CBSE Class 8 Social Science Sample Paper Set C

Read and download PDF of CBSE Class 8 Social Science Sample Paper Set C designed as per the latest curriculum and examination pattern for Class 8 issued by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. The latest Class 8 Social Science Sample Papers have been provided with solutions so that the students can solve these practice papers and then compare their answers. This will help them to identify mistakes and improvement areas in Social Science Class 8 which they need to study more to get better marks in Class 8 exams. After solving these guess papers also refer to solved Class 8 Social Science Question Papers available on our website to build strong understanding of the subject

Sample Paper for Class 8 Social Science Pdf

Students can refer to the below Class 8 Social Science Sample Paper designed to help students understand the pattern of questions that will be asked in Class 8 exams. Please download CBSE Class 8 Social Science Sample Paper Set C

Social Science Class 8 Sample Paper

CBSE Class 8 Social Science Sample Paper Set C. It’s always recommended to practice as many CBSE sample papers as possible before the examinations. The latest sample papers have been designed as per the latest blue prints, syllabus and examination trends. Sample papers should be practiced in examination condition at home or school and also show it to your teachers for checking or compare with the answers provided. Students can download the sample papers in pdf format free and score better marks in examinations. Refer to other links too for latest sample papers.

1 Is water a renewable or non renewable resource?
Ans: Renewable
2 Name two countries facing water shortage.
Ans: Africa, west Asia, south Asia, western USA, North West Mexico, parts of South America and Australia.
3 Which mineral is termed as ‘Black Gold’ and why?
Ans: Petroleum is referred to as black because: -
1) its derivatives like diesel, kerosene and petrol are very expensive.
2) It is black in colour when drilled.
4 Name the last powerful ruler of the Mughal Empire.
Ans: Aurangzeb.
5 Define the term “Mahal” in the British revenue records.
Ans: Mahal is a revenue estate which may be a village or a group of villages.
6 From which Hindi word was the word sepoy derived?
Ans: The term "sepoy" is derived from the Persian word meaning "infantry soldier" in the Mughal Empire.
7 State the essence of secularism.
Ans: All forms of domination related to religion should end.
8 Mention the year when the Electronic Voting Machines were used throughout the country for the first time.
Ans: In 2004
9 State the meaning of Appellate jurisdiction.
Ans: This means that a person can appeal to a higher court if they believe that judgement passed by the lower court is not just.
10 Classify the resources on the basis of their origin and explain them.
Ans: Biotic and abiotic (1mark)
     Abiotic resource                         Biotic resource
Abiotic resources are                  Biotic resources are
nonliving resource.                       living resource.
Example- soils, minerals             Example- Plants and
     and rocks.                                   animals.
11 Explain the importance of natural vegetation. (any3)
Ans: Vegetation is useful to us in the following way:
1) Plants provide us with timber
2) Give shelter to animals,
3) Produce oxygen we breathe,
4) Protects soils so essential for growing crops,
5) Act as shelter belts,
6) Help in storage of underground water,
7) Give us fruits, nuts, latex, turpentine oil, gum, medicinal plants
8) Provide the paper that is so essential for your studies.
12 Give any three differences between conventional and non-conventional sources of energy.
CBSE Class 8 Social Science Sample Paper Set C
13 “The British army brought several changes in the composition .” Do you agree with the given statement? Give reasons.
Ans: Several changes occurred in the composition of the Company’s army:
i) The company began recruitment for its own army, which came to be known as the sepoy.
ii) With the advance of the warfare technology the cavalry recruitment declined.
iii) The British began to give a uniform military training and discipline in the European style .
14 Give two reasons which led to the Anglo Mysore War .Explain the factors that make Tipu Sultan an admirable entity.
Ans: i) Mysore had grown in strength under the leadership of powerful rulers like Haider Ali and Tipu Sultan.
ii) Mysore controlled the profitable trade of the Malabar coast where the Company purchased pepper and cardamom. Tipu Sultan stopped the the export of sandalwood, pepper and cardamom through the ports of
his kingdom and disallowed local merchants from trading with the company.
iii) The close relationship between Tipu Sultan and the French in India made the British furious.
Values: We learn that like Tipu Sultan we should be brave , courageous and should not give up easily.
15 Under whose Governor Generalship was the Doctrine of Lapse devised? Highlight the policy in your own words with the help of examples.
Ans: i) Under the Governor-Generalship of Lord Dalhousie Doctrine of Lapse was devised.
ii)The doctrine declared that if an Indian ruler died without a male heir his kingdom would
“lapse” , that is , become part of Company territory.
iii) For ex – Sambalpur , Udaipur , Satara , Nagpur and Jhansi.
16 Give reasons as to why were the planters reluctant to expand the area under ‘nij’ cultivation till late 19th century.
Ans: i) The planters found it difficult to expand the area under nij cultivation. Indigo could be planted on fertile lands and these were already densely populated.
ii) Labour force was not easily available. Peasants were busy with rice cultivation.
iii) Nij cultivation on a large scale also required many ploughs and bullocks. Investing on them was a big problem.
17 Mention in your words what impact did Bahadur Shah Zafar’s support to the rebellion have on the people and the ruling families?

Ans: i) Bahadur Shah Zafar’s support to the rebellion boosted the morale of the people and the ruling families. They became united to fight the British authority.
ii) People of the towns and villages rose up in rebellion and rallied around local leaders.
iii) Nana Sahib gathered forces and expelled the British garrison from the city of Kanpur
and proclaimed himself Peshwa.
18 Discuss the significance of Pledge of Allegiance.
a.In the U.S.A most children in govt school begin their day reciting the ‘Pledge of Allegiance’.
b.This pledge includes the words ‘under God’.
c. It was established more than 60 yrs ago that govt school students are not required to recite the pledge if it conflicts with their religious beliefs.
19 ‘Parliament has more and more people from different backgrounds.” Analyse the statement. The
i).Parliament is made up of all representatives together and it guides the government.
ii). It means the people through their chosen representatives from different caste and religion form the government and control it.
iii). Some seats are reserved for the people belonging to SC/ST category.
20 As an organ of the state, Judiciary plays a crucial role in the functioning of India’s democracy. Justify the statement.
i) Judiciary settles the disputes. And punishes the guilty.
ii)Judiciary has the power to modify or cancel the laws if it finds that they violate the basic structure.
iii) In case our Fundamental Rights are violated we can approach the Supreme Court or the High Court.

Please click the link below to download the full pdf file for CBSE Class 8 Social Science Sample Paper Set C.

Social Science Sample Papers for Class 8
CBSE Class 8 Social Science Sample Paper Set 1
CBSE Class 8 Social Science Sample Paper Set 2
CBSE Class 8 Social Science Sample Paper Set 3
CBSE Class 8 Social Science Sample Paper Set 4
CBSE Class 8 Social Science Sample Paper Set 5
CBSE Class 8 Social Science Sample Paper Set 6
CBSE Class 8 Social Science Sample Paper Set A
CBSE Class 8 Social Science Sample Paper Set B
CBSE Class 8 Social Science Sample Paper Set C
CBSE Class 8 Social Science Sample Paper Set D
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CBSE Class 8 Social Science Sample Paper Set F
CBSE Class 8 Social Science Sample Paper Set G
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CBSE Class 8 Social Science Sample Paper Set 7

How to download CBSE Class 8 Social Science Sample Paper Set C in PDF?

We hope you liked the above provided CBSE Class 8 Social Science Sample Paper Set C. To get an understanding of the type of questions which were asked in exams, it is important for Class 8 students to understand the way sample Paper are set by teachers. Students can download the Sample Paper for Class 8 Social Science which will be coming in the exams so that you can practise them and solve all types of questions that can be asked in exams. By doing CBSE Class 8 Social Science Sample Paper Set C you will understand the regular questions and MCQ questions for Class 8 Social Science which are always asked. You can download CBSE Class 8 Social Science Sample Paper and Class 8 Social Science Question Papers in PDF. You should attempt all the last year question paper for Class 8 and Class 8 Social Science MCQ Test in examination conditions at home and then compare their answers with the solutions provided by our teachers.

Why should you solve CBSE Class 8 Social Science Sample Paper Set C?

a) This is new Set from Class 8 Social Science Sample Papers and has questions which are different from other sets.
b) As you will do more sets and also refer to Class 8 Social Science Question Papers, then it will help you understand the type of questions asked in exams.
d) Compare your score of each set to understand your weak areas in Class 8 Social Science.
e) Solving this paper which also has MCQ questions for Class 8 Social Science will make you faster and better at answering questions.

What should you do after solving CBSE Class 8 Social Science Sample Paper Set C?

a) Check your answers with the solutions given in the downloaded sample paper in PDF of Class 8 Social Science.
b) Class 8 students should try to find where you made mistakes and learn from them.
c) If a question was hard, read the concepts in NCERT book for Class 8 Social Science and then practice it again to get better.
d) Solve more sets of sample papers for Class 8 Social Science to improve even more.

Where can I download CBSE Class 8 Social Science Sample Paper Set C in Pdf

You can download CBSE Class 8 Social Science Sample Paper Set C from

How can I improve my scores by solving CBSE Class 8 Social Science Sample Paper Set C

Regular practice of sample question paper given on studiestoday for CBSE Class 8 Social Science Sample Paper Set C can help you to score better marks in exams

Are there any websites that offer free CBSE Class 8 Social Science Sample Paper Set C

Yes, provides all latest CBSE Class 8 Social Science Sample Papers with answers based on the latest format issued for current academic session

Are mock CBSE Class 8 Social Science Sample Paper Set C available in multiple languages

Yes, mock CBSE Class 8 Social Science Sample Paper Set C are available in multiple languages, including English, Hindi