CBSE Class 12 History Kinship Caste And Class Early Societies Worksheet

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 12 History Kinship Caste And Class Early Societies Worksheet. Students and teachers of Class 12 History can get free printable Worksheets for Class 12 History Theme I Chapter 3 Kinship, Caste and Class Early Societies in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 12 students should practice questions and answers given here for History in Class 12 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 12 History Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest History books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests

Worksheet for Class 12 History Theme I Chapter 3 Kinship, Caste and Class Early Societies

Class 12 History students should download to the following Theme I Chapter 3 Kinship, Caste and Class Early Societies Class 12 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 12 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 12 History Worksheet for Theme I Chapter 3 Kinship, Caste and Class Early Societies

Key concepts in nutshells

Historians tried to understand the social set up, social practices during these periods. Therefore taken Mahabharata as a case study for better understanding of the concept. It covers wide range of social set up.

- family which is a unit and is part of large networks of people we define as relatives

- System of patritiny - prevalent in north India

- Blood relations example two groups of cousins - the kauravas& the Pandavas

Both belonging to a single ruling family, that of the Kurus, a lineage dominating one of the janapadas.

Under Patritiny, sons could claim the resources (including the throne in case of kings) of their father when the latter died.

- Rules of Marriage : Types of marriages - Eight e.g. Endogamy - Marriage in own caste or place Exogamy - Marriage out of his gotra

Polygyny- A system in which husband have more than one wife.

Polyandry- A system in which wife have many husbands.

- The Gothra of women - prevalent system

a. After marriage women had to give up fathers gotra and opt that of their husband on marriage.

b. Members of same gotra could not marry

- Importance of mothers - In north son was known by his father's name

In South Satvahan rulers were identified through metronymics (named derived from that of the mother)

Example Satvahana rulers -

Gautamiputra means son of Gautami (mother)

Vaisisthiputa means son of Vasisisthi (mother)

In North norms were laid down by the Brahmans in Sanskrit texts like Dharmshastra and Dharmasutras

- According to the Sutras only Kshatriyas could be a king

- It also talked about occupation and caste.

- Evolving jatis and social mobility - other than prescribed four varnas - i.e. Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra.Other occupation like hunting, work of goldsmith or goldsmith or swarnakara, carpenter etc were put into jatis

- Varna and access to property 

According to the Brahmanical texts kings depicted as wealthiest Priests also generally shown as rich - Mahabharata classified under two headsa.

Narrative - contains stories

b. Didactic -contains prescription about social norms, messages.

- Manusmriti is considered the most important Dharma Sutra and Dharmashastra. It was compiled between 200 BCE and 200 CE. This Laid down rules governing social life.

- During Mahabharata age gotras were considered very important by higher verna of societies.

- Social differences prevailed and integration took place within the framework of caste system.

- The original version of Mahabharata is in Sanskrit.

- It contains vivid descriptions of battles forest, palaces and settlements.



Many rules and different practices were followed by the peopleduring this period. Very often families were part of larger networks of people. Mausmriti is considered the most important Dharma Sutra and Dharmashastra. It was compiled between 200 BCE and 200 CE. This laid down rules for governing social life. During Mahabharata age, gotras were considered very important by higher varna of societies.Social differences prevailed and integration took place within the framework of caste system. According to the Dharma sastras and Dharma sutras, only Kashtriyas could become kings.The original version of Mahabharata is in Sanskrit .It contains vivid descriptions of battles forest, palaces and settlements. 

Key Concepts

Patriliny: - Tracing descent from father to son, grand son and so on
Matriliny: - Tracing descent from mother.
Endogamy: - Marriage with in a unit-kin, group, caste or a group living in the same locality.
Exogamy: - Marriage outside the unit.
Polygamy: - A man has several wives.
Polyandry: - A woman has several husbands.
Jatis: - Share a common occupation.
Finding out about families
1.The original story was probably composed by charioteer-bards known as sutas who generally accompanied Kshatriya warriors to the battlefield and composed poems celebrating their victories
2. These compositions circulated orally. Then, from the fifth century BCE, Brahmanas took over the story and began to commit it to writing.
3. Another phase in the composition of the text between c. 200 BCE and 200CE.
4. This was the period when the worship of Vishnu was growing in importance.
5.The text which initially perhaps had less than 10,000 verses grew to comprise about 100,000 verses. This composition is traditionally attributed to a sage named Vyasa.


Question. Who was a god of valour, warfare and rain?
a. Agni
b. Varun
c. Indra
d. Soma

Answer : C

Question. Who were the Chandals?
a. Brahmans
b. Vaishyas
c. Kshatriyas
d. Untouchables

Answer : D

Question. i. Polyandry is the practice of a woman having several husbands.
ii. Monogamy is the practice of a man having several wives.
Which statement above is correct?
a. (i) 
b. both
c. (ii)
d. Both

Answer : A

Question. The critical edition of Mahabharta was prepared by:
a. Ved Vyasa
b. Ganesh
c. V S Sukthankar
d. Yudhisthara

Answer : C

Question. Which statement is correct?
i. Each gotra was named after a Vedic seer.
ii. Women were expected to give up their father’s gotra and adopt husband on marriage.
c. (i) c.(ii)
d. both d. Both

Answer : D

Question. Which one of the following was not included in varna system?
a. Vaishya
b. Shudras
c. Nishad
d. Kshatriyas

Answer : C

Question. Which of the given statement is correct?
i. Mahabharata is a story of kinship relation.
ii. It describes feud over land and power between two groups of cousins.
a. I only
b. ii only
c. both
d. none of them

Answer : C

Question. Which source depicts that the paternal estate was to be divided equally amongst sons after the death of parents?
a. Dharmashastras
b. Dharmasutras
c. Manusmriti
d. Upnishads

Answer : C

Question. The given image is a silver cion depicting one ruler. Identify from the option given
a. Gupta ruler
b. Mauryan ruler
c. Satavahana ruler
d. Shaka ruler

Answer : D

Question. The system of marrying the outside of kin was called___________
a. Monogamy
b. Exogamy
c. Polygyny
d. Endogamy

Answer : B

Question. The term used when decent is traced through the motheris called _________
a. Patriliny
b. Matriliny
c. Endogamy
d. Polyandry

Answer : B

Question. Match the following

A . Brahmin1. Trade/Agriculture
B . Khatriya2. Spiritual affairs/Education
C. Vaishya3 .Warfare/Ruling class
D. Shudra4. Serving superiors

a. A -3 , B -2, C-1, D-4
b. A -2, B- 3, C-1, D-4
c. A -4, B-3, C-2, D-1
d. A – 1, B-2, C,3, D-4

Answer : B


Directions : In the following questions, a statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of
Reason (R). Mark the correct choice as.
(A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(B) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A.
(C) A is true but R is false.
(D) A is false and R is true.

Question. Assertion (A): Historians also investigate and analyse attitudes towards family and kinship.
Reason (R): It is likely that some of these ideas would have shaped people’s actions, just as actions may have led to changes in attitudes. 
Answer : A

Question. Assertion (A): From the fifth century BCE, Brahmanas took over the story of Mahabharata and began to commit it to writing.
Reason (R): This was the time when chiefdoms such as those of the Kurus and around whom the story of the epic revolves, they were gradually becoming kingdoms. New kings want their itihasa to be recorded and preserved more systematically.
Answer : A

Question. Assertion (A): People of some jatis did not easily fit in the varna system.
Reason (R): People of some jatis organised into groups called shrenis. A
Answer : B

Question. Assertion (A): In Tamil Sangam, men who were generous were respected, while those who were miserly or simply accumulated wealth for themselves were despised.
Reason (R): Tamil Sangam anthologies often illuminate social and economic relationships, suggesting that while there were differences between rich and poor, those who controlled resources were also expected to share them.
Answer : A

Question. Assertion (A): Women were expected to give their father’s gotra and take up their husband’s gotra after marriage.
Reason (R): Women who are married the Satavahana rulers retained their father’s gotras instead of taking of husband’s gotra. A
Answer : B

Question. Assertion (A): The Buddhists developed an alternative understanding of social inequalities, and of the institutions required to regulate social conflict.
Reason (R): In a myth found in a text known as the Sutta Pitaka Buddhists suggested that originally human beings did not have fully evolved bodily forms, nor was the world of plants fully developed. All beings lived in an idyllic state of peace, taking from nature only what they needed for each meal.
Answer : A

Question. Assertion (A): According to the Shastras, only Kshatriyas could be kings. However, several important ruling lineages probably had different origins.
Reason (R): The Shungas and Kanvas, Mauryas were Brahmanas. U
Answer : C

Question. Assertion (A): Brahmanas laying down codes of social behaviour in great detail. These were meant to be followed by Kshatriyas in particular and the rest of society in general.
Reason(R) : From c. 500 BCE, these norms were compiled in Sanskrit texts known as the Dharmasutras and Dharmashastras. 
Answer : D



Observe the picture and answer the following questions by choosing the correct option.


Question. What does the picture depict?
(A) A scene from the Mahabharata
(B) A scene from Jataka tales
(C) A scene from war of Kalinga
(D) None of these
Answer : A

Question. What is the approximate time period of this sculpture?
(A) Tenth century
(B) Twelfth century
(C) Fifteenth century
(D) Seventeenth century
Answer : D

Question. Where was this terracotta sculpture found?
(A) Maharashtra
(B) New Delhi
(C) Tamil Nadu
(D) West Bengal
Answer : D

Question. What is the central story behind the sculpture?
(A) Two sets of warring cousins
(B) Hunter and the lion
(C) Expansion of empire by Asoka
(D) None of these
Answer : A

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question. What were the effects of several changes in between 600 BCE and 600 CE on societies?
- Extension of Agriculture in to forested areas.
- Craft specialists often emerged as distinct social groups.

Question. What sources are used by Historian for understanding of social changes?
- Textual Traditions.
- From Inscriptions.

Question. What do you understand by '' The critical edition of the Mahabharata''?
- One of the most ambitious projects of scholarship began in 1919.
- Under the leadership of a noted Indian Sanskritist V.s. Sukthankar.
- A team comprising a dozen of scholars initiated the task of preparing a critical edition of the Mahabharata.

Question. What was patriliny and Matriliny?
- Patriliny Means trashing descent from father to son, Grandson and so on.
- Matriliny the term is used when descent is traced through the mother.

Question. What do you understand of Exogamy Marriage types.
- Marriage outside the unit

Question. What were the terms of gotras? What were the rules of gotras?
- Each gotra was named after a Vedic Seer and all those who belonged to the same gotra.
- Two Rules about gotra were particularly very important. Women were expected to give up their father's gotra and adopt that of their husband's gotra after Marriage.

Question. Why were mothers important in Satavahana rule?
- Satavahana rules were Identified through matronymic's (Names Derived from mother)
- Although this may suggest that mothers were important.

Question. What were the categories made by Brahmanas?
- Brahmanas Claimed the order in which they were ranked. First was divinely ordained.
- While placing group classified as shudras at the bottom of the social order.

Question. Describe the Duties of the Chandalas.
- They had to live outside the village.
- Use discarded utensils.
- Wear Clothes of the dead and ornaments of iron.

Question. What do you understand by the Term '' Beyond the four varnas''?
- Brahmanas considered some people as being outside the system,they were called untouchable.'
- Some activities were '' Polluting'' those who performed such tasks designated as chandalas''

Question. What do you understand by stridhana (Woman's wealth)?
- According to Manusmriti women were allowed to retain the gift they received on the occasion of their marriage as stridhana.
- This could be inherited by their children.

Question. The historians which elements are considered by historians when they analyse text Book.
- They examine whether text were written in which languages. They also consider the kinds of text.
- They try to find out about the authors.

Question. What was the ancient Tamilkam?
- In Tamilkam there were several chiefdoms around 2000 Years ago.
- Amongst other things the chiefs were patrons of bards and poets who sang their praises.

Question. How Historians classify the contents of the Mahabharata?
- Narrative- Stories, designated.
- Didactic - Social Norms.

Question. How is Mahabharata a Dynamic text?
- Versions of the epic were written in a variety of languages.
- Several stories that originated in specific regions.
- At the same time the central story of the epic was often retold in different ways.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question. Mention a rules of marriage as mentioned in the early text.
- The gift of a Daughter after dressing her in costly clothes and honoring her with presents of Jewels.
- The gift of a daughter by the father after he has addressed the couple with the text'' May both of you perform your duties together.
- After having given as much wealth as he can afford to the kinsmen and to the Bride herself.
- The voluntary union of a maiden and her lover.

Question. What rules did the dharma sutras and Dharma Shastra's contain about the Ideal ''occupations'' of the four Varna's?
- Brahmana's were supposed to study and teach the Vedas, perform sacrifices and give and receive gifts.
- Kshatriyas were to engage in warfare, protect people and justice, study the Vedas and get, sacifices performed.
- The last three occupations were also assigned to the Vaishya's ie crafts, Agriculture and trade.
- Shudras were assigned only serving the three ''higher'' varnas.

Question. What was Jati? How are they related to Varnas?
- Jati in Brahmanical theory.
- Varna was based on Birth.
- Number of varnas were four.
- There was no restriction on the number of Jati.
- Jatis which shared a common occupation or profession were sometimes organized into shrenis or guilds.

Question. How could men and women acquire wealth in early societies?
- For men wealth-Inheritance, Finding, Purchase, Conquest, Investment, work and acceptance of gifts from good people.
- For women - what was given at the time of the marriage, Bridal procession, Token of affection she got from her brother, mother or father and she could also acquire husband.

Question. Who was V.S. Sukthankar?What was his contribution in understanding the Mahabharata.
- V.S. Sukthankar was a most famous Sanskritist.
- Under the sukthankar a team prepared a critical edition of the Mahabharata.
- Collecting Sanskrit Manuscripts of the text. Written in a variety of scripts.
- Ultimately they selected the verses that were common to most versions.
- And published these in several volumes.

Question. Discuss whether the Mahabharata could have been the work of a single author.
- Probably composed by charioteer - bards known as sutas.
- From the fifth century BCE Brahmana's took over the story and began to commit it to writing.
- Also possible that the upheavals that often accompanied the establishment of these states.
- Where old social values were often replaced by newnorms.
- Another Phase in the composition of the text between C 200 BCE and 200 C.E.
- Between 200 BCE and 400 BCE Large didactic sections was included the manusmriti.


Draupadi's Marriage
Drupad the king of Panchal groined a competition where the challenges were to string a bow and hit target: the winner would be chosen to marry his daughter Draupadi. Arjuna was victorious and was garlanded by Draupadi. The Pandavas returned with her to their mother Kunti, who, even before she was saw them to share whatever they had got she realized mistake when shesaw Draupadi. But her command could not be violated. After much deliberation, Yudhisthira decided that Draupadi would be their common wife.
When Drupad was told about this, he protested. However, the seer Vyasa arrived and told him that the Pandavas were in reality incarnations of Indra. Whose wife had been reborn as Draupadi mand they were thus destined for each other?
Vyasa added that in another instance a young woman had prayed to Shiva for a husband. And in her enthusiasm, had prayed five times instead of once. This women was known reborned as Draupadi and Shiva had fulfilled her desire convinced by these stories, Drupada consented to marriage.

Question. What was the competition organized by the Panchala king Drupada for the marriage of his daughter? 
Answer: Drupada organized a competition where the challenge was to string a bow and hit a target.

Question. What two explanations were given by Vyasa to convince king Drupada for Draupadi being the common wife of the Pandvas?
Answer: Vyasa told that the Pandvas were in reality incarnations of Indra. He also told that a woman was blessed by Lord Shiva to have five husband was reborn as Draupadi.

Question. What form of the marriage was Draupadi's marriage to the Pandvas? Give two views of historians about the form of marriage. 
Answer: It was an example of polyandry. Some historians believe that such kind of marriage were perhaps prevalent in some section of societies. Some historians believe that such tradition was present in the Himalaya region.

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Worksheet for CBSE History Class 12 Theme I Chapter 3 Kinship, Caste and Class Early Societies

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CBSE Class 12 History Theme I Chapter 3 Kinship, Caste and Class Early Societies worksheets cover all topics as per the latest syllabus for current academic year.

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