Read and download PDF of CUET Accountancy Sample Paper Set D designed as per the latest curriculum and examination pattern for CUET issued by CUET, NCERT and KVS. The latest CUET Accountancy Sample Papers have been provided with solutions so that the students can solve these practice papers and then compare their answers. This will help them to identify mistakes and improvement areas in Accountancy CUET which they need to study more to get better marks in CUET exams. After solving these guess papers also refer to solved CUET Accountancy Question Papers available on our website to build strong understanding of the subject
Sample Paper for CUET Accountancy Pdf
Students can refer to the below CUET Accountancy Sample Paper designed to help students understand the pattern of questions that will be asked in CUET exams. Please download CUET Accountancy Sample Paper Set D
Accountancy CUET Sample Paper
Question: Who are accountable to all the stakeholders in case of a NPO?
a) Partners
b) Government
c) Trustees
d) Investors
Answer: c
Question: Which of the following acts are applicable to the partnership concern?
a) Indian Partnership Act, 1932
b) Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008
c) Companies Act, 2013
d) A & B
Answer: d
Question: A and B are partners in a firm in ratio 3:2. They admitted C for 20% share in profits and losses. What shall be the new PSR?
a) 3:2:2
b) 6:5:3
c) 12:8:5
d) 5:3:2
Answer: c
Question: Which of the following amount is not due to retiring partner?
a) His share in assets
b) His credit balance of capital
c) His share of goodwill
d) His remuneration
Answer: a
Question: In how many days the company has to get minimum subscription from the date of the issue of the prospectus?
a) 60 days
b) 90 days
c) 120 days
d) 180 days
Answer: c
Question: Ramesh paid Rs. 120 for a Rs. 100 share. What is the difference called?
a) Reserve capital
b) Share premium
c) Premium for goodwill
d) Market value
Answer: b
Question: What is the situation called while the existing partnership is dissolved, the firm may continue under the same name if the partners so decide?
a) Retirement of partner
b) Dissolution of firm
c) Dissolution of partnership
d) Death of partner
Answer: c
Question: In which of the following, can securities premium is utilized for?
a) Writing off expenses on issue of debentures
b) Payment of dividend distribution tax
c) Payment of fees to Registrar of Companies
d) For increasing the authorized share capital of the company
Answer: a
Question: After which of the following event, no business can be transacted?
a) Admission of a partner
b) Retirement of a partner
c) Death of a partner
d) Dissolution of partnership firm
Answer: d
Question: ABC limited is registered with share capital of Rs. 100000 divided into equity shares of Rs. 10 each. It issued 9000 shares to public at par at Rs. 3 on application, Rs. 3 on allotment and balance on 2 calls. The public subscribed for 7500 shares. Till 31st March 2021, only first call is made. All the shareholders had paid up except Mr. Ramesh who holds 500 shares who did not pay the call money. What is ABC Ltd.’s issued share capital?
a) Rs. 100000
b) Rs. 30000
c) Rs. 90000
d) Rs. 78000
Answer: c
Question: Which of the following activities cannot be transacted after dissolution of firm?
a) Selling firm’s assets
b) Paying liabilities
c) Discharging claims of the partners
d) Admission of partner
Answer: d
Question: ABC limited is registered with share capital of Rs. 100000 divided into equity shares of Rs.
10 each. It issued 9000 shares to public at par at Rs. 3 on application, Rs. 3 on allotment and balance on 2 calls. The public subscribed for 7500 shares. Till 31st March 2021, only first call is made. All the shareholders had paid up except Mr. Ramesh who holds 500 shares who did not pay the call money. What is ABC Ltd.’s called up share capital?
a) Rs. 100000
b) Rs. 60000
c) Rs. 75000
d) Rs. 78000
Answer: b
Question: ABC & Co. dissolved on 24/12/2020 in accordance with contract between the partners. What is this type of dissolution called?
a) Dissolution by agreement
b) Compulsory Dissolution
c) Dissolution by court
d) On happening of a certain event
Answer: a
Question: What is the amount received on application?
a) 6000000
b) 4000000
c) 4800000
d) 4600000
Answer: a
Question: ABC & Co. dissolved on 24/12/2020 because Mr. A, partner of the firm was declared insolvent. What is this type of dissolution called?
a) Dissolution by agreement
b) Compulsory Dissolution
c) Dissolution by court
d) On happening of a certain event
Answer: b
Question: What is the amount refunded to the shareholders?
a) 10 lac
b) 12 lac
c) 15 lac
d) 20 lac
Answer: b
Question: ABC & Co. dissolved on 24/12/2020 because Mr. A (partner) who is the citizen of China, which becomes an alien enemy of India. What is this type of dissolution called?
a) Dissolution by agreement
b) Compulsory Dissolution
c) Dissolution by court
d) On happening of a certain event
Answer: b
Question: What is the total amount paid by Sohan?
a) 420000
b) 504000
c) 500000
d) 496000
Answer: a
Question: ABC & Co. dissolved on 24/12/2020 because the firm’s venture has been completed. What is this type of dissolution called?
a) Dissolution by agreement
b) Compulsory Dissolution
c) Dissolution by court
d) On happening of a certain event
Answer: d
Question: What is the amount transferred to share forfeiture account for Mohan’s shares?
a) 96000
b) 104000
c) 108000
d) 120000
Answer: a
Question: ABC & Co. dissolved on 24/12/2020 because Mr. A, the partner of the firm, died and remaining partners are no longer interested to run the firm. What is this type of dissolution called?
a) Dissolution by agreement
b) Compulsory Dissolution
c) Dissolution by court
d) On happening of a certain event
Answer: d
Question: What is the net balance in share capital account?
a) 2 cr
b) 1.5 cr
c) 1.98 cr
d) 2.05 cr
Answer: c
Question: ABC & Co. dissolved on 24/12/2020 because Mr. A, the partner of the firm, gave his intentions of seeking dissolution to other partners in writing. What is this type of dissolution called?
a) Dissolution by agreement
b) Compulsory Dissolution
c) Dissolution by notice
d) On happening of a certain event
Answer: c
Question: By what amount is the share capital debited at the time of forfeiture of shares?
a) Paid up share capital
b) Called up share capital
c) Share premium money
d) Profit on share forfeiture
Answer: b
Question: What is the situation called when the assets are sold and liabilities are paid off?
a) Retirement of partner
b) Dissolution of firm
c) Dissolution of partnership
d) Death of partner
Answer: b
Question: What is the situation called the economic relationship between the partners come to an end?
a) Retirement of partner
b) Dissolution of firm
c) Dissolution of partnership
d) Death of partner
Answer: b
Question: Under which head of balance sheet “Securities Premium Account? is shown as per Schedule III of Companies Act 2013?
a) Reserve and Surplus
b) Non current Liabilities
c) Deferred Liabilities
d) Share capital
Answer: a
Question: How should be the proceeds from the assets be utilised firstly as per section 48 of Partnership Act 1932?
a) For paying debts to third parties
b) For paying debts advanced through unsecured loans
c) For paying advances lent by partners
d) For paying partner’s capital
Answer: a
Question: What are preliminary expenses?
a) Expenses incurred before incorporation of the company
b) Expenses incurred before issue of debentures
c) Expenses relating to equity share capital incurred till 1 year from the date of incorporation
d) Expenses relating to equity share capital incurred till 3 years from the date of incorporation
Answer: a
Question: How are dissolution expenses of the firm recorded at the time of dissolution of the firm?
a) Realisation a/c – dr
To bank account
b) Dissolution expenses – dr
To bank account
c) P&L suspense a/c – dr
To bank account
d) Such expenses are directly borne by partners in individual capacities
Answer: a
Question: Who has usually the authority to forfeit the shares of defaulting shareholders after serving proper notice as per AOA?
a) Majority shareholder
b) Directors
c) Registrar of Companies
d) Creditors
Answer: b
Question: The debtors were having balance of Rs. 25000 on the date of dissolution. Debtors realised 90% only and Rs.1,200 were recovered for bad debts written-off last year. What amount shall be taken in the realisation account?
a) 22500
b) 25000
c) 26200
d) 23700
Answer: d
Question: Whom of the following is generally treated as creditor of the company?
a) Directors
b) Preference Shareholders
c) Equity Shareholders
d) Debenture holders
Answer: d
Question: What amount is taken to realisation account when assets are sold in open market?
a) Market value
b) Realisable value
c) Net book value
d) Purchase value
Answer: b
Question: Which type of company allows that if a member has paid the full amount of the shares, there is no liability on his part whatsoever may be for the debts of the company?
a) Company limited by guarantee
b) Company limited by shares
c) Unlimited company
d) Either a or b
Answer: b
Question: How much is the premium amount if Ramesh paid Rs. 150 for a Rs. 100 share?
a) Rs. 50
b) Rs. 100
c) Rs. 150
d) Rs. 250
Answer: a
Question: What entry is passed when a creditor accepts an asset whose value is more than the due amount, he/she pay cash to the firm for the difference?
a) Bank a/c – dr
To creditor account
b) Bank a/c – dr
To revaluation account
c) Bank account – dr
To realisation account
d) Bank account – dr
To Partner’s capital account
Answer: c
Question: Which of the following is a feature of company form of business?
a) Same legal entity
b) Unlimited liability
c) Body corporate
d) Non transferability of shares
Answer: c
Question: Anubha looked after the dissolution work for remuneration of Rs. 8,500 and agreed to bear dissolution expenses upto Rs. 6,000. Actual expenses paid by her were Rs. 7,600. What amount shall be taken to realisation account?
a) 6000
b) 14500
c) 7600
d) 10100
Answer: d
Question: Which of the following feature of company allows that members may come and go but the company continues?
a) Separate Legal entity
b) Perpetual succession
c) Transferability of Shares
d) Body Corporate
Answer: b
Question: There was an unrecorded asset of Rs. 2500, which was taken over by Rita at Rs. 2000. Which account shall be taken to realisation account for above transaction?
a) Asset account
b) Unrecorded asset account
c) Partner’s capital account
d) Goodwill account
Answer: c
Question: ABC Limited wants to drag EFG Technologies to the court for breach of contract. Which feature of company form of business allows ABC Limited to pursue such an event?
a) Common seal
b) Perpetual succession
c) Separate legal entity
d) Sue or be sued
Answer: d
Question: There was an unrecorded asset of Rs. 2500, which was taken over by Rita at Rs. 2000. What amount shall be taken to realisation account?
a) Rs. 500
b) Rs. 2000
c) Rs. 2500
d) Rs. 4500
Answer: b
Question: The paid up share capital should not be more than in case of OPC?
a) 25 lac
b) 50 lac
c) 1 crore
d) 5 crore
Answer: b
Question: Vibha was appointed to look after the dissolution work for which she was allowed a remuneration of Rs. 14,000. She agreed to take over investment of the book value of Rs. 13,000 towards payment of her remuneration. Investments have already been transferred to realisation Account. For what amount the entry shall be posted to realisation account?
a) 14000
b) 13000
c) 1000
d) No entry
Answer: d
Question: The average turnover of 3 years should not be more than crores in case of OPC?
a) 1 crore
b) 2 crore
c) 5 crore
d) 10 crore
Answer: b
Question: Which of the following account is transferred to realisation account?
a) Cash account
b) Debit balance of partner’s current account
c) Fictitious assets account
d) Fixed assets account
Answer: d
Question: The average turnover of years should not be more than 2 crores in case of OPC?
a) 2 years
b) 3 years
c) 5 years
d) 10 years
Answer: b
Question: What are shareholders of the company regarded as?
a) Management of the company
b) Creditors of the company
c) Employees of the company
d) Owners of the company
Answer: d
Question: How can partners desire to disclose the assets and liabilities at old value without opening a revaluation account?
a) Adjusting through partner’s capital accounts directly
b) Taking the charge through P&L account
c) It cannot be done without opening a revaluation account
d) By taking special permission from Registrar of Firms
Answer: a
How to download CUET Accountancy Sample Paper Set D in PDF?
We hope you liked the above provided CUET Accountancy Sample Paper Set D. To get an understanding of the type of questions which were asked in exams, it is important for CUET students to understand the way sample Paper are set by teachers. Students can download the Sample Paper for CUET Accountancy which will be coming in the exams so that you can practise them and solve all types of questions that can be asked in exams. By doing CUET Accountancy Sample Paper Set D you will understand the regular questions and MCQ questions for CUET Accountancy which are always asked. You can download CUET CUET Accountancy Sample Paper and CUET Accountancy Question Papers in PDF. You should attempt all the last year question paper for CUET and CUET Accountancy MCQ Test in examination conditions at home and then compare their answers with the solutions provided by our teachers.
Why should you solve CUET Accountancy Sample Paper Set D?
a) This is new Set from CUET Accountancy Sample Papers and has questions which are different from other sets.
b) As you will do more sets and also refer to CUET Accountancy Question Papers, then it will help you understand the type of questions asked in exams.
d) Compare your score of each set to understand your weak areas in CUET Accountancy.
e) Solving this paper which also has MCQ questions for CUET Accountancy will make you faster and better at answering questions.
What should you do after solving CUET Accountancy Sample Paper Set D?
a) Check your answers with the solutions given in the downloaded sample paper in PDF of CUET Accountancy.
b) CUET students should try to find where you made mistakes and learn from them.
c) If a question was hard, read the concepts in NCERT book for CUET Accountancy and then practice it again to get better.
d) Solve more sets of sample papers for CUET Accountancy to improve even more.
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