Read and download CBSE Class 12 English Elective Question Paper 2014 designed as per the latest question paper pattern and Class 12 examination guidelines issued by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. The past year Question Papers for Class 12 English have been provided with solutions which will help students to assess their performance and find out topics in English Class 12 which they need to improve to get better marks in Class 12 exams. After solving these last year papers also refer to solved Sample Papers for Class 12 English available on our website to build strong understanding of the subject
English Question Paper Class 12
Students can refer to the below Class 12 English Question Paper designed to help students understand the pattern of questions that will be asked in Class 12 exams. Please download CBSE Class 12 English Elective Question Paper 2014
English Class 12 Question Paper
CBSE Class 12 English Elective Question Paper 2014. Students can download the last year question papers using the link below. Free download of examination question papers with solutions. Last 10 year question papers should be practised to get better marks in examinations.
1. (a) Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow :
One morning, about half-way between my front gate and the tram track, I noticed two little boys playing in the garden of the more modest cottages. They were both very little boys, one was four years old perhaps, the other five. The bigger of the two was a sturdy youngster, very dark, with a mat of coarse hair on his head and coal-black eyes. He was definitely a little Jamaican – a strong little Jamaican. The other little fellow was smaller, but also sturdy – he was white, with hazel eyes and light-brown hair. Both were dressed in blue shirts and khaki pants. They wore no shoes and their feet were muddy. They were not conscious of my standing there, watching them : they played on. The little white boy walked authoritatively up and down, and every now and then shouted at his bigger playmate. The brown boy shuffled along quietly behind him and did what he was told.
‘Pick up that stick !’ The dark boy picked it up.
‘Jump into the flowers !’ The dark boy jumped.
‘Get me some water !’ The dark boy ran inside. The white boy sat down on the lawn.
I was amazed. Here before my eyes, a white baby – for they were little more than babies – was commanding his will upon a black baby. And the black baby submitted. I puzzled within myself as I went down the road.
Was it that even as a boy he sensed that in his own country he would be at the white man’s beck and call ? Could he, even at his age, tell the difference between himself and the white boy ? And did the little white youngster, so young, such a baby, realize that he would grow to dominate the black man ?
I could not bring myself to believe such a thing, and yet, with my own eyes I had seen a little dark boy take orders from a little white boy – a little white boy, obviously his social equal, and younger and smaller. Were we, as a race, really inferior ? So inferior that even in our infancy we realized our deficiencies, and accepted our position as the white man’s servant. For a whole day, I puzzled over this problem.
The next morning, the boys were there again, and a man was standing at the gate watching them. I stopped and looked, just to see what the white boy was making his little servant do. To my utter astonishment, the little dark boy was striding imperiously up and down the lawn, while the white youngster walked abjectly behind him.
‘Get me a banana !’
The little white boy ran into the house and reappeared shortly with a banana.
‘Peel it for me !’
The little white boy peeled the banana and handed it to his dark master.I saw it now. It was indeed a game, a game I had played as a child. Each boy took it in turn every alternate day to be the boss, the other, the slave.I smiled as I remembered. I looked at the man standing by the gate. He was a white man. I remembered what I had thought yesterday. He, no doubt, I thought to myself, was wondering if the black race is superior to the white. I laughed gently to myself. How silly grown-ups are ! And yet how clever we are, how wonderfully able we are to assign deep motives to childish actions ! This man, I thought to myself, will puzzle all day on whether the blacks will eventually rise and rule the world. I will save him his puzzle. I will explain it to him. I went across to him.
‘I know what you’re thinking,’ I said. ‘You’re thinking that may be the black race is superior to the white, because you just saw the little dark youngster on the lawn ordering the little white boy around. Don’t think that; it’s a game they play. Alternate days one is boss, the other, servant. It is a grand game. Yesterday, I saw the little white boy bossing the dark one and I worried all day over the dark boy’s realization of his inferiority so young in life ! We are silly, we grown-ups, aren’t we ?’
The man was surprised at my outburst. He looked at me smiling.
‘I know all about the game,’ he said. ‘The boys are brothers, my sons.’ He pointed to a handsome brown woman on the verandah who had just come out to call in the children. ‘That’s my wife,’ he said.I smiled. My spirit laughed within me. This is Jamaica, I said in my heart, this is my country, my people.
(i) What difference did the narrator notice between the two boys whom he saw one morning ?
(ii) When the narrator saw the boys the first time, what questions cropped up in his mind ?
(iii) What surprised the narrator when he saw the two boys engaged in their game the next morning ?
(iv) What did the narrator realize then ?
(v) Why did the narrator go to talk to the white man who was standing at the gate watching the two boys ?
(vi) What surprise did the narrator get from his encounter with the white man ?
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CBSE Class 12 English Elective Question Paper 2014
We hope you liked the above provided CBSE Class 12 English Elective Question Paper 2014. To get an understanding of the type of questions which were asked in previous year exams, it is important for Class 12 students to refer to CBSE Class 12 English Elective Question Paper 2014 that we have provided above. Students can download all the Question Papers for Class 12 English which were issued in the exams so that you can practise them and solve all types of questions which have been asked till now. By doing all CBSE Class 12 English Elective Question Paper 2014 PYP (previous year papers) you will understand the regular questions and MCQ questions for Class 12 English which are always asked and learn them so that you can get full marks in those questions. You can download CBSE Class 12 English Previous Year Question Papers and Class 12 English Sample Papers in PDF. You should attempt all the last year question paper for Class 12 and Class 12 English MCQ Test in examination conditions at home and then compare their answers with the solutions provided by our teachers.
Importance of solving CBSE Class 12 English Elective Question Paper 2014
By regularly practicing CBSE Class 12 English Elective Question Paper 2014 students will be able to improve marks in Class 12 English exams. These question papers provide a very clear idea about the exam and paper structure, marking scheme, and frequently asked questions by teachers. By solving CBSE Class 12 English Elective Question Paper 2014, students can improve their time management skills and also learn to answer English questions correctly within the Class 12 exam duration. Apart from learning concepts and solving the CBSE Class 12 English Question Paper will help you to boost your practical experience and also build confidence to face the actual examination.
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Downloading the CBSE Class 12 English Elective Question Paper 2014 in PDF format will help you to read these papers anytime and anywhere. These question papers with answers act as a reliable tool to revise key concepts, practice numerical problems, and understand the correct approach to answer each question. By attempting the CBSE Class 12 English Elective Question Paper 2014, you can assess your preparation level and identify weak areas on which you have to focus upon. Along with these question papers our teachers say that you should solve Sample Papers for Class 12 English to improve overall preparation.
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