CBSE Class 5 Science Reproduction In Plants Worksheet

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 5 Science Reproduction In Plants Worksheet. Students and teachers of Class 5 Science can get free printable Worksheets for Class 5 Science Reproduction In Plants in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 5 students should practice questions and answers given here for Science in Class 5 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 5 Science Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Science books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests

Worksheet for Class 5 Science Reproduction In Plants

Class 5 Science students should download to the following Reproduction In Plants Class 5 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 5 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 5 Science Worksheet for Reproduction In Plants

I. Fill in the blanks :

1. Roots of some plants not only store food but also produce new plants. They are known as _________________.

2. Seeds which have only one cotyledon are known as _______________.

3. Seeds which have two cotyledons are known as _______________.

4. The spot where the seed is attached to the plant is known as _______________.

5. The process of spreading seed to different places is called _______________.

6. The practice of growing crops on a large scale for food or other purpose is termed as _______________.

7. The growth of tissues or cells separated from the organism is known as _______________.

8. The chemicals used to destroy harmful insects on plants are called _______________.

9. The baby plant is also known as _______________.

10. _______________ is a bulb shaped underground stem.

II. Name the following :

1. Two plants that reproduce from spore :

_______________________ ____________________

2. Two underground stems

_______________________ ____________________

3. Two plants that reproduce by stem cuttings

_______________________ ____________________

4. Two plants that reproduce by roots

_______________________ ____________________

5. Two plants that reproduce by leaves

_______________________ ____________________

6. Two example of monocotyledonous seeds

_______________________ ____________________

7. Two examples of dicotyledonous seeds

_______________________ ____________________

8. Two plants that disperse their seed by wind

_______________________ ____________________

9. Two plants that disperse their seeds by explosion

_______________________ ____________________

10. Two plants that disperse their seeds by water.

_______________________ ____________________


1. ....................... is a process by which new plants are grower from the parents plant.

2. Plant like ferns, mushroams and moulds reproduce from ....................... 

3. Ginger also grows from the ....................... on the ginger stem.

4. ....................... is a bulb - shaped underground stem.

5. The roots which not only store food in them but also produce new planets are known as ....................... roots.

6. The seed which has two cotyledons is known as ....................... 

7. The baby plant is also known as ....................... 

8. The spot where the seed is attached to the plant is known as ....................... 

9. The seeds which has only one cotyledon is known as ....................... seeds.

10. Same kind of plants when grown at a particular region at a particular time are known as ....................... 

11. In Jasmine plant we can grow new plant ....................... by process.

12. The process of spreading seeds to different places is called ....................... 


1. Two examples of monocotyledons

a) ....................... 

b) ....................... 

2. Two examples of Di cotyledons

a) ....................... 

b) ....................... 

Rreproduction in plants

ACTIVITY- 4 : Nursery Visit
Question 1- What happens in regeneration method of reproduction?
Answer- The ability of living things to repair themselves or grow lost parts is called regeneration.
Question 2- Give two examples of organisms reproducing through binary fission.
Answer- Algae and fungi.
Question 1- Fill In The Blanks.
(i). Anther and filament form the stamen of a flower.
(ii). In sexual reproduction seeds are formed.
(iii). Flowers having both stamens and pistil are called bisexual flowers.
(iv). Vegetative propagation is an asexual mode of reproduction.
Question 2- Write True Or False.
(i). Yeast reproduces by asexual and sexual means. (False)
(ii). Pollen grains are the male gametes of a flower. (True)
(iii). Ginger is a stem which bears nodes and internodes. (True)
(iv). Cutting and grafting are natural means of reproduction. (False)
Question 3- Match Column ‘A’ with Column ‘B’ :-

 7th.sci.eng.Aprl.May.New 12

Question 4- Very Short Answer Type Questions.
(i) In which mode of reproduction new plants are formed from only one parent?
Answer- Asexual reproduction.
(ii) Which part of the flower develops into fruit?
Answer- Ovary.
(iii) How does yeast multiply?
Answer- With budding.
(iv) Give one example where air helps in pollination.
Answer- The pollen grains of grass like plants being light are carried by air from anther to stigma for pollination. 
(v) Name the reproductive parts of a flower.
Answer- Stamen (male part) – Anther and filament,Pistil (female part) – Stigma, style and ovary. 
Question 5- Short Answer Type Questions.
(i) Name different methods of asexual reproduction in plants.
Answer- Binary fission, budding, fragmentation, spore formation, regeneration and vegetative propagation.
(ii) What is the artificial propagation in plants?
Answer- Some plants are grown by cutting, layering, grafting and tissue culture. These are artificial methods of propagation on plants.
(iii) What is tissue culture technique or micro propagation?
Answer- In tissue culture a mass of dividing cells (callus) is grown in a suitable medium containing necessary nutrients and hormones. New plants are grown from these plantlets. 
(iv) Describe advantages of seed dispersal.
Answer- Dispersal of seeds ensures that the plants are dispersed over wide areas. 
(v) What is germination? What are the conditions needed for germination?
Answer- On reaching the moist soil, the seed swells up by imbibing water. The embryo starts germinating. Its radical grows down into the soil and forms the root. The plumule grows upward in the air, develops leaves and forms the shoot of the young plant. 
Question 6- Long Answer Type Questions. 
(i) Describe different kinds of asexual reproduction with examples.
(1) Vegetative propagation: It is a type of asexual reproduction in which new plants are produced from roots, stems, leaves and buds. For example new rose plant is grown by cutting of stem.
(2) Budding: In some plants like Hydra, new plant is formed from an outgrowth (bud) on main plant body.
(3) Spore formation: Bread mould (Rhizopus), mosses and ferns reproduce by spore formation. Spores are tiny spherical asexual reproductive bodies covered by thick wall which protect the spore in unfavorable conditions.
(4) Fragmentation: In this process, a new organism is developed from the fragments (small pieces) of the parent body. Example: Spirogyra (algae) breaks up into two or more fragments. These fragments or pieces grow into new individuals 
(ii) Explain different ways with examples in which plants can be reproduced vegetatively by artificial means.
(1) Cutting- Plants like rose, sugarcane are grown by stem or root cuttings. Cuttings are short lengths of stem with nodes which are placed in soil.
(2) Layering- In plants like jasmine and strawberry lower branch of the stem is bent and buried under the soil to grow new roots from the node of buried stem. When roots grow new plant can be cut from the parent plant and planted as a new independent plant.
(3) Grafting- In grafting we take stock (root portion) and scion (stem portion) from two desired plants. Grafting ends of stock and scion are obliquely cut, placed face to face, tied tightly and wrapped. Hence we get a plant with desired qualities. Examples- plum and mango.
(4) Tissue culture- In tissue culture a mass of dividing cells (callus) is grown in a suitable medium containing necessary nutrients and hormones. New plants are grown from these plantlets. Examples: sugarcane and potatoes. 
(iii) What is pollination? What are two types of pollination? Discuss different agents of pollination with examples.
Answer- Pollination- Transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma is called pollination.
Types of pollination- (1) Self-Pollination, (2) Cross-Pollination.
Agents of pollination-
(1) By Air- The pollen grains of grass like plants being light are carried by air from anther to stigma .
(2) By Water- Some aquatic plants like Hydrilla have long pollen grains with water resistance layer (exine) on them. So these pollen grains transfer from anther to stigma with help of water flow.
(3) By insects- Insects get attracted to beautiful blooms and fragrance of flowers and transport pollen grains. 
(iv) Explain the process of fertilization.
Answer- After pollination, pollen grain develops a pollen tube which passes through style to the ovule. Pollen tube carries male gametes to the ovule. Through micropyle, it enters in the ovule where one male gamete fuses with female gamete to form zygote. This process of fusion of male and female gamete is called fertilization. 
(v) List the different steps in formation of seeds and fruits.
Answer- After fertilization ovary grows into fruit. Other parts of flower fall off. The ovules develop into seed.A seed is a mature ovule that contains the embryo and stored food. It is enclosed by a protective covering called seed coat. 
(vi) What is dispersal? Explain with examples the different ways in which seeds get dispersed.
Answer- Transfer of seeds from one place to other by air, water or animals is known as dispersal.
(a) Dispersal by animals – Seeds dispersed by animals have spines and hooks which cling to the bodies of animals and are carried to long distances as in Xanthium and Urena. 
(b) Dispersal by wind - Seeds of sunflower, grass and maple are usually dry and light in weight, so blown to far away places by wind. 
(c) Dispersal by water – The fruits and seeds of plants like water lily, lotus and coconut float on water surface and are carried to far off places by water current. 
(d) Dispersal by explosion – Fruits and seeds of balsam, castor burst with sudden jerks and get scattered away from their parent body


1. .................... is a process by which new plants are growen from the parent plant.

2. Plant like ferns, mushrooms and moulds reproduce from ....................

3. Ginger also grows from the .................... on the ginger stem.

4. .................... is a bulb - shaped underground stem.

5. The roots which not only store food in them but also produce new plan 'ts are known as .................... roots.

6. The seed which has two cotyledons is known as ....................

7. The baby plant is also known as ....................

8. The spot where the seed is attached to the plant is known as ....................

9. The seeds which has only one cotyledon is known as .................... seeds.

10. Same kind of plants when grown at a particular region at a particular time are known as ....................

11. In Jasmine plant we can grow new plant by .................... process.

12. The process of spreading seeds to different places is called ....................


1. Two examples of monocotyledons
a) ....................
b) ....................

2. Two examples of Di cotyledons
a) ....................
b) ....................

3. Two seed that are dispersed by wind
a) ....................
b) ....................

4. Two seeds that are dispersed by water
a) ....................
b) ....................

5. Name two tuberous roots
a) ....................
b) ....................

6. Name two underground stems
a) ....................
b) ....................

7. A bulb-shaped underground stem
a) ....................
b) ....................

8. Two plants that reproduce from spores.
a) ....................
b) ....................

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Worksheet for CBSE Science Class 5 Reproduction In Plants

We hope students liked the above worksheet for Reproduction In Plants designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 5 Science released by CBSE. Students of Class 5 should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 5 Science on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for Science by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 5 Science to develop the Science Class 5 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 5 Science designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 5 Science in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.

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Yes, provides all latest NCERT Reproduction In Plants Class 5 Science test sheets with answers based on the latest books for the current academic session

What topics are covered in CBSE Class 5 Science Reproduction In Plants worksheets?

CBSE Class 5 Science Reproduction In Plants worksheets cover all topics as per the latest syllabus for current academic year.

How can I use worksheets to improve my Class 5 Science scores?

Regular practice with Class 5 Science worksheets can help you understand all concepts better, you can identify weak areas, and improve your speed and accuracy.