Democracy and Equality
Answer the following questions in 10-15 words:-
Q 1. What do you understand by democracy?
Ans. Democracy is a form of government which is elected by the people.
Q 2. What do you know about the ‘Rule of law’?
Ans. ‘Rule of law’ means that the administration is run by certain laws and rules.
Q 3. What is the importance of ‘Universal Adult Franchise’?
Ans. People elect the Govt. by casting their votes. If a Govt. does not work as per the will of the citizens, they can change the Govt.
Q 4. What is the importance of public opinion in democracy?
Ans. Public opinion is the will of the citizens of a country. If a Govt. does not work as per the will of the citizens, they can change the Govt.
Q 5. In which country there is still ‘Direct Democracy’?
Ans. Switzerland.
Answer the following questions in 50-60 words:-
Q 6. Write short note on the emergence of democracy.
Ans. Democracy originated in Greek city of Athens around 2500 years ago. People of Athens used to get together at one place, many times in a year where they used to frame laws.
Q 7. Where and when democracy emerged?
Ans. Democracy emerged in Greek city of Athens around 2500 years ago.
Q 8. Write name of four types of democracy on the basis of classification.
Ans. 1. Parliamentary- In this form of govt. Parliament is more powerful. Prime Minister is the real head of govt.
2. Presidential:- In this form of govt. President is more powerful. He is the real head of govt.
3. Federal: - In this form, powers are divided into Central govt. and state govt. Every state has its own govt. and constitution is written and rigid.
4. Unitary: - In this form, although powers are divided into Central govt. and state govt. but central govt. is more powerful.
Q 9. Write about any two features of the democracy.
Ans. 1. Enlightened citizens: - Only enlightened and educated citizens can elect a good govt.
2. Matured leadership: - Mature and honest leaders are must for the success of democracy.
Q 10. Write your views about Economic and Social equality.
Ans. There should be no discrimination in the Social- Economic field on the basis of caste, creed and languages. All the Social- Economic sources should be equally shared by all the citizens.
Q 11. Why democracy is the most popular form of government in modern times?
Ans. 1. In democracy, there is rule of law.
2. People are free from any type of pressure. They can adopt any profession.
3. People participate actively in the working of the govt
Fill in the Blanks
1. India is a democratic Republic.
2. The nominal executive head of Central Govt. is President and heads of state Govt.’s are Governors.
3. Democracy originated in city of Athens.
4. Switzerland is the country where there is Direct Democracy.
5. The basic principle of democracy is Equality and Freedom.
Write true (√) or false (X) for each statement
1. India is a democratic republic. (√)
2. Switzerland is the only country where there is direct democracy. (√)
3. To cast vote is a universal adult franchise to only some persons. (X)
4. In a democratic country rule of law prevails. (√)
5. Modern democracy has emerged firstly in France. (X)
Multiple choice questions
(Pick the right option from following questions):-
1. Democracy is a government “of the people, by the people and for the people” who spoke these words?
A. Abraham Lincoln (√) B. Laski C. David Easton
2. Which is the most popular form of government in modern Times?
A. dictatorship B. democracy (√) C. Military Rule
3. How many types of heads of state are there in democratic countries?
A. Four B. Five C. Two (√)
Q1. India is the _____ largest manufacturer and leading exporter of medicines in the world.
(a) first (c) third
(b) second (d) fourth.
Q2. In rural areas there are______ to treat patients.
(a) Private hospitals (c) primary health centres
(b) Registered medical practitioners (d) laboratories.
Q3. The initiative taken by the Indian government to improve the health of its citizens is-
(b) NRHM (d) WHO.
Q4. The meetings of Vidhan Sabha are presided over by the-
(a) Chairman (c) Speaker
(b) Deputy chairman (d) Deputy speaker.
Q5. All bills passed by the state legislature have to be approved and signed by the-
(a) President (c) Governor
(b) Chief minister (d) Prime minister.
Q6. The Council of ministers, including the Chief minister cannot be more than-
(a) 17% of legislature assembly (c) 16% of legislative assembly
(b) 15% of legislative assembly (d) 21% of legislative assembly
Q7. ‘National Girl Child Day’ is celebrated on-
(a) Jan 24 (c) March 8
(b) June 12 (d) March 5.
Q8. The Rashtriya Mahila Kosh was established in the year-
(a) 1991 (c) 1993
(b) 1985 (d) 1979.
Q9. Sex is-
(a) a socio-cultural trait. (c) a socially acceptable role.
(b) state of being a girl or boy. (d) a superior trait.
Q10. Mention the factors on which the health depends.
Q11. What is a bill and how does it become a law?
Q12. Why is the 19th century called the age of new awakening?
Q13. What according to you should be the role of govt. to make health care facilities available to the rural masses?
Q14. Explain in brief the election procedure of the candidates who become members of the legislative assembly.
Q15. What is the Women’s movement? How do campaigns and awareness drive improve the conditions of women?
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