CBSE Class 12 Biology Sample Paper 2010 Set A

Read and download PDF of CBSE Class 12 Biology Sample Paper 2010 Set A designed as per the latest curriculum and examination pattern for Class 12 issued by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. The latest Class 12 Biology Sample Papers have been provided with solutions so that the students can solve these practice papers and then compare their answers. This will help them to identify mistakes and improvement areas in Biology Class 12 which they need to study more to get better marks in Class 12 exams. After solving these guess papers also refer to solved Class 12 Biology Question Papers available on our website to build strong understanding of the subject

Sample Paper for Class 12 Biology Pdf

Students can refer to the below Class 12 Biology Sample Paper designed to help students understand the pattern of questions that will be asked in Class 12 exams. Please download CBSE Class 12 Biology Sample Paper 2010 Set A

Biology Class 12 Sample Paper

 Section - A

1. The turkey usually produces females for several generations. How is this possible?

2. The meiocyte of an onion plant contains 32 chromosomes. Workout the number of chromosomes found in its endosperm.

3. The gene I that controls the ABO blood grouping in human beings has three alleles IA, IB and i.

(a) How many different genotypes are likely to be present in the human population ?

(b) Also, how many phenotypes are possibly present ?

4. Pick out the ancestral line of Cycads from the list given below - Ferns, herbaceous lycopods, seed ferns, and horsetails.

5. Name the source of smack. Mention one way in which it affects the human body.

6. In plants, how is alien DNA introduced into the host cell ?

7. Mr. Galgotia eats curd / yoghurt. In this case, which trophic level will he occupy?

8. In the absence of the predators, which curve, a) or (b) would appropriately depict the prey population ? 

CBSE Class 12 Biology Sample Paper 2010 1

Section - B
CBSE Class 12 Biology Sample Paper 2010 2
Identify the type of flower shown in A and B. Which out of the two will produce an assured seed set.
10. Fed up of a large family, a couple wanted to adopt a terminal method of contraception. Describe the process conducted by the doctor in either of the cases (male / female partner)
A mother of a one year old daughter wanted to space her second child. Her doctor suggested CuT.Explain its contraceptive actions.
11. The human male and female bird are heterogametic while the human female and male bird are homogametic. Why are they called so?
12. What are interferons. Explain its role in providing immunity. Also name the kind of immunity provided by it.
13. What is allergy? Name the antibody responsible for it. Also mention two chemicals released from the mast cells during an allergic reaction.
14. Give reason -
(a) Bottled fruit juices bought from the market are clearer as compared to those made at home.
(b) Large holes are found in “Swiss cheese”.
15. In which parts of the body of the hosts do the following events in the life cycle of Plasmodium take place. Along with the body parts name the hosts too -
(i) Fetilisation
(ii) Development of gametocytes
(iii) Release of sporozoites

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CBSE Class 12 Biology Sample Paper 2010 Set A

We hope you liked the above provided CBSE Class 12 Biology Sample Paper 2010 Set A. To get an understanding of the type of questions which were asked in exams, it is important for Class 12 students to understand the way sample Paper are set by teachers. Students can download the Sample Paper for Class 12 Biology which will be coming in the exams so that you can practise them and solve all types of questions that can be asked in exams. By doing CBSE Class 12 Biology Sample Paper 2010 Set A you will understand the regular questions and MCQ questions for Class 12 Biology which are always asked. You can download CBSE Class 12 Biology Sample Paper and Class 12 Biology Question Papers in PDF. You should attempt all the last year question paper for Class 12 and Class 12 Biology MCQ Test in examination conditions at home and then compare their answers with the solutions provided by our teachers.

Where can I download CBSE Class 12 Biology Sample Paper 2010 Set A in Pdf

You can download CBSE Class 12 Biology Sample Paper 2010 Set A from

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Regular practice of sample question paper given on studiestoday for CBSE Class 12 Biology Sample Paper 2010 Set A can help you to score better marks in exams

Are there any websites that offer free CBSE Class 12 Biology Sample Paper 2010 Set A

Yes, provides all latest CBSE Class 12 Biology Sample Papers with answers based on the latest format issued for current academic session

Are mock CBSE Class 12 Biology Sample Paper 2010 Set A available in multiple languages

Yes, mock CBSE Class 12 Biology Sample Paper 2010 Set A are available in multiple languages, including English, Hindi