CBSE Class 8 Computer Science Ms Access Worksheet

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 8 Computer Science Ms Access Worksheet. Students and teachers of Class 8 Computer Science can get free printable Worksheets for Class 8 Computer Science Ms Access in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 8 students should practice questions and answers given here for Computer Science in Class 8 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 8 Computer Science Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Computer Science books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests

Worksheet for Class 8 Computer Science Ms Access

Class 8 Computer Science students should download to the following Ms Access Class 8 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 8 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 8 Computer Science Worksheet for Ms Access


Question. Write a brief notes on objects of database.
Answer. The main objects of database are :-
1. Table :- A table in a database contains actual data. Ms Access stores related entries in its row, that’s called a record. Columns are also known as fields.
2. Query :- A query is used to get a record or group of records that’s fulfill a particular condition from a database.
3. Form :- A form is like a fill in the blank sheet where the particulars are to be filled by hand.
4. Report :- Ms Access allows to design report in a convenient way. These reports are meant to be printed just as forms are meant to be viewed on screen.

Question. Write down the steps to create a database using a template.
Answer. We follow these steps to create a database using a template
Step 1 :- Click on local templates from template categories located on the left pane .
Step 2 :- Choose the required database in the fill name box.
Step 3 :- Assign a male for the database in the fill Name box.
Step 4 :- Click on the create button.

Question. Write down the steps to create a blank table using datasheet view.
Answer. We use these steps to create a blank template.
Step 1 :- click blank database from the getting started with Ms Access page.
Step 2 :- Type the desired name in the file name box of the blank database pane.
Step 3 :- Click on create button, a blank database us created and opened containing an empty table by default to enter data.

Question. What are the database types in a table structure?
Answer. A table stores different types of data, there are some of data type :-
1. Text field :- A text field has letters, numbers and symbols. Example MX54, QW25X2. Etc.
2. Numeric field :- A numeric field consists of numbers m. It dies not accept letters or other special symbols. Example :- 34, 695, 100045 etc.
3. Currency field :- A currency field consists of symbols for various currencies, decimals and commas wherever required. For example ₹45, ¥ 345 etc.
4. Date /Time field :- A date /time field consists of the date and time. Calculations are allowed in fields.
5. Memo field :- A memo field consists of long text with multiple kinds of data.
6. Logical field :- A logical field consists of characters to represent “Yes”, “No”, “True” and “false”.

Question. Write down the steps to create a table using Design view.
Answer. We follow these steps to create a table using design view.
Step 1:- Click create tab in the Ribbon.
Step 2 :- Click on table Design from the tables group the new tables design view is opened to create a table structure.
Step 3 :- Type the name of the field in the name column and press tab key to move to data type column.
Step 4 :- An arrow is seen for a drop down list in the data type column. Click on the arrow and choose a data type from the list that appears.
Step 5 :- press tab key to move to and type a description in the description columns , it is optional to type a description.
Step 6 :- Click save button.
Step 7:- Type the name and click ok button.

Question. Explain various modification that can be done to change data in Ms Access.
Answer. We can modify a table in Ms Access in the following ways :-
1. Add a new record/row :- Locate the cursor at the last value of the field and press tab key to add a new record.
2. Add a new field / Column :- Right click on the column header and select insert column to add a new column .
3. Update a record :- Click in the cell which is to be updated and type the new value to update a record.
4. Deleting a row / Column :- Select the complete record/Column by clicking on the row / column header and press the delete key.




1. A _________ is used to add, modify and remove records in a table.
2. A ____________ us used to produce a table in printed form.
3. __________ is used to apply a filter and produce selected records.
4. __________ grid is used to add fields to the query.
5. Multiple condition are specified using the ________row.
6. The condition, on the basis of which the records will be filtered is specified in the _______row.
7. When the query is run, a particular field that will be visible is displayed by in the ________row.
8. _________ condition is when we enter to criteria in the same records are shown that meet both criteria.
1. Forms.   2. Report.    3. Query   4. Design
5.Or.          6.criteria.    7. Show.   8. And


Answer the following Questions :-

Question. What is query ?
Answer. Query in MS Access produces selected records from a table that meet certain predefined conditions.

Question. What are the two panes of a query window ?
Answer. The two panes if a query windows are Query wizard and Query design view.

Question. What is the use of auto format option ?
Answer. Auto format option in the layout view is used to change the format of a report.

Question. What is a database?
Answer. Database is an organised collection of data.

Question. What is the function of navigation bar?
Answer. Navigation bar can be utilize to access the records on a form.

Question. What is a form ?
Answer. Fork is used to present a table in printed form.

Question. Name the views available in MS Access to view a form.
Answer. Three views are available in MS Access to view a form:-
i. Form view. Ii. Laying view. Iii. Design view

Question. Name the views available in MS Access in which a report is displayed?
Answer. Four views are available in MS Access in which a report is displayed in MS Access. These are
i. Report view. Ii. Print preview. Iii. Layout view. Iv. Design view

Question. Identify the verified fields names from the following:-
1. Students name
2. Failed !
3. Roll no.
4. Subtotal
5. Mobile phone
6. Autobiography
Answer. In MS Access verified field names are those only which can get a data and in which no abbreviation, special sign and symbols are used.
Like as :-
1. Students name – verified field name
2. Failed ! - not a verified field name ( because it has ! Sign with it)
3. Roll no. - not a verified field name.
4. Subtitle – not a verified field name (because it’s a sum of few data’s)
5. Mobile name – verified field name
6. Autobiography- not a verified field male because it’s a collection of database .


Long Question

Question. Write a note on the design grid of query window.
Answer. Query window is divided into two panes these are Table pane and design grid.
Design grid :- Fields from the selected table are shown in field row.
Table – Name of the table is shown in the table row.
Sort :- Data is filtered in ascending or descending in the sort row.
Show :- When the query is run, a particular field that will be visible is displayed by a check mark, shown in the show row.
Criteria – The condition on the basis of which the records will be filled is specified in the criteria row.
Or :- Multiple condition are specified using the Or row .

Question. Write down the steps to create a query in MS Access.
Answer. A query may be based on other queries or a set of tables:
We use these steps to create a query:
Step 1- Open a database and click on create table of the ribbon.
Step 2- Click on query design on the utter group. We see the show table dialog box.
Step 3- Choose a table where query has to be placed.
Step 4- Click on add, the chosen table is added in query window.
Step 5- Click on close.

Question. Identity the record, field and value in the following table structure:-
1. Roll number       Name.                         English
    24.                      Nancy.                        72
2. Name                 Phone number.           Address
    Imran                8279882814.              27/2 Naya bazaar
    Record.              Field.              Value
1. Imran.               Roll number     24
2. Nancy               Name               72
3. 8279882814.     Phone number
4. English.             Address
5. 27/2 Naya bazaar



MS Access:

General Shortcut Keys

Basic Shortcut Keys You’re probably aware of some of the basic shortcut keys, and hopefully use them regularly:
• [Tab] sets focus to the next field.
 [Ctrl]+[Enter] inserts a new line in multi-line controls.
 [Ctrl]+[C] copies the selected text onto the clipboard.
• [Ctrl]+[X] cuts the selected text, and put it on the clipboard.
• [Ctrl]+[V] pastes the clipboard contents.
• [Ctrl]+[F] opens the Find dialog.
 [Ctrl]+[Z] undoes the last action.
• [Ctrl]+[A] selects all text in the current field.
• [Shift]+[F2] opens zoom box to edit the current field in its own, larger, dialog box.
 [Spacebar] toggles the value of a check box or option button.
• [F7] checks spelling.
• [Esc] undoes changes to the current field or the current record (press [Esc] twice to undo both).

Don’t Use the Mouse When You Can Use the Keyboard
 [Ctrl]+Arrow key combinations speed up navigation
[Ctrl]+[Left/Right Arrow] moves you to the beginning of the last/next word.
[Ctrl]+[Up/Down Arrow] moves you to the beginning of the last/next paragraph.
 [Shift] +Arrow key combinations select text
[Shift]+[Left/Right Arrow] selects one letter.
[Shift]+[Up/Down Arrow] selects one line.
[Ctrl]+ [Shift]+[Left/Right Arrow] selects a word.
[Ctrl]+ [Shift]+[Up/Down Arrow] selects a paragraph.

• [F2] switches between Edit mode and Navigation mode Edit mode displays the insertion point. Navigation mode hides the insertion point, and selects the entire field. When in Navigation mode, use the arrow keys to move between fields.
• [F4] opens a combo box or list box Use this keyboard shortcut to drop down the list, and then use the arrow keys to select a value from the list.
• [Ctrl]+[+] adds a new record
• [Ctrl]+[-] deletes the current record
• [Shift]+[Enter] saves the current record Switching records also saves the data, but it’s a good idea to save frequently, especially if you’re entering a lot of data.
• [Ctrl]+[PgUp] goes to the previous record
• [Ctrl]+[PgDn] goes to the next record

Database Window and Searching
From anywhere in MS Access:
• [Alt]+[Ctrl]+[F] go to the Search box of the Navigation Pane
• [F11] to toggle (open or hide) the database window
 [Alt]+[F11] switch between VBA module editor and database
 [Ctrl]+[F4] close the currently open object (tabs)
 [Ctrl]+[F6] cycle between open objects (tabs) From the database window:
• [F2] to rename the current object
• [F12] to save the current object as a new name

Data Refresh
 [Shift]+[F9] refresh the current data source (table, query, form record source, etc.) to retrieve the latest data
• [F9] while in a combo box, refresh the combo box drop down list. Useful when the lookup table's data changes.
• [F5] refresh the Window


More Question..

Q.1 Fill in the blanks.
1. A _______ displays specific records from a table that meet a certain criteria.
2. A _______ is a graphical representation of a table.
3. A _______ is a presentation of data in a printed format.
4. You can also use the _______ to create a report.
5. ________ are a means to view and analyze large amounts of data.

Q.2 Answer the following questions.
1. Define Reports.
2. Define Form.
3. Define Query.
4. What are the ways to view reports in MS Access?
5. How do you create a query?

Write the output of following shortcut keys : 

Question. Ctrl+S.
Answer : Save a database    

Question. Ctrl +O.
Answer : Open an existing database

Question. F2. 
Answer : Rename a table

Question. Alt +F4.
Answer : Close MS Access

Question. F5.
Answer : Refresh the existing database

Short Type Answer Questions :

Question. What is full form of RDBMS?
Answer : RDBMS stands for "Relational Database Management System."

Question. Name four organisation that keeps a database.
Answer : Police station , schools, hospitals, banks.

Question. What is database?
Answer : A database is a data structure that stores organized information. ...
For example, a company database may include tables for products, employees, and financial records.

Question. Write five advantages of maintaining a database.
Answer : Compressed data redundancy.
• Decreased updating errors and increased consistency.
• Excellent data integrity and independence from applications programs.
• Improved data access to users through the use of host and query languages.
• Improved data security.
• Reduced data entry, storage, and retrieval costs.

Question. Who introduced the concept of RDBMS and in which year ?
Answer : The term "relational database" was invented by E. F. Codd at IBM in 1970.


i. Ms Access stores related entries in its rows which is called ____________.
ii. Columns also known as _______ are used to store detail types in a record.
iii. A _________ is like a fill in the blanks sheet where the particulars are to be filled by hand .
if. Ms Access arranges data in form of __________.
v. Every piece of Information in a table is called a __________.
vi. A __________ is a readymade database including tables, queries, forms and reports.
Vii. Using _______ view and using Design views are the two main ways to created a table.
viii. A table in a __________ is an indication for the kind if table that is to be created.
Answer :-
i. Table                       v. Value
Ii. Fields                     vi. Template
iii. Form                     Vii. Datasheet
iv. Record                   viii. Database

Q2. Name the ways to create a database in Ms Access.
Ans. The ways to create a database in Ms Access are following:-
1. Numeric field
2. Currency field
3. Date/Time field
4. Memo field
5. Logical field

Q3. What is primary key ?
Ans. A primary key is a field or set of fields with values that are unique throughout a table. Values of the key can be used to refer to entire records, because each record has a different value for the key. Each table can only have one primary key.

Q4. Name the four views to work with a table in Ms Access.
Ans. The views to work with a table in Ms Access are following:-
1. Datasheet view
2. Pivot table view
3. Pivot chart view
4. Design view.

Q5. Write the output for the following shortcut keys:-

1. Ctrl + N.
Ans. Open a new Ms Access database

2. Ctrl +P.
Ans. Print the current or selected objects.

3. F12.
Ans. Open to save as dialog box.

4. S.
Ans. Open the page setup dialog box form print preview.

Worksheet for CBSE Computer Science Class 8 Ms Access

We hope students liked the above worksheet for Ms Access designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 8 Computer Science released by CBSE. Students of Class 8 should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 8 Computer Science on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for Computer Science by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 8 Computer Science to develop the Computer Science Class 8 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 8 Computer Science designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 8 Computer Science in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.

Where can I download latest CBSE Printable worksheets for Class 8 Computer Science Ms Access

You can download the CBSE Printable worksheets for Class 8 Computer Science Ms Access for latest session from

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Are there any websites that offer free test sheets for Class 8 Computer Science Ms Access

Yes, provides all latest NCERT Ms Access Class 8 Computer Science test sheets with answers based on the latest books for the current academic session

What topics are covered in CBSE Class 8 Computer Science Ms Access worksheets?

CBSE Class 8 Computer Science Ms Access worksheets cover all topics as per the latest syllabus for current academic year.

How can I use worksheets to improve my Class 8 Computer Science scores?

Regular practice with Class 8 Computer Science worksheets can help you understand all concepts better, you can identify weak areas, and improve your speed and accuracy.