π΄π΅π· = β π΄πΆπ·
In π₯π΄π΅π· and π₯π΄πΆπ·,
π΄π· = π΄π· (Common)
π΄π΅ = π΄πΆ (ABC is an isosceles triangle.)
π΅π· = πΆπ· (BCD is an isosceles triangle.)
Therefore, π₯π΄π΅π· β
π₯π΄πΆπ· by SSS congruence condition. Thus, β π΄π΅π· = β π΄πΆπ· by CPCT.
Q.6) π₯π΄π΅πΆ is an isosceles triangle in which π΄π΅ = π΄πΆ. Side BA is produced to D such that π΄π· = π΄π΅ (see Fig.). Show that β π΅πΆπ· is a right angle.
Sol.6) Given,
π΄π΅ = π΄πΆ and π΄π· = π΄π΅
To show,
β π΅πΆπ· is a right angle.
In π₯π΄π΅πΆ,
π΄π΅ = π΄πΆ (Given)
β β π΄πΆπ΅ = β π΄π΅πΆ (Angles opposite to the equal sides are equal.)
In π₯π΄πΆπ·,
π΄π· = π΄π΅
β β π΄π·πΆ = β π΄πΆπ· (Angles opposite to the equal sides are equal.)
In π₯π΄π΅πΆ,
β πΆπ΄π΅ + β π΄πΆπ΅ + β π΄π΅πΆ = 180Β°
β β πΆπ΄π΅ + 2β π΄πΆπ΅ = 180Β°
β β πΆπ΄π΅ = 180Β° β 2β π΄πΆπ΅ β¦.. (i)
Similarly in π₯π΄π·πΆ,
β πΆπ΄π· = 180°° β 2β π΄πΆπ· β¦. (ii)
β πΆπ΄π΅ + β πΆπ΄π· = 180Β° (BD is a straight line.)
Adding (i) and (ii)
β πΆπ΄π΅ + β πΆπ΄π· = 180Β°β 2β π΄πΆπ΅ + 180Β°β 2β π΄πΆπ·
β 180Β° = 360Β° β 2β π΄πΆπ΅ β 2β π΄πΆπ·
β 2(β π΄πΆπ΅ + β π΄πΆπ·) = 180Β°
β β π΅πΆπ· = 90Β°
Q.7) ABC is a right angled triangle in which β π΄ = 90Β° and π΄π΅ = π΄πΆ. Find β π΅ and β πΆ.
Sol.7) Given,
β π΄ = 90Β° and π΄π΅ = π΄πΆ
π΄π΅ = π΄πΆ
β β π΅ = β πΆ (Angles opposite to the equal sides are equal.)
β π΄ + β π΅ + β πΆ = 180Β° (Sum of the interior angles of the triangle.)
β 90Β° + 2β π΅ = 180Β°
β 2β π΅ = 90Β°
β β π΅ = 45Β°
Thus, β π΅ = β πΆ = 45Β°
Q.8) Show that the angles of an equilateral triangle are 60Β° each.
Sol.8) Let ABC be an equilateral triangle.
π΅πΆ = π΄πΆ = π΄π΅ (Length of all sides is same)
β β π΄ = β π΅ = β πΆ (Sides opposite to the equal angles are equal.)
β π΄ + β π΅ + β πΆ = 180Β°
β 3β π΄ = 180Β°
β β π΄ = 60Β°
Therefore, β π΄ = β π΅ = β πΆ = 60Β°
Thus, the angles of an equilateral triangle are 60Β°each.
Exercise 7.3
Q.1) π₯π΄π΅πΆ and π₯π·π΅πΆ are two isosceles triangles on the same base BC and vertices A and D are on the same side of BC (see Fig.). If AD is extended to intersect BC at P, show that
(i) π₯π΄π΅π· β
(ii) π₯π΄π΅π β
(iii) AP bisects β π΄ as well as β π·.
(iv) AP is the perpendicular bisector of BC.
Sol.1) Given,
π₯π΄π΅πΆ and π₯π·π΅πΆ are two isosceles triangles.
(i) In π₯π΄π΅π· and π₯π΄πΆπ·,
π΄π· = π΄π· (Common)
π΄π΅ = π΄πΆ (π₯π΄π΅πΆ is isosceles)
π΅π· = πΆπ· (π₯π·π΅πΆ is isosceles)
Therefore, π₯π΄π΅π· β
π₯π΄πΆπ· by SSS congruence condition.
(ii) In π₯π΄π΅π and π₯π΄πΆπ,
π΄π = π΄π (Common)
β ππ΄π΅ = β ππ΄πΆ (π₯π΄π΅π· β
π₯π΄πΆπ· so by CPCT)
π΄π΅ = π΄πΆ (π₯π΄π΅πΆ is isosceles)
Therefore, π₯π΄π΅π β
π₯π΄πΆπ by SAS congruence condition.
(iii) β ππ΄π΅ = β ππ΄πΆ by CPCT as π₯π΄π΅π· β
AP bisects β π΄. β¦.(i)
In π₯π΅ππ· and π₯πΆππ·,
ππ· = ππ· (Common)
π΅π· = πΆπ· (π₯π·π΅πΆ is isosceles.)
π΅π = πΆπ (π₯π΄π΅π β
π₯π΄πΆπ so by CPCT.)
Therefore, π₯π΅ππ· β
π₯πΆππ· by SSS congruence condition.
Thus, β π΅π·π = β πΆπ·π by CPCT. β¦.. (ii)
By (i) and (ii) we can say that AP bisects β A as well as β π·.
(iv) β π΅ππ· = β πΆππ· (by CPCT as π₯π΅ππ· β
and π΅π = πΆπ β¦.. (i)
β π΅ππ· + β πΆππ· = 180Β° (BC is a straight line.)
β 2β π΅ππ· = 180Β°
β β π΅ππ· = 90Β° β¦β¦(ii)
From (i) and (ii),
AP is the perpendicular bisector of BC.
Q.2) AD is an altitude of an isosceles triangle π΄π΅πΆ in which π΄π΅ = π΄πΆ. Show that
(i) AD bisects BC (ii) AD bisects β π΄.
Sol.2) Given,
AD is an altitude and AB = AC
(i) In π₯π΄π΅π· and π₯π΄πΆπ·,
β π΄π·π΅ = β π΄π·πΆ = 90Β°
π΄π΅ = π΄πΆ (Given)
π΄π· = π΄π· (Common)
Therefore, π₯π΄π΅π· β
π₯π΄πΆπ· by RHS congruence condition.
π΅π· = πΆπ· (by CPCT)
Thus, π΄π· bisects BC
(ii) β π΅π΄π· = β πΆπ΄π· (by CPCT)
Thus, AD bisects β π΄.
Q.3) Two sides AB and BC and median AM of one triangle ABC are respectively equal to sides PQ and QR and median PN of π₯πππ
(see Fig.). Show that:
(i) π₯π΄π΅π β
(ii) π₯π΄π΅πΆ β
Sol.3) Given,
π΄π΅ = ππ, π΅πΆ = ππ
and π΄π = ππ
(i) 1/2
π΅πΆ = π΅π and 1/2
= ππ (π΄π and ππ are medians)
β π΅π = ππ
In π₯π΄π΅π and π₯πππ,
π΄π = ππ (Given)
π΄π΅ = ππ (Given)
π΅π = ππ (Proved above)
Therefore, π₯π΄π΅π β
π₯πππ by SSS congruence condition.
(ii) In π₯π΄π΅πΆ and π₯πππ
π΄π΅ = ππ (Given)
β π΄π΅πΆ = β πππ
(by CPCT)
π΅πΆ = ππ
Therefore, π₯π΄π΅πΆ β
by SAS congruence condition.
Q.4) π΅πΈ and πΆπΉ are two equal altitudes of a triangle ABC. Using RHS congruence rule, prove that the triangle π΄π΅πΆ is isosceles.
Sol.4) Given,
BE and CF are two equal altitudes.
In π₯π΅πΈπΆ and π₯πΆπΉπ΅,
β π΅πΈπΆ = β πΆπΉπ΅ = 90Β° (Altitudes)
π΅πΆ = πΆπ΅ (Common)
π΅πΈ = πΆπΉ (Common)
Therefore, π₯π΅πΈπΆ β
π₯πΆπΉπ΅ by RHS congruence condition.
β πΆ = β π΅ (by CPCT)
Thus, π΄π΅ = π΄πΆ as sides opposite to the equal angles are equal.
Q.5) ABC is an isosceles triangle with π΄π΅ = π΄πΆ. Draw π΄π β₯ π΅πΆ to show that β π΅ = β πΆ.
Sol.5) Given,
In π₯π΄π΅π and π₯π΄πΆπ,
β π΄ππ΅ = β π΄ππΆ = 90Β° (AP is altitude)
π΄π΅ = π΄πΆ (Given)
π΄π = π΄π (Common)
Therefore, π₯π΄π΅π β
π₯π΄πΆπ by RHS congruence condition.
Thus, β π΅ = β πΆ (by CPCT)
Exercise 7.4
Q.1) Show that in a right angled triangle, the hypotenuse is the longest side.
Sol.1) ABC is a triangle right angled at B.
β π΄ + β π΅ + β πΆ = 180Β°
β β π΄ + β πΆ = 90Β° and β π΅ is 90Β°.
Since, B is the largest angle of the triangle, the side opposite to it must be the largest.
So, BC is the hypotenuse which is the largest side of the right angled triangle ABC.
Q.2) In Fig., sides AB and AC of π₯π΄π΅πΆ are extended to points P and Q respectively. Also, β ππ΅πΆ < β ππΆπ΅. Show that π΄πΆ > π΄π΅.
Sol.2) Given,
β ππ΅πΆ < β ππΆπ΅
β π΄π΅πΆ + β ππ΅πΆ = 180Β°
β β π΄π΅πΆ = 180Β° β β ππ΅πΆ
β π΄πΆπ΅ + β ππΆπ΅ = 180Β°
β β π΄πΆπ΅ = 180Β° β β ππΆπ΅
β ππ΅πΆ < β ππΆπ΅ therefore, β π΄π΅πΆ > β π΄πΆπ΅
Thus, π΄πΆ > π΄π΅ as sides opposite to the larger angle is larger.
Q.3) In Fig., β π΅ < β π΄ and β πΆ < β π·. Show that π΄π· < π΅πΆ.
Sol.3) Given,
β π΅ < β π΄ and β πΆ < β π·
π΄π < π΅π β¦β¦ (i) (Side opposite to the smaller angle is smaller)
ππ· < ππΆ β¦.(ii) (Side opposite to the smaller angle is smaller)
Adding (i) and (ii)
π΄π + ππ· < π΅π + ππΆ
β π΄π· < π΅πΆ
Q.4) AB and CD are respectively the smallest and longest sides of a quadrilateral ABCD (see Fig.). Show that β π΄ > β πΆ and β π΅ > β π·.
Sol.4) In π₯π΄π΅π·,
π΄π΅ < π΄π· < π΅π·
β΄ β π΄π·π΅ < β π΄π΅π· β¦.. (i) (Angle opposite to longer side is larger.)
In π₯π΅πΆπ·,
π΅πΆ < π·πΆ < π΅π·
β΄ β π΅π·πΆ < β πΆπ΅π· β¦β¦ (ii)
Adding (i) and (ii) we get,
β π΄π·π΅ + β π΅π·πΆ < β π΄π΅π· + β πΆπ΅π·
β β π΄π·πΆ < β π΄π΅πΆ
β β π΅ > β π·
In π₯π΄π΅πΆ,
β π΄πΆπ΅ < β π΅π΄πΆ β¦β¦ (iii) (Angle opposite to longer side is larger.)
In π₯π΄π·πΆ,
β π·πΆπ΄ < β π·π΄πΆ β¦. (iv)
Adding (iii) and (iv) we get,
β π΄πΆπ΅ + β π·πΆπ΄ < β π΅π΄πΆ + β π·π΄πΆ
β β π΅πΆπ· < β π΅π΄π·
β β π΄ > β πΆ
Q.5) In Fig., ππ
> ππ and PS bisects β πππ
. Prove that β πππ
> β πππ.
Sol.5) Given,
PR > PQ and PS bisects β QPR
To prove,
β πππ
> β πππ
β πππ
> β ππ
π β¦.(i) (ππ
> ππ as angle opposite to larger side is larger.)
β πππ = β π
ππ β¦β¦ (ii) (PS bisects β πππ
β πππ
= β πππ
+ β πππ β¦β¦ (iii) (exterior angle of a triangle equals to the sum of
opposite interior angles)
β πππ = β ππ
π + β π
ππ β¦.. (iv) (exterior angle of a triangle equals to the sum of
opposite interior angles)
Adding (i) and (ii)
β πππ
+ β πππ > β ππ
π + β π
β β πππ
> β πππ [from (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)]
Q.6) Show that of all line segments drawn from a given point not on it, the perpendicular line segment is the shortest.
Sol.6) Let l is a line segment and B is a point lying o it. We drew a line AB perpendicular to l. Let
C be any other point on l.
To prove,
π΄π΅ < π΄πΆ
In π₯π΄π΅πΆ,
β π΅ = 90Β°.
β π΄ + β π΅ + β πΆ = 180Β°.
β β π΄ + β πΆ = 90Β°.
β΄ β πΆ must be acute angle. or β πΆ < β π΅
β π΄π΅ < π΄πΆ (Side opposite to the larger angle is larger.)
Exercise 7.5 (Optional)
Q.1) ABC is a triangle. Locate a point in the interior of Ξπ΄π΅πΆ which is equidistant from all the vertices of Ξπ΄π΅πΆ.
Sol.1) Draw perpendicular bisectors PQ and RS of sides AB and BC respectively of triangle ABC.
Let PQ bisects AB at M and RS bisects BC at point N.
Let PQ and RS intersect at point O.
Join ππ΄, ππ΅ and ππΆ.
Now in Ξπ΄ππ and Ξπ΅ππ ,
π΄π = ππ΅ [By construction]
Ξπ΄ππ = Ξπ΅ππ = 90Β° [By construction]
ππ = ππ [Common]
β΄ π₯π΄ππ β
π΅ππ [By SAS congruency]
ππ΄ = ππ΅ [By C.P.C.T.] β¦..(i)
Similarly, π₯π΅ππ β
ππ΅ = ππΆ [By C.P.C.T.] β¦..(ii)
From eq. (i) and (ii),
ππ΄ = ππ΅ = ππΆ
Hence O, the point of intersection of perpendicular bisectors of any two sides of ABC equidistant from its vertices
Q.2) In a triangle locate a point in its interior which is equidistant from all the sides of the triangle.
Sol.2) Let ABC be a triangle.
Draw bisectors of β π΅ and β πΆ
Let these angle bisectors intersect each other at point πΌ.
Draw πΌπΎ β₯ π΅πΆ
Also draw πΌπ½ β₯ π΄π΅ and πΌπΏ β₯ π΄πΆ.
Join π΄πΌ.
In Ξπ΅πΌπΎ and Ξπ΅πΌπ½,
β πΌπΎπ΅ = β πΌπ½π΅ = 90Β° [By construction]
β πΌπ΅πΎ = β πΌπ΅π½ [ π΅πΌ is the bisector of β π΅ (By construction)]
π΅πΌ = π΅πΌ [Common]
β΄ Ξπ΅πΌπΎ β
Ξπ΅πΌπ½ [ASA criteria of congruency]
β΄ πΌπΎ = πΌπ½ [By C.P.C.T.] β¦β¦β¦.(i)
Similarly, π₯πΆπΌπΎ β
β΄ πΌπΎ = πΌπΏ [By C.P.C.T.] β¦β¦β¦.(ii)
From eq (i) and (ii),
πΌπΎ = πΌπ½ = πΌπΏ
Hence, πΌ is the point of intersection of angle bisectors of any two angles of Ξπ΄π΅πΆ equidistant from its sides.
Q.3) In a huge park, people are concentrated at three points (See figure).
A: where there are different slides and swings for children.
B: near which a man-made lake is situated.
C: which is near to a large parking and exit.
Where should an ice cream parlour be set up so that maximum number of persons can approach it?
Sol.3) The parlour should be equidistant from A, B and C.
For this let we draw perpendicular bisector say π of line joining points B and C also draw perpendicular bisector say π of line joining points A and C.
Let π and π intersect each other at point O.
Now point O is equidistant from points A, B and C.
Join OA, OB and OC.
Proof: In Ξπ΅ππ and ΞπΆππ,
ππ = ππ [Common]
β OPB = β OPC =
BP = PC [P is the mid-point of BC]
β΄ Ξπ΅ππ β
ΞπΆππ [By SAS congruency]
ππ΅ = ππΆ [By C.P.C.T.] β¦..(i)
Similarly, Ξπ΄ππ β
ππ΄ = ππΆ [By C.P.C.T.] β¦..(ii)
From eq. (i) and (ii),
ππ΄ = ππ΅ = ππΆ
Therefore, ice cream parlour should be set up at point O, the point of intersection of perpendicular bisectors of any two sides out of three formed by joining these points.
Q.4) Complete the hexagonal rangoli and the star rangolies (See figure) but filling them with as many equilateral triangles of side 1 cm as you can. Count the number of triangles in each case. Which has more triangles?
From eq. (iii) and (v), we observe that star rangoli has more equilateral triangles each of side 1 ππ.
NCERT Solutions Class 9 Mathematics Chapter 1 Number Systems |
NCERT Solutions Class 9 Mathematics Chapter 2 Polynomials |
NCERT Solutions Class 9 Mathematics Chapter 3 Coordinate Geometry |
NCERT Solutions Class 9 Mathematics Chapter 4 Linear Equations In Two Variables |
NCERT Solutions Class 9 Mathematics Chapter 5 Introduction to Euclid's Geometry |
NCERT Solutions Class 9 Mathematics Chapter 6 Lines and Angles Variables |
NCERT Solutions Class 9 Mathematics Chapter 7 Triangles |
NCERT Solutions Class 9 Mathematics Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals |
NCERT Solutions Class 9 Mathematics Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles |
NCERT Solutions Class 9 Mathematics Chapter 10 Circles |
NCERT Solutions Class 9 Mathematics Chapter 11 Construction |
NCERT Solutions Class 9 Mathematics Chapter 12 Herons Formula |
NCERT Solutions Class 9 Mathematics Chapter 13 Surface Area and Volume |
NCERT Solutions Class 9 Mathematics Chapter 14 Statistics |
NCERT Solutions Class 9 Mathematics Chapter 15 Probability |
NCERT Solutions Class 9 Mathematics Chapter 7 Triangles
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