Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 2 Computers Practice Worksheet. Students and teachers of Class 2 Computer can get free printable Worksheets for Class 2 Computer All Chapters in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 2 students should practice questions and answers given here for Computer in Class 2 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 2 Computer Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Computer books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests
Worksheet for Class 2 Computer All Chapters
Class 2 Computer students should download to the following All Chapters Class 2 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 2 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Class 2 Computer Worksheet for All Chapters
Q1. Name the following:
1. Fastest computer in the world ____
2. Computer which is small like a briefcase ___
3. Computer which you can keep in your pocket __
4. Computer which is kept on the table ___
5. Five places where you see a computer ____
Q2. True and false:
1. A computer can think and take its own decisions.
2. Man can do complex calculations in a second.
3. A computer helps diagnose diseases in hospitals.
4. A computer helps in designing of books, magazines etc.
5. Computer gets bored very easily.
Q1. 1. Super computer 2. Laptop computer 3. Hand held computer 4. Desktop computer 5. Hospitals, banks, school, offices, malls
Q2. 1. False 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. False
1. Name the device :-
a. Used to store work ________.
b. Used to listen music __________.
c. Used to scan pictures __________.
d. Helps you to see your friend online ________.
e. Helps in playing games ________.
1. Name the device
a. Pen drive
b. Speaker
c. Scanner
d. Web camera
e. Joystick
2. Re-arrange the jumble words:-
a. PNRTIRE _____________.
b. SNANCRE _____________.
c. CMUOTERP _____________.
d. MNTIOOR _____________.
e. PDNIREEV _____________.
f. HRDADKSI _____________.
2. Re arrange the jumble words
3. Missing letters:-
a. K _Y B __A _D
b. M_U_ E
c. S P __A _E R
d. T __L E __ I S _O N
e. H __ M _N
f. F __O P __Y D __S K
3. Missing letters
a. K E Y B O A R D
b. M O U S E
c. S P E A K E R
d. T E L E V I S I O N
e. H U M A N
f. F L O P P Y D I S K
4. Write the full form of the following abbreviations:-
a. CPU
b. PC
c. ALU
d. CD
4. Full forms
a. Central processing unit.
b. Personal computer.
c. Arithmetic logic unit.
d. Compact disc.
New words-: ( copy and learn)
a. Monitor
b. Special
c. Screen
d. Buttons
e. Brain
f. Mouse
g. Internet
h. Speakers
i. Movies
j. Record
Give the function of following parts of computer-:
a. Printer -: printer is used to print text or picture on paper.
b. Microphone -: A microphone is used to record our voice and different sounds into the computer. We can also use it to talk to our friends.
c. Speaker -: we can listen to music and hear sounds stored in computer with the help of speakers.
d. Compact Disc-: it is use to store a lot of information and for listening to music and watching movies
1-Unscramble the given words:---
a) EMOH ___________ e) EKPDSTO ___________
b) LOHOCS ___________ f) ALETBT ___________
c) ECIFOF ___________ g) MRPOSAHTNE ___________
d) SALTIPOSH ___________ h) TAOPLP __________
2- Guess the name of places where:---
a) I love to play games on a computer. ___________
b) My father uses a computer. ___________
c) Computers are used for keeping records Of patients. ___________
d) My teacher uses the computer for preparing report cards. ____________
e) Computers are used for keeping records
Of passengers. _____________
3- Who am I :-----
a) I am big in size , you can keep me on the desk._____________
b) You can make calls , send messages and store Phone numbers on me. _____________
c) I have touch screen on which ,you can write Using a special purpose pen. ______________
d) I am small in can keep it on your lap.
You can carry it easily anywhere.
Q1. Write True or False-:
a. Keyboard and monitor are attached with a printer. __
b. A microphone is used to record our voice. __
c. Data can be nmber , words or pictures. __
d. We enter data from the CPU. __
e. Computers are used in offices for calculating marks. __
f. We get input from the computer. __
g. Title bar is located at the top of the desktop. __
h. Caps lock key is used to bring the cursor to the next line.__
Q2. Give example of the following-:
a. Input devices - _________
b. Output device - _________
c. Processing device - _________
Q3. How will you switch on a computer?
Q1. Guess who am I -:
a. I am kept on a lap and iam a type of computer. Guess who am I ?
Ans ____________________________
b. I have a lot of buttons called keys on me . Guess who am I?
Ans _____________________________
c. I am used to take print out . Guess who am I ?
Ans _____________________________
d. I am the data which is processed by the computer . Guess who am I ?
Ans _____________________________
e. I am the key which bring the cursor down. Guess who am I ?
Ans _____________________________
f. I look like a TV screen . Guess who am I ?
Ans _____________________________
g. I do all the processing of the data . Guess who am I ?
Ans _____________________________
h. I am the longest key on the keyboard. Guess who am I ?
Ans ____________________________
Q1. Write true or false:-
a. Monitor do all the thinking and work for computer.
Answer: False
b. Mouse is used to draw and paint.
Answer: True
c. Computer that can be kept on lap is called desktop.
Answer: False
d. Compact disc is used to store information.
Answer: True
e. We use computer in homes to listen to music and play games.
Answer: True
f. Full form of CPU is conditional processing unit.
Answer: False
Q2. Fill in the blanks-:
a. The __Speakers_________ are use to listen to music .
b. Printer is used to take _print________ outs on paper.
c. Computer is used in banks to keep record of ____money__.
d. _____keyboard__________ has many keys on it.
e. A computer needs ____electricity_________ to work
f. A computer does not ____work_______ on it’s own.
Answer the following questions-:
a. Write two places where computer is used .
Ans :
b. Mention the three step process on which a computer work?
Ans :
c. What does the blue title bar indicate ?
Ans :
d. Name any four special keys .
Ans :
e. What is the function of delete key ?
Ans :
Draw and colour shapes
Question and answers-:
a. How will you draw a polygon?
Ans : step 1- select the polygon tool from the shapes group.
Step 2- select the thickness of the line from the size button.
Step 3- select a colour
Step 4- draw the polygon by dragging and clicking the mouse.
Step 5- Double click at final point to close the shape.
b. How will you save your picture?
Ans : Step 1- click on paint button and select the save option-> save as window appears-> type a name in the file name box-> click on save button.
Q1. Tick the correct option-:
a. A computer is a __________________ .
i) Human
ii) Animal
iii) machine
b. A monitor looks like a _____________ .
i) Television
ii) Fridge
iii) Almirah
c. A standard keyboard has ____________ keys .
i) 205
ii) 104
iii) 300
d. CPU is also known as a _________ of computer.
i) Eyes
ii) Brain
iii) Ears
e. A mouse helps us to ___________________ .
i) Draw
ii) Paint
iii) both
f. The print out on the paper is called _______________.
i) Hard copy
ii) Soft copy
iii) None of them
Q1. Write true or false:-
a. Monitor do all the thinking and work for computer. _____
b. Mouse is used to draw and paint. _____
c. Computer that can be kept on lap is called desktop. _____
d. Compact disc is used to store information. _____
e. We use computer in homes to listen to music and play games. _____
f. Full form of CPU is conditional processing unit. _____
Q2. Fill in the blanks-:
a. The ___________ are use to listen to music .
b. Printer is used to take _________ outs on paper.
c. Computer is used in banks to keep record of _________ .
d. _______________ has many keys on it.
e. A computer needs _____________ to work
f. A computer does not ___________ on it’s own .
Q1.Answer the following in one word-:
a. Which button is use to resize the window?
Ans _________________
b. Which key is used to bring the cursor to the next line?
Ans _________________
c. Which part of the computer processes the data?
Ans _________________
d. How many alphabet keys are there on the keyboard?
Ans _________________
e. What is the print out that we get on paper is called ?
Ans _________________
f. What is a computer ?
Ans _________________
g. What is the full form of CD
Ans _________________
h. What are the data and instructions that we enter into a computer called ?
Ans _________________
i. What are the small pictures on the desktop called ?
Ans _________________
j. Which key is the longest key of the keyboard ?
Ans ___________________
Question and answers-:
Q1. Name three type of computers.
Ans 1. Three type of computers area.
Desktop computer
b. Laptop computer
c. Tablet computer
Q2. Write four places where computer are used .
Ans 2. Four places where computer are used area.
At home
b. In school
c. In banks
d. At hospitals
Q3. How should we clean the computers?
Ans 3. We should clean the computer with a soft and dry cloth.
Q4. Write difference between man and computer.
Man computer
a. A man may forget the information a. A computer never forget the information
b. A man needs rest b. A computer does not need rest
c. A man can make mistakes c. A computer does not make mistakes
Q1. Write true or false:
a. Computer is not always correct. ____
b. Monitor helps in typing the text. ____
c. CPU is called the brain of computer. ____
d. Compact disc is used to listen to music on computer. ____
e. Microphone is used to speak on computer. ____
f. Computer is not a machine.
Q2. Write the full form of the following-:
a. C.D -
b. C.P.U -
Q3. Draw a compact disc and speakers-:
Q2.write five places where computer is used:-
Q3. Write the function of following-:
a. Keyboard
b. CPU-
Q1. Fill in the blanks:-
a. __Monitor____ shows the work done by us on computer.
b. A keyboard has __104__ keys.
c. CPU is also called as a ___brain__ of computer.
d. A ___mouse ____ is used to paint.
e. Printed copy on paper is called the _hard copy__ .
f. CD is ___round___in shape.
Q2. Write True or False:-
a. A keyboard helps the computer to think .
Answer: False
b. CPU do all the thinking and work.
Answer: True
c. A mouse helps to store the information from the computer.
Answer: False
d. A printer is used to listen to the music.
Answer: False
e. Keyboard is used to type the text on the computer. ___
Answer: True
Q1. : Fill in the blanks :-
a. Mouse help us to ______________ pictures on the computer screen.
b. A ____________ contains tools arranged in different groups.
Q2. Write True or False :
a. A text tool is used to draw lines . _________
b. An optical mouse uses light instead of ball. _________
Q3. Answer the following questions-:
a. Where do we attach the tail of the mouse.
Ans ___________________________________________________________
b. Which button shows the background colour?
Ans ___________________________________________________________
Q4. Match the following :
a. Text tool i) Press the right mouse button
b. Pointer ii) Used to add text
c. right click iii) An arrow
Q5. Draw the following-:
a. Mouse
b. Pencil tool
know your computer
1. Name the following:-
a. Who makes our work easier ______.
b. Things that occur in nature _______.
c. Things that are made by people_______.
d. Two natural things______, ________.
e. Two man made things _____, _______.
a. Machine
b. Natural things
c. Man – made things
d. Sun , Moon
e. Chair , Book
2. Re arrange the jumble words:-
a. MSUCI ___________.
b. CMOUPTER ___________.
c. BIYCLE ___________.
d. CRA ___________.
e. TLEVESIOIN ___________.
f. BOKO ___________.
g. HMUNA ___________.
d. CAR
3. Missing letters:-
a. M __ __ N
b. R __ V __ R
c. S __ N
d. M __ U N __ A __ N
e. P __ N C _ L
f. M __ B I __ E
g. H O __ S __
a. M O O N
b. R I V E R
c. S U N
d. M O U N T A I N
e. P E N C I L
f. M O B I L E
g. H O U S E
4. Fill in the blanks:-
a. Machines save our _____ while doing a work.
b. ________ is an intelligent machine.
c. Computers do not commit _______.
d. Machines are ________ things.
a. Time
b. Computer
c. Mistakes
d. Man made
5. Answer the following questions:-
a. What is computer?
Answer. Computer is an electronic device.
Used for making work easier.
b. Write any two uses of computer?
Answer. (i) It can solve sums very fast.
(ii) It is an accurate device.
Q. Write the steps in the calculator used for subtracting 2 from 8
Step 1: Click on number _____________
Step 2: Click on _______________________________ button
Step 3: Click on number _____________
Step 4: Click on _______________________________ button
Q. Fill in the blanks:
a) Mouse is also known as a ____________________________________________.
b) Microphone is an _____________________ device.
c) Printer is an _______________________ device that gives us result on the paper.
d) __________________ is a program used for typing in the computers.
e) ________________________ is an output device.
f) A _________________________ is used to do calculations in the computer.
g) _______________________ key is used to type capital letters.
h) _________________and __________________ key are used for erasing text in the computer.
i) Monitor is an _______________________ device.
Q1. Write true or false:-
a. Computer is not always correct.
Answers: False
b. Monitor helps in typing the text.
Answers: False
c. CPU is called the brain of computer.
Answers: True
d. Compact disc is used to listen to music on computer.
Answers: False
e. Microphone is used to speak on computer.
Answers: True
f. Computer is not a machine.
Answers: False
Q2. Write the full form of the following-:
a. C.D - Compact disc
b. C.P.U - central processing unit
Q3. Draw a compact disc and speakers-:
Q2.write five places where computer is used:-
Q3. Write the function of following-:
a. Keyboard
b. CPU
Draw and colour shapes
Q1. Fill in the blanks-:
a. Brushes tool contains the airbrush option.
b. Size button is used to select the spray size of an air brush.
c. The polygon tool is present in the shapes group.
d. The paint button contains the save option.
Q2. Write True or False-:
a. The polygon tool works similar to the line tool. ____
b. The airbrush tool is used to spray colour. ____
c. All the tools have similar functions. ____
d. The office button in paint contains the open option. ____
Operating a computer
Define the following-:
a. Desktop - once the computer is switched on ,the first display screen that we get is known as desktop
b. Title bar - the top most blue bar of the word pad window is known as the title bar.
Q1. Fill in the blanks:-
a. Machine makes our work __fast_______ and ___easy_______ .
b. A computer needs __electricity____ to work.
c. A computer has __four___ main parts.
d. All the parts of computer are attached to __CPU_______ by wires.
e. A mouse has ___two_____ or __three_________ buttons.
Q2.tick the correct option:-
a. A computer is used to ( make tickets / make bills ) in a railway station.
b. A computer (does / does not ) work on it’s own.
c. A computer works ( fastly / slowly)
d. A keyboard is used to ( type the text/ show the result)
e. A microphone is used to( listen to music / speak)
A. Fill in the blanks :
1. A computer never gets ……………
2. A computer works with …………………………
3. Man needs ………………… time to do his work as compared to a computer.
4. A computer cannot take its own ……………
5. In ……….……, computers are used to keep the details of bank accounts.
6. Computers are used in ……………………. to give information about arrival and departure time of trains.
7. In hospitals, computers are used to prepare …………...
8. In a library, computer is used for keeping ………… of books.
9. Computers are used in Railways for ……………………
10. Computers are used in ………………… for preparing medical reports.
B. State True (T) or False ( F)
1. We can use computer in library for keeping records of patients.
2. Computers are used in offices for keeping records.
3. A computer helps in designing clothes, machines and magazines.
4. A computer always gives correct results.
5. Man can work for long hours without getting tired.
6. Computers are used in schools for online reservations and booking tickets.
7. We can store a lot of information in a computer.
8. Computers are used in hospitals for keeping records and preparing medical reports.
9. A Tablet computer does not have a touch screen.
10. Computers are used in banks for keeping records of our accounts.
C. Answer the following
1. Are machines living things or man made?
2. What is a computer?
3. In school, where do you go for computer practical?
4. Name the small computer which can be kept on our lap.
5. What does a computer need to work?
6. Name the place where computers are used for making time table and preparing results of students.
7. Name the computer which is larger than a mobile phone.
8. Name the place where computers are used for preparing medical reports.
9. Which phone is used to make calls, send and receive text messages, sharing audios and videos?
Q1. Fill in the blanks:-
a. __Monitor____ shows the work done by us on computer.
b. A keyboard has __104__ keys.
c. CPU is also called as a ___brain__ of computer.
d. A ___mouse ____ is used to paint.
e. Printed copy on paper is called the _hard copy__ .
f. CD is ___round___in shape.
Q2. Write True or False:-
a. A keyboard helps the computer to think .
Answer: False
b. CPU do all the thinking and work.
Answer: True
c. A mouse helps to store the information from the computer.
Answer: False
d. A printer is used to listen to the music.
Answer: False
e. Keyboard is used to type the text on the computer.
Answer: True
Worksheet for CBSE Computer Class 2 All Chapters
We hope students liked the above worksheet for All Chapters designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 2 Computer released by CBSE. Students of Class 2 should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 2 Computer on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for Computer by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 2 Computer to develop the Computer Class 2 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 2 Computer designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 2 Computer in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.
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Yes, provides all latest NCERT All Chapters Class 2 Computer test sheets with answers based on the latest books for the current academic session
CBSE Class 2 Computer All Chapters worksheets cover all topics as per the latest syllabus for current academic year.
Regular practice with Class 2 Computer worksheets can help you understand all concepts better, you can identify weak areas, and improve your speed and accuracy.