CBSE Class 5 Computer Science Worksheet Set B

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 5 Computer Science Worksheet Set B. Students and teachers of Class 5 Computers can get free printable Worksheets for Class 5 Computers All Chapters in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 5 students should practice questions and answers given here for Computers in Class 5 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 5 Computers Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Computers books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests

Worksheet for Class 5 Computers All Chapters

Class 5 Computers students should download to the following All Chapters Class 5 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 5 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 5 Computers Worksheet for All Chapters

Question. From where we can send parcel through speed post

Answer : Post office

Question. Radio is invented by

Answer : Guglielmo Marconi

Question. The face book was launched by

Answer : Zukerberg

Question. The fastest means of communication 

Answer : Telephone

True or False :

Question. First e-mail was sent by Zukerberg 

Answer : True

Question. Johannes invented television. 

Answer : False

Question. Drumbeats were used for communication in Africa. 

Answer : True

Question. Television has audio visual characters. 

Answer : True

Question. Fax is called telefax also.

Answer : False

Very Short Answer Type Questions :

Question. How has communication developed over the years?
Answer : Communication has developed over the years as many technologies like mobile phone, internet etc have been developed by which people who live far away can communicate with each other.

Question. How can you categorize the mean of communication?
Answer : Means of communication can be categorized into two forms:
1. Personal use: eg – Mobile phone, Internet (e-mails)
2. Mass communication: eg – Newspaper, Radios

Question. Do you feel it is important for us to communicate? Why?
Answer : Yes ,it is important for us to communicate so that:
1. We can be in touch with others.
2. We can get to know about, what is happening in the world?

Short Answer Type Questions :

Question. What do you mean by mass communication? Describe print media with example.
Answer : Mass communication means technology that is intended to reach a mass audience. It is the primary means of communication used to reach the vast majority of the general public. The most common platforms for mass media are newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and the Internet.
Print media:
Characteristics of Print Media. Print media are lightweight, portable, disposable publications printed on paper and circulated as physical copies in forms we call books, newspapers, magazines and newsletters. They hold informative and entertaining content that are of general or special interest.
1. Books
2. Newspapers
3. Magazines
4. Newsletters
5. Comic book 


Q.A- Fill in the blanks:

1. Paint is a _____ software.
Answer : Graphics

2. Windows Media Player is a___ software.
Answer : Multimedia

3. PowerPoint is a __ software.
Answer : Presentation

4. VisiCalc is a ____ software.
Answer : Spreadsheet

5. MicroPro made the ___ processor.
Answer : WordStar

6. FoxPro is a ______ software.
Answer : Databse

Q.B- Multiple Choice Questions:

1. The software substituted for hardware and stored in ROM.
a) Synchronous Software
b) Package Software
c) Firmware
d) Middleware
Answer: C

2. MOM stands for?
a) Message oriented middleware
b) Mails oriented middleware
c) Middleware of messages
d) Main object middleware
Answer: A

3. Storage of firmware is ___________
a) Cache Memory
b) RAM
c) External
d) ROM
Answer: D

A. Circle ONLY ONE appropriate option of the following :

1) In which of the following views can we change the layout ?
a) Normal
c) Slide show
b) Slide sorter
d) both a and b

2) Of the following mentioned on which toolbar is the textbox?
a) Standard
c) Drawing
b) Formatting
d) All of these

3) In which of the following views can we work with the objects ?
a) Normal
c) Slide show
b) Slide sorter
d) both a and b

4) Which of the following keys is pressed to maintain an Autoshapes height and width ratio, while you drag the shape?
a) Control
c) Shift
b) Alt
d) Any of the above

B) Fill in the blanks for the following :

1) ________ key is used to view a slide show.

2) Fourth generation of computers used ______________________________ ( circuitry ).

3) First generation of computers used ______________________________( circuitry ).

4) When we click on the border of the text object, the border changes from _________ to ______.

5) While dragging a slide to a new location a ______________ bar appears next to the slide.

6) ____________________ layout is the first layout available in the Slide Layout menu.

7) Ability of a computer to perform various types of jobs is called as _______________.

C) Differentiate between each of the following :
1) Promote and Demote
2) Algorithm and Flowchart
3) Expand and Collapse

D) Write the for shortcut for the following :
1) To insert a New Slide
2) To insert a New Presentation
3) To Move the text
4) To Copy the text

E) Answer in one word or sentence for each of the following :

1) Who gave stored progam concept?

2) Who gave Boolean Logic?

3) Name the two machines in vented by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly.

4) Name the two machines invented by Charles Babbage.

F) State True or False for the following ( write TRUE or FALSE and then the statement in the answer sheet):

1) We can move the objects between different slides.

2) Click inside the textbox and press delete key to delete the textbox.

3) Contents of textbox can be read in Outline tab.

G) Write the ‘ First ’ for the following mentioned :

1) General Purpose Electronic Digital Computer

2) First calculating device

3) First Computer Programmer

4) First Mechanical Calculator

5) First Commercial Electronic Computer

H) Name the following :

1) Father of the Disk Drive

2) Father of Computers

3) Father of Personal Computing

I) Define the following terms :

1) Slide Layout Body Text Placeholder

2) Flipping Line spacing

3) Slide Master Summary slide

4) Flowchart Algorithm

J) Draw the symbols for the following :

1) Serve the juice

2) Apply Polish

3) Read A, B

4) Which way to go?


Q.A- Fill in the blanks:

1. _____________ is a set of programs that organizes, utilizes and controls the hardware in a computer system.
Answer : System software

2. System software supports – running other ________, communicating with peripheral devices.
Answer : software

3. Operating systems, utility programs, device drivers and language processors fall into the class of__________________.
Answer : system software

4. Operating system is a type of system software that controls and coordinates the internal working of a ________________ .
Answer : computer system

5. The major function of operating system are – provide user _____________ to the user.
Answer : interface

6. Device drivers are the system software that controls a particular type of _________installed in computer.
Answer : device

7. Device drivers has instructions to make __________ able to recognize and operate the device.
Answer : operating system

8. Many operating systems have some _____________build directly into the operating system itself.
Answer : utility programs

9. Disk tool kits, data compression utilities, backup utility programs, virus protectors and screen savers are some____________.
Answer : utility programs

10 .A program that translates user’s program into machine language ____________
Answer : language translators or language processors.

11. ___________are further classified into packaged software and tailored or customized software.
Answer : Application software

12._______________ or customized software is the software developed to meet the specific requirement of a particular organization, institution or person.
Answer : Tailored software

I. Fill in the blanks:

1. The ______________ bar is present at the bottom of the window, which shows different views like normal view, page break and zoom slider.

2. A workbook by default opens ____________ worksheets.

3. Name box is present to the left of the ________________ bar.

4. The slides group is in ___________ tab

5. The _________ view is used to create and design a presentation.

6. There are _________ scroll bars.

7. Tab or _________ key is used to move to the next cell.

8. ____________ are labeled as A, B, C ……….. AA through XFD.

II. State True or False.

1. Range is the smallest unit of worksheet. [ ]

2. Three types of data can be entered in MX. Excel software. [ ]

3. Ctrl + s are the short cut key to save a document. [ ]

4. Name box displays the data or formula in the active cell. [ ]

5. We cannot change the color, font and background style of a theme. [ ]

6. The Normal view has four parts. [ ]

III. Match the following.

1) Ms. Power point                                                    (a) Smallest unit of the worksheet ( )

2) Slide                                                                     (b) Accepts entries and commands ( )

3) End slide show and return to PowerPoint            (c) Presentation soft ware ( )

4) Active workbook.                                                   (d) Rectangular block of contiguous cell ( )

5) Range                                                                   (e) Esc Key ( )

6) Cell                                                                        (f) A single page in a presentation ( )

IV. Choose the Correct answers.

1. We can start a new presentation from. ______________
(a) Blank slide
(b) Duplicate selected slide
(c) Reuse slide

2. The View displays a series of slides one by one in full screen. __________
(a) Normal view
(b) Slide sorter view
(c) Slide show view

3. Which pane is used to type notes that apply to a particular slide? _____________
(a) Slide pane
(b) Notes pane
(c) Outline pane

4. Which one refers to a range of cells in column E row 5 through 10? _________
(a) E5, E10
(b) E5 to E10
(c) E5:E10

V. Label the given parts.


VI. From the following box, find out Different Terms Related to Creating and Viewing Slides.


Q.1- Multiple Choice Questions:

I. The era of first generation computers was ……………………………
a. 1920- 1936 ( )
b. 1940- 1956( )
c. 1950- 1958 ( )
d. None of these ( )
Answer : B

II. …………………………. Invented a machine called Tabulating machine.
a. Howard Aiken ( )
b. Von Neumann ( )
c. Herman Hollerith ( )
d. None of these ( )
Answer : C

III. Abacus was the first mechanical device for calculations, developed in ……………………. .
a. America ( )
b. China ( )
c. India ( )
d. None of these ( )
Answer : B

IV. ………………………. consisted of 18,000 vacuum tubes and was 1000 times faster than the Mark I.
a. ENIAC ( )
b. Abacus ( ) h
c. UNIVAC ( )
d. None of these ( )
Answer : A

Q.2-Fill in the blanks:

I. The need to keep a track of numbers led to the invention of different.........................
Answer : calculating devices.

II. Each rod in Heaven has ............ beads and each rod in Earth has ............ beads.
Answer : 2, 5

III. Lady Augusta Ada Lovelace, was an ............  mathematician and writer
Answer : English

IV. ............Boole was an English mathematician.
Answer : George

Q. 3- State True or False:

I. Charles Babbage is considered the father of computers. He invented Tabulating machine in 1822 and Analytical engine in 1833.
Answer : False

II. Augusta Ada was the first programmer.
Answer : True

III. ENIAC was the first general purpose electronic digital computer, invented in 1956.
Answer : False

IV. MARK I was the first computer to handle both numeric and text data.
Answer : False

V. Computers are categorized into four types with respect to their speed, storage capacity, size and cost.
Answer : True

VI. The four types of computers are Micro computers, Mini computers, Mainframe computers, and Super computers.
Answer : True

A. Fill in the blanks:

1. PowerPoint helps in creating ______.

2. RAM is a ______ memory.

3. _______ is a place where we can find number of clips.

4. All the graphics are available in _______ tab.

5. ________ is a temporary storage area which stores the copied or cut text.

B. True or false:

1. PowerPoint is not the application of multimedia.

2. Normal view is the default view.

3. Slide show view is the full screen view of a slide.

4. Templates are not the pre-defined styles or designs which are present in the system.

5. Placeholders cannot hold objects such as text, clip art etc.

C. Brief Answers:

1. What is the use of USB?

2. Name one feature of a DVD.

3. Name two presentation software.

D. Shortcut keys:

1. To open a document

2. To pause the slide show

3. To redo the last action.

E. Long Answers:

1. What do you mean by duplicating a slide?

2. Write the steps to create a New presentation using templates.

F. Definition

1. Ribbon

2. Quick Access toolbar

3. Spreadsheet software


Q.A - Fill in the blanks

1. Program which acts as an interface between a user and the hardware is called ____________
Answer : (Operating system)

2. A set of instructions is called __________.
Answer : Program

3. A set of programs is called ____________
Answer : Software

4. The process of writing such program instructions for an analyzed problem is called _______________.
Answer : Coding

5. A software that convert a high level language program to binary is ________
Answer : Compiler

Q.B – State True / False:

1. The overall functions of the O.S are to manage I/O, files and memory.
Answer : True

2. Operating system acts as an interface between user and the hardware.
Answer : True

3. DOS is an example of GUI
Answer : False

4. GUI stands for Graphical user interconnection
Answer : False

5. BIOS means Basic Input Output system
Answer : True

6. Loading of operating system into computer memory is called Booting
Answer : True

Worksheet for CBSE Computers Class 5 All Chapters

We hope students liked the above worksheet for All Chapters designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 5 Computers released by CBSE. Students of Class 5 should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 5 Computers on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for Computers by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 5 Computers to develop the Computers Class 5 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 5 Computers designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 5 Computers in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.

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You can download the CBSE Printable worksheets for Class 5 Computers All Chapters for latest session from

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Yes, provides all latest NCERT All Chapters Class 5 Computers test sheets with answers based on the latest books for the current academic session

What topics are covered in CBSE Class 5 Computers All Chapters worksheets?

CBSE Class 5 Computers All Chapters worksheets cover all topics as per the latest syllabus for current academic year.

How can I use worksheets to improve my Class 5 Computers scores?

Regular practice with Class 5 Computers worksheets can help you understand all concepts better, you can identify weak areas, and improve your speed and accuracy.