Read and download CBSE Class 11 Computer Science Question Paper Set L Solved designed as per the latest question paper pattern and Class 11 examination guidelines issued by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. The past year Question Papers for Class 11 Computer Science have been provided with solutions which will help students to assess their performance and find out topics in Computer Science Class 11 which they need to improve to get better marks in Class 11 exams. After solving these last year papers also refer to solved Sample Papers for Class 11 Computer Science available on our website to build strong understanding of the subject
Computer Science Question Paper Class 11
Students can refer to the below Class 11 Computer Science Question Paper designed to help students understand the pattern of questions that will be asked in Class 11 exams. Please download CBSE Class 11 Computer Science Question Paper Set L Solved
Computer Science Class 11 Question Paper
1. a. What is a Variable? What is the difference between signed and unsigned data types?
b. What is integral promotion? What will be the result of 7%4 & 7.2%3.1?
c. What output the following will produce :
int a=10;
int i=5;
d. Name the type of errors in the following situations :
(a) A variable used before its initialization
(b) Divide by zero error
(c) Use of = instead of == in if statement
(d) Statement missing semicolon
2. a. Give the header files to which the following in-built functions belong to :
(i) isdigit() (ii) strcpy()
b. Write one difference each for the following :
i. puts( ) and cout statement.
ii. strlen( ) and strcmp( )
c. Predict the output of the following C++ Program assume all the required header files are included
void main()
for(int n1=0; n1<2;++n1)
for(int n2=1;n2<=3;n2+=2)
d. Predict the output of the following C++ Program when the input is
(a) 'M' (b) 'K' (c) 'A' (d) 'X' (Assume all required header files are included)
void main()
{ char ch;
{ case 'M': cout<<"Merit Award"<<endl;
case 'A': cout<<"Annual Award"<<endl;
case 'K': cout<<"Khimji Award"<<endl;
case 'E': cout<<"Athletic Award"<<endl;
default : cout<<"Error Enter correct code !!!";
e. Identify and correct the errors in the following C++ code assume all required header files are included :
void main()
{int num=4;
{ ans=*num;
} while(num<10)
f. Write a C++ Program to generate the following pattern :
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4
1 2 3
1 2
g. Write a C++ program to find and print the sum of digits of a number entered by the user.
3.a. Answer the following questions as instructed:
(i) Find the number of elements and number of bytes required for the multidimensional array X[5][20] of double type .
(ii) Assign the value 88 to 5th element of the array A[10].
b. Rewrite the following program after removing all the errors, underline each correction.
void main()
{ int sum[ 2][ ];
int total=3.5;
sum[2][3]= {1,2,3,4,7,8};
for(int i=0;i<2;i++)
for( j=0;j<=3;i++)
{ total=total+sum;
cout<<sum[j]; }
c. Find out the output for the following program assume all required header files are included :
void main()
{ int a[5]= {2,10,15,20,25};
int i, j, k;
i = ++a[0] ;
j= a[2]++;
k= a[i];
for(int x=0;x<5;x+=2)
d. Predict the output for the following program assume all the required header files are included:
void main()
{ char s[]="#47 NaTiOnaL Day#";
int x;
for(int i=0;i<x;++i)
{ if (isdigit(s[i]))
else if(isalpha(s[i]))
{if (islower(s[i]))
s[i]='@'; }
cout<<"\n Now the String is : "<<s;
4 a. Write a program in C++ which accepts a 2D array of integers and its size and displays the elements of middle row and the elements of middle column [Assuming the 2D Array to be a square matrix with odd dimension i.e. 3x3, 5x5, 7x7 etc...] Example, if the array contents is
3 5 4
7 6 9
2 1 8
Output should be :
Middle Row : 7 6 9
Middle column : 5 6 1
b. Write a program to accept an integer array A[10] from the user and swap the elements of every even location with its following odd location and display it.
For example: if the content of the array is
The content of the array become
c. Write a program to input 5 strings and sort the strings in the ascending order.
d. Write a program to read a string str. Count and display number of words in the string.
5 a. What is a structure? How do you access structure members explain with an example.
b. Define a structure EMPREC that stores information about an employee such as empno (long int), name (20 characters), address (30 characters), salary (float) and jod (date). Where jod stores information of type date with members day (integer), month (integer) and year (integer). Declare a variable emp and initialize it with valid values.
c. Rewrite the corrected code for the following program underline each correction :
void main()
structure club{ int mem no;
char memname[20];
char memtype[ ]="LIG";
club per1,per2;
cout<<"\n Enter the details";
per1=per2; //assign values of per1 to per2
d. Predict the output for the following program assume all the required header files are included:
void main()
struct box { int x,y,z; };
box T={10,20,5},T1;
int Step=5;
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CBSE Class 11 Computer Science Question Paper Set L Solved
We hope you liked the above provided CBSE Class 11 Computer Science Question Paper Set L Solved. To get an understanding of the type of questions which were asked in previous year exams, it is important for Class 11 students to refer to CBSE Class 11 Computer Science Question Paper Set L Solved that we have provided above. Students can download all the Question Papers for Class 11 Computer Science which were issued in the exams so that you can practise them and solve all types of questions which have been asked till now. By doing all CBSE Class 11 Computer Science Question Paper Set L Solved PYP (previous year papers) you will understand the regular questions and MCQ questions for Class 11 Computer Science which are always asked and learn them so that you can get full marks in those questions. You can download CBSE Class 11 Computer Science Previous Year Question Papers and Class 11 Computer Science Sample Papers in PDF. You should attempt all the last year question paper for Class 11 and Class 11 Computer Science MCQ Test in examination conditions at home and then compare their answers with the solutions provided by our teachers.
Importance of solving CBSE Class 11 Computer Science Question Paper Set L Solved
By regularly practicing CBSE Class 11 Computer Science Question Paper Set L Solved students will be able to improve marks in Class 11 Computer Science exams. These question papers provide a very clear idea about the exam and paper structure, marking scheme, and frequently asked questions by teachers. By solving CBSE Class 11 Computer Science Question Paper Set L Solved, students can improve their time management skills and also learn to answer Computer Science questions correctly within the Class 11 exam duration. Apart from learning concepts and solving the CBSE Class 11 Computer Science Question Paper will help you to boost your practical experience and also build confidence to face the actual examination.
Benefits of downloading CBSE Class 11 Computer Science Question Papers in PDF
Downloading the CBSE Class 11 Computer Science Question Paper Set L Solved in PDF format will help you to read these papers anytime and anywhere. These question papers with answers act as a reliable tool to revise key concepts, practice numerical problems, and understand the correct approach to answer each question. By attempting the CBSE Class 11 Computer Science Question Paper Set L Solved, you can assess your preparation level and identify weak areas on which you have to focus upon. Along with these question papers our teachers say that you should solve Sample Papers for Class 11 Computer Science to improve overall preparation.
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