One Word Substitution English Grammar Exercises

Read and download free pdf of One Word Substitution English Grammar Exercises. Students and teachers of English can get free printable Worksheets for English One Word Substitution in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern. Students should practice questions and answers given here for English which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of English Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest English books and syllabus issued for this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in exams and tests

Worksheet for English Grammar One Word Substitution

English students should refer to the following printable worksheet in Pdf for One Word Substitution. This test paper with questions and answers will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

English Grammar Worksheet for One Word Substitution

Question - A word or law no longer in use ?
a) Venerable
b) Vintage
c) Obsolete
d) Absolute

Answer : C

Question - A close-fitting cover for a sword ?
a) Quiver
b) Shank
c) Sheath
d) Dagger

Answer : C

Question - Small room where dishes are washed ?
a) Ante-room
b) Pantry
c) Larder
d) Scullery

Answer : D

Question - The science or philosophy of law ?
a) Justice
b) infirmary
c) jurisprudence
d) archive

Answer : C

Question - Something happening by chance in a happy and beneficial way ?
a) serenity
b) serendipity
c) misadventure
d) fortitude

Answer : B

Question - Animals living in flocks ?
a) bohemian
b) social
c) gregarious
d) herbivorous

Answer : C

Question - An exact or a very close copy (of something)?
a) forgery
b) replica
c) artificial
d) substitute

Answer : B

Question - A group of ships sailing together ?
a) Navy
b) Fleet
c) Vessels
d) Cruisers

Answer : B

Question - Harsh or discordant sound ?
a) monotony
b) harmony
c) cacophony
d) symphony

Answer : C

Question - To increase the speed ?
a) Activate
b) Accelerate
c) Assimilate
d) Exhilarate

Answer : B

Question - Full of criticism and mockery ?
a) Eulogy
b) Praise
c) Satire
d) Cliche

Answer : C

Question - Statement open to more than one interpretation ?
a) Ambidextrous
b) Ambiguous
c) Ambushed
d) Ambrosial

Answer : B

Question - A person who preaches religion and considered to be a messenger of God ?
a) Scholar
b) Volunteer
c) Atheist
d) Prophet

Answer : D

Question - Using right and left hand equally well ?
a) Unskilled
b) Ambidextrous
c) Left-handed
d) Inexpert

Answer : B

Question - A medical specialist who administers drugs for relieving pain during surgery ?
a) anesthetist
b) analgesic
c) nephrologist
d) dermatologist

Answer : A

Question - The stage of growth between boyhood and youth ?
a) Infancy
b) Childhood
c) Adulthood
d) Adolescence

Answer : D

Question - The decision that is given by the jury or judge at the end of the trial ?
a) Punishment
b) Accusation
c) Allegation
d) Verdict

Answer : D

Question - A person, animal or plant much below the usual height ?
a) wizard
b) dwarf
c) creature
d) witch

Answer : B

Question - Relating to the healing of diseases ?
a) Immunity
b) Therapeutic
c) Preventive
d) Inoculation

Answer : A

Question - An abnormal fear of water ?
a) Algophobia
b) Pyrohobia
c) Cacophobia
d) Hydrophobia

Answer : D

Question - A person or thing that has the same name as another ?
a) pseudonym
b) namesake
c) relative
d) successor

Answer : B

Question - The fear of water.?
a) claustrophobia
b) autophobia
c) hydrophobia
d) pyrophobia

Answer : C

Question - A large crowd of people intent on causing trouble or violence. ?
a) Procession
b) Mob
c) Spectators
d) Audience

Answer : B

Question - An extremely large mass of ice which moves very slowly, often down a mountain valley. ?
a) Island
b) Glacier
c) Mirage
d) Ocean

Answer : B

Question - A place where nuns live and work ?
a) Convent
b) Hostel
c) Dormitory
d) Quarter

Answer : A

Question - The life history of a person written by himself. ?
a) Travelogue
b) Autobiography
c) Biography
d) Essay

Answer : B

Question - An extreme fear of darkness ?
a) Acrophobia
b) Hydrophobia
c) Nyctophobia
d) Hemophobia

Answer : C

Question - One who collect stamps ?
a) Geologist
b) Curator
c) Philatelist
d) Conjurer

Answer : C

Question - The art of creating and arranging dances ?
a) Geology
b) Calligraphy
c) Seismology
d) Choreography

Answer : D

Question - A system of government in which priests rule in the name of Gods or a god. ?
a) plutocracy
b) theocracy
c) aristocracy
d) oligarchy

Answer : B

Question - A protected place for birds and animals ?
a) estuary
b) island
c) sanctuary
d) bunker

Answer : C

Question - One who works very hard ?
a) Exploited
b) Labourer
c) Exhausted
d) Industrious

Answer : D

Question - The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. ?
a) insatiability
b) integrity
c) intellect
d) insidiousness

Answer : B

Question - Who believes easily and can be cheated ?
a) Incredible
b) Fraud
c) Native
d) Gullible

Answer : D

Question - place for collection of dried plant specimens ?
a) green house
b) nursery
c) warehouse
d) herbarium

Answer : D

Question - A gigantic statue ?
a) castle
b) colossus
c) column
d) citadel

Answer : B

Question - To make perfect or complete ?
a) Complement
b) Attainment
c) Impediment
d) Deportment

Answer : A

Question - A person who knows a lot about and enjoys one of the arts, or food, drink, etc. ?
a) admirer
b) aristocrat
c) ascetic
d) connoisseur

Answer : D

Question - Living in air. ?
a) heavenly
b) feathery
c) aerial
d) visual

Answer : C

Question - Group of singers ?
a) Choir
b) Orchestra
c) Jury
d) Council

Answer : A

Question - The fear of being enclosed in a small space or room. ?
a) Acrophobia
b) Hydrophobia
c) Claustrophobia
d) Aerophobia

Answer : C

Question - A remedy for all diseases ?
a) panacea
b) antibiotic
c) patent
d) antidote

Answer : A

Question - Something causing shock or dismay. ?
a) remarkable
b) mischievous
c) appalling
d) frivolous

Answer : C

Question - A large number of fish swimming together ?
a) herd
b) cache
c) shoal
d) brood

Answer : C

Question - A person who does not believe in God ?
a) atheist
b) sceptic
c) hypocrite
d) spiritualist

Answer : A

Question - A sentimental longing or wistful affection for a period in the past. ?
a) Recollection
b) Harmony
c) Nostalgia
d) Paradise

Answer : C

Question - A hollow space in a wall for a statue or ornament ?
a) Slot
b) Niche
c) Nook
d) Cornice

Answer : B

Question - Willing to be guided or controlled ?
a) adorable
b) adamant
c) Amenable
d) abominable

Answer : C

Question - Two lengths of rope, bamboo or wood with rungs used for climbing up and down walls, sides of ships etc. ?
a) Staircase
b) Bridge
c) Steps
d) Ladder

Answer : D

Question - The highest point ?
a) Horizon
b) Paradise
c) Zenith
d) Nadir

Answer : C

Question - A person working on a trial period ?
a) Professional
b) Probationer
c) Practitioner
d) Petitioner

Answer : C

Question - A ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained control by force ?
a) Democrat
b) Protector
c) Traitor
d) Dictator

Answer : D

Question - A deep fissure in the earth's surface ?
a) Volcano
b) Chasm
c) Earthquake
d) Tremor

Answer : C

Question - A natural skill at doing something ?
a) Knack
b) Stack
c) Snack
d) Quack

Answer : A

Question - One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain ?
a) brave
b) wise
c) stoic
d) temperate

Answer : C

Question - To separate husk from the grain ?
a) winnow
b) willow
c) Whisk
d) whip

Answer : A

Question - That which can not be heard. ?
a) incredible
b) invisible
c) incorrigible
d) inaudible

Answer : D

Question - Words written on a tombstone in the memory of the person who has died ?
a) Epitaph
b) Stela
c) Prologue
d) Epilogue

Answer : A

Question - A room where medicines are prepared and provided. ?
a) hospital
b) surgery
c) infirmary
d) dispensary

Answer : D

Question - That which can be drawn into a thin ?
a) brittle
b) flexible
c) smooth
d) ductile

Answer : D

Question - A large bound bundle of paper, hay or cotton ?
a) bale
b) cache
c) barrel
d) gale

Answer : A

Question - One who helps a person in need. ?
a) veteran
b) collaborator
c) samaritan
d) mercenary

Answer : C

Question - One who leaves his own country to settle in another. ?
a) Foreigner
b) Emigrant
c) Tourist
d) Native

Answer : B

Question - A fast moving stream of water ?
a) Volcano
b) Fissure
c) Torrent
d) Quake

Answer : C

Question - Making a show of being morally superior to others ?
a) approving
b) sanctum
c) profligate
d) sanctimonious

Answer : D

Question - Things or people of the same kind ?
a) colleagues
b) contemporaries
c) fellows
d) homogeneous

Answer : D

Question - To spend winter in a dormant state ?
a) convalesce
b) connote
c) hibernate
d) hoist

Answer : C

Question - Something which is fit to be eaten. ?
a) Unpalatable
b) Edible
c) Tasty
d) Delicious

Answer : B

Question - Person or animal living on another. ?
a) Successor
b) Parasite
c) Heir
d) Pupil

Answer : B

Question - Excessive bureaucratic fuss ?
a) officious
b) fastidious
c) red-tape
d) footnotes

Answer : C

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English Grammar One Word Substitution Worksheet

We hope students liked the above worksheet for One Word Substitution designed as per the latest syllabus for English. Students should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for English on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for English by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations.

Worksheet for One Word Substitution

Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the latest Grammar book for English to develop the English worksheet. If you download the practice worksheet for one chapter daily, you will get higher and better marks in exams this year as you will have stronger concepts. Daily questions practice of English worksheet and its study material will help students to have a stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them experts on all scoring topics. You can easily download and save all revision Grammar worksheet for English also from without paying anything in Pdf format.

One Word Substitution worksheet English Grammar

All Grammar worksheets given above for English have been made as per the latest syllabus and books issued for the current academic year. The students of can be rest assured that the answers have been also provided by our teachers for all worksheet of English so that you are able to solve the questions and then compare your answers with the solutions provided by us. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for English in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.

One Word Substitution English Worksheet

Regular worksheet practice helps to gain more practice in solving questions to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of One Word Substitution concepts. Worksheets play an important role in developing an understanding of One Word Substitution in . Students can download and save or print all the worksheets, printable assignments, and practice sheets of the above chapter in English in Pdf format from studiestoday. You can print or read them online on your computer or mobile or any other device. After solving these you should also refer to English MCQ Test for the same chapter.

Worksheet for English One Word Substitution

English best textbooks have been used for writing the problems given in the above worksheet. If you have tests coming up then you should revise all concepts relating to One Word Substitution and then take out a print of the above worksheet and attempt all problems. We have also provided a lot of other Worksheets for English which you can use to further make yourself better in English

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Yes, the Printable worksheets issued for English One Word Substitution have been made available here for latest academic session

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You can easily access the links above and download the Grammar Printable worksheets English One Word Substitution for each chapter

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Regular revision of worksheets given on studiestoday for subject English One Word Substitution can help you to score better marks in exams

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Yes, provides all latest One Word Substitution English test sheets with answers based on the latest books for the current academic session

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Yes, studiestoday provides worksheets in Pdf for One Word Substitution English in mobile-friendly format and can be accessed on smartphones and tablets.

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Yes, worksheets for One Word Substitution English are available in multiple languages, including English, Hindi

What is the importance of worksheets for English?

English worksheets help students practice all concepts given in their books, improve problem-solving skills, and prepare effectively for exams

What topics are covered in English One Word Substitution worksheets?

English One Word Substitution worksheets cover all topics as per the latest syllabus for current academic year.

How can I use worksheets to improve my English scores?

Regular practice with English worksheets can help you understand all concepts better, you can identify weak areas, and improve your speed and accuracy.

Are there solved examples in English worksheets?

All worksheets for English and for One Word Substitution have solved questions with step by step guide for each solution

How often should I practice English One Word Substitution worksheets?

Practice atleast one worksheet of One Word Substitution every day for English