CBSE Class 2 EVS Worksheet

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 2 EVS Worksheet. Students and teachers of Class 2 Environmental Studies can get free printable Worksheets for Class 2 Environmental Studies All Chapters in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 2 students should practice questions and answers given here for Environmental Studies in Class 2 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 2 Environmental Studies Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Environmental Studies books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests

Worksheet for Class 2 Environmental Studies All Chapters

Class 2 Environmental Studies students should download to the following All Chapters Class 2 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 2 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 2 Environmental Studies Worksheet for All Chapters

1. Arrange the vehicles from the fastest to the slowest:

    rickshaw, aeroplane, car, cycle

2. Fill ups:

    i). Trains run on ________________.

   ii). Metros are in cities like ___________________ and _________________.

  iii). _______________________ and ______________________ are used to carry load in hilly places.

  iv). We travel in a ___________________ if we have to go to moon.

3. Name two of each:

     i). slow moving vehicles ______________, _______________

    ii). 2 wheeler vehicles ______________, _______________

   iii). vehicles carrying goods ______________, _______________

   iv). vehicles going to far off places ______________, _______________

4. Tick the correct answer:

    i). Which carries the message faster? telephone / telegram

   ii). Which is used by more people? letter / e-mail

  iii). Which is the means of mass communication? newspaper / fax

  iv). Message sent through ___________________ will reach faster. letter/mobile

  v). Whose address do we write on the envelope? our own/ to the person we are sending letter


1. Name two things found in

     i). class room ______________________, _________________________

    ii). playground ______________________, _________________________

   iii). library ______________________, _________________________

   iv). music room ______________________, _________________________

 2. Fill in the blanks:

    i). Republic day is celebrated on ____________________________ every year.

   ii). Chacha Nehru’s birthday is celebrated as _______________ _____________ on 14th November.

  iii). We celebrate Teacher’s Day on ____ _______________.

  iv). When we mix sugar in a glass of water, it becomes _______________________.

 v). If you add red colour in the water, it looks ________________.

 vi). Water tastes ________________ when we mix salt in it.

 vii). Water has no ________________. It tastes like the thing dissolved in it.

Q1. Fill in the missing letters.

       a) How do you feel on a hot day?                                       TH___R___T___

       b) A water sport                                                                  S W___M____I___G

       c) Purest form of water                                                       R____ I____


Q2. Write true or false.

       1) Water is important for all living things. _________

       2) We need clean water for drinking. _________

       3) Animals can live without water. _________

       4) Plants need water, sunlight and air to make their food. ________


Q3. Give answers-

       I. What are the main sources of water?


      II. What do we need water for?


 Q4. Match correctly.

       1) Water live in water

       2) Plants main source of water

       3) Fish need water to make food

       4) Rain put out fire

Q1.a) Why do people work?

      b) Name any two persons who provide their services to us?

      c) Write one line about the persons who are involved in building the house-

         i. Architect-

        ii. Labourers-

        iii. Mason-

        iv. Beldar-

        v. Plumber-

       vi. Electrician-

       vii. Carpenter-

      viii. Painter-

A. Read the following and answer the following questions:

     My father bought a land to build a house. I was very happy asked him how can we build it.

     He told me in few simple steps. But I don’t know spellings.

     Please complete the spellings for me.

     1. First, we go to an a__ __ __ i __ __ __t who makes the drawing of house.

     2. Then, the l __ __ __ __ r __ __ s dig the land to build the house.

     3. The m __ __ __ n then builds the walls of house.

     When the house is built, there are a few more people who help us complete the house.

     1. The man who fits wires, switches _____________________

     2. The man who fixes taps and pipes _____________________

     3. The man who makes doors, furniture _____________________

     4. And finally the ___________________ paints the house.


B. Who sells the following? Tick the correct answer

     1. Vegetables green grocer/ chemist

     2. Sweets chemist/ halwai

Q1. Complete the following:

       i). We eat food because it _______________________________________

      ii). Animals give us _____________________________________________

     iii). Plants give us foods like ______________________________________

 Q2. Circle the correct answer:

      i). We eat breakfast in the

         a) morning b) afternoon

     ii). We get fruits and vegetables from

         a) Plants b) animals

    iii). ________ is used to make chapatis.

        a) Pulses b) Wheat flour

    iv). Butter, ghee and cheese are made from____

        a) Apple b) milk

 Q3. Name any two:

      i). Body-building foods ___________________ , _____________

     ii). Energy giving foods ___________________, ______________

    iii). Protective foods ___________________, ______________

    iv). Animal products ___________________, ______________

Q1. Give one word for the following.

       1) Banyan, Peepal, Neem, Coconut _____________

       2) Apple, Mango , Pineapple, Banana _____________

       3) Rice, Wheat, Maize, Oats , Corn _____________

       4) Carrot, Cauliflower, Beans, Cabbage ____________

       5) Cotton , Sunflower, Rose , Tulsi ____________

       6) Mint , Coriander , Grass _____________

 Q2. Write three examples of each.

        Trees                                            Herbs                                     Shrubs

        1._____________________ 1.____________________ 1.___________________

        2._____________________ 2.____________________ 2.__________________

        3._____________________ 3.____________________ 3.__________________

 Q3. Answer the following questions.

       a)What is a forest?


       b) Why are trees being cut?


Q1. Answer the following.

       a) What are worms?


       b) How does the beak help a bird?

       Ans. __________________________________________________________

Q2. Name any two of each.

       1. Animals with four legs. ___________________, ____________________

       2. Animals with horns. ___________________, ____________________

       3. Birds ___________________, ____________________

      4. Insects ___________________, ____________________

      5. Worms ___________________, ____________________

 Q3. Who am I?

       1. I am the slowest moving animal in the world. ________________

       2. I am the fastest moving animal in the world. ________________

       3. I am the largest animal having a trunk. ________________


Q4. Write true or false

       a) Birds eat food with their beak. _____

       b) Butterfly has two legs and wings. _____

       c) Animals run on their limbs. ______

       d) Earthworms swim in water. ______

       e) Parrot eat flesh of dead animals. _______

        f) Birds have no teeth. ______


Q5.Fill ups.

      a) Birds fly with the help of their _________.

      b) ____________ and _____________ swim in water.

      c) Sparrow has ______ legs .

     d) ___________ have six legs and wings.

     e) ________ and _______eat seeds.

CBSE Class 2 EVS Practice Worksheets (14) 1

CBSE Class 2 EVS Practice Worksheets (14) 2

CBSE Class 2 EVS Practice Worksheets (14) 3

 CBSE Class 2 EVS Practice Worksheets (13) 1


Section – A

I Fill in the blanks.
1. The sun gives us ________________ and _________________ .
2. When light cannot pass through an object ________________ is formed.
3. Shadows at different times of the day are _________________________ in their lengths.
4. _______________________ planet is closest to the sun.
5. ___________ is the only star in the solar system.
6. The largest planet in the solar system is _____________________ .
7. The ___________sun ??/__________ is the closest star to the earth.
II Answer in Yes or No.
1. Is the sun a star ? ____________
2. Does the sun have its own light ? ______________
3. Can sand hold water ? ____________
4. Can my shadow be of same length all the time ? ________
5. Is the Earth a blue planet ? _______________
III Choose the correct answer.
1. A rich soil has a lot of ____________ in it.
a. Clay b. sand c. humus
2. Plants get ___________ from soil.
a. Water b. Minerals c. Both of them
3. The solid rock under the soil is called ________
a. Subsoil b. topsoil c. bedrock
4. A shadow is formed on the ________________ side of light.
a. Opposite b. same c. back
5. The solarsystem has ___________ planets.
a. 8 b. 8 c. 7
IV Who am I ?
1. I am a hot ball of fire . ___________
2. I don’t look the same on all nights. ______________
3. I am seen in deserts and beaches. _______________
4. I am the topmost layer of soil. _____________________
5. You can see me when you block the light rays. _________________
Section – B
V Answer these questions.
1. At what times of the day would you find your shadow long ?
2. Name two things which you see in the night sky.
3. Name the different layers of soil.
4. Which soil would you use to grow flowers ? Why ?
5. What is a constellation ?
6. What happens on a cloudy day ?
Section - C
VI Answer these questions
1. Name the eight planets in their order from the sun.
2. Draw any three shapes of the moon.
3. What are the uses of soil ?
4. Draw the different layers of the soil.

 Section – A

I. Fill in the blanks.
1. Leather is made from the ______________ of dead animals.
2. The animals which live on land and water are called _________________ .
3. The animals which give birth to young ones are called _______________________ .
4. Pet and farm animals are called ____________________ animals.
5. Our body has a framework of bones called ____________________.
6. We must sleep for ____________ hours a day.
7. Food belonging to the grain groups are also called ________________________________ .
8. Fruits, nuts and vegetables are _____________________ foods.
9. When water is cooled it becomes __________ .
10. Our body has ___________ bones.
II. True or False.
1. Muscles and bones work together. ( )
2. Our body is made of only bones . ( )
3. Water gives us energy to work and play. ( )
4. On cooling water changes into steam. ( )
5. In nature , water does not change its form. ( )
III. Choose the correct answer.
1.Water when heated changes to
a.Ice b. water vapour c. clouds
3. Fruits and vegetables should be eaten
a. everyday b. on Sundays c. on holidays
4. These kill other animals for food.
a. wolves b. rabbits c. elephants
5. These animals help to keep the jungles clean by eating dead animals.
a. monkeys b. deer c. jackals
IV. Match the following.
1. Belts a. Herbivore ( )
2. Rabbit b.underground water ( )
3. Bones and muscles c. leather ( )
4. We must drink d. movement ( )
5. Save e. plenty of water. ( )
Section – B
V Answer these questions.
1. Why do we wear woollen clothes ?
2. Can we call a camel a wild animal ? Why ?
3.Why is good posture important ?
4.Why should we eat food from all food groups ?
6. Where does the rain water go ?
Worksheets for Class 2 Environmental Studies
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CBSE Class 2 EVS Animals Worksheet
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CBSE Class 2 EVS Food Worksheet
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CBSE Class 2 EVS Helpers Worksheet
CBSE Class 2 EVS Homes Worksheet
CBSE Class 2 EVS House Worksheet
CBSE Class 2 EVS Lunch Dinner Worksheet
CBSE Class 2 EVS Match Worksheet
CBSE Class 2 EVS My Family Worksheet
CBSE Class 2 EVS Myself Body Parts Worksheet
CBSE Class 2 EVS Myself Worksheet
CBSE Class 2 EVS National Festivals Worksheet
CBSE Class 2 EVS Neighborhood Worksheet
CBSE Class 2 EVS Our Environment Worksheet
CBSE Class 2 EVS Our Festivals Worksheet
CBSE Class 2 EVS Our Food Habits Worksheet
CBSE Class 2 EVS Our Food Worksheet
CBSE Class 2 EVS Our School Worksheet
CBSE Class 2 EVS Outline Map Of India Worksheet
CBSE Class 2 EVS Plants Around Us Worksheet
CBSE Class 2 EVS Plants Worksheet
CBSE Class 2 EVS Puzzle Worksheet
CBSE Class 2 EVS Recreation Worksheet
CBSE Class 2 EVS Revision Worksheet Set A
CBSE Class 2 EVS Revision Worksheet Set E
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CBSE Class 2 EVS Safety Rules Worksheet
CBSE Class 2 EVS Sample Paper Worksheet
CBSE Class 2 EVS Saudi Arabia Worksheet
CBSE Class 2 EVS Season Worksheet
CBSE Class 2 EVS Seasons And Clothes Worksheet
CBSE Class 2 EVS Sky Worksheet
CBSE Class 2 EVS Time Worksheet
CBSE Class 2 EVS Traffic Signals Worksheet
CBSE Class 2 EVS Traffic Worksheet
CBSE Class 2 EVS Transport Worksheet
CBSE Class 2 EVS Vegetables Worksheet
CBSE Class 2 EVS Water Worksheet
CBSE Class 2 EVS What To Wear Worksheet
CBSE Class 2 EVS Where We Live Worksheet
CBSE Class 2 EVS Worksheet

Worksheet for CBSE Environmental Studies Class 2 All Chapters

We hope students liked the above worksheet for All Chapters designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 2 Environmental Studies released by CBSE. Students of Class 2 should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 2 Environmental Studies on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for Environmental Studies by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 2 Environmental Studies to develop the Environmental Studies Class 2 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 2 Environmental Studies designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 2 Environmental Studies in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.

Where can I download latest CBSE Printable worksheets for Class 2 Environmental Studies All Chapters

You can download the CBSE Printable worksheets for Class 2 Environmental Studies All Chapters for latest session from

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There is no charge for the Printable worksheets for Class 2 CBSE Environmental Studies All Chapters you can download everything free

Are there any websites that offer free test sheets for Class 2 Environmental Studies All Chapters

Yes, provides all latest NCERT All Chapters Class 2 Environmental Studies test sheets with answers based on the latest books for the current academic session

What topics are covered in CBSE Class 2 Environmental Studies All Chapters worksheets?

CBSE Class 2 Environmental Studies All Chapters worksheets cover all topics as per the latest syllabus for current academic year.

How can I use worksheets to improve my Class 2 Environmental Studies scores?

Regular practice with Class 2 Environmental Studies worksheets can help you understand all concepts better, you can identify weak areas, and improve your speed and accuracy.