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Worksheet for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 6 Staffing
Class 12 Business Studies students should download to the following Chapter 6 Staffing Class 12 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 12 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Class 12 Business Studies Worksheet for Chapter 6 Staffing
Short questions type Answers
Question. What do you mean by Staffing? Enumerate any two features of staffing function of management?
Answer: Staffing is a managerial function of placing the right job. Staffing is concerned with determining the man power requirement of enterprise and includes function like recruitment selection, training, growth, development and performance appraisal of employees.
It deals with human resources
It is concerned with helping employees to develop their abilities.
Question. Explain Vestibule Training?
Answer: Under those methods separate Training centre to setup to give Training to the New Employs. Actual work Environment are created in that centre and employs used the same material Equipment etc which they use while doing the actual Job. This method is generally use critical equipment machinery are required to handle by worker.
Question. Discuss any two advantages of training and development to the organization and to the employees?
Answer: Advantages to the Organization:-
(1) Helps in increasing productivity of workers and thus leads to increase in profit.
(2) Makes effective response to dynamic environment.
Advantages to the employees:-
(1) Employs become more efficient in handling machine and thus chances of accidents are minimized.
(2) Training increases skills and knowledge of an employs and thus provides batter carrier prospects to the employs.
Question. “Selection is a negative process” explain.
Answer: Selection is the process of selecting the most potential candidate from among those who had applied for the Job, by going through the process of rejection of relatively unsuitable candidates. Hence it is referred to negative process.
Question. Explain the concept of “Job Rotation”?
Answer: Under this method of training, an individual is transferred from one Job to another or from one department to another in a planned manner. It is suitable for new entrants. So that they can interact with other employees. Trainees cultivate specialized knowledge and skills of the entire department.
Question. What do you mean by off the job method of training? Enumerate various method of off the job training?
Answer: Off the job methods of training refers to those methods under which an individual is provided training away from the work place or in the other words it means learning before doing.
1 Class room lectures
2 Films
3 Case study
4 Computer modeling.
Question. State three advantages of External sources of recreuitment.
1.Fresh Talent : The entry of fresh talent into the organisation.
2. Wider choice : The external sources provide a wider choice of personnel to choose from.
3. Qualified personnel : Required qualifications are available for the external sources.
4. Competitive Spirit : Competitive spirits is available by external source.
Lengthy Process: It is very long process.
Question. Discuss “Apprenticeship” as a method of training.
Answer: Apprenticeship programme training : The workers seeking to enter skilled job (e.g., plumbers, electricians or iron workers, etc.) are sent for apprenticeship training programme which is an on-the-job method of training.
In the Apprenticeship Programme, a master worker or a trainer is appointed who guides the worker or learner regarding the skill of job. The master worker performs the job and the trainee (learner) observes him performing. When the learner learns all the skills, then slowly he starts taking up the job step by step and master worker becomes the observer.
When the trainee becomes perfect in doing the job, the master worker goes and the trainee gets full charge of job, the master worker goes and the trainee gets full charge of job position.
• Generally, the time period, for apprenticeship programmed may very from 2 to 5 years.
• During the apprenticeship period, the trainee is paid less than a fully qualified worker.
Question. What is meant by ‘Orientation’?
Answer: Orientation/Induction : Orientation is a planned introduction of employees to their jobs, their coworkers and the organisation. And initial training programme is provided to all the selected persons so as to induct them to the job. It is important to make the new persons comfortable to carry out the assigned jobs smoothly.
Long Question Type Answers
Question. Some learning opportunities are designed and delivered to improve skill and abilities of employees where as some other are designed to help in the growth of individual in all aspects . Identified the concept and make comparative study?
Differentiate between training and development on the bases of purpose and focus?
Training: it is a process of imparting knowledge for doing specific job.
Development: it is a process of learning opportunities designed to help employees grow.
Training: it is a job oriented process.
Development: It is a carrier process.
Training: It focuses on technical skills.
Development: It focuses on conceptual and human ideas.
Training: The basic purpose of training is to enable the employees to do job or home intended job.
Development: The basic purpose of development is to enable the growth of the employees.
Training: I t is imparted for a fixed period.
Development: It is a continuous and never ending process.
Question. Differentiate between internal source of recruitment and external source of recruitment?
Internal sources | External sources | |
MEANING | It is a recruitment of employees from with in the existing employees of the org. | It is a recruitment of employees from outside the org. |
BASIS | Generally seniority is the bases of recruitment. | Generally recruitment is based on merit. It provides wider choice in the recruitment of employees. |
CHOICE | I t gives limited choice in the recruitment of employees. | It provides wider choice in the Recruitment of Employees. |
ECONOMY | It is less expensive and less time consuming. | I t is amore expensive and more time consuming. |
QUALITY | Choice is restricted to available pool of talent only. | Best and talented employees can be selected. |
TIME INVOLVE | Comparatively less time is required for filling the vacancies | It requires more time to fill the vacancies. |
Question. Differentiate between Recruitment and Selection
MEANING | It is the process of searching and motivating candidates to apply for job | It is that process of staffing which rejects the unsuitable candidates and choose the suitable candidates. |
PURPOSE | The basic purpose is to create a large pool of applicants for the jobs. | The basic purpose is to eliminate as many candidates as possible until the most suitable candidates get finalized. |
Scope | Recruitment is restricted to the extent of receipt of application. | Selection includes sorting of the candidates. |
Positive /negative process | Recruitment is a positive process. As more and more applicant are sought to be attracted. | Selection is a negative process as more applicants are rejected than selected. |
Criteria | It gives freedom to applicants. Any one is free to apply. | It gives very little freedom to applicants. Applicants must meet the selection criteria. |
Question. What are the steps involved in the staffing process? Explain briefly?
1) Enumerating man power requirement: Staffing process begins with the estimation of man power requirement which means finding out number and type of employees need by the org. in future.
2) Recruitment: After man power planning, the manager tries that more and more people should apply for the job so that the org. can get more choice and select better candidates.
3) Placement and Orientation: Placement refers to placing the right person on the right job for which he is selected.
Orientation refers to introducing the new employees with the existing employees.
4) Selection refers to choosing the most suitable candidate to fill the vacant job position. It is a negative process because a number of candidates are rejected under it.
5) Training and Development: The process of training helps to improve the job knowledge and skill of the employees. Training and Development not only motivate the employees but these improve efficiency of work also.
6) Performance Appraisal: At this step the capability of the employees is judged and for that his actual work performance is compared with the work assigned to him.
Performance and career planning: It is a process through which employees get better salary, status, position and also get promotion to higher post.
7) Compensation: For deciding the compensation the works are evaluated. Compensation must be reasonable and related with the work.
Question. Briefly describes the steps in the selection process?
Answer: The selection starts after candidates for jobs have submitted their application –the selection process usually includes a number of steps 1. Preliminary screening: In this step the candidates who do not fulfill the required basic qualification are eliminated.
2. Selection test: Though these tests, ability and skill of the candidates are measured. Common type of tests conducted by org are-
1. Intelligence test
2. Aptitude test
3. Personality test
4. Trade test
5. Interest test
3. Employment interview
The candidates who qualify the test are called for interview.
4. References & background checks
After the candidate declared successful in the interview then information related to back ground, social relation, and character are indentified.
5. Selection decision
The candidate who past the test, interview, reference check are included in selection list & the manager’s select most suitable candidate from the list.
6. Medical examination:-
Before giving appointment letter the selated the candidate are selected for medical fitness.
7 job offer:-
For job offer the appointment letter in hand over & a date in the appointment letter is mentioned on which one has to report for the duty.
8. Contract of employment:-
After the acceptance of job offer by a selected candidate required to sign various documents.
Question. What is Staffing ? Discuss the importance of staffing.
Answer: Meaning : It is the process of management which is concerned with obtaining and maintaining a satisfactory and satisfied work force Importance of Staffing
1. Obtaining competent personnel : Proper staffing helps in discovering and obtaining competent personnel for various jobs.
2. Higher performance ; Proper staffing ensures higher performance by putting right person on the right job.
3. Continuous survival and growth : Proper staffing ensures continuous survival and growth of the enterprise, research & development, innovation.
4. Optimum utilization of human resources : Proper staffing helps to ensure optimum utilization of human resources. By avoiding over manning, it prevents underutilization
of personnel and high labour costs. At the same time, it avoids disruption of work by indicating in advance the shortages of personnel.
5. Improve job satisfaction : Proper staffing improves job satisfaction and morale of employee through objective assessment and fair rewarding of their contribution.
6. Helps in achieving organisaional goals : The efficiency and effectiveness of an organisation in achieving its goals is determined to a great extent on the competence, motivation and general effectiveness of its human resources.
Human resources are the foundation of any business. The right people can help a business to take it to the top where the wrong people can break the business. With efficient and competent personnel, the firm can maintain quality products and sell them profitably.
Conclusion : Staffing function must be performed efficiently by all organizations. If right kind of employee are not available, it will lead to wastages of materials, time, efforts and energy, resulting in lower productivity.
It is, therefore, essential that right kind of people must be available in right number at the right time.
MCQs for NCERT Class 12 Business Studies Organising
Question. Span of management refers to: (remembering)
a) Number of managers in an organisation
b) Length of term for which a manager is recruited
c) Number o subordinates under a superior
d) Number of managers in a top management.
Answer : C
Question. Grouping of activities on the basis of functions is a part of: ((remembering)
a) Decentralisation
b) Divisional Organisation
c) Functional Organisation
d) Centralisation
Answer : C
Question.Which of the following does not follow the principle of scalar chain
1. Formal organization
2. Informal organisation
3. Functional structure
4. Divisional structure
Answer : Informal organisation
Question. Grouping of activities on the basis of product lines is a part of (remembering)
a) Delegated Organisation
b) CentralisedOrganisation
c) Divisional Organisation
d) Autonomous Organisation
Answer : C
Question. Which one is not correct in respect of delegation of authority:
(a) Increase in administrative work
(b) Development of sub-ordinates
(c) Convenience in business expansion
(d) Quick and better decision possible
Answer : A
Question. The organisation structure can be defined as a framework within which (understanding)
a) Sequence of job positions given
b) Managerial and operational tasks are performed
c) formal relationships are specified
d) Coordination is obtained
Answer : B
Question. Organising provides clear description of jobs and related duties which helps in:
a) Avoiding confusions and duplications
b) Better placement of employees
c) better supervision of employees
d) to encourage employees.
Answer : A
Question. One of the importance of organizing is: (remembering)
a) Improves creativity
b) Optimum utilization of resources
c) Leads to innovation
d) Guarantee success.
Answer : B
Question.For delegation to be effentive it is essential that responsibility be accompanied with necessary
a. authority
Answer : A
Question. The form of organisation known for giving rise to rumours is called
1. Centralised organization
2. Decentralized organisation
3. Formal organisation
4. Informal organisation
Ans: Informal organisation
Question. The type of organisation which maintains the unity of command through when established chain of command.
1. Formal organisation
2. Informal organisation
3. Centralised organisation
4. Decentralized organisation
Answer : Formal organisation
Question.Establishing reporting system leads to
b. Imporved productivity.
c.Clarity in working relationship.
d. Adaption to change.
Answer : C
MCQs for NCERT Class 12 Business Studies Staffing
Question. Recruitment is a ________ process.
(a) Positive
(b) Negative
(c) Qualitative
(d) Quantitative
Answer : A
Question. Recruitment process starts with ________ .
(a) Strike
(b) Lock out
(c) Demand of employees
(d) Invitation to interested people
Answer : C
Question. ________ is helpful in finding out a competent employee.
(a) Planning
(b) Staffing
(c) Both the above
(d) Organisation
Answer : B
Question. Introducing employees to the organisation is called ________ .
(a) Recruitment
(b) Selection
(c) Orientation
(d) Placement
Answer : C
Question. What is included in Psychological Test?
(a) Interest Test
(b) Intelligence Test
(c) Aptitude Test
(d) All of the above
Answer : D
Question. From which source of recruitment do we get Badli or casual employee?
(a) Direct Recruitment
(b) Casual Callers
(c) Media Advertisement
(d) Employment Exchange
Answer : A
Question. To which source of recruitment the direct recruitment from educational institutions is related?
(a) Employment Exchange
(b) Campus Recruitment
(c) Management Consultants
(d) Direct Recruitment
Answer : B
Question. The advantages of recruiting an employee by Advertising method is_________
a) Fresh graduates with latest technology
b) Wider choice of qualified personnel
c) Limited choice
d) Economical
Answer : B
Fill in the blanks
1. Internal recruitment is the most popular and economical method of recruitment. True
2. Promotion of Supervisor to H.O.D will lead decrease in the salary of the employee. False
3. The management will get qualified & trained teacher through Direct recruitment. False
4. Chartered Accountant of the firm should be recruited through private agencies. False
5. Promotion of an employee will boost up the motivation of an existing employee. True
6. Highly skilled professionals are appointed through private professionals. False
7. Labour contractors do not charge commission for recruiting unskilled carpenter. False
8. Placement agencies charge fees from jobseekers such as casual workers. True
9. Recruiting an employee Peon by recommendation of CEO will damage the goodwill of the company. False
10. External recruitment brings down the morale of the employee as there will be no scope of growth for them. True
11)Staffing requirements arise only in case of starting a new business. False
12)Every candidate/applicant may be recruited in the organization. False
13) If suitable manpower is not available within the organization the need can be fulfilled from the outside the organization. True
14) Freshly appointed person need orientation. True
15) Even whilst on the job employee need training for upgradation of skill. True
Key points to remember for Chapter 06 Staffing
• Features of Staffing :
(i) It is an integral part of the management.
(ii) It is a pervasive function of the management related to manpower or human resources.
(iii) It is a continuous process.
(iv) It has a wide scope.
(v) It is a multiple objective activity.
• Importance :
(i) Discover and obtain competent personnel for filling the vacancies.
(ii) Improves performance by putting right person at the right job.
(iii) Ensures continuous survival and growth of an organisation.
(iv) Ensures optimum utilisation of human resources.
(v) Improves job satisfaction and morale of the employees.
• Staffing as a part of Human Resource Management :
In small organisations, the function of staffing is performed by all managers but in large organisations, the function of staffing is responsibility of a separate department called the ''Human Resource Department''. Following are the activities to be performed by Human Resource Personnel :
(i) Recruitment
(ii) Preparation of job descriptions
(iii) Selection
(iv) Preparation of compensation and description plans.
(v) Placement and orientation.
(vi) Training and development
(vii) Performance appraisal
(viii) Maintaining labour relations by handling complaints and grievances of employees.
(ix) Providing for social security and welfare of employees.
(x) Handling lawsuits and legal complications of company.
• Process of Staffing :
(i) Estimating manpower requirements : Assess number and type of employees needed by an organisation in near future through workload and workforce analysis.
(ii) Recruitment : Search prospective employees and stimulate them to apply for the job.
(iii) Selection : Choose the best person out of the pool of prospective candidates.
(iv) Placement and Orientation : Employee occupies the post and gets familiar with the organisation.
(v) Training and Development : Improve the job knowledge and competence of employees.
(vi) Performance Appraisal : Employee’s performance is evaluated for salary hike, promotion, etc.
(vii) Promotion and Career Planning : Opportunity for higher position with more pay, responsibility, etc.
(viii) Compensation : Pay plans are determined.
• Internal Sources of Recruitment :
(i) Meaning : It refers to re-arrangement of existing staff to fill up the vacant jobs.
(ii) Types :
(a) Transfer
(b) Promotion
(iii) Advantages :
(a) Motivates employees to improve their performance.
(b) Simplifies the process of selection and placement.
(c) No need of induction training.
(d) Maintenance of adequate workforce in an organisation.
(e) Jobs are filled economically internally.
(iv) Disadvantages :
(a) Scope for induction of fresh talent is reduced.
(b) Time bound promotions make employees lethargic.
(c) Not applicable to new enterprise.
(d) Spirit of competition among employees is hampered.
(e) Frequent transfers reduce employees’ productivity.
• External Sources of Recruitment
(i) Meaning : It refers to searching for employees from the sources outside the organisation.
(ii) Types :
(a) Direct recruitment
(b) Casual callers
(c) Advertisement
(d) Employment exchange
(e) Placement agencies and management consultants
(f) Campus recruitment
(g) Recommendation of employees
(h) Labour contractors
(i) Web publishing
(iii) Advantages :
(a) Attracts qualified personnel to apply for the jobs.
(b) Gives a wider choice to management while selection.
(c) Brings fresh talent in the organisation.
(d) Develops competitive spirit amongst the existing staff.
(iv) Disadvantages :
(a) Develops dissatisfaction among existing staff.
(b) Lengthy process.
(c) Heavy cost on advertisement and selection process.
• Process of Selection
(i) Preliminary screening : Elimination of unqualified and unfit job seekers.
(ii) Selection tests : Measure certain characteristics of individuals.
(iii) Employment interview : In-depth conversation to evaluate applicant’s suitability.
(iv) Reference and background check : Verify and gain additional information about an applicant.
(v) Selection decision : Candidates who pass tests, interviews and reference checks are finally selected.
(vi) Medical examination : Candidate undergoes a medical fitness test.
(vii) Job offer : Letter of appointment is offered to the applicant for acceptance of the applicant.
(viii) Contract of employment : Contract documents are exchanged between the employer and the employee.
• Importance of Training and Development
(i) To the Organisation :
(a) Systematic learning prevents wastage of efforts and money.
(b) Enhances employee productivity leading to higher profits.
(c) Enables employee to become managers in future.
(d) Increases employee morale and reduces employee turnover.
(e) Obtain better response to fast changing environment.
(ii) To the Employee :
(a) Leads to better career due to improved skills.
(b) Increases earning due to enhancement in performance.
(c) Reduces accidents due to careful handling of machines.
(d) Increases satisfaction and morale of the employees. Ø Training Methods :
(i) On-the-Job Methods :
(a) Apprenticeship Programmes : Apprentice (trainee) work under the guidance of master worker to acquire a higher level of skill, e.g., plumbers, electricians, etc.
(b) Internship Training : It is a joint programme between educational institution and business firm in which students work in firms to gain practical knowledge and skills.
(c) Induction Training : New employee is introduced to the organisation, its work culture and colleges to make him familiar and comfortable on the job.
(ii) Off-the-Job Methods : Vestibule Training : Artificial/simulated work environment is created in a class room, away from actual work floor, where training is given on dummy models of actual equipment.
The term staffing is concerned with the recruitment, selection, placement, training, growth and development of all the members of the organization. Placing the right person on the right job at the right time is called staffing.
Importance of staffing
i. Competent personnel – Staffing helps to find out competent persons for various jobs.
ii. Higher performance by placing the right person on the right job.
iii. Survival and growth of the business by providing proper training and development to the future managers.
iv. Optimum utilisation of human resources by ensuring the right number of persons on each job positions, i.e., excess or shortage of staff is harmful to the business.
v. Job satisfaction and morale of employees can be improved through proper assessment and remuneration policies.
Staffing as a part of Human Resource Management (HRM)
Proper management of human resource in an organisation is called HRM. This duty will be performed by a separate department which is called labour department or human resource department. The various duties to be performed by an HR department is given below:
i. Recruitment – search for qualified people.
ii. Analysing jobs and collecting information about jobs.
iii. Developing compensation and incentive plans.
iv. Training and development of employees.
v. Maintaining labour union – management relations.
vi. Handling grievances and complaints.
vii. Providing social security and welfare measures of employees.
viii. Defending company in law suits.
Evolution of HRM is illustrated below:
STAFFING PROCESS (Steps in staffing process)
i. Estimating the Man Power Requirements – It is concerned with forecasting the future man power needs of the organization for various categories of activities over a specified period. It involves both quantitative and qualitative analysis. Quantitative aspects concerned with the number of personnel in each department and qualitative aspects concerned with the qualifications and experience of each of them.
ii. Recruitment – It is a process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation
iii. Selection – It is a process of choosing and appointing the right persons for various jobs.
iv. Placement and orientation – These refer to the process of familiarizing the selected candidates with their work units, work groups, jobs and the organization and placing the right one on the right job.
v. Training and Development – Training intended to improve knowledge, skills and attitudes of the employees regularly so as to enable them to perform better.
vi. Performance appraisal – It is the periodic assessment of the performance of the employees to ensure that whether they are in conformity with standards.
vii. Promotion – It means movement of an employee to a higher position. It gives the employees an opportunity to make use of their enhanced skill and encourages them to grow within the organization.
viii. Compensation – It involves the determination of wages or salary and other benefits to the employees on the basis of nature of job, risk factors, responsibility, qualification, experience etc. Aspects of Staffing –
There are three important elements of staffing:
Recruitment is the process of searching for perspective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation.
Sources of Recruitment
Internal Sources – Recruitment from within the organization is called internal sources of recruitment.
i.Transfer – It is concerned with shifting one employee from one job to another having similar status and responsibility. It involves the following features:-
a. Slight change in duties and responsibilities but no change in salary.
b. It is a good source of recruitment by filling job positions from other departments where there are excess.
c. Horizontal movement of employees.
d. Transfer can be applied for training of employees for learning different jobs (job rotation).
e. Transfer does not increase the number of employees in the organisation.
ii.Promotion – It refers to shifting one employee from a lower position to a higher position. It carries higher status, greater responsibility, better facilities and
more pay. Its features are:-
. No increase in the number of employees.
a. Vertical shifting of employees.
b. Motivation for employees.
Advantages of Internal Sources
i. It creates a sense of security among the personnel
ii. Builds loyalty among the employees.
iii .Motivates the employees for better performance.
iv. Economical.
v. Ensures continuity of employment.
vi. It establishes better employer – employee relationship.
vii. Surplus and shortage rectified.
viii. It is a tool for training to prepare the employees for higher positions.
Disadvantages of Internal Sources
i .No infusion of new blood - It discourages capable persons from outside joining the organization.
ii. Lethargic – The employees become lethargic (lazy) when they are sure about time- bound promotion.
iii. Sufficient number of persons having required qualifications may not be available within the organization.
iv. It hampers the spirit of competition.
v. Not suitable for the posts requiring innovation.
vi. It may encourage favouritism and nepotism (partiality).
vii. Reduction in productivity – Frequent transfers and unscientific promotion causes reduction in productivity of the organisation.
External Sources of Recruitment – It refers to the recruitment of candidates from outside the organization.
i. Direct recruitment – Under this method a notice is published on the notice board of the enterprise regarding job vacancies. The candidates are assembled on a particular date and the selection is done on the spot.
ii. Casual callers from waiting list – Most of the employers are maintaining a database with details of applications received from casual applicants and it may be used as a source of recruitment.
iii. Advertisement – It is the most effective means to search potential employees from outside the organization.
iv. Employment Exchanges – This is a network of employment exchanges run by the government. Job seekers get themselves registered with these exchanges and their names will be supplied to the business organizations on the basis of their requisition.
v. Placement Agencies and Personnel Consultants – Some specialized agencies in the form of personnel consultancy services have been developed in recent times. These agencies also undertake total functions of recruiting and selecting personnel on behalf of the employer and they charge fees for these services.
vi. Campus interviews – Many organizations conduct preliminary search of employees by conducting campus interviews in universities and colleges.
vii. Recommendations of Present Employees – Some employers treat the recommendations of their present employees as a useful source of recruitment. This ensures reliability and suitability for the post and it helps in boosting the morale of existing employees.
viii. Labour Contractors – This is a method of hiring skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled workers. The contractors keep in touch with a large number of workers and bring them at the places where they are required.
ix. Advertising on Television – This method of recruitment is gaining importance these days. The detailed requirements of the job and the qualities required to do the job are published by the organisations through television.
x. Web Publishing – It is now a common source of external recruitment. There are certain sites like, etc. provide detailed information for both job seekers and job providers.
Advantages of External Sources
i. Qualified and experienced personnel
ii. Wide Choice
iii. Fresh Talent – infusion of new blood
iv. Competitive Spirit - Element of competition with the internal candidates.
Limitations of External Sources
i. Dissatisfaction and frustration among existing employees.
ii. Time consuming.
iii. Very costly.
iv. Uncertainty that the qualified and experienced personnel may be appointed.
Differences between Internal and External Recruitment
Selection begins where recruitment ends. It is the process of identifying the most suitable and promising candidates from the list of recruited persons. This is a negative process, where more candidates will be rejected than appointed.
Differences between Recruitment and Selection
Selection Process
i.Preliminary screening – A careful screening of applications is done by a screening committee to eliminate the under qualified candidates.
ii. Selection Test – Tests are conducted to know the level of ability, knowledge, interest, aptitude etc. of a particular candidate. These tests may be of different types:
a. Intelligence test – To measure the level of intelligence.
b. Trade Test – This test is conducted to check whether the candidate is suitable for that particular trade. For example, to select a driver, candidates’ knowledge and technical skill in driving are tested.
c. Aptitude test – To measure the potential for learning new skills.
d. Interest test – To check the interest or involvement of a person on the job.
e. Personality test – To evaluate an individual’s emotions, reactions, maturity, values etc.
iii. Interview – Detailed interviews are undertaken to seek more information from the candidate. This gives the employer to observe the candidate and to assess his level of confidence to take up the job. Usually it is done by an expert interview board.
iv. Checking References – Reference is a source from which useful information on the candidate can be sought. It may be the names of some outstanding persons, teachers, present employees etc. who know about his experience, skill ability, character etc.
v. Selection decision – Final decision is made by the concerned manager based on the performance of the candidates in all the above steps.
vi. Medical Examination – The physical fitness of the candidates is checked through medical examination. Some organizations undertake medical examination even before testing, for example, armed force, Police etc.
vii. Job offer – After a candidate has cleared all the above hurdles will be appointed through an appointment letter to join the organisation before a specific date.
viii. Contract of employment – After the appointment is accepted by the candidate, certain documents are to be executed by the employer and the candidate, in which all the terms and conditions regarding the employment will be specified such as job title, duties and responsibilities, pay scale, allowances, work rules, termination method etc.
Training – “Training is the art of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a particular job.” Its purpose is to enable them to do their jobs better. A capable and competent person may not do the best on his job unless he is systematically trained.
Development – It involves the growth of an employee in all respects, like personality development, motivation for growth, career planning etc. Thus employee development is more future oriented and concerned with education than employee training.
Importance of Training and Development
Difference between Training and Development
Training Methods
i. On the job Training – Under this method training is imparted among the employees while they are engaged in their work. Here the employees learn by doing. It includes job rotation, apprenticeship, coaching, committee assignments etc.
a. Apprenticeship Programmes – Under this, both knowledge and skills in doing a job are imparted. Here the trainee is put under the supervision of an experienced person in this field. This method is more suitable in electrical work, mining etc.
b. Coaching – In this method, a senior manager guides and instructs the trainee as a coach. The coach periodically reviews the progress made by the trainees and suggests change if required.
c. Internship Training – According to this, a vocational institute enters into an arrangement with a business enterprise to provide practical knowledge to its students. It is intended for providing practical experience to the students in their fields. For example, MBA students are directed to undertake project work in business enterprises, engineering students are sent to big industrial enterprises to gain practical work experience, Medical students to hospitals etc. d.
d. Job Rotation – The trainee is systematically shifted to various jobs so that he can gain the experience on each of them.
i. Off the Job Training – This is concerned with imparting training to employees outside the actual work place. The methods adopted include class room lectures, conferences, case study methods, films, TV shows, etc. The employees can concentrate on training alone since they are away from the work place.
. Classroom lectures / conferences – It is suitable to convey information, rules, procedures and methods.
a. Film shows – It can be used to provide information through demonstration.
b. Case study – Cases are actual experiences which managers confronted while discharging their duties. Trainees are asked to study the case and to determine the problems and their solutions.
c. Computer modelling – With the help of computer programming the realities of jobs are imitated and the trainees get an opportunity to familiarise the situation, so that they will be able to minimise the mistakes in real job situations. E.g., a computer model can be used to test how safe the design of the car is in a crash, building demolition etc.
d. Vestibule Training – In this case an actual work situation is created in a classroom. Employees use the same materials and equipment for training.
e. Programmed instructions – This is a method of presenting a new subject to the trainees in a graded sequence (simple to complex). Trainees work through the programmed material (text books or computer programs) by themselves at their own speed and after each step test their comprehension by answering some questions.
Important Questions for NCERT Class 12 Business Studies Staffing
Questions. Analysing existing employees is known as
(a) Work load analysis
(b) Work force analysis
(c) Training
(d) Development
Answer : B
Questions. Which of the following is called a negative process:
(a) Recruitment
(b) Training
(c) Selection
(d) None of the above
Answer : B
Questions. No fresh idea will come under
(a) Internal Recruitment
(b) External Recruitment
(c) Direct Recruitment
(d) Indirect Recruitment
Answer : A
Questions. Which method of recruitment is economical?
(a) Internal
(b) External
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
Answer : A
Questions. Analysing total number of employees required to perform the job in the organisation is known as
(a) Work load analysis
(b) Work force analysis
(c) Recruitment
(d) Selection
Answer : A
Questions. Visit by senior manager to various professional colleges to search for prospective candidates is known as
(a) Internal Recruitment
(b) Recommendations from employees
(c) Employment Exchange
(d) Campus Recruitment
Answer : D
Questions. The candidate who has applied for job can clarify his queries during
(a) Test
(b) Employment interview
(c) Medical examination
(d) Selection decision
Answer : B
1. Process of searching for prospective candidates is known as Recruitment.
2. Development bring overall growth of an employee.
3. Internal Recruitment motivates existing employees.
4. Staffing process begins with Estimating man power requirement.
5. Providing the candidate the post for which he is selected is called Placement.
6. The new employee gets familiarise with working style of an organisation under Induction training training.
7. Professional Institutes organise Internship Training for their students.
8. Two methods of Internal Recruitment are Transfer and Promotion.
9. Terms and conditions of job are written in Contract of Employment.
10. External Recruitment is suitable when we require large number of candidates.
True or False
a. Internal sources of recruitment are more time consuming than external sources. False
b. Transfer as a source of an internal source of recruitment is practically shifting an employee to a higher position. False
c. Under off the job training methods, training is imparted by supervisors who are the employees of the organisation. False
d. Internal sources of recruitment are economical than external sources. True
MCQs for NCERT Class 12 Business Studies Staffing
Question. The cost of Recruiting General manager is very __________through Advertisment .
a) Economic
b) Cheaper
c) Costlier
d) Expensive
Answer : C
Question. Which of the following training is given to the top level managers?
(a) Labour Relations
(b) Financial Management
(c) Production Management
(d) All the Above
Answer : D
Question. Under which training method factory like conditions are created?
(a) Induction Training
(b) Apprenticeship Training
(c) Vestibule Training
(d) Internship Training
Answer : C
Question. Which of the following training is given to the top level managers?
(a) Labour Relations
(b) Financial Management
(c) Production Management
(d) All the Above
Answer : D
Question. Under which training method factory like conditions are created?
(a) Induction Training
(b) Apprenticeship Training
(c) Vestibule Training
(d) Internship Training
Answer : C
Question. Efficient staff can help organization to win over:
Answer : A
Question. ________ is the internal source of recruitment.
(a) Transfer
(b) Promotion
(c) Lay off
(d) All the above
Answer : D
Question. Sending an inefficient employee to a lower position is called ________ .
(a) Transfer
(b) Promotion
(c) Demotion
(d) Lay off
Answer : C
Question. ________ is the merit of internal recruitment.
(a) Increase in motivation
(b) Industrial Peace
(c) Both the above
(d) Stopping the entry of young blood
Answer : C
Fill in the blanks
1. Understanding manpower requirement is merely knowing how many person one organization needs. False
2. Workload analysis reveal the number and type of manpower available with the organization. False
3. An understaffed organization with proper achievement of goals is an indicator of high degree of efficiency. True
4. Selection of an employees helps enhancement of self-esteem. True
5. By offering the opportunity for career advancement an organization is able to attract new talented people. True
6. The key to success of any organization is right person at the right job position. True
7. Human resources management is the part of management process. True
8. “There is no need of human resource planning as so many people are available in the market these days.” False
9. Human resources management concept is for large organization those are having separate department. True
10. No over staffing or under staffing is good. True
11. There will be no use of job position unless and until these are occupied by employees. True
12. Staffing consists of manpower, planning, recruitment, selection, training, compensation, promotion and maintenance of managerial personnel. True
13. Human resources planning means determining the number and type of personnel required to fill the vacant job. True
14. Training and development are not included in career growth of employees. False
15. Motivation is included in the concept of human resource management. True
Staffing - Staffing is the process of management which is concerned with obtaining, utilising and maintaining a satisfactory and satisfied work force
Importance of staffing-
1. Helpful in discovering competent personnel
2. Helpful in better performance
3. Helpul in growth of organization
4. Optimum utilization of human resources
Staffing Process-
1. Estimating manpower requirement
2. Recruitment
3. Selection
4. Placement and orientation
5. Training and Development
6. Performance Appraisal
7. Promotion and career planning
8. Compensation
Element of staffing-
1. Recruitment
2. Selection
3. Training and Development
Recruitment means searching for prospective candidates and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization.
Sources of recruitment-
1. Internal sources – Promotion and Transfer.
2. External Sources – Direct recruitment, Casual callers, campus Placement, Employment Exchanges, Private Placement agencies, Employee recommendation and Web Publishing.
Selection-It refers to the process of screening job applicants to ensure that the most appropriate candidates are hired.
Selection Processa)
Preliminary Screening
(b) Selection Tests
(c) Employment Interview
d) Reference and Background checks
(e) Selection Decision
(f) Medical Examination.
Training and Development- Training refers to the process by which the aptitudes, skills and abilities of employees to perform specific jobs are improved.
Development is the process by which the employees acquire skills and competences for handling higher jobs in future.
Methods of training: (i) Apprenticeship training- It refers to that training method where the trainee is put under the guidance of an expert to acquire higher level of skill. Generally
electricians, plumbers and iron workers are required to undergo this training.
Vestibule Training: Under this method, with a view to imparting training to new employees, a separate training center is set up. An experienced and trained trainer is appointed as an in charge of this centre. Machines, tools and other equipments are so arranged in this centre as to present a look of a workshop.
Internship: It is a practical training of theoretical knowledge. Selected candidates carry on regular studies for prescribed period and also work in some factory or office to acquire
practical knowledge.
Induction: It means introducing the selected employees to his superiors, subordinates and colleagues and familiarizing him with the rules and policies of the organization.
Question. State how staffing ensure ‘continuous survival and growth of the environment’?
Answer: Through succession planning for managers
Question. Write one importance of staffing
Answer: Filling job with competent Personnel
Question. A company gets applications on and off even without declaring any vacancy. However as and when the vacancy rises, the company makes use of such applications. Name the source of recruitment used by the company.
Answer: Casual callers
Question. Ramesh is working under the guidance of Harish, a carpenter for the last three years to learn the different skills of this job. Name the method of training Ramesh is undergoing?
Answer: Apprenticeship Training
Question. Give any one advantage of internal source of requirement?
Answer: Employees are motivated to improve its performance.
Question. A newly appointed Personnel Manager is of the view that there is no need for training the workers. Do you agree with this statement?
Answer: No, I don’t agree with this statement. There is a great need for training the workers.
Question. Skype Industries make use of expensive and sophisticated equipments. So it created a duplicate model of various equipments to train the employees.Write the method of training used by Skype industries.
Answer: Vestibule training.
Question. You are the personnel manager of Kaplan and company Ltd. You have been directed by the directors of chartered accountant for the company. Name the process you will follow for the same?
Answer: Selection Process
Question. Harimconsultants can be asked to look after for suitable personnel on behalf of the company.
Identify the source of recruitment indicated?
Answer: PlacementAgencies
Question. Which source of recruitment brings new blood in the organization?
Answer: External source of recruitment
Question. Enumerate the three steps of staffing process?
Answer: (i) Estimating the Manpower requirements. As the first step of staffing, the need for required number of employees of enterprises is estimated. At the time of determining
the number of persons required, the possibilities regarding internal promotion, retirement, and resignation etc. are taken into consideration.
(ii) Recruitment: The process of recruitment includes the search of the various sources of employees and encouraging them to send their application to the enterprise.
(iii) Selection.: Under this process, competent applicants are selected from a large number of them. It is important to keep in mind that the ability of the applicant and the nature of work must match.
Question. Zenith Ltd. is a highly reputed company and many people wanted to join this company. The employees of this organisation are very happy and they discussed how they came in contact with this organisation . Aman said that he was introduced by the present sales manager.
(a) The above discussion is indicating an important function of management. Name the function of management.
(b) The management function identified follows a particular process. Explain the step of this process which is being use in the Para
Answer: (a) Staffing (b) Recruitment.
Question. Why is staffing considered an important function of management in all types of organisation? .Give any four reasons
Answer: (i) Fulfilling jobs with competent personnel
(ii) Better performance
(iii) Expansion and Growth.
(iv) Optimum utilization of human resources.
Question. State any four benefits of training?
Answer: (i) Systematic learning
(ii) Prepare future managers.
(iii) Increased Productivity.
(iv) Motivate the employees.
Question. Ramesh is working under the guidance of Harish, a carpenter. For the last three years to learn the different skills of this job. Name and explain the method of training Ramesh is Undergoing
Answer: “Apprenticeship Training -”. It refers to that training method where the trainee is put under the guidance of an expert to acquire higher level of skill. Generally electricians,
plumbers and iron workers are required to undergo this training.
Question. Max industries wants to hire a staff for its chemical division. The personnel Department lists out following methods of recruitment
(a) Using to search for prospective candidates.
(b) Consider voluntary applications received earlier from various job seekers. Identify the source of recruitment and explain it.
Answer: (a) Web Publishing. These days internet has become an important medium for recruitment. Special websites have been created for the purpose of recruitment through internet
(a) Casual callers: In many reputed organizations some really talented and brilliant people continue sending their applications from time to time with hope that whenever some need arises, they may come across an opportunity for appointment.
Question. “Some learning Opportunities are designed and delivered to improve skills and abilities of employees, whereas some other are designed to help in the growth of individuals in all respects”. Identify and explain the two concepts explained above.
Answer: The two concepts are: - Training and Development.
Training and Development-Training refers to the process by which the aptitudes, skills and abilities of employees to perform specific jobs are improved.
Development is the process by which the employees acquire skills and competences for handling higher jobs in future.
Question. Manu, the chief manager in a company using highly sophisticated machines and equipments, wants that every employee should be fully trained before using the machines and equipments. Suggest and describe the best method of training that Manu can used for training for its employees
Answer: The best method of training can be used here is “Vestibule Training”.
Under this method, with a view to imparting training to new employees, a separate training center is set up. An experienced and trained trainer is appointed as an in charge of this centre. Machines, tools and other equipments are so arranged in this centre as to present a look of a workshop.
Question. Explain Internship and Induction training methods?
Answer: Internship: It is a practical training of theoretical knowledge. Selected candidates carry on regular studies for prescribed period and also work in some factory or office to acquire practical knowledge.
Induction: It means introducing the selected employees to his superiors, subordinates and colleagues and familiarizing him with the rules and policies of the organization.
Question. State three advantages of External sources of recruitment.
1. Fresh Talent : The entry of fresh talent into the organisation.
2. Wider choice: The external sources provide a wider choice of personnel to choose from.
3. Qualified personnel: Required qualifications are available for the external sources.
4. Competitive Spirit : Competitive spirits is available by external source.
Question. Which functions of management helps in obtaining right people and putting them on the right jobs? Explain any four points of importance of this function?
Answer: Staffing Function
(a) Fulfilling job with competent Personnel: Staffing helps in selection of right person for right job. The staff selected is according to need of the job which in result helps in smooth functioning of the enterprise
(b)- Better Performance : The staff selected is according to them need of the job. The person selected will be expertise in his field resulting in better job performance with fewer chances of mistakes.
(c) Expansion and Growth An organization having capable employees will lead to the path of growth and development.. Able employees which are the real asset of the enterprise take their firm to the heights of development.
(d) Improves Job Satisfaction and morale. A person when selected for right job tries to give his 100% in his working. This is because he is fully satisfied with his job which is very much necessary. It will boost his performance and he will prove to be the real asset of the firm.
Question. Explain the process of selection of employees in an organization
Answer: (a) Preliminary Screening: First of all, the applications received during process of recruitment are scrutinized. Scrutiny of application forms is made to verify whether the candidate fulfill all the qualifications essential for the job. The preliminary screening is based on (i) preliminary interview
(ii) filling up the blank application form.
(b) Selection Tests In the selection process, selection test have an important place.
Through these test, ability and skill of the candidates are measured. These tests are divided into following three categories:
i) Proficiency tests ii. Psychological tests
iii. Other tests
(c) Employment Interview: Having successfully cleared all the tests related to employment by the candidate, he is called for the final interview. Its objectives are to see the looks of the candidate, his way of talking, his conduct and temperament, his interest, presence of mind and maturity etc.
(d) Reference and Background checks: After a candidate is selected successfully in the interview then some information about him is gathered from those persons whose name figures in the column of ‘References”. This information relates to the character, social relation, background etc. of the candidate.
(e) Selection Decision : Applicants who clear Selection Tests, Employment Interview and Reference checks are selected. Prior to taking final selection decision, the opinion of the manager concerned is sought.
f) Medical Examination: Medical examination is done to check whether the candidate is fit to carry on the responsibilities assigned to him and whether he is physically fir or not. The selected candidate is suffering from any disease or not is also verified through medical examination.
Question. Blue Heavens Ltd Purchased a new Hi-tech machine From Germany for manufacturing high quality auto components in an effective manner. But during the production process, the manager observed that the quality of production was not as per standard. On investigation it was found that there was lack of knowledge amongst the employees of using hi-tech machines. So, frequent visit of engineers was required from Germany.
Suggest what measures can be done to develop the skills and abilities of employees of producing hi-tech machines.
Answer: Training of employees.
Advantages of Training.
1. Increase in capacity and efficiency: Through training, one learns the art of doing a special job methodically. It increases the skill and efficiency of the employee
2. Increase in market value: Trained employees have a better market value. Increased market value means that other organization is always willing to employ trained personnel at higher remuneration.
3. Fewer accidents: Reduction of accidents is not only beneficial to the organization, it also protects the life of the workers. By learning the art of operating the machine the rate of accident can be minimized.
4. Job satisfaction: In the life of an employee, job satisfaction is most important. It means that whatever job he is performing, he should be fully satisfied with it.
Question. Explain the methods of training.
Answer: Training is imparted to the employees through two methods
1. On the job methods of training
2. Off the job methods of training
On the job method of training: Under this method the trainers are asked to do a particular job on a machine or inn a workshop .They are taught the techniques of operating a machine or using tools and equipments by an experienced employee or a special supervision
Main methods of on the job training are:
a) Induction training
b) Apprenticeship Programme
c) Internship training
Off the job method of training : Under this method , training is imparted to the trainees at a particular place other than the place of work. This training is given in special seminars, classers etc. During the course of this training, both the theoretical and the practical information is conveyed to the trainee.
The main method of off the job training is Vestibule Training: Under this method, with a view to imparting training to new employees, a separate training center is set up. An experienced and trained trainer is appointed as an in charge of this centre. Machines, tools and other equipments are so arranged in this centre as to present a look of a workshop.
Important Questions for NCERT Class 12 Business Studies Organising
Question. The managerial function which establishes relation between responsibility and authority is(a) Planning
(b) Staffing
(c) Organising
(d) Directing
Answer : C
Question. In Delegation, we have sharing of authority and responsibility between
(a) Two levels
(b) Multiple level
(c) Department wise
(d) None of the above
Answer : A
Question. In Decentralisation, we have sharing of authority and responsibility at
(a) Two levels
(b) Multiple level
(c) Department wise
(d) None of the above
Answer : B
Question Organising provides clear description of jobs and related duties which helps in:
a) Avoiding confusions and duplications
b) Better placement of employees
c) better supervision of employees
d) to encourage employees.
Answer : a
Question One of the importance of organizing is:
a) Improves creativity
b) Optimum utilization of resources
c) Leads to innovation
d) Guarantee success.
Answer : b
Question. Which of the following a policy matter
(a) Decentralisation
(b) Delegation
(c) Formal Organisation
(d) Informal Organisation
Answer : A
True or False
1“Authority can be delegated but not responsibility”. Is this statement True.
2 “Authority flows upwards but responsibility flows downwards’. Is this statement False
3. Oganisation structure is an important means,the wrong structure will seriously destroy the business.True
4. Product specialisation helps in the development of skills. True
5. Duplication of activities across the products do not increase the cost.False
6. Divisional structure is suitable for the firms producing single product. False
7. Functional structure does not promote efficiency as employees perform similar tasks. False
8. Divisional heads are responsible for profits and loss of their division. True
9. Functional structure is economical than divisional structure. True
10. Organizational structure is the framework within which managerial and operating tasks are performed. True
11. A pitfall of organizing is that repetitive performance of same job leads to monotony, stress and boredom. True
12.Smooth flow of communication is not the result of proper organization structure. False
Important Questions for NCERT Class 12 Business Studies Staffing
Questions. Imparting skill necessary to perform a job is called
(a) Training
(b) Development
(c) Recruitment
(d) Selection
Answer A
Questions. The purpose of one of the training methods is to make the new employee feel at home and develop a feeling of belongingness in the organisation. That method is
(a) Induction training
(b) Apprenticeship training
(c) Internship
(d) Vertibule school
Answer : A
Questions. Duplicate model is prepared in
(a) Induction training
(b) Vertibule school
(c) Apprenticeship training
(d) Internship
Answer : B
Questions. Staffing is a part of
(a) Marketing management
(b) Financial management
(c) Human Resource management
(d) None of the above
Answer : C
Questions. To know the emotions and values of the candidate following test is conducted
(a) Intelligence Test
(b) Trade Test
(c) Personality Test
(d) Aptitude Test
Answer : C
Questions. To find out the potential of learning new job in the candidate, the following test is conducted.
(a) Intelligence Test
(b) Aptitude Test
(c) Trade Test
(d) Personality Test
Answer : B
Question. What are the sources of Recruitment?
Answer: Sources of Recruitment
(A) Internal Sources
(B) External Sources
Question. What do you mean by internal recruitment?
Answer: Internal sources refer to inviting candidates from within the organization.
Question. What do you mean by staffing?(
Answer: Staffing means putting people to jobs. It begins with human resource planning and includes different other functions like recruitment, selection, training, development, promotion and performance appraisal of work force.
Question. What do you mean by Recruitment?
Answer: It refers to identification of the sources of manpower availability and making efforts to secure applicants for the various job positions in an organization.
Question. what do you mean by recruitment?
Answer: Recruitment: It refers to identification of the sources of manpower availability and making efforts to secure applicants for the various job positions in an organization.
Question. What do you mean by External recruitment?
Answer: When the candidates from outside the organization are invited to fill the vacant job position then it is known as external recruitment.
Question. How many Methods of training are there?
Answer:There are various methods of training. These are broadly categorised Into two groups: On-the-Job and Off-the-Job methods.
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Worksheet for CBSE Business Studies Class 12 Chapter 6 Staffing
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