CBSE Class 11 Computer Fundamentals Of Computer Science Worksheet

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 11 Computer Fundamentals Of Computer Science Worksheet. Students and teachers of Class 11 Computer Science can get free printable Worksheets for Class 11 Computer Science Fundamentals Of Computer Science in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 11 students should practice questions and answers given here for Computer Science in Class 11 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 11 Computer Science Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Computer Science books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests

Worksheet for Class 11 Computer Science Fundamentals Of Computer Science

Class 11 Computer Science students should download to the following Fundamentals Of Computer Science Class 11 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 11 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 11 Computer Science Worksheet for Fundamentals Of Computer Science

Question. Which of the following is NOT a type of broadband Internet connection?
(a) cable
(b) DSL
(c) Dial-up
(d) Satellite
(e) None of these

Answer. C

Question. Specialized programs that allow particular input or output devices to communicate with the rest of the computer system are called .
(a) operating systems
(b) utilities
(c) device drivers
(d) language translators
(e) Connectors

Answer. C

Question. A shares hardware, software, and data among authorized users.
(a) network
(b) protocol
(c) hyperlink
(d) transmitter
(e) None of these

Answer. A

Question. Most mail program automatically complete the following two parts in an e-mail
(a) From : and Body :
(b) From : and Date :
(c) From : And To :
(d) From : and Subject :
(e) None of these

Answer. B

Question. In Microsoft PowerPoint you can edit an embedded organization chart object by
(a) Clicking edit object
(b) Double clicking the organization chart object
(c) Right clicking the chart object, then clicking edit MS-Organizaiton Chart object
(d) (B) and (C)
(e) All of the above

Answer. D

Question. A scientific institution performing intensive mathematical operations for a complex model that required extremely powerful computing capabilities will most likely use a(n):
(a) Supercomputer
(b) PC
(c) mainframe
(d) ISP
(e) None of these

Answer. A

Question. The father of Modern Computer is .
(a) Charles Babbage
(b) Von-neumann
(c) Danies Ritchel
(d) Blaise Pascal
(e) None

Answer. B

Question. Before data can be transmitted, they must be transformed to .
(a) periodic signals
(b) electromagnetic signals
(c) aperiodic signals
(d) low-frequency sine waves
(e) None of these

Answer. B

Question. The following typically happens in the output phase of a computer based information system
(a) Data is put into the computer for processing
(b) Information is produced in hardcopy/ softcopy form
(c) Mathematical calculations are performed
(d) All of the above.
(e) All of the above

Answer. B

Question. Advantage of a multiprogramming system is
(a) simultaneous execution of program instructions from two applications
(b) concurrent processing of two or more programs
(c) single processing at a time
(d) none of these
(e) All of the above

Answer. B

Question. The term designates equipment that might be added to a computer system to enhance its functionality.
(a) digital device
(b) system add-on
(c) disk pack
(d) peripheral device
(e) None of these

Answer. D

Question. In Excel to save a workbook, you
(a) Click the save button on the standard toolbar from the menu
(b) Press Ctrl+F5
(c) Click Save on the Windows Start button
(d) Select Edit>Save
(e) All of the above

Answer. A

Question. In Excel all worksheet formula
(a) Manipulate values
(b) Manipulate labels
(c) Return a formula result
(d) Use the addition operator
(e) All of the above

Answer. C

Question. APL is
(a) A high level language for specifying complex algorithms.
(b) A real-time language primarily for scientific applications.
(c) Only A is true
(d) Both A & B are true
(e) All of the above

Answer. D

Question. A selection, choice, or condition involving two possibilities is referred as
(a) Unary
(b) Binary
(c) Octal
(d) None of these
(e) All of the above

Answer. B

Question. End means?
(a) Logical end of a program
(b) Physical end of a program
(c) Both1 and 2
(d) all of the above
(e) None of these

Answer. A

Question. Which key is used in combination with another key to perform a specific task?
(a) function
(b) arrow
(c) space bar
(d) control
(e) None of these

Answer. D

Question. The linking of computers with a communication system is called
(a) Networking
(b) Pairing
(c) Interlocking
(d) Assembling
(e) Sharing

Answer. A

Question. A method of using a communication channel in which signals can be transmitted between a source and a destination in both directions simultaneously is called
(a) Full duplex
(b) Half duplex
(c) Quarter duplex
(d) None of these
(e) All of the above

Answer. A

Question. In Windows operating system shortcut CTRL+A is to
(a) Select all
(b) Highlight a block of text
(c) Delete something
(d) Paste something
(e) All of the above


Question. Where are programs and data kept while the processor is using them?
(a) Main memory
(b) Secondary memory
(c) Disk memory
(d) Program memory
(e) None of these

Answer. A

Question. Who is the chief of Microsoft?
(a) Charles Babbage
(b) Bill Gates
(c) Bill Clinton
(d) Bush
(e) None of these

Answer. B

Question. SMPS stands for .
(a) Switched mode power supply
(b) Start mode power supply
(c) Store mode power supply
(d) Single mode power supply
(e) None

Answer. A

Question. Portability is program ability to run on
(a) dissimilar machines with minimum modification
(b) similar machines with maximum modification
(c) dissimilar machines with maximum modification
(d) similar machines with maximum modification
(e) All of the above

Answer. A

Question. Hard copy is a term used to describe...?
(a) Printed output
(b) Writing on a hard board
(c) Storing information on the hard disk
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these

Answer. A

Question. In Excel on an excel sheet the active cell in indicated by
(a) A dark wide boarder
(b) A dotted border
(c) A blinking border
(d) None of above
(e) All of the above

Answer. A

Question. Which of the following is not a type of key?
(a) Alphabetic Keys
(b) Numeric keys
(c) Function keys
(d) Toggle keys
(e) None of these

Answer. E

Question. Which cannot be used to close the Word application
(a) ALT+ F4
(b) File-&gt Close
(c) File-&gt Exit
(d) X button in the word window
(e) None of these

Answer. B

Question. In Excel you can print
(a) A range of cells by range name
(b) An entire worksheet
(c) A single worksheet
(d) All of the above
(e) All of the above

Answer. D

Question. In Microsoft Word shortcut CTRL+A is to
(a) Select all
(b) Highlight a block of text
(c) Delete something
(d) Paste something
(e) All of the above

Answer. A

Question. Personal computers can be connected together to form a .
(a) server
(b) super computer
(c) network
(d) enterprise
(e) None of these

Answer. C

Question. In Excel the following setup options cannot be set in the page setup dialog box?
(a) Printer selection
(b) Vertical or horizontal placement
(c) Orientation
(d) Row and column titles
(e) All of the above

Answer. A

Question. Graphics for word processor
(a) Peripheral
(b) Clip art
(c) Highlight
(d) Execute
(e) All of the above

Answer. B

Question. In Excel….. is a group of cells that form a rectangle on the screen.
(a) Calculation
(b) Formula
(c) Range
(d) Range address
(e) All of the above

Answer. C

Question. Following is not the from of secondary storage
(a) Magnetic tape
(b) CD’s
(c) Disk
(d) Hard disk
(e) All of the above

Answer. D

Question. Excel worksheet cells work very similarly to what common element of the windows graphical user interface
(a) Option buttons
(b) List boxes
(c) Text boxes
(d) Combo boxes
(e) All of the above

Answer. C

Question. What are connector symbol?
(a) They are used in a flowchart
(b) It represents a junction in a flow line
(c) Often used to transfer flow between different pages of a lengthy chart
(d) All the above
(e) None of these

Answer. D

Question. Extended ASCII uses
(a) 8 bits for coding
(b) 9 bits for coding
(c) 10 bits for coding
(d) 11 bits for coding
(e) All of the above

Answer. A

Question. What do you use to create a chart?
(a) Pie Wizard
(b) Excel Wizard
(c) Data Wizard
(d) Chart Wizard
(e) None of these

Answer. D

Question. PU can transmit at a time to main memory and to input and output devices
(a) Data width
(b) Bus width
(c) Memory width
(d) Capacity
(e) None of these

Answer. B

Question. In Microsoft PowerPoint the following is not an option when printing handouts
(a) Six slides per page
(b) Five slides per page
(c) Three slides per page
(d) Two slides per page
(e) All of the above

Answer. B

Question. In Excel worksheet range is a
(a) A command used for data modeling
(b) A range of values such as from 23 to 234
(c) A group of cells
(d) A group of worksheets
(e) All of the above

Answer. C

Question. Control Unit of a digital computer is often called the
(a) Clock
(b) Nerve center
(c) ICs
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these

Answer. D

Question. What is gutter margin?
(a) Margin that is added to the left margin when printing
(b) Margin that is added to right margin when printing
(c) Margin that is added to the binding side of page when printing
(d) Margin that is added to the outside of the page when printing
(e) None of these

Answer. C

Question. In Windows operating system to move backward through the options
(d) None of these
(e) All of the above

Answer. C

Question. In Windows operating system shortcut CTRL+C is used for
(a) Cut
(b) Paste
(c) Copy
(d) None of these
(e) All of the above

Answer. A

Question. A firewall is ........
(a) A software program
(b) A virus program
(c) A Hardware
(d) All the above
(e) Only and 3

Answer. E

Question. Which of the following deals with data organised in rows and columns?
(a) Matrix
(b) Spreadsheet
(c) Word document
(d) PPT
(e) MS Paint

Answer. B

Question. Archive is
(a) Backup storage
(b) Forward operation
(c) Primary storage
(d) None of these
(e) All of the above

Answer. A

Question. A number system with a base of two is referred as
(a) Unary number system
(b) Binary number system
(c) Octal number system
(d) None of these
(e) All of the above

Answer. B

Question. In Excel which menu option can be sued to split windows into two
(a) Format > window
(b) View > window > split
(c) Window > split
(d) View > split
(e) All of the above

Answer. C

Question. Which of the following was (were) not used in first- generation computers?
(a) vacuum tubes
(b) punch cards
(c) magnetic core
(d) all of the above
(e) All of the above

Answer. C

Question. Which key is used in combination with another key to perform a specific task?
(a) function
(b) arrow
(c) space bar
(d) control
(e) None of these

Answer. D

Question. A language that refers to the way people think mathematically iscalled as
(a) Functional language
(b) Cross-platform language
(c) Event driven programming language
(d) all of the above
(e) None of these

Answer. A

Question. For creating a document, you use command at File Menu.
(a) New
(b) Open
(c) Document
(d) Type
(e) None of these

Answer. A

Question. Which of the following is true concerning personal computers?
(a) They have been most successful in the home.
(b) They are user friendly
(c) No specific programming technique required
(d) All the above.
(e) All of the above

Answer. D

Question. ASCII File is
(a) document file in the universally recognized text format
(b) Word processor
(c) System file
(d) None of these
(e) All of the above

Answer. A

Question. The first spam email was sent by
(a) Gary Thuerk
(b) Adi Shamir
(c) Alan Kay
(d) Charles Thomas
(e) Henry Phillips

Answer. A

Question. The term --- designate equipment that might be added to a computer system to enhance. Its functionality.
(a) Digital device
(b) system add
(c) Disk pack
(d) Peripheral device
(e) None of these

Answer. D


1. What are data types?

2. In what categories data types are divided?

3. Define a variable

4. Differentiate between declaration, definition and initialization of a variable.

5. Define a constant

6. Differentiate between 1, ‘1’, “1”

7. Give examples of integer,float,character and string constant

8. Why is char often treated as integers?

9. Can integer value be stored in float variables and vice versa?

10. Can char be stored in int variables and vice versa?

11. What is #include called and why?

12. What are various types of operators

13. Differentiate between unary, binary and ternary operator

14. How is postfix operator different from prefix? Which has higher priority?

15. Give the priority of all operators?

16. What is the difference between = and = = ?

17. Differentiate between simple and compound statements.

18. What are put in and get from operators?

19. Differentiate between syntax,logical and runtime errors.

20. What is the difference between keyword and identifier?

Worksheet for CBSE Computer Science Class 11 Fundamentals Of Computer Science

We hope students liked the above worksheet for Fundamentals Of Computer Science designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 11 Computer Science released by CBSE. Students of Class 11 should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 11 Computer Science on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for Computer Science by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 11 Computer Science to develop the Computer Science Class 11 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 11 Computer Science designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 11 Computer Science in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.

Where can I download latest CBSE Printable worksheets for Class 11 Computer Science Fundamentals Of Computer Science

You can download the CBSE Printable worksheets for Class 11 Computer Science Fundamentals Of Computer Science for latest session from

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There is no charge for the Printable worksheets for Class 11 CBSE Computer Science Fundamentals Of Computer Science you can download everything free

Are there any websites that offer free test sheets for Class 11 Computer Science Fundamentals Of Computer Science

Yes, provides all latest NCERT Fundamentals Of Computer Science Class 11 Computer Science test sheets with answers based on the latest books for the current academic session

What topics are covered in CBSE Class 11 Computer Science Fundamentals Of Computer Science worksheets?

CBSE Class 11 Computer Science Fundamentals Of Computer Science worksheets cover all topics as per the latest syllabus for current academic year.

How can I use worksheets to improve my Class 11 Computer Science scores?

Regular practice with Class 11 Computer Science worksheets can help you understand all concepts better, you can identify weak areas, and improve your speed and accuracy.