Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 11 Information Practices Worksheet. Students and teachers of Class 11 Informatics Practices can get free printable Worksheets for Class 11 Informatics Practices All Chapters in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 11 students should practice questions and answers given here for Informatics Practices in Class 11 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 11 Informatics Practices Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Informatics Practices books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests
Worksheet for Class 11 Informatics Practices All Chapters
Class 11 Informatics Practices students should download to the following All Chapters Class 11 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 11 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Class 11 Informatics Practices Worksheet for All Chapters
Q1) What is DBMS? Explain advantages of DBMS?
Q2) Explain dfferent View of Data?
Q3) Explain Different Type of Data Model?
Q4) Define Following ?
a) Primary key b) Foreign key c) Candidate Key d) tuple
Q5) Explain Different Data Type of My SQL?
Q6) Differentiate between Distinct and All clause?
Q7) Differentiate between IN and BETWEEN Operator using an example?
Q8) Explain DCL Command With Example?
Q9) Explain E-Learning, E-governance And E-learning.
Q10) a. Consider the following tables EMPLOYEE and write the SQL query for the following
Eid Name Deptid Qualification Sex Points Basic DA HRA Bonus
1 Sunil 101 MCA F 20 6000 2000 2300 200
2 Virender 101 BCA M 15 2000 300 300 30
3 Mukesh 102 B.A M 15 1000 300 300 40
4 Rakesh 102 M.A M 40 1500 390 490 30
5 Sumit 103 B.Tech M 32 8000 900 900 80
6 Jyoti 101 M.Tech F 12 10000 300 490 89
1. Create the structure of the above table
2. Insert any dummy record
3. Display the Names begin with alphabet “V”
4. Display the records who are females.
5. Display the name and qualification who are “B. Tech.”
6. Add one more field for the employee table -DOJ (date of joining)
7. Do not display the records of “Jyoti”, “Mukesh”.
8. To insert a new record in the EMPLOYEE table with following data:
7,’Vikas’, 103,’MCA’,’M’, 36,12000,1000,500,90.
9. Display the Name, deptid, Basic whose date of joining is after 23/09/2000.
10. Display the records according to their Names.
1. Give the output of the following code fragment.
(a) int ch=10;
System.out.println (ch++) ;
System.out.println (++ch) ;
System.out.print (ch) ;
(i) What output does the above code fragment produce?
(ii) What is the effect of replacing ++ch with ch+1?
(b) int val,res,n=1000;
res= (n+val) >1500?200:400;
System.out.println (res) ;
(i) If the input is 400
(ii) If the input is 1000
(iii) If the input is 1500
2. What will be the result of the following two expressions if i=15 initially?
(i) ++i<=15 (ii) i++<=15
3. Given the two following expressions:
(i) a=4 (ii) a==4
(i) How are these two different?
(ii) What will be the result of the expression if the value of a is 6 initially?
4. Will the value of y be the same for the two cases given below if x=42?
(i) y=++x; (ii) y=x++;
5. Consider the following code snippet:
int i=10;
int n=i++%5;
What are the values of i and n after the code is executed?
6. What will be the value of p=p*++j where j is 22 and p=3 initially?
7. What will be the result of the following expression
If (i) age=25 (ii) age=65 (iii) age=85
8. Develop an application that accepts principal amount, rate of interest and Time from the user then it computes the simple interest and displays it.
9. Design an application for four function calculator.
10. What is a character constant in Java? How are non graphic characters represented in java?
11. Which of the following will produce a value of 22 if x=22.9?
(i) Math.ceil(x) (ii) Math.round(x)
(iii) Math.abs(x) (iv)Math.floor(x)
12. What is a “fall through”?
13. Give the output of the following code.
int m=100;
{ if (m<10)
System.out.println(“m is”+m);
14. Write a program to input a digit and print it in words.
15. Compare an if and? : operator.
16. Rewrite the following code fragment using switch.
1) What is Constraint? Explain all available in MYSQL.
2) What is MYSQL?
3) What is Degree and Cardinality?
4) What are the Data types available in MYSQL?
5) What is SQL? Explain its Categories.
6) How to create a Table in MYSQL
7) What is Select Command? Explain with where clause.
8) What is the order by Clause? Explain with examples
9) What is operator? Explain all operators with Examples.
10) What is LIMIT clause in MYSQL?
11) What is Alter Command? Explain with Examples
I. Consider a table Emp with the following attributes:
Emp ( empno, ename, job, hiredate, sal, comm., deptt)
Write the SQL commands for the following queries:
(a) Write a query to display employee name, salary and department who are not getting commission.
(b) How many types of jobs are offered to employees.
(c) List the details of those employees who have five lettered names.
(d) Write a query to display all the columns whose name contains ‘p’ as the forth alphabets.
(e) List the detail of all employee who are in computer department sorted by ename.
(f) Display the ename and hiredate of employee who are not in history department.
(g) Display the employee who are getting salary 10000, 12000 and 14000.
(h) Display name and salary of employee who don’t have their commission in the range of 2500 to 4000.
(i) Insert any five records in the above table.
(j) List detail of physics department in descending order of employee number.
Coach_Id | Coach_Nam | Age | Sports | DateofApp | Pay | Sex |
1 | Kukreja | 35 | Karate | 1996-03-20 | 1000 | M |
2 | Ravina | 34 | Squash | 1998-04-15 | 2000 | F |
3 | Karan | 30 | Karate | 1997-01-12 | 1500 | M |
4 | Tarun | 28 | Basketball | 1996-03-25 | 750 | M |
5 | Zubin | 35 | Swimming | 1997-02-20 | 2200 | F |
6 | ketaki | 40 | Karate | 1998-01-13 | 1100 | F |
Write the output for the following queries:
(a) select Coach_Name, Lcase(Sports) from CLUB;
(b) select Mod(age,5) from CLUB where Sex = ‘F’;
(c) select power(3,2) ;
(d) select substr(Coach_Name,1,2) from CLUB where DateofApp>’1996-04-12’;
(e) select concat(Coach_Name,Age) from CLUB where Pay > 1500;
(f) select month(DateofApp), Sports from CLUB where Age < 40;
(g) select Lower(Coach_Name), Length(Sports) from CLUB;
(h) select Dayofweek(‘2009-04-14’);
III. Create table Emp with the following structure:
Name of column | ID | First_Name | Last_Name | User_Id | Salary |
Type | Number(4) | Varchar(30) | Varchar(40) | Varchar(10) | Number(9,2) |
Ensure the following specification in created table:
(a) ID should be declared as primary key.
(b) User_Id must be unique.
(c) Salary must be greater than 5000.
(d) First_Name & Last_Name must not remain blank.
(e) Increase the size of First_Name to 50 characters.
(f) Delete the record whose Last_Name is Arora.
1. How is compiler different from interpreter?
2. What is the difference between impact and non impact printer? Give example?
3. What is MICR?
4. What do you understand by PC Intrusion?
5. Differentiate between real time and time sharing operating systems?
6. Compare Packages and Utilities?
7. Define the terms Adware,Spyware.
8. Differentiate between Alternate Key and Candidate Key.
9. Prasanth a student of XI created a table ‘Employee’. Subject is one of the columns of this table.To find the details of Employees whose subjects have not been entered, he wrote the following MySQL query, which did not give the desired result.
Select * from Employee where subject=”NULL”;
Write the correct query.
10. Compare CHAR and VARCHAR data types?
11. Write MySQL command that will be used to open an already existing database ‘Test’?
12. A table ‘CUSTOMER’ in a database has cardinality 10 and degree 6. What is the no.of rows and columns in it?
13. Differentiate between ALTER TABLE command and UPDATE command with example.
14. Consider the table STUDENT given below. Write commands in MySQL for (i) to (v) and output for (vi) to (viii)
Student No | Class | Name | Game | Grade1 | SUPW | Grade2 |
10 | 7 | Sameer | Cricket | B | Photography | A |
11 | 8 | Sujit | Tennis | A | Gardening | C |
12 | 7 | Kamal | Swimming | B | Photography | B |
13 | 7 | Veena | Tennis | C | Cooking | A |
14 | 9 | Archana | Basket Ball | A | Literature | A |
(i).To list the names of those students who have obtained grade ‘A’ in Tennis.
(ii).To display the different games offered in the school.
(iii).To display the SUPW taken up by the students, whose name starts with ‘S’.
(iv).To insert a new row in the table ‘STUDENT’.
(v).To count the no.of students who have grade ‘A’ either in Game or SUPW.
(vi).Select count(distinct(Game)) from STUDENT;
(vii).Select name, class from student where name like “_e%”;
(viii).Select name from STUDENT where Grade1=”B” or Grade=”B”;
(ix).Write Query to display the current date.
(x). What is the default value of column for which no default value is defined?
(xi).Which keyword is used to substitute null values in a query result?
(xii).Which keyword is used to retrieve unique values in a query result?
(xiii).Which keyword is used to retrieve duplicate values in a query result?
15. What will be the output of the following?
(i) SELECT CHAR(65,67.3,’69.3’);
(ii) SELECT ROUND( 2.378,1);
(iii) SELECT MOD(50,4);
(iv) SELECT MID(‘Compliment’,5,6);
(vi) SELECT DAYOFMONTH(‘2012-12-02’);
(vii) SELECT RIGHT(‘IP/54/15/46’,2);
(b).The ItemName column of a table “ITEM” is given below.
Bath Soap
Lens Solution
Q1. Design an application in JAVA to accept Name as input and display the name with title i.e. If male add Mr to it and if Female add Ms to it (Use radio buttons for selection input)
Q2. Design an application in JAVA to accept two names from user and display a short message about Friendship or colleagues according to the button clicked. (Use the Text Area component for message display)
Q3. Design an application in JAVA which accepts the price and quantity from user and display the total amount. (Give user the facility to accept numbers with decimals as input.)
Q4. Design an application in JAVA to accept marks in English, Hindi, Maths from user and display the total marks obtained. (Use the concept of variables while coding)
Q5. Design an application in JAVA to accept user’s name as input. Display it surrounded by special character according to user’s requirement. (You can use $, #,∗,?as the special characters.)
Q6. Design a basic calculator in JAVA which accepts two numbers from user and calculates sum, difference, product, quotient as per the user’s choice. (Based on the use of Arithmetic operators)
Q7. Design an application to calculate Simple Interest. Accept Principle, Rate and Time from user. (Hint: S.I. = (P ∗ R ∗ T)/100)
Q8. Design an Area Calculator capable of calculating the area of a circle, square and Rectangle.(Use Radio buttons to accept figure input and use the visibility, border, enabled and editable properties to make the application presentable .)
Worksheet for CBSE Informatics Practices Class 11 All Chapters
We hope students liked the above worksheet for All Chapters designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 11 Informatics Practices released by CBSE. Students of Class 11 should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 11 Informatics Practices on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for Informatics Practices by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 11 Informatics Practices to develop the Informatics Practices Class 11 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 11 Informatics Practices designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 11 Informatics Practices in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.
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Yes, provides all latest NCERT All Chapters Class 11 Informatics Practices test sheets with answers based on the latest books for the current academic session
CBSE Class 11 Informatics Practices All Chapters worksheets cover all topics as per the latest syllabus for current academic year.
Regular practice with Class 11 Informatics Practices worksheets can help you understand all concepts better, you can identify weak areas, and improve your speed and accuracy.